Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 960: Sadness of parting

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"It would be great to be so, but I don't know what we need to pay attention to here?"

"This is actually nothing. After all, there is no place in our station that is too dangerous. But the fortress-like fortress in the center is where the deputy head and several other important female members live. It is best not to go around if you go. If anything, uh ... if a few ladies meet a little fat man in a magic robe, then be careful of the guy who has the color and the courage. "


Because Sergey and others had accompanied Angela to the forest across the Dorason River for half a day, they were arranged by Sean to stay in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Regiment, but they did not go around. Go back to the room to rest.

And Sean also completed the task assigned to him by Neil Jelena, so he took Charlotte and Angela to the fortress in the center of the station. Furthermore, it is necessary to inform Neil Jelina as early as possible about such an important thing as stumbled upon the mixed magic of light and nature.

It was just that when Sean and others first came to the door of the central fortress, they met Millier, who was frowning and leaving.

Ever since he met Neil Jelena in the Big Dipper, Millier and Neil Jelena have become very close friends. In addition, although Neil Jelina's fighting level is not high, but the combat effectiveness is comparable to that of Millier, so in many cases, Miller would rather learn fighting skills from Neil Jelina.

Over time, these two girls who have similar heights and appearances are as good as their sisters. Not only will the daily chores of the mercenary regiment Mill Lee help Neil Jielina, but they will occasionally dress up when they work together. Almost the same, if masked outsiders almost think they are twin sisters.

In fact, Millier felt that Neil Jelina was really worthy of respect. Both her strength and her ambition made her happy and convinced. So now, Millil has almost become the shadow of Neil Jelina, which actually left Beidou College together. Several people were surprised.

"What's wrong Millier? Is there anything unhappy?"

For this companion who has fought together many times, Sean has never been polite to her. However, from the outsider's point of view, Millier was a bit cold and uncomfortable, and rarely spoke.

"I'm okay, just looking at the deputy leader, I'm in a bad mood, but there is no good way to help her, so I came out and breathed."

"Uh, are you holding your heart in a daze again?"

"Isn't it called Soul Gem instead of daze?"

Millier raised her eyebrows when she said that, although she is not too beautiful, standing beside Anna or Neil Jielina can only look normal, but she is only 25 years old and has such a strong woman It ’s a little strange to still be alone.

"Well ... then let's go up and see now, maybe we can divert her attention."

"Alright, then I will walk around, see you later."

Watching Millier soon disappear at the corner of another building in the station, Sean and others sighed after looking at each other a few times. Although there is no opening, the mood is surprisingly consistent:

Wright, where have you been? Come back quickly ...


Zhang Yang also wanted to return to the French Empire quickly, and wanted to return to everyone soon. It's just that he is now in the Campas Orc Kingdom. Before his strength was restored, he was unable to cross thousands of miles and returned safely across the **** front.

And he is now hurting himself all over again, and if he doesn't want to recover quickly, let alone return to the human kingdom, he is a bit insecure.

Fortunately, the power of the soul has recovered a little now, and the things in the space ring can be used. Not to mention, Zhang Yang estimates that even if it is a fraud orb, it should not be comatose now. Although there is not much growth in terms of strength in this way, many things will be much safer for ‘Hess’ if they change their identity.

Perhaps the bad luck of Dunkel and others finally exhausted. During the rest of the road back to Taolezu Village, Zhang Yang and his party never encountered any attackers again.

It was just that when everyone could see the thick wall outside Taolezu Village from afar, Xiao Ye suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ye? Are you in danger?"

Alice swaying on the boardwalk almost fell asleep after feeling the shock of the boardwalk and stopped, she immediately rubbed her eyes vigorously and looked around cautiously. But when she saw the Tao Le Zu camp in the distance, Alice understood what she said, so that she couldn't say anything later, but she silently climbed off the cart to come to Xiao Ye and buried her head near the neck of the other party. The hair in her hair will not move.

In fact, Zhang Yang did not have any rest at all in the second half of this journey, so he naturally saw Taole Zu Village in the distance, but he was not very good at dealing with such emotional problems.

