Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 953: Sean's distress

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In fact, the fact that all countries of mankind can maintain their status on the mainland is the result of concerted efforts to resist the enemy. For example, the frontline of the **** battle with the southern orc kingdom of Campas, a country based solely on the **** cannot compete with the orcs.

The reason why the powerful and fearless orcs can be kept out of the realm of mankind depends on the results of the elite resistance of Fang, Pompeii, Slav and Ladovia.

Therefore, if there is chaos in the flange, then the front line of the **** battle will be greatly affected. At least because the resources cannot be uniformly deployed in the civil war, the French Empire Corps, which is the main force to resist the orcs, will fight even if it is not chaotic Sudden reduction, by then the confusion of the Orlando continent, I am afraid that there will be no more peace!

Of course, all of these are the worst possible scenarios. At present, the situation should not evolve to that degree of erosion within a few months.

And things like this related to the rise and fall of the French Empire and the entire human kingdom are also not to worry about such as Neil Jelena. So when all the messengers left in succession, the people in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps returned to the past.

Shaun has obviously felt that his strength has improved a lot recently, even if he is facing most third-level black iron and black iron intermediate professionals, he is confident that he can compete with him.

In fact, this has all benefited from the fact that Sean's arrogance practice speed has been significantly accelerated in the recent period, which allows him to improve his overall strength while the swordsman's ability is improved.

However, Sean seemed to be dissatisfied for a long time, and he always looked sad. Most people were very puzzled about this. How could he be unhappy because his strength had been improved?

For this, even these friends who have been fighting with Sean for a long time have some confusion, but every time everyone asks Sean, he just sighs in listlessness. As for why he is not happy, he never says a word. Not to mention.

After such a long time, everyone thinks that Sean has been too busy recently? So free to think about something messy? But I really want to say who of my friends knows Sean best, perhaps only Charlotte may know why he is in trouble.

"Teacher Xiao! Little teacher! Why are you here to drink alone?"

At this moment, in this recently famous "rainforest tavern" in the city of Balxus, Sean is sitting alone in a corner of the window on the second floor, drinking a glass of fruit wine, and dining table in front of him. In addition to a transparent wine bottle, there is only a plate of red, red, green and green fruits at the moment, and a small plate of roasted golden meat and finely cut into strips.

In fact, the rainforest tavern has only been open for more than half a year. However, the decoration style of this tavern is very distinctive. Not only are all the tables and chairs in the house made of rough logs, but also the pillars that play a supporting role. On the top, they were all covered with turquoise green unknown vines and even blossomed a few small flowers!

Perhaps it is precisely because there are too many plants in this unique pub. In addition to the distinctive characteristics, the air is still very fresh during the period!

And like Sean, who doesn't like drinking too much, ordered a bottle of fruit wine, the self-made fruit wine in the rainforest tavern and those fresh fruits all make the mercenaries and adventurers who are tired of eating big fish feel refreshing.

It's just that for those who are really drunk, such as life, the tone here is not suitable for them. Although the fruit wine is sweet and sour, it is delicious, but it is pure nonsense to want to refer to it as an excessive alcohol addiction.

Fortunately, Sean didn't come from drunkenness. Although he was depressed recently, he wasn't so worried about borrowing alcohol. And what really made him interested in it was ...

"Cough! Charlotte? How did you come here? Remember that you have been busy building the Temple of Light recently? Also! How many times have I told you, even if you are willing to treat me as you Teacher, but do n’t call me my teacher when you ’re outside! Just know that you are about to be promoted to a Tier 4 silver level now, and call me a teacher who ca n’t even reach Tier 3, but To be laughed at! "

"Who would laugh at you? Let's squash him together! One day to be a teacher for life! You can always be my teacher in my heart!"

"Uh this ... Then can we be a little low-key? Come and sit down first, you see that the guys around you are looking at us with bad intentions!"

When Charlotte turned the stairs and came near the table, Sean quickly pulled her over and pressed it into the seat next to him. Not only that, but as if to make his words more convincing, Xiao Eun carefully pointed at the five people on the table diagonally across from each other, and said intently.

"Where? Let me see! Master ... Can you not be funny? How could they be unkind! Did you find that they all carry the emblem of our Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps?"

