Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 907: Careful thinking of the old rabbit family

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"Of course not, actually I am an archer!"

Ga? !

Zhang Yang made a joke with Dunkel somehow in a good mood. Although he was called an archer in terms of his archery, it was completely rich, but compared to Zhang Yang ’s ability to fight with melee weapons. In other words, his archery can only be considered ordinary.

But after he showed the power of his fists, he suddenly said he was an archer! And he also had a straight knife on his waist, clearly an image of a mysterious black soldier! And what about the bow and arrow? Where is it again?

So Dunkel was stunned by Zhang Yang's words. After all, an archer with such a close combat ability, how amazing should her arrow skills be?

"Okay, okay, I'm really old, I can't even see your strength ... But don't worry about the little girl, even if you are strong, don't be too careless, know that among the leopards There is never a lack of powerhouses! If they find out that you have killed their clan, then only the fourth-order or even fifth-order powerhouses are afraid that they will trouble you! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang also knew that the other party was thinking about his own safety, so he nodded and gestured. At this time, Alice suddenly pulled Zhang Yang's sleeve opening and asked:

"Sister Hess, are you leaving soon?"

"This ... should stay here for a while? What's wrong?"

"I, I want to ask you to do me a favor, I don't know if I can?"

Zhang Yang felt very strange when he heard this. He didn't expect Alice to ask for help. After all, her grandfather's strength was not weak. But just after Alice spoke, Dunkel was startled. Not only did she pull Alice to her side, she said anxiously to her ear:

"Last time you were lucky enough to survive, why are you still thinking about the unreliable thing! I am just such a granddaughter, if you have something wrong, how will I be like your father and mother after I die? Tell me! "

"But, but it has never hurt me! People really want to see it again! Ooo ..."

"That won't work! I can't let you take this risk!"

Zhang Yang was almost confused by the conversation between the grandfather and the grandchildren, what happened? The ‘it’ in Alice ’s mouth does n’t seem to be an orc?

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to see‘ Little Night ’! I want to thank him personally!"

"Who is Xiao Ye?"

"Crazy, it's crazy! You can't promise Alice! She must have been fooled! The" Xia Ye "in her mouth is a blast magic wolf! Rabbit clan orcs want to meet a magic wolf all day long? This is not crazy What is it? "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang somehow suddenly appeared in his mind the image of the blasting demon wolf who had dealt with him on the road. Zhang Yang has seen a lot of Warcraft, but there are not many clever and agile like that blaster wolf in low-level Warcraft, so it is really impressive.

"The whirlwind wolf called" Xiao Ye "in your mouth ... Is it a whirlwind wolf with gray hair who feels particularly smart?"

Zhang Yang ’s opening did n’t matter. Alice jumped in front of him, pulling Zhang Yang ’s clothes corner tightly and said anxiously:

"Sister Hess, have you seen Xiao Ye? Where did you see it! Is it alright?"

In fact, Zhang Yang couldn't understand why Alice was so obsessed with a Warcraft, but this was Alice's business, and his curiosity was not so heavy.

"It should be okay. After all, I have the leisure to visit the caravan late at night, and then follow us all the way. I don't think you need to worry about it."

"Great! Xiaoye it really is nearby! I know it still remembers the original things, Grandpa, it is always waiting for me!"

"This, maybe this is a coincidence?"

Dunkel's tone of speech at this time was only afraid that he even felt a little fake, and now he feels that there is really no reason to stop Alice. After all, he really looked at it at first, this magic wolf named Alice by Alice ...

"Then I said, if we want to tell a story, should we change to a more comfortable place? And I originally came here but wanted to see the weapon. How come it has completely changed its taste now?"

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Dunkel's face was suddenly embarrassed. If he insisted on leaving Zhang Yang's straight knife, he would not have done so many things now. And do n’t forget, Dunkel also put on a steel plate armor.

"Cough! Actually, this will not be clear for a while, it is better to see if you have the weapon armor you want!"

(Your old fat rabbit is definitely distressed by the fine steel plate armor that I shattered, so now I want to do my business to earn some cost? Huh! If there is nothing that satisfies you, then you will not buy See what he can do!)

With this idea in mind, the three of them temporarily put down the story about the blast of the magic wolf "Xiao Ye" and the rabbit girl Alice, and turned the boxes in the warehouse one by one so that Zhang Yang could choose the weapons.