Even if she can understand the attachment and reluctance in Alice's heart, she also understands Xiao Ye's unwillingness to be bound. So at the end, both sides didn't know how to persuade. After thinking about it, they had to wake up Dunkel, and then pointed to the front of the fingerboard car to let him deal with it.

"Hey, how could this bad guy let me be ..."

Although Dunkel is fifty-five years old, but as an excellent fighter, his vigilance is naturally not bad. He knew about Alice's behavior before, but later it was just pretending to sleep. Now that Zhang Yang took a few shots, he naturally understood that there was no way to continue pretending, so he had to mumble and get up and say:

"Well, good granddaughter, don't be too sad. It's not a parting from life and death, and if you want to see Xiaoye in the future, you can still come out and find it."

Speaking of seeing Alice still holding Xiao Ye's neck tightly without saying anything, Dunkel could only scratch his head with his left hand, and then continued to persuade:

"I am very grateful that Xiao Ye can send us here. Although the village is good, it is not the place where the wind devil wolf should be. Its home is in the wilderness. Besides, if you continue to keep Xiao Ye, not only It will also be affected by us and face danger, that is, if we want to go to the Colosseum in Orsay, it will not be able to enter. "

After Dunkel's words were finished, Alice's voice finally came out after a while. It's just that she still buried her face in Xiao Ye's long hair at the moment, and her voice was sobbing.

"But I just don't want to leave Ye Xiao ... woo ... this time I encountered so many dangers to see Xiao Ye, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future ..."

Although the reason why we met the wolf clan orc safari this time is actually because of the relationship between Ambis, but Alice ’s words are not unreasonable. The fields of the Campas Orc Kingdom seem calm but in fact dangerous, and although Xiao Ye is alert, there are still many powerful Warcraft that can threaten its life safety.

It ’s just that whether it ’s Xiao Ye ’s own choice, or for everyone ’s next plan, it has to leave. This is the real reason for Alice ’s crying, that deep sense of powerlessness ...

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he once bought a small piece of soul gem and placed it in the ring of space. Speaking of this, this thing is not a rare thing on the mainland of Orlando. Although it is relatively small as the one he left to Neil Jielina, the price is generally less than ten gold coins per unit. .

However, the soul gem that Zhang Yang bought at an adventurer's booth was only the size of a fingernail, and it took only a total of more than 20 gold coins. Not only that, when I passed a jewelry store along the way, it was also embedded in a silver necklace.

Zhang Yangzhuo wondered in terms of Xiao Ye's strength, since he can use magic, shouldn't his mental strength be too bad? If you let it send its own spiritual power into the soul gemstone on this pendant, then Alice will not have a way to perceive its existence vaguely in the future? At least we can know whether it is alive or dead.

Furthermore, if Alice wants to find Xiaoye in the future, as long as you follow the guidance of the soul gem, you will find it easier to find Xiaoye. The side is too far.

Thinking of Zhang Yang's penetration of the soul's power into the ring of space, he quickly found this necklace embedded with small pieces of soul gemstones. Taking advantage of the inattention of Dunkel and others around him, Zhang Yang finally put his right hand behind his back and quietly took it out of the ring of space.

"Alice, don't cry, I have a way for you to find Xiao Ye easily, and if you can cultivate your spiritual power, you should still feel Xiao Ye's existence every day."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, even Alice or Xiao Ye, even Dunkel, Ambis and the half-dead Terby turned their eyes to him.

This time, everyone could survive, but Xiao Ye made great contributions. Therefore, everyone present actually did not want to leave at night. Now that I heard this mysterious "Miss Hess" has a way to solve Alice's concerns, how can everyone not be curious?

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yang did not sell Guanzi, but directly reached out to show the necklace inlaid with soul gemstones.

Perhaps there is really a saying that the stronger and the more beautiful, the soul gemstone seems to be just a gray and transparent gemstone when it is not injected with spiritual power or soul power. If it wasn't for Zhang Yang who was looking for someone to inlay, he would let the jeweler cut and polish it, I am afraid that the sale of this thing is not much better than a pebble.

However, if spiritual power or soul power is injected into it, then this soul gem will emit different degrees of light according to the strength of the injected spiritual power or soul power!

It ’s like the soul gem infused with Zhang Yang ’s soul power. If it were n’t for