Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 913: Team of five

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"Name the bow, Dunkel."

"You think again! Uh? What are you talking about?"

"I just said that although this bow has no magical properties, the rank is not so high ..."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang paused deliberately. After all, he looked at Dunkel ’s blood vessels slowly bulging, knowing that the old rabbit family was only afraid of getting angry, so Zhang Yang ’s next words came a big Turn.

"But the appearance is not bad, and this bow string is definitely a rare good thing. If you have more materials on hand, this bow will probably be achieved in one fell swoop after engraving the magic core with the magic lines. Tier 3 or even Tier 4 may not be possible! Therefore, as a blacksmith who created it, you should give it a name. "

Dunkel was stunned by this huge turning point. In fact, he knows the value of this bowstring better than anyone else, but this thing is almost not used in the Campas orc empire. Warriors who came to kill the orc kingdom, so they can stay until now.

Now Zhang Yang's remarks not only affirmed Dunkel's forging strength, but also asked him to name the bow. For the forging master, it is definitely an honor that they care about more than money!

The thought of Dunkel almost came out, but Zhang Yang added a word in time, but Dunkel couldn't help but rolled his eyes, which made him think seriously.

"You have to think about it! If you give it a name that is too strange, then you have to be careful that its name will never last. After all, you should also know that even those who can inherit hundreds of thousands of years Many of the legendary weapons have also been changed their names many times by future generations! "

"This one……"

Dunkel originally wanted to directly name the most satisfying bow he had created as "Dunkel's Glory", but the name would only die instantly when it was said? So Dunkel actually thought for a long time with his beard, until he looked up and saw that there was only a faint outline of the dumb moon outside the window, he was inspired!

"Then call it" silver dumb moon "! It is a short curved bow that looks like half a moon, and the whole body is silvery metallic. Call it" silver dumb moon "should be worthy of the name! That's it! "

Zhang Yang did not expect that Dunkel, the five big and three thick rabbit clan ‘Juhan’, could come up with such a name, which was somewhat unexpected. However, after listening to this name, Zhang Yang also felt quite satisfied, so it was so settled.

"So from now on, it will be called-'Silver Full Moon'!"


Now that all the personnel are in place and Zhang Yang's weapons have been made, then Zhang Yang does not need to worry about the remaining preparations. In fact, according to Dunkel's experience, whether it is the food and water needed by everyone, or the blankets needed for rest, it is entirely done by Dunkel.

After all, Alice's thing is equivalent to his Dunkel's thing, plus there are three girls in the team, can't you let these three delicate girls do rough work, right? In desperation, Dunkel could only grab Terby's bag, and when he was ready, he partly set off on his back.

In fact, because Derby is an assassin, he also has to work as a scout for the team. Therefore, in order to ensure the sensitivity and speed of his actions, he did not actually carry much luggage on his body, so the tall and strong Dunkel directly became In addition to his own armor and weapons, besides his own armor and weapons, he has to carry almost most of his luggage behind it, which makes Zhang Yang funny, and he suddenly feels that he is a wise girl. Decision ...

As Zhang Yang expected, when the five people left Taolezu Village, apart from the guards who greeted Dunker at the entrance of the village, there was no one to check the emblem on Ambis, which caused Dunker to carry his luggage. As he moved forward, he betrayed his eyes full of resentment from time to time with this **** cat girl.

As a member of the Meng clan, the charming cat girl in front of her is really cute and sexy. Although he is sixteen years old, there are still a few months before the adult ceremony. However, compared with the fox girl Womiga that Zhang Yang had seen before, Ambis's body is almost a foul!

It seemed to Zhang Yang that he was just a child, but the plump chest, thin waist, and round buttocks were nothing like a girl's. And Ambiance is still somewhat reserved, although the vagueness has already shown a hidden style, but overall it is still an ignorant cat girl.

