Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 957: Sergey vs Sean

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As Sean sipped, the Cyclone Sword in his right hand suddenly burst into flames!

The rolled flames and the whispering sound all show its power. This is the power of second-order magic. Compared with the second-order grudge in Sean's body, the power of this magic is more powerful, direct, and more cost-effective.

Sean used his full strength this time. He had tried many times before fighting with other third-tier black iron intermediate and above professionals in the mercenary regiment, fighting against opponents who were one full rank higher than himself. En fundamental opportunity to hide strength.

If you can't beat your opponent from the beginning, then in terms of the pitiful magic and grudge in his body, just spending money will make him unable to fight after a few points!

So at this moment, Sean rushed towards Sergey with a long sword, and when he came within five meters of Sergey, the running wand of Sean's left hand suddenly pointed forward, along with the wand. The thin arrows composed of rockets, almost the same length, suddenly blasted Sergey's chest and abdomen in one step!

"Come well!"

Facing Sean's attack, Sergey's response was remarkable. Although it was the first time to fight with the magic swordsman, Sergey not only had confidence in his strength, but also had a little intersection with the mage. So he decided to change from one to the other, without considering the attack first, and then touch the opponent's play style and details.

I have to admit that Sean ’s attack was very sudden and threatened. Until you reach the Tier 4 silver level with a protective body formed by grudge [Lock Mist Clothing], hard anti-magic is very stupid thing.

However, this time Shawn only released the [Fire Arrow] in the first-order fire magic. This magic is not much different from the ordinary arrows in terms of power and speed, so Sergey ’s hand-crushing machete is just easy. With a slash, at the moment of accurately hitting the red awn, the "Flame Arrow" that lased in front of him was easily dispelled.

However, Sean didn't expect much damage to Sergey by this "Flame Arrow", which could distract the opponent's attention slightly, and weaken the opponent's grudge by the way.

Sean ’s real attack was still on the long sword in his right hand. In fact, when he sprinted, he did n’t walk in a straight line, but in a slight arc, he finally rushed to Sergey.

At this time, Sean ’s right-handed sword not only carries the magic power of the [Burning Hand], but also has Sean ’s own grudge mixed in the inner layer! Under normal circumstances, such contact between grudge and magic has long cancelled each other or exploded, but because they are both from Shaun's body and belong to the fire energy, they can be maintained at a relatively balanced point!

In the face of Sean ’s seemingly ordinary but high-tech blow, Sergey could not have guessed that there were so many doors in the surface, so he still waved his sword like he was dealing with just that rocket. Cut it over!

It's just that when the swords intersect, Sergey suddenly understands that he really underestimates his opponent!

The power from Sean ’s sword is not great, and even the second-level bronze intermediate strength soldiers are not as good. However, what really surprised Sergey was the explosive force suddenly coming from the opponent's weapon when the swords intersect! What's more terrible is the flames that sputtered from the sword in Sean's hands with the explosion!

Unlike Sergei's long sword with earthy grime that emits earthy yellow light, the red flame burning on the sword in Sean's hand is not grudge, but the second-order magic of the fire department [Burning Hand]!

When Sergey's long sword hit Sean's long sword, the impact and the ground fighting on the long sword broke the balance of the fighting spirit and magic that Sean tried to maintain before almost instantaneously!

So the real power of Sean's sword is actually in the turbulent outburst of fighting spirit and magic. The magical flames scattered when the swords hit each other are based on the original ideal of secondary killing in magic theory.

This is good, but Sergey's knife holding hands and clothes were suddenly caught by the splash of sparks. However, [Hand of Burning] is one of the few melee magics, where is the ordinary flame comparable?

Therefore, when these little sparks fell on Sergey's body, they not only didn't mean to extinguish, but they became brighter and brighter, and they felt like they were going to spread!

How does it feel to be burnt by magical flames? It was definitely an experience several times more painful than being burned by ordinary flames! So at the moment of being touched by magical flames, Sergei, who is famous for his tenacity, immediately frowned, and immediately began to sweat on his forehead.

However, even if the painful foot can be called a bitting bone, Sergey still clenched his teeth without crying! However, this does not mean that he has not been affected. The most straightforward manifestation is that when Sean took this opportunity to continue to attack, he obviously felt that Sergey's power had dropped by at least 30% from the beginning!

