Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 939: Out of danger

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There are many things that are beyond our power, and even if you try harder, because of the constraints of various real conditions, you will eventually be unable to achieve it anyway, it will be called a bruise.

Just like what Alice ’s friend Ambis faced at the moment, the two of them even succumbed to the milk but still could n’t pull the scooter with three wounded people, so for both of them The power of words is a flaw that cannot be solved at present ...

In the end, I sat down on the side for a long time, and I could n’t see the night with white eyes. Then I shoved Shi Shiran to come and squeezed into Alice and Ambis, and picked up the handle of the cart. It took a lot of force to make this scooter move.

"Xia Ye is great! I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"Yeah, yeah! You are so powerful Xiaoye, Grandpa Dunkel is as heavy as a Kodo. We can't pull it without your help."

Speaking of this, Ambis wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked sideways at the light-hearted little night, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Ye just glanced at Ambiance, and then rolled her eyes very humanely. After seeing that, she almost said, "I'm so bitter."

No matter how, Alice and others finally gradually moved away from the battlefield just now, and when they had just left and less than half a leak, a group of a dozen or so scavengers like large vultures found here, and then again After about half a leak, a group of more than 50 members of the erythema jackal community also came here following the **** smell in the air.

Able to live in the wilderness of the Campas Orc Kingdom. Except for a few extremely powerful Warcraft, no matter whether it is a beast or a World of Warcraft, they are not disgusted with eating carrion. On the contrary, being able to get a lunch in a humble way is definitely a lucky thing for World of Warcraft below Tier 4.

So after Alice and her team pushed and pulled the cart to leave the battlefield just now, there were more than a dozen batches of all kinds of carnivorous warcraft gathered there, ready to enjoy a gluttonous feast composed of the wolf orc corpses. But as more and more Warcraft gathered, the phenomenon of food competition gradually increased.

At first, only a few members of the two groups of red spot jackals clashed for the food in their mouths, but then somehow they developed into a melee between the four kinds of Warcraft!

And in the end, it may be that the original wolf orc corpses and the **** smell after these Warcraft injuries were mixed in a special relationship. When several groups of Warcraft were fighting, the two heads were six meters long and poisonous. Chimera appeared in the sky from afar!

Chimera is said to be a side branch of the dragon family like the bipedal dragon, but it is different from the bipedal dragon of the wind attribute. Although Chimera is not small, the physical strength is different from the bipedal dragon by more than one or two steps. .

Chimera's flying speed is average, and the finely colored scales covered in physical defense are not as good as the hair and pleated skin of the bipedal dragon! However, the magic resistance of these scales is extremely high. Generally speaking, only the fourth-order power single magic can cause a little damage to it, and the ordinary low-level magic Chimera is almost not afraid, unless it can hit it without scales. Protect the position, otherwise it will not be able to cause damage to Chimera.

However, although Chimera has a long fang, these fangs are relatively too thin, not to mention fighting, even if it is used to bite prey, it will likely be broken in a large amount.

In addition, although Chimera is extremely resistant to magic, he cannot use any magic! The reason why they can run wild in the wilderness of the orc kingdom of Campas is only by one means: spitting venom.

Chimera's venom is very powerful, they can spit like the Duron family, but the content of the spit is not the dragon breath full of poisonous fire but the venom secreted by the body. Therefore, in a sense, it might be more appropriate to call Chimera "Dragon".

Therefore, the prey killed by Chimera with powerful venom will be ablated by its venom, and the remaining debris because it is not directly contaminated by the venom will also be softened by the influence of the venom. This is Chimei. Pull the food you can eat.

But in contrast, carrion does not need Chimera to spit out toxins to soften itself, which is definitely quite tempting for Chimera. You have to know that they don't have unlimited venom to spit out. An adult Chimera can spit out about ten times at full strength, after which the venom is almost consumed.

At this time, if you forcefully spit out, not only will the amount of venom become quite scarce, but the toxicity will also be extremely reduced. Therefore, compared to adult Chimera, the venom of young Chimera is much less toxic, but in contrast, the physical defense of scale armor is much stronger than that of adult individuals.

