Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 927: Shadow of Fear

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However, the captain of the wolf orc safari squad that Zhang Yang was looking at did not think so!

At the moment when he was opposite the eyes of this black-haired beauty, the captain of the orc safari who was still full of confidence just now, did not feel the slightest in Zhang Yang's eyes as calm as the cold water of the cold lake Pain and weakness!

On the contrary, in the cold black eyes, the wolf clan orc squad leader is clearly seeing a reflection of fear in his madness!

The cold killing intention emanating from Zhang Yang is enough to make the surrounding wolf and orc hunters who are not killing in the blink of an eye feel trembling. It is a breath that naturally formed after killing hundreds of thousands of lives by hand .

However, almost all creatures with this kind of breath are powerful and ruthless guys. Human life is almost the same as vegetation in their eyes. They are real ‘life-harvesters’ and ‘spokesmen of death’.

The wolf clan orc squad leader is so scared. It is precisely because he felt this kind of killing intention from Zhang Yang's eyes!

Speaking of this kind of feeling, he once really felt it once, and the feeling at that time almost made him unforgettable all his life.

Because there are few decent masters among the wolf clan orcs, even the first-level characters of the Legion Commander, the strength is just barely reaching the fifth order. According to the strength of the leaders of several other legions in the orc kingdom of Campas, which are at least sixth-order intermediate, the gap is really too big.

However, not only are the wolf clan orcs united enough, but the average strength of the adult individuals is not bad. This makes the strong members of the wolf clan orc army almost all composed of foreign races. But even so, it is simply not feasible to use force to rule the wolf orcs. Hundreds of thousands of warriors with strengths of more than Tier 3 and at the same time not afraid of death, even if the conditions permit, can even leave the ordinary Tier 6 strong!

Therefore, in addition to the strong one, the overall strength of the wolf clan orc is not worse than that of the other strong fighting races. What the wolf orc squad leader saw was the pride of all wolf orcs. The master, Doug Woolf, who now commands the wolf orc corps, had no time in his body. All are exuding Sen Leng's murderous intention.

It was after seven years of **** fighting that such a powerful murderous force was condensed, and even if ordinary people want to replicate this process, it is difficult to live up to seven years on the extremely brutal **** front.

After all, in the place where countless blood condenses, even the sixth-order strongmen will often appear, and killing a fifth-order wolf orc commander is no more difficult for those strongmen than killing an elite wolf orc warrior. How many. Because of this, Doug became a legend among the wolf clan orcs.

But just because I met Doug Woolf, the wolf clan orc squad leader did not understand what this killing intention represented!

When the beauty in black really let go of all scruples and rushed to his side, the coldness of the bone marrow suddenly let the wolf clan orc squad leader discover that so many people around him could not bring him the slightest safety sense!

Even if the beauty in black is now approaching him, two more shallow wounds were added to the body of the charge, but for some reason, the wolf clan orc squad leader is even more afraid.

(Do you want to kill me anyway? And look like this ... I really ... maybe die!)

Suddenly the enlightenment made the wolf clan orc squad leader swiftly out of fear. In fact, this was almost a rebound after the fear reached its limit. After really feeling a cold death breath locking himself, the wolf clan orc squad leader suddenly felt a sudden shock in his brain, and all the fear in the moment was turned into a madness to resist death!

(Are n’t you going to kill me? Do n’t you want to bring me death? Then I want to see who falls first! If it ’s harder, we wolf orc hunters have never been afraid of anyone!)

The wolf clan orc squad leader, who had thrown his flying axe in his hand, had made a decision to retreat into the crowd behind him, and then continue to wait for the opportunity to attack.

But when he saw the black figure rushing towards him, he struggled to pay the price of being cut with two knives, and instantly cut the carotid arteries of the two wolf clan orc hunters in front of the captain. After opening, the green tendon on the forehead of this wolf orc squad leader bulged up one by one.

Not only that, when he saw that the terrible straight knife was dragging a line of blood straight to his throat, the face of this wolf orc squad leader was twisted by rage. stand up. Immediately afterwards, he slightly bowed his head and uttered a sharp howl, then suddenly picked up the **** scimitar in his hand and spurted straight to Zhang Yang's heart!