In addition, Sergey was more careful when playing against Sean. The most obvious point is that in the face of Sean's attack, he even tried to reduce the number of parries and fights. With this trade-off, Sean, who is also experienced in battle, suddenly narrowed the gap between Sergey and Sergey.

Not only is there a match at this time, but also a feeling of suppressing Sergey vaguely!

Contrary to Sean's unexpected chance to seize the opportunity and then play better and better, Sergey's situation is a bit worse at this time.

Speaking of which, he has encountered a lot of difficult enemies, and even when fighting the fourth-order silver level strong man, he did not feel so overwhelmed!

Whether it's the weird explosive power of the high-level magic sword, the annoying magic sparks that always splash around when the sword intersects, and the flame arrow that the other party occasionally shoots from the magic wand, all of this adds to the thanks Sergey has the feeling of facing a joint attack by a swordsman and a magician at the same time!

And Sergey has already discovered that his opponent is also experienced in combat. Not only is he able to grasp the timing of the battle, but the combination of magic and combat skills is also commendable!

What about Sergey himself? Not only did he need to cope with Sean's ever-changing attacks, he also scored a lot of energy and grudge to the arms and body to fight the unending erosion of the magic sparks that fell on him.

However, as the fighting time continues to increase, there are more and more sparks splashing on Sergey. If this is developed, I am afraid that after a while, most of Sergey's grievances in his body will have to be used to deal with these annoying things. Sparks!

Sergey does not have a good response to this. After all, the "burning hand" is a very troublesome magic. Not only does the flame have a temperature much higher than the magic of the same level, but even the adhesion and sustainability are not like two. What a magic can have!

Seeing that Sergey was frustrated in the field, some of his companions suddenly couldn't help but say angrily:

"That person is too much! How can an upright contest use such a mean trick! Huh!"

"That's it! That flame is too insidious, so even if you win, it's not a skill!"

"Yeah, it's too much!"

Angela's face was a bit ugly when she heard these words. Not only that, Lili, who had a good impression of these people, now also has no smile on her face. As for Charlotte, she just looked at the other side casually, and then continued to watch the battle in the field seriously.

However, at this time, one of the other two believers who had the third-level black iron senior strength like Sergey was speaking more than the other companions:

"Your thoughts are wrong. Your concern and love for Sergey Brothers has made your views a little extreme. This is not the behavior of a noble natural believer."

"But Brother Arthur, how can that man use this trick in the competition? It's not fair at all!"

Before waiting for Arthur to speak, Elita, a female shooter with third-tier black iron advanced strength, patted the speaker's shoulder gently, and then explained with the same gentle voice:

"Arthur, he is right, you are a bit skewed. Although the competition is very different from the battle of fighting, but it is also a professional point! As for Sergey and me, he is one. A famous warrior, but I am an archer. If the two of us are competing, do I have to give up my bows and arrows to fight him with fairness? "

"It's different, he ..."

"In fact, it's the same. When you saw that Mr. Sean was wearing a long sword, he subjectively thought that he was also a warrior, but everyone was a magic swordsman! Both swordsmanship and magic are the abilities that Mr. Sean is good at. So, is it wrong to use your own abilities and good fighting styles in combat? Conversely, according to your statement, can I also think that Sergey Brothers did not use magic to fight Mr. Sean? "

"This ... Sister Elita, I get it ..."

"We blamed the Mr. Sean wrong."

"We will apologize after the test is over."

"Ha ha."

All of the people present were professionals. Hearing was naturally incomparable to ordinary people, so after hearing this group of people from far away, the anger that Angela and Lily had just accumulated suddenly dissipated.

Angela certainly understands why this is, but she just doesn't like people who misunderstand her friends, even if they are believers in natural theology. But then these people also showed the demeanor that natural believers should have, which made Angela secretly relieved at the same time, thinking that he finally did not misread people.

As for Lily and Charlotte, they finally recognized the fact that these natural believers are all "one muscle", and they said nothing to anyone, no matter whether they liked or disliked them, they all hung their faces. Hypocrisy and artificiality. Such a person can be said to be less flattering, but relatively speaking, it is not particularly unacceptable.

However, at this time, the battle of Sergey and Sean suddenly showed a shocking change!

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