So how strong is Chimera's venom? Although there is little concrete evidence to prove it, sporadic information has flowed from the mouths of those who have killed Chimera.

Even legendary powerhouses need to be more careful when facing Chimera's venom! No matter what kind of magic shield, or armor of grudge, it is almost fragile in front of Chimera's venom! As long as it is stained with it, it will begin to melt instantly!

As for metal, pure pure gold may be able to resist its corrosion, but pure gold is too expensive. Even a legendary strongman, it is not easy to get a magic weapon mixed with fine gold, and it is purely used. Adamantite to create weapon armor? Not only is the cost absolutely an astronomical figure, but more importantly, it is not always possible to collect the existing gold in the hands of everyone on the Orlando continent!

Therefore, people do not know where the limit of this venom is, but what can be confirmed is that even the legendary strongman or the legendary level of Warcraft, can't resist the attack of Chimera Venom! Of course, the most powerful Chimera is known to only grow to around the sixth level. If you only face a Chimera, any legendary strongman will have enough means to kill it.

However, Chimera is a veritable community Warcraft! They usually gather together as a family unit, and only two Chimeras who find their spouse will be driven out by the group.

Because there can be only one male in the Chimera community as the leader, of course he can have several spouses and more minor children. The difference between irritating a Chimera and irritating a group of Chimera can be clearly distinguished as long as it is not a fool.

In fact, the most amazing thing is that Chimera's venom is so powerful, so does it work for themselves? In fact, the answer is yes! It is only because of the protection of the layer of colorful and dense scales that Chimera can be protected from his venom.

As for why a mouth without scale armor is as good as a throat viscera, many Warcraft studies and alchemists agree that Chimera ’s venom should not be as corrosive and toxic before it is sprayed out of the mouth, because only this way can explain why Chimera would be injured by the venom, but there was no problem when spitting.


The arrival of the two Chimera made the four World of Warcraft that had been gathered together to be indiscernible and unlucky. Although some of them were wary when they saw these two Chimeras from afar, Hancang fled.

However, some wary enough but bad luck World of Warcraft after Chimera was found, but still bitten by the enemies in front of them, so they can only suffocate and greet the remaining Warcraft with the red eyes. The aquamarine drizzle of venom spitting out from Chimera!

So when the small green ‘raindrops’ that fell from high altitude fell on the Warcraft below and the corpses underneath, a low and terrifying croaking sound suddenly became a piece!

Where can these second-level and third-level Warcraft resist these two large-scale venom spitting with only fifth-level intermediate strength Chimera? Therefore, after this "poison rain" fell, the originally noisy and chaotic battlefield suddenly became quiet.

In addition to the sizzling sound of flesh and blood melting in venom, there was no other sound at once! This is a veritable "death of silence"!

This scene that was enough to scare silly ordinary people was indeed quite normal to the Chimera couple, so after sweeping the battlefield under the air with satisfactory eyes, they finally made two sharp tweets, and then Caiyouzai circling around and landed on the ground.

At this point, the traces left after the battle between Zhang Yang and others and the wolf orc hunters were completely covered and destroyed. As for the wolf orc hunters who returned afterwards, there were other rewards for the high The adventurous adventurers did not dare to take the initiative to get close to the hunting ground occupied by Chimera, despite their courage.

Even after these two Chimeras had left after eating, they did not want to find any useful information in the face of the rotten flesh with poisonous green. After all, in front of Chimera ’s venom, do n’t say that the bodies of the wolf clan orc hunters that have been eaten up by several batches of Warcraft, that is, the broken weapons they have left, are all corroded under the power of the venom. !

So it can be said that when Zhang Yang and others were the most vulnerable, luck was on Zhang Yang's side again! If he knew these things and had n’t been comatose, then Zhang Yang might have screamed in his heart in surprise, ‘It ’s no longer bad luck! This dragon tooth pendant is so powerful! ’

However, good luck, like character, is one of the most elusive and unreliable things. Moreover, Zhang Yang was seriously injured this time. Whether he can be regarded as good luck or not, and when he wakes up, he needs to face Question, I'm afraid it's not necessarily stronger than Chimera?

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