Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 920: Short bow full moon shoots a pack of wolves

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Zhang Yang is not stupid. Perhaps when he is in good condition, he can easily kill more than 100 wolf orc hunters with strength and speed that is strong enough to crush, but in terms of Zhang Yang ’s unrecovered strength, let alone two. The squad has more than one hundred wolf orc hunters whose strength is between the second and third tiers, just a small team of fifty wolf orc hunters, on today's wide and uncovered terrain , Zhang Yang will be very difficult to deal with.

After all, Zhang Yang, whose overall physical fitness is extremely weakened due to overload, if he does not use those powerful transportation and combat skills, then he is likely to be no match for the most common wolf orc!

Although Zhang Yang once killed a whole team of fifty wolf orc hunters in a small village near the psychedelic desert to rescue Hiriya, that was similar to the situation in street fighting, and the enemy was relatively scattered. .

If this were not the case, if it was besieged by more than thirty wolf clan orc hunters, I was afraid that Zhang Yang would have to pay a very heavy price even if he did n’t die. What's more, among the small group of wolf clan orc hunters, there was also a third-order peak strength leopard clan minocek who accompanied him.

Now Zhang Yang is going to face him, but there are two wolves of wolf races and orcs. Not only that, although Zhang Yang's sense of ability is greatly reduced due to the unavailability of the soul's power, he can't feel the strength of those wolf orc hunters across a distance of 500 meters.

But even so, Zhang Yang can still draw a rough conclusion through observation, that is, the average strength of these wolf orc hunters rushing towards him at the moment is actually better than that of the small group of wolf orc hunters encountered before. Overall stronger than at least one level!

What kind of concept is a level, it is almost several times the strength of the wolf clan orc hunter eliminated by Zhang Yang before! To give the most obvious example, most of the wolf race orc hunters Zhang Yang encountered and killed before were mostly second-level primary strength, and the second-level intermediate members were only a few.

Now? As these wolf clan orc hunters rushed closer and closer, Zhang Yang could already confirm that most of their members were above the second-level intermediate level! Most of the remaining ones are soldiers with second-level advanced strength, and the other dozens of them all have third-level combat power!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly flashed a question: Why do these wolf clan orc hunters appear nearby? Do they go to Tao Lezu camp? But how could that be possible? Didn't they know that in Tao Le Zu's camp, there was a strong man such as Tao La who had already advanced to Tier 6?

Wolves orc hunters are not stupid. Although they are not afraid of death, they will not be stupid enough to step forward to death. Zhang Yang would not think so, so when he approached the range of 500 meters in front of those wolf clan orc hunters, Zhang Yang holding a short bow suddenly shouted:

"Stop, stay away from us! Otherwise, you're welcome!"

Although it seems unlikely, Zhang Yang still tries his best to avoid unnecessary fighting. It's just that as Zhang Yang's voice passed through, the wolf clan orc hunters who were in front not only didn't mean to slow down, but charged faster by three points!

At this time, the faster individuals of these wolf clan orc stalkers have entered Zhang Yang's attack area, so there is nothing to say. The bow string of the short bow was pulled away, and the sudden eruption of power even made the whole Turn the bow into a full moon!

Zhang Yang used this 'silver full moon' short bow for the first time since he got the short bow in his hand, and when the first shot of the feather arrow swept through more than 400 meters of space at once, he shot an accurate charge However, the wolf orc safari in the defensive posture can also be put into the picture.

However, 'Silver Full Moon' is just a fairly good short metal bow. The arrows shot by it can't be compared with the powerful sniper bow 'Dark Night Kiss' in Zhang Yang's space ring, no matter the strength or distance, but only from From the current situation, this short bow is enough for Zhang Yang to use.

After all, if you want to exert the power of 'Dark Night Kiss', the required strength is too high. In terms of Zhang Yang's current physical condition, even if the 'Dark Night Kiss' is taken out and placed in front of him, he may even have a bowstring Can't pull it apart, let alone use it to fight.

The sudden death of a wolf clan orc hunter not only did not make other wolf clan orc hunters fear, but on the contrary, it inspired the ferocity in their bodies!

Suddenly, the red light filled with bloodthirsty and fierce breath was released from the eyes of these wolf clan orc hunters. At the same time, it may have been affected by this killing intention. The wolf orc hunter in the state of charge has once again increased the speed of the charge by 10%!

