Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 911: The mess this morning

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Don't look at the galloping appearance of Benma Hotel, but the bedding and furniture in the house are very clean. From the perspective of Zhang Yang, compared with here, the living environment of the orcs in the sunset canyon is like living in a cave in primitive society!

In terms of the conditions in the galloping hotel, even in that country of mankind, compared with the hotels in the big cities, the sanitary conditions are not conducive.

As for the only difference, maybe the furnishings are relatively simple.

However, for Zhang Yang, being able to find a clean and comfortable bed to sleep in is already a rare treat! After all, since he came to Campas Orc Kingdom in a daze, he slept the most comfortably at Siriia's house.

So, feeling the dryness and softness of the fine linen bedding on the bed, Zhang Yang was surprised to find that there was a layer of hay woven mattress under the thick mattress!

Although the materials are somewhat simple, the meticulous thoughts of the hotel owner really let Zhang Yang have a new understanding of the orcs in his heart.

After closing the door carefully, Zhang Yang was finally able to take a sigh of relief, took off the black leather armor that had not worn his body for almost half a month, and then took a good sleep.

It's just that he looks beautiful now, but it's too fashionable. Now after taking off the black wallet outside, he only wore a set of white fine linen shorts, with his beautiful face and black hair that was over the waist, exuding an alternative to the day. Lazy beauty!

Counting the furry black fox ears after he has now transformed into a fox clan, and the fox clan tail hidden under the cloak at the back, it is simply beautiful and cute!

If Zhang Yang's appearance is seen by other people in this hotel at this moment, I'm afraid these orcs will be violent for it in no time?

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's appearance is obviously flawed from a woman's point of view. The figure of Ma Pingchuan is not completely developed at all, and even malnutrition is impossible! Therefore, Zhang Yang can still secretly rejoice that he has not really become a woman.

Stand the straight knife at the position where you can reach it with your hand at the head of the bed, and then hide the pair of newly purchased daggers under the pillow. After doing all this, Zhang Yang turned off the oil lamp on the table and fell asleep with a happy smile Too.

In fact, Zhang Yang's state of vigilance is really not that he deliberately did it, but the habit that he has developed because of the long-term prevention of assassination! In the past, when the power of his soul was available, it did not have to be this way, because the weapons were installed in the ring of space, and as long as the power of the soul moved, it could be taken out instantly.

But now that the power of the soul is almost unavailable, Zhang Yang naturally regained his former habit of sleeping with a weapon. It was just that he didn't even notice that such a beautiful person was holding a murder weapon in his hand when he was sleeping. If Derby saw it, would he fear that his heart would fall apart?

In fact, while Zhang Yang was fully relaxed and enjoying a comfortable sleep, the Derby staying in his room ushered in a guest who surprised him!


Some people think that the Campas Orc Kingdom is the closest place to the sun. Although this statement is not correct from a geographical point of view, it is not unreasonable if it is judged only from some phenomena in the Campas Orc Kingdom.

Most of the Campas Orc Kingdom has a hot climate all year round, coupled with the existence of the death desert and the psychedelic desert, it is not too much to call it a stove.

And because the land is barren and vast, and the extremely rare relationship between forest and grassland, every time the sun rises, people will have the illusion that the sun in the Camps orc kingdom is closer to themselves!

The room where Zhang Yang is miraculous has no windows on the walls, but when the sun rises in the morning, a subtle beam of sunlight has penetrated through the gap between the wooden boards on the roof. The staggered rays of light seem to have a magic power, and as the fine dust in the air falls, a daydream-like beauty is constructed.

This made Zhang Yang surprisingly lazy once he woke up and lay down in a comfortable bed so quietly, looking up at the ray of sunlight above.

It wasn't until a long time passed that when Dunkel's thick voice sounded in the tavern in front of the hotel, Zhang Yang stretched his waist, glanced at the beauty above his head slightly, and got up to wear it. .

However, when Zhang Yanggang opened the door and was going to meet the Alice and Dunkel in the front tavern, several roars came from the front!

"No! Saying nothing will allow you to take risks with us! Leaving the village is not a child's play. Unless it is as strong as your aunt, even my third-tier fighter will be in danger of death at any time! So You must never go with us! "

Dunkel's loud voice is so special. Zhang Yang feels that even if it is a mile away, he doesn't even need to specifically shout. As long as Dunkel speaks loudly, he can definitely hear it! But at this time, just when Dunkel's voice just fell, a sweet and greasy voice came unscathed.

