Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 946: Calle's death

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It's just how can Xiao Ye's flexibility be hit by this stuff? It was just a figure flashing, and it was easy to hide away. Not only that, Xiaoye even spit out a piece of air from the sheep orc warrior Kale who went straight to Dunkel and crossed his mind not far away. bomb】.

However, the other party was also well prepared. The blood-filled double knives not only smashed the [air bomb] in the sky, but also accelerated the entire force by the impact force released when the [air bomb] shattered. Charged towards Dunkel.

At the same time, Pyrus also held a short-handed axe to the night, and shouted loudly in his mouth:

"Damn beast! Try to eat me axe! Ha!"

But for all shield soldiers, there will be some provocations. Especially in the face of Warcraft and Asians with low IQ, these methods can always successfully provoke the anger of the other party, and then attract their attention to themselves, so as to create more opportunities for teammates to attack.

However, Pierce's move is destined to be difficult to face in the face of Xiao Ye. In terms of Xiao Ye's wisdom, if he will be irritated by such a superficial provocation, then he is afraid that he will despise himself?

Xiaoye's task is to get at least one attacker. Now that someone is taking the initiative, why would Xiaoye be polite to him? So Xiaoye's eyes turned, and he turned to Pearce, pretending to be irritated. In fact, that is, Pyreth's brain is not very smart, and then he feels that he has successfully attracted the attention of this blast of magic wolf.

If it was replaced by Willitan with strong observation, he could definitely find that Xiao Ye was just doing a look at this moment. The subtle smile on his face did not look like it was irritated ...

As the main attacker in the three-member squad, Calle's combat effectiveness is not like a fighter who has just advanced to the third tier. Caller's speed is very fast, whether it is the attack speed of the two scimitars in his hand, or the movement speed during the rush, it looks more like a quasi-strong man with a third-level intermediate strength.

It's just that everything has advantages and disadvantages. In order to pursue a faster speed, Kahler is wearing only the thinnest clothes and a few pieces of leather armor with extremely low coverage. He didn't say anything about the supplies and water needed for travel. The most extreme thing is that, except for a spare gold coin, Kahle never brought an extra copper plate!

In the past, Kahler almost never saved money, until he met Willitan and joined his team, Kahler had little savings. Even so, he did not carry the money with him, but kept it in Villitan with confidence.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Kahler has grown from a 16-year-old ordinary sheep orc young man to the present level in just four years. By the same token, all the money and wealth will be kept by Willitan, which is why Willittan will trust him so much.

At this moment, Kahle ’s speed became his biggest advantage. When he broke through Xiao Ye ’s interception and used the [air bomb] fragmented airflow to increase the speed to the extreme he could bear, but in just five instants, Kahler Then rushed to the front of the scooter where Alice and Dunkel were!

At this time, Willitan was even more than fifty meters away from him, but this was nothing to worry about at this time.

In the crude scooter in front of him, there are only two inferior little girls who know that there is no threat at a glance. Of the remaining three guys who fell on the scooter, two were still in a coma, and the only horseman who was still awake seemed to have more breath than the dead at the moment.

Caller feels lucky! Even if the black man lying in the middle of the cricket still wears a blindfold on his face, just the lower half of his face is already so beautiful and crazy!

One of the reasons why Kahler can't save any money is that he is very lascivious! Whenever the mission is over, his first choice is definitely to rush into the women's branch after returning to the city, and then squander his energy that has not been completely vented to the bodies of those beautiful women ...

However, with Kale's strength and income level, where has he seen a beauty of this level in front of him? So he only felt that the blood in his chest seemed to burn up instantly, so that even Ambis and Alice, who were also standing on the scooter and could usually be called beautiful, were ignored together!

But even with such impatience, Kahler still remembers his task. Plus for the sake of safety when doing things later, Kahler decided to take care of the two half-dead guys next to him.

At the same time, when Calle appeared in front of the cricket, Alice and Ambis suddenly raised their hearts to their throats! At this time, the two women faced with a pair of swords full of eyes full of obscene obsessed with the color of the sheep clan, looking at each other's gradually raised crotch, the fear in her heart was completely excited!

At this moment, there was a need to scream in horror. As Kahler took a knife in both hands and stepped onto the cart, Alice and Ambis immediately hugged them together and screamed! The horror in that voice was really real, which made Kahle's evil desire in his heart a little satisfying, but also a little upset.