This change is somewhat beyond Zhang Yang's expectations, but since the battle has been unavoidable, then Zhang Yang's goal suddenly changed from deterrence to killing the enemy as much as possible.

As a result, the short bow in Zhang Yang's hand became busy instantly, and as the bow string stretched back and forth, a deadly arrow suddenly poured towards the enemy at almost every instant.

Unfortunately, the power that Zhang Yang can exert today is not enough to form an overwhelming advantage to the wolf clan orc hunter. If it is a melee, Zhang Yang can use many skills to maximize the strength, but when using this short bow to shoot out ten When the rest of the arrows were at a distance of 300 meters to 400 meters, although the basic hit rate could be guaranteed, the speed and power had been reduced to the point where they could be reacted by the opponent.

So after these ten arrows, Zhang Yang just shot and killed four wolf clan orc hunters! As for the remaining six arrows, although they also hit the target, they are not deadly positions.

Therefore, from this point of view alone, Zhang Yang understands that although part of this is the reason for his lack of strength, it also shows that the strength of these wolf clan orc hunters in the front is much stronger than expected.

Looking at the large group of wolf race orcs hunters who had rushed to the front within 300 meters, Zhang Yang no longer opened the bow, but waited quietly for the other party's approach with the short bow.

Zhang Yang's idea is simple. The short bow is not suitable for attacking enemies that are too far away. Flexibility and rate of fire are its correct usage. Therefore, Zhang Yang is waiting, waiting for the enemy to approach him, and waiting for them to enter the 'silver full moon' to exert the greatest power!

However, as the heavily armed wolf clan orc hunters rushed closer and closer, Zhang Yang felt a trace of crisis!

When these wolf clan orc hunters gradually approached about 150 meters from Zhang Yang, they even handed the scimitar in their left hand, and then took a delicate but deadly fly from the belt during the run. ax!

(not good!)

At this time, Zhang Yang had felt a strong crisis, and the overwhelming blow of more than 100 flying axes was absolutely extremely dangerous and deadly! Under the powerful force of the orc warrior, every flying axe that has been swept has a strong armor-breaking ability and the power to cut bones completely!

As far as Zhang Yang's physical defense is concerned, once hit by a flying axe, there will be a deep wound. Zhang Yang knows that his bones are very hard. The core of Eure's body is to strengthen his bones, and even his internal organs have been strengthened accordingly.

But at present Zhang Yang finally saw the hope of restoring the body load. If the body is damaged and damaged, it is even more distant to want to recover. Therefore, hard resistance is a behavior that a fool would choose. Avoiding the sharp edges of this group of wolf orc hunters, and then a little nibbling is the theoretically correct choice.


Even if Zhang Yang didn't look back, he could think of what kind of expression Alice would be protected by Dunkel at this time. Zhang Yang likes this Alice like a little girl next door, this is a simple like without any desires and impurities. Even in terms of real age, Zhang Yang is enough to ** Lisi's grandfather, but that simple and beautiful feeling, Zhang Yang does not want her to be hurt or destroyed by anything.

The covering throwing of hundreds of flying axes, Dunkel cannot fully defend in Zhang Yang ’s calculation, so Alice is likely to be injured, not to mention the cat girl Ambis and Derby are also in danger. .

Zhang Yang and they are not familiar with them, but both of them are very friendly to Zhang Yang, although this friendship is based on the appearance that Zhang Yang has transformed through fraudulent orbs. It is a pity that Zhang Yang has several obvious shortcomings. In addition to being not very good at expressing, he is kind and nice, but he is a bad and sympathetic person with a lot of compassion.

Anyone who showed goodwill and affection to him, Zhang Yang could not ignore his safety and life and death, even if in fact there is not much contact with each other, in fact it is not much different from strangers.

So when these wolf clan orc hunters were about to throw a flying axe in their hands, Zhang Yang had no choice to hide, because dozens of meters behind him were Dunkel and Alice.

(So, give it a try. If these wolf cubs are a bit stupid and can get better luck, should they not be injured?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang shot the feather arrow on the short bow in his hand without aiming. At the same time, regardless of the wolf race orc hunter who died by the feather arrow throat, it will be short While the bow was on his body, his right hand was already pressed against the straight knife handle on the waist.

At this moment, except for the wolf clan who was kneeling down on the ground holding his throat, the rest of the wolf clan orc hunters did not look at the dying companion, but threw out the flying axe in their hands. The target was Zhang Yang who was standing in front of Dunkel and others in a black suit with a knife-drawing posture.

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