"Uncle Dunkel ~ You just let me go! Obviously even Alice, who doesn't have the slightest fighting power, can go, why can't I go? You know, I'm the only one of our younger generation in Taolezu Village Manchu priest! If you take me with you, in case you get hurt, I can still treat you ~! "

"Just because you are the only shaman among the younger generation in our village of Taolezu, I can't let you take risks! You are the hope of the future in the village! Besides, in case you bump, your aunt can't flatten me? No No way! "

"Uncle Dunkel ~! Don't look like this ~! Just take me ~!"

"No, no! Nothing!"

"Terby! Will you protect me? You're helping me to intercede with Uncle Dunkel!"

"Uh ~! This ... this ..."

At this moment, when Terby was sweating and wondering what was good, Zhang Yang had walked to the door and saw him appear. Alice, wearing a light and cute version of leather armor, ran to him excitedly, but this time Zhang Yang She has been prepared for a long time, but she won't let her pounce on herself again.

"Sister Sis, good morning!"

"Alice, you're too early, this is ... what's going on? Isn't it just four of us?"

It ’s no wonder that Zhang Yangming asked, after leaving the village, he is likely to encounter various dangers. It is very dangerous to have an ordinary little girl with no combat capability in her team, Alice, who is a newcomer with little experience, to Zhang Yang Even with the help of Dunkel, a powerful shield warrior, if he meets a large group of Warcraft like erythema jackal now, I'm afraid it will be quite dangerous.

But now I do n’t know what to do, and I ran out of a cat-beauty girl to go together, is n’t it a joke?

Even in terms of what Zhang Yang heard just now, this beautiful and seductive cat girl is actually a shaman priest, but what can a shaman priest with only one order and more strength do? In addition to a slightly healing "Healing Touch" is still useful, what can she do with her delicate appearance?

(Eh ?! Right! [Healing Touch]? Since she is a shaman, then this [Healing Touch] magic should use the power of nature? Then if so, add her to the team, Then release me the magic of [Healing Touch] non-stop ... I should be able to relieve my over 300% overload status earlier!)

Thinking of here Zhang Yang was about to speak, but then Dunkel was reminded by what he had just said, as if he suddenly remembered something, but turned his head fiercely and stared at Tebi and asked:

"That's right! How did Ambis know about this matter? Was the two of us present when we said this yesterday? Oh! I know! Did you do it better than you? Good boy! Can you find a way to approach Ambiance and tell her the news on purpose! Are you worried that she will be injured? "

At the moment Dunkel looked really scary. He was tall and fat and very strong. Now when he is neatly draped and put on his heavy armor, he is paired with the heavy warhammer hanging on the waist and carrying it behind him The giant shield that is nearly two meters high on the side of this side is angry, and it has one or two points of the momentum and style of the strong elephant family!

So in the face of Dunkel's question, Terby was almost scared to get down!

"Uncle Dunkel, you blamed me! I really didn't take the initiative to go to Ambis! When she suddenly ran to my room last night to find me, she surprised me!"

"Oh? Cat girls are really open! They will take the initiative to attack you at night!"

"Uncle Dunkel! Where do you want to go!"

"No, no, it's not what you think! Ambis just came and asked me if I had this thing!"

Hearing here, Dunkel also felt as if he was really blaming Terby, so who notified Ambis? Why did that person do this?

"So there are others in Gaomi?"

"Yes, yes! Someone else! I really didn't notify Ambis!"

"Huh! Then when Ambis came to you for confirmation, did you tell the truth?"

"This one……"

"This is not the case! Sure enough, just like your dad, it's ... hey !? Where did old Tema go? Why didn't he see him today? With that said, he heard us on the scene yesterday Man! It ’s the old boy who told you? Little Sisi? "

Dunkelton, who suddenly figured out the key to the matter, let go of Derby and turned his attention to Cat Girl Ambis. It's just that Terby is afraid of him, but Ambis is not afraid at all!

"Since you guessed it yourself, then I can't help it, but uncle Dunkel, you should take me with you, know that I have greeted my aunt! Have you seen this emblem? If you don't Take me there and I will have a way to prevent you from leaving the village! "

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