"This ... Ah! Charlotte! What did you just say about asking me?"

"Master, you are bothering ... but it's yours, not afraid that you can't think about it and then borrow wine to ease your worries. If you drink too much to go to the girl who is not rude, then it will be troublesome!"


Originally Sean was still looking around secretly, but after he heard Charlotte's words, he finally spewed out the fruit wine that he hadn't swallowed in his mouth!

Sean's move was a little bigger, not only attracted the attention of several guests around the table, but even a pretty maid wearing a short emerald green skirt trot over.

"Sir, are you okay? Is something wrong with the fruit wine? Would you like me to change it for you?"

"Ah ?! No, no, no! Cough! It's okay! I just choked when my cough was uncomfortable! It's really trouble you ~!"

"Oh, that's right, so what service do you need?"

Sean's face was flushed at this time, but just when he wanted to quickly send the maid away, Charlotte's excited voice had already been heard.

"Come on, please give me a large plate of grunted beast meat, and then a spicy salad, and let me have two bottles of this juice he drank first!"

Hearing Sean ’s urge to cover his face, if a strong man with a full beard wants these foods, it ’s okay to say, but Charlotte looks like a cute girl in Wen Wenjing Open the mouth but directly ordered a maximum portion of barbecue! This is simply ... contrast is too great, okay! ?

Please, you can't be a little low-key! Even if it is a little bit of two small plates to cover up a little bit!

This is good. The melancholy atmosphere that Sean had created was destroyed by Charlotte, but before talking about it, Sean was pretending to be depressed, what about now? He should be really depressed ...

"If I drink this, it's fruit wine! It's not a juice drink ... uh!"

Unfortunately, before Sean had finished speaking, Charlotte suddenly grabbed the transparent wine bottle on the table and drank his head straight up to drink! This time Sean was completely speechless. Until the remaining half of the purple fruit wine was about to end, Charlotte stopped and said with a sigh of satisfaction:

"Sweet and sour, drink it! It really is a good drink! Master, you still fooled me that this is wine!"

"What you say is ..."

"Hee hee! Sure enough, I am the happiest with the master!"

(Why ?! It ’s obviously you who are happy all alone !? Sure enough, they were still broken by Lanster and Garfield!)

However, when Sean couldn't help sighing, Charlotte, who was slightly reddish, suddenly lowered his voice and said very seriously:

"Master, are you still struggling with the problem of the stagnation of magical power? I heard that if the magical swordsman's later magical ability is not improved, it will indeed affect the growth of his own strength. Are you worried about this?"

Hearing Charlotte's question, Sean's heart suddenly touched. When he just left the family and met Wright and Charlotte, it was Sean who was at the lowest stage of his life. The name "the waste of the Morges family" deeply hurt Sean's self-esteem.

And also at that time, after being rescued and taken in by Wright, Charlotte and his companions trusted and encouraged him to find Sean a valuable friendship, but also found his way to become stronger. But even now, Shawn Zhao has made great progress in terms of strength and vision, but his attachment to magic is still as strong as ever.

‘I must be a strong man, and regret all those in my family who look down on me! ’

The original oath seems to be hovering in the ear. Although Sean has become stronger now, he still hasn't found a way to strengthen his magical ability.

So in a sense, he really doesn't have much talent in magic. Although most people are already considered to be very talented, in the Morges family, which is rich in middle-level magicians, it can indeed be regarded as magic. Aspect of waste.

‘There ’s always a way to change this physique, but I have n’t found it yet! ’

Although I still can't get through it, fortunately, Sean has found his true ability! He is a natural commander and a versatile professional who can generally play any role!

According to the fellow of Lanster, it can be far and near, can fight and defend, can catch fire, can fight rogues!

Well, although Sean has beaten Lust for this reason, but he thinks about it carefully, this fellow is actually true, as long as he can continue to be strong according to the current path, then the future is in the history of the magic swordsman In the meantime, he may not leave his mark!

and so……

"I'm not worried about this! I have told you many times, but in fact I haven't been entangled."

(It's strange!)

"Then, Master, what are you upset about these days? And they said you always go here, if it's not to borrow wine to ease your worries, ah! I know! Could it be that the maid you just took?

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