They had three brothers, and Calle arrived first, so it was no problem to seize the most beautiful woman. But he had to keep the soup for the other two "brothers" after he grabbed the "good meat", right? There happen to be three women here, and each one is perfect!

Thinking of here, Kahler ignored the two screaming girls, but stabs the two scimitars to the left and right sides, and stabs into the abdomen and the other side of the dead young Ma ethnicity. The belly of that fat rabbit!

In fact, Kahler's speed is quite fast, and in the state of Derby at this moment, he has been stabbed by a machete even before he can react. However, by coincidence, the position of the scimitar in the hands of Kale turned out to be the wound before Tirby! This is good. Although the wound in Terby's abdomen burst again, it didn't cause any more damage!

At this time, Dunkel's fierce counterattack also came at the same time that Keller's scimitar penetrated his body!

Kahler never thought anyone could be so fierce! In order to deceive him to launch a sneak attack, he was willing to get a knife! But at this moment, Carre wanted to defend or counterattack. It was too late. The pair of thin double knives in his hands were stuck on the stomachs of Terby and Dunkel respectively!

The time that I didn't care about on weekdays is so precious!

It's a pity that Kahler never had the opportunity to sigh again. Dunkel held up his fierce blow with his sharp edged shield in his right hand. It was not Kale's small body at all!

So under Alice and Ambis's frightened gaze, the round shield in Dunkel's hand seemed like a giant axe, and the Sheep Orc Warrior was completely split into two pieces from the left shoulder to the crotch!

Suddenly blood mixed with internal organs instantly flowed all over the scooter. This situation scared Alice and Ambis to jump off the scooter. And when they want to turn back to pull down Terby and Dunkel, Willitan, who has slowed the death of Kale, has already roared and threw two shots at the side of the cricket!

The power of the third-order cow clan orc warrior throwing angrily at a distance of about 20 meters is naturally extremely great. If it is hit by it, even the fourth-order strong can't afford it.

However, after Dunker attacked and killed the Sheep Orc Warrior in one fell swoop, he turned all his attention to Willitan, so when the two shots with a faint red awn screamed, Dunke Er had already erected the shield in his right hand and blocked it diagonally above him and Terby.

However, the power of shooting is not comparable to ordinary arrows and flying axes, so even if Dunkel took the correct defensive measures, the moment the two shots hit the round shield in his hand, they saved the people countless times before and after The round shield was penetrated instantly by the huge penetration force carried on the gun!

Fortunately, Dunkel's tall, tall arm was thick and long, so when the two shots penetrated the round shield, the spearhead was still a fist away from Dunkel's body.

At this time, it is undoubtedly a very stupid choice to stay on the cricket. It is important to know that Dunkel's round shield is no longer usable, and he is completely exposed to the third-order hunter who uses the shooting gun.

So at this time, Dunkel could no longer care about the others. After seeing that he dropped the round shield in his hand, he suddenly overturned the scooter sideways. At the same time, Dunkel fell to the ground with one arm, but actually turned the cricket over and blocked it in front of everyone.

It's just that Dunkel, who was struggling with one arm, flew Zhang Yang in a coma in a hurry, and when everyone found this, Zhang Yang in a coma had fallen and fell on the ground five meters away. !

(Damn this is awful!)

Just when Zhang Yang was thrown out, Dunkel knew that it was not good. The obstruction of this car can certainly affect the sight of the hunter and ensure his safety in a short time. On the contrary, if anyone dared to leave the protection of this dump truck at this time, then this person would be completely exposed to the hunter's attack range!

If a hunter who specializes in shooting at such a short distance says which person's eye is shot with a shot, then this person's eyelids will never be hurt!

Apart from the initiative to go out and die, the comatose Hess is unacceptable to everyone. However, even if Alice and Ambis went out at this moment, it didn't help. After all, they had to have no speed, no power, no power. Now running out, besides dying, it doesn't play a good role.

As for Derby, there is no need to think about it. Just a fall from the scooter just made him comatose again ...

At this moment, Dunkel really suffocated! If his right leg and knee were not injured, and only one arm was available, it would be easy for him to drag the scooter over! And if Dunkel's left arm can move ... just now this will not happen!

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