Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 904: Himmet's prophecy

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When my god's survivors have suffered,

When the glory of the two moons shines on the horizon,

When the dusty truth is known,

When the roulette of fate re-runs.

Descendants who inherited the Fire Emblem,

Will eventually recall my lost power,

The flame of anger that has been silent for thousands of years,

Will appear in the descendants of Seaman.

The sad king cared for by fate,

On the battlefield of ancient gods,

When the catastrophe of the world finally comes,

Survival and destruction are only between thoughts.


Dunkel-Rebette is not a bard, so when he chanted the prophecy in that memory, although he was already trying to imitate the expression and feeling when the fox clan Shaman Himite chanted But the effect is naturally without beauty.

However, when this prophecy was sung in the low and heavy voice of Dunkel, there was an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes. It's just that it doesn't matter. When Zhang Yang heard this, his heart was filled with shock in a flash!

Zhang Yang didn't believe in destiny before he was reborn. After all, so many kind people died in vain, but those who did evil could escape impunity. However, since he was reborn in the Orlando world, Zhang Yang feels more and more that the reason he came through is not an accident!

What kind of power can control the production and development of all this? God? Does God really exist? After all, as strong as the ancient gods, they are nothing more than the creatures of the Orlando world. The ancient gods will die. Such gods are afraid that they have no power to control everything.

So now, Zhang Yang has begun to believe in the existence of destiny. It may not be controlled by God, or even greater than destiny. But after all, Zhang Yang is still too weak, he is not qualified to touch the deepest secrets in this world.

But even so, what he has encountered now, and the part that is displayed in front of Zhang Yang like this prophecy, is enough to shock him!

Dunkel may only be able to understand a little bit about the God of War, but this prediction, in Zhang Yang's view, is almost everything! Except for the last few descriptions of the future, because it has not happened yet and cannot be verified, at least half of the rest has happened!

Zhang Yang didn't know where this prophecy came from, even if it was a shaman priest or even a legendary prophet, it wouldn't happen out of nothing! There must be something, or something that gave them revelation, and even these words may simply be something that is so powerful that Zhang Yang can't understand at present, and convey the message to the world through the mouths of those prophets and shamans!

(Is it possible that this information is left to me at all? Is n’t it just me who can happen to know all this? But Simite has been dead for ten years. How can it be calculated, I Will come to this village, come to this weapon shop, and finally get the prophecy from Dunkel's mouth? Can this kind of thing be really controlled?)

The more information you get, the more confused you will be.

If the first half of this prophecy is about the true history of the orc kingdom, and the identity and future of the **** of war, then the last few sentences are where Zhang Yang really cares!

Zhang Yang, a 'fate-loved' person, is always talking about himself. Whether he is reborn after crossing, or grows to his current strength in just a few years, if he is not favored by fate, Zhang Yang himself has some Do not believe. After all, the predictions of the Terna people have already been fulfilled by his so-called 'child of destiny'.

In the second half of the sentence "The King of Sorrow", Zhang Yang didn't understand who he was talking about. Is this a prediction of his future? If the Terna people can really be resurrected and find a place of survival for them, then Zhang Yang, as the subject of the Terna people's surrender, can be said to be king.

But why add the word sad? Zhang Yang can understand the revival and rise of each race, after all, it is accompanied by war, blood and death, but why should he be sad? Is it sad for humanity? Zhang Yang really can't understand it at present.

As for the phrase "coming in the battlefield of ancient gods", it is too clear. If the legends are true, then the psychedelic desert is the battlefield between the ancient gods! So Zhang Yang, he arrived here through the space channel, maybe it is really not a coincidence?

Zhang Yang never felt that the fate of the world would change because of a person's decision. The ancient gods might have this power, but they have all disappeared.

Although the strong power of the Holy Order such as the little fox has already stood at the top of the power, Zhang Yang also does not think it can affect the world.

As for Zhang Yang himself? He said bluntly that he was just an ordinary person who had no ambition and wanted to be alone and live freely. Perhaps he now has a slight power, but he has not reached the legendary level, let alone decide the destiny of the world, it seems that even his own destiny can not be controlled at present?

However, Zhang Yang did not think about it. Some changes have happened quietly because of his unintentional participation. The consequences of those things are like the wings that shake when the butterfly flies. At first, it may be too weak to be noticed, but in fate In this long river, this extremely subtle wave may eventually cause a gigantic wave.