It ’s just, I do n’t know whether it ’s because Zhang Yang said a few good things for her, or she was interested in this “beauty” who hides her whole body in a black leather cloak At the beginning of the village, Ambis had been sticking to the left side of Zhang Yang. As for the right side, it was already occupied by Alice.

As a result, the team presented a rather speechless arrangement.

A dozen meters away in front, the brown leather armored Tirby acted as a scout alone, only to see how he was absent-minded and always wanted to look back, and how much effect he could play was imaginable.

In the middle of the team, of course, Zhang Yang and the other two little girls. It was just that Zhang Yang wanted to protect the youngest Alice in the middle from left to right, but who wanted to be caught by the two little girls in the middle, kept asking right and left.

As for Dunkel, it was natural to walk on the back of the line carrying the luggage like a hill. However, this load is not a big problem for him. Although he is still pouting, but he can see Alice happy, he has nothing to complain about.

Speaking of this, the temporary staffing of the squad made Dunkel relatively satisfied. There is the horse race assassin Terby who can act as a scout; there is the shaman priest Ambis who can treat minor injuries for everyone; plus Dunkel himself a powerful shield warrior and the self-proclaimed archer, but After getting the "Silver Full Moon" short bow, the mysterious fox family who has never shot an arrow ...

To be honest, Dunkel always wanted to see how the archery of this mysterious fox girl named Hess. After all, ‘Silver Full Moon’ is the most satisfying bow he has built. However, about three leaks have passed since leaving the village, and there are still no living things around.

You can't let her shoot big trees? Arrows also cost money! Since then, Dunkel can only continue to walk dull.

Even with Zhang Yang's calm personality, Ambers and Alice were asked for so long from left to right, although he rarely answered, he was troubled. So when Yang Bisi rubbed Zhang Yang for the 18th time and wanted him to take off the mask on his face, Zhang Yang suddenly said:

"Do you really want me to take off the mask?"

"Yes! Yes! Did you finally agree?"

In the past, when Yang Bisi raised this question, Zhang Yang never answered, but now Zhang Yang even spoke, and the content of the speech seemed to have a door. Ang Biston came up with joy and rounded up the charming women. Beautiful big eyes, just waiting for Zhang Yang to start.


"No agreement."

"Uh ~ what do you mean?"

(Are you playing me? Really make me anxious, waiting for you to attack you at night! Do you have to wear a mask when you sleep? Hum!)

Ambis's expression at the moment was really interesting, and her expectant look suddenly collapsed, and turned into a bit of a gritted look. At this moment, if there is a bird squawking past her head, it is really just right.

"Actually, it ’s not impossible for you to look at it, but because of the serious injury before, it has n’t recovered until now. If you can cure my injury, then let the two of you look at me Naturally. "

Hearing here, Alice was anxious. In her heart, she always thought that Sister Sis was definitely a super beauty, but now she heard her own words that hurt her face, which made Alice's heart lifted at once.

"Sister Hess, how serious is it? Can it be cured?"

"It should be okay, in fact it is much better. Only the rest of the medicine has no effect, I may need shaman priest treatment to heal it? Just because Sister Ambis is here, so I want to ask her to release me Try healing magic. "

Hearing what the other person said, Ambiston felt that he felt a strong sense of being needed and valued! This made her become more energetic all at once, actually patting her plump and breast-packing ticket and saying:

"Relaxed! Although my ability is not strong, just a first-order shaman, but [Healing Touch] this magic is the best learned! So even one or two [Healing Touch] ca n’t save you The wound on the face is cured, then it can be cured by using it a few more times? Anyway, do we have enough time now? "

Ambice's confident expression immediately infected Alice. She felt that the decision to bring Ambius was really too correct. It's just that even Ambis, who was still excited at the moment, didn't expect that the reason Zhang Yang would agree with Ambis to take risks together was to hit her attention?

And now Ambis himself has said the words "it can be cured with more times", so that Zhang Yang was originally prepared to flicker that she couldn't say the words for her treatment. This is really a sudden surprise, which makes people a little caught off guard!

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