To perish, you must be crazy.

The madness and decisiveness displayed by Zhang Yang at this moment inadvertently stimulated the nerve of this wolf clan orc squad leader.

In fact, tenaciousness and fierceness have always been synonymous with the wolf orc, but now in front of him and dozens of wolf orc hunters, one of them usually does not take it seriously except to vent their desires and take money to sell it. How dare a woman dare to be ruthless in front of the famous wolf orc hunter?

This is the provocation and contempt of Chi Yi Guo Yi Guo!

If the wolf clan orc squad leader still ignores it and is prepared to avoid sneak attacks, then his prestige among the wolf clan orc hunters will certainly be greatly damaged, even if he can finally be captured, but After this, there will be countless wolf clan orc hunters who will challenge him!

After all, under the captain of this wolf orc safari squad, there are several characters of similar strength to him. Although he usually shows his loyalty, he never doubts that if these guys find that they have lost the courage to die. , Will definitely find a way to challenge him, and then seize his current status!

Therefore, Zhang Yang's ruthlessness was inadvertently pushing the wolf clan orc squad leader to the end of the battle!

It's just that the captain of the wolf clan orc safari stabs sharply, and puts up a posture that seems to be the same as the end of the attack, because he knows it!

You should know that although the wolf orc is not a tall and burly figure among the orcs, it can also be called a strong and powerful body. And what about Zhang Yang at the moment? At the moment, he was only one meter six or seven tall after using the fraudulent orb to transform. Compared with the captain of the wolf race orc squad, who was two meters and twenty meters away, he was really petite.

Such a large height difference directly determines that there is also a clear gap between the two arm lengths! In addition, the machete used by this wolf orc squad leader is actually one size larger than the standard machete equipped with ordinary wolf orc safari.

So now when the two are attacking each other at the same time, the wolf clan orc squad leader has reason to believe that he will definitely first pierce the scimitar into her tender chest! Even if this beauty in black shot a little bit earlier than him, this wolf orc squad leader still believes that the final winner will definitely be himself!

As for the beginning, he said that he wanted to capture this beauty in black, let him see the undead! After all, his own life is the first, right?

As far as Zhang Yang's eyes are concerned, just looking at the posture of this wolf clan orc squad leader, he guessed what he had in mind. Zhang Yang sneered in this regard, knowing that in addition to the mysterious and unpredictable thunder and lightning ability, Zhang Yang's most capable ability is the extremely powerful control of power.

Not to mention that he still has the advantage of being the first mover at this moment, that is, he is shot later than the captain of the wolf clan orc squad, Zhang Yang also has at least ten ways to overcome the problem of short hands, so that the straight knife in his hand can be cut off by the other party This wolf clan orc squad leader's carotid artery!

So when the captain of the wolf clan orc safari glared his red eyes and watched the machete in his hand stab a little bit toward the opponent's heart, Zhang Yang, who was swinging the knife, was holding his right hand. , The body in the air is unbelievably relaxed.

From the perspective of the captain of the wolf clan orc hunter, Zhang Yang's body turned into a straight line with the straight knife in his hand, and if the machete that had originally pierced his heart, if he could not change the direction in time, Then the result can only be two parallel lines that never intersect Zhang Yang's body!

(How, how is it possible! Did n’t the black lady just use a whirlwind-like attack after jumping up? After that, the knife that struck me should have reached the limit and no more changes can be made, but , But this action in front of her ... how could she be so flexible? Such coordination and body control ability ... she must have hidden strength!)

This was the last thought of the wolf clan orc squad leader in this life. He didn't have the micro-level control of his body like Zhang Yang, so at the last moment of his life, the wolf clan orc hunted The team leader suddenly felt that time seemed to stop, and all movements except his own consciousness suddenly became extremely slow!

In fact, this is already a manifestation of mental power breaking through its own limits. If this wolf clan orc squad leader can survive, then his strength will definitely be greatly improved in a straight line!

However, under Zhang Yang's hands, he had no chance of surviving at all, so even if he had realized that he had obtained an extremely precious opportunity, he could only watch with horror and helplessness as he saw his machete pass under him And the terrible straight knife in the hands of the black lady in front of him is getting closer and closer to his neck ...

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