"Sister Heath! What's wrong with Sister Heath? Can you hear me? Sister Heath!"

Alice was standing in front of Zhang Yang at this moment, holding her white and tender little hand and waving up and down in front of Zhang Yang's eyes. In fact, Alice discovered that just after her grandfather made that inexplicable prediction, the mysterious sister Sis suddenly froze completely!

At first, after Alice's grandfather finished speaking the prophecy, she didn't take it seriously, and Dunkel waited for Sister Hess to explain the role of the ferrous metal ring to him. However, Alice and her grandfather Dunkel waited two minutes for a leak, and the mysterious man in black didn't react at all!

Alice originally thought that this sister Sis did n’t want to tell the secrets of these black metal rings, but when she shouted a lot, but the other party did n’t even blink her eyes, do n’t say Alice, it ’s Dunkel I think something is wrong.

"Good grandson, is she ill?"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about! Obviously the story you just told scared Sister Sis!"

"How is it possible, even if the story itself is a prophecy, but what does this have to do with her? Is she going to be the **** of war mentioned in the prophecy, 'children of Seaman'? And who is Seaman? "

When Dunkel finished saying this, Zhang Yang, who had been standing still in the same place as if he was stupid, suddenly spoke abruptly!

"Heyman? He might be ... Anyway, thank you very much. Tell me this story. Should this genre be the folk song of the orcs?"

"Ah! Sister Hess, you are finally awake!"

"I'm so sorry. I just listened to the story just now, so I couldn't help thinking of the legends about His Highness. I'm sorry to worry you about me, Alice."

"No, it's okay! Sister Hess! You're okay!"

(Hise ... Is n’t she really the descendant of Seaman mentioned in the prophecy? Although it ’s a little unbelievable, it ’s not entirely impossible! And looking at what she was just now, it ’s definitely not as simple as she said Hey ... but these have nothing to do with me, I am just an old rabbit family who likes to forge and drink ...)

After a few simple explanations, Zhang Yang turned the matter over. At this time, although he thought that Alice's grandfather might think of something, as long as he insisted, he would not be wrong. However, because of the unexpected relationship with this prophecy, Zhang Yang was very grateful to Dunkel, the old rabbit family.

As for Dunkel who wants to know about these ferrous metal circles, Zhang Yang knows everything.

"In fact, these metal rings are just a kind of glove used by combatants in the human kingdom. Because of their different materials, their functions and prices are also different. The real name of the metal rings you get should be called" fighting tiger " . "

"Fighting a tiger? This is really a weird name, so how are they used? Just put it on your arm like you?"

Seeing Dunkel's face puzzled, Zhang Yang smiled suddenly when he tried to look at his eyes wide. It's just that because he has been wearing a mask and a scarf, the two grandchildren next to him can't see it.

"Yeah, because of the structure of the human body, not only do not have the claws of the orcs, but also the muscles, bones and skin are fragile without the protection of grudge. And this" fighting tiger "is to protect the fighting The wrist and palm of the home are designed. As long as these black metal rings are placed on the fingers and wrists, then as long as the skills are sufficient, not only can you directly fight against the sword, but also the power and destructive power of the punching attack. Some improvement. "

Hearing this, Dunkelton understood that this 'fighting finger tiger' is a kind of thing similar to 'fist blade' and 'handguard', but compared to those two weapons, these black metal rings After wearing it, it will not only maintain the flexibility of the fingers, but also continue to use other weapons.

"It turned out to be the case, but why doesn't it rust? Although it's harder and harder to melt, but when I melted this metal into other metals, the non-rusting property disappeared!"

"I don't know about this. After all, I am not a blacksmith. I can know the usefulness of this thing, because the shamans in the village used to have a profound knowledge, and they have a far better understanding of the human kingdom than others."

"Well ... well, it's a good knowledge. Oh! By the way, look at my memory. Before, my good-grandson asked me to find money for you. Look, I almost forgot!"

Speaking of which, Dunkelton used his big fat callused hands to squeeze the rabbit ears that were dragging behind his head, and he prepared to take money from his pocket with a self-deprecating smile. But Zhang Yang's words made him stop.

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