In fact for Zhang Yang today, don't think about the armor for a while. After all, that thing is too heavy, if the quality and craftsmanship are not close, it is uncomfortable to wear, let alone affect the action and make a noise. In Zhang Yang's view, this is definitely more harm than good.

As for most weapons in the warehouse, Zhang Yang gave up most of them at a glance. In the end, except for a pair of stainless steel daggers with a total length of 30 centimeters, Dunkel turned the warehouse upside down. Nothing else was sold! So Dunkel's complaint finally broke out completely.

"Little girl, are you kidding me? Tossing for so long but only picking two small daggers, this is really ..."

Dunker did not know what to say in the back, but Zhang Yang understood it already. It's just like Dunkel worried about his fine steel armor that was broken by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang didn't like the term 'little girl' very much.

"It's good to pick these two daggers. You can't force customers to buy your ... things? Besides, I told you all, but I am an archer! You are here except for throwing guns and flying axes Besides, there is not even a flying knife, let alone a bow and arrow, so what do you ask me to buy? Do you want to buy a giant axe? "

"This, naturally, will not force customers to buy things ... but do you really want to buy a bow and arrow?"

"of course!"

"This is not impossible, but you have to wait one day, at least tomorrow morning to get the bow and arrow!"

Seeing Dunkel say this, Zhang Yang suddenly groaned in surprise. If Zhang Yang did not guess wrong, Dunkel is preparing to build a set of bows and arrows overnight? But the question is does he really make bows?

Whether it is the making of the bow body or the tanning of the bow string, or even the seemingly unremarkable feather arrow, it is actually not an easy task to do well. If there is a slight deviation, either the bow and arrow will be unable to shoot out, or you will be inaccurate!

Therefore, a blacksmith who can make armored weapons may not make bows and arrows. At least Zhang Yang looked at Dunkel's thick, calloused hands, and felt that he was unreliable.

Perhaps I guess Zhang Yang would doubt his craftsmanship, and I saw Dunker put the weapons churning out from the surroundings back to the original one by one, and explained to himself:

"The reason why I do n’t have bows and arrows here is that it ’s hardly wanted by anyone. After all, for orc warfare, whether it ’s throwing a flying axe or a short spear javelin, it ’s much easier than archery. You need to know In terms of the strength of our orc warriors, the short spears thrown with all our strength have no shorter range than bows and arrows! In addition, the price of bows and arrows is much more expensive than the shooting of a gun, so I have not made bows and arrows in recent years.

Hearing this, Zhang Yang also understood that he would make it only when he needed it. After all, Dunkel had to rely on selling weapons to eat mixed rice.

"But bows and arrows require much less power than flying axes or anything? Even if it's ... our Meng family, it should be usable, why no one buys it?"

"Meng tribe? Now everyone doesn't shout like this, and even many Meng tribes now call themselves vulnerable races! Do you know what this means? I tell you! This means that the Meng tribe is almost completely reduced to the next Waiting for the race! It will be a slave of the nobles from the bottom of my heart! After all, even they feel that they are weak, where can they have the courage to pick up the sword and the bow and arrow ?! "

In fact, from the beginning Dunkel walked into the weapon shop, he smelled a strong smell of bad wine from the other party. And Alice also said that her grandfather likes drinking.

But after listening to Dunkel's words, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that this fat-looking rabbit clan orc, because of the fact that he borrows alcohol all day to relax his worries, is probably because he is a bit disappointed with the status of the Meng clan. ?

"Okay, I asked a silly question. So Uncle Dunkel, can you really make strong bows and arrows?"

"Of course!"

"So how strong can the bow you make? And how stable are the arrows?"

"This, should it be able to barely reach the standard of second-order weapons? It should be almost ... So what are your requirements? After all, there are so many kinds of bows and arrows ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang had roughly counted, it seems that Dunkel should have two brushes.

(If it is a sniper bow, not only is the production requirement too high, he may not be competent, but even if it is made, it can not be used in view of his current height and body shape. Furthermore, there is a 'night kiss' in his space ring. Yes, it can be used after the power of your soul is restored, so to say so ...)

"Should a short bow of a steel tire be made? It should be about one and two meters in size. The most important point is that it can only meet the standard if it can produce a string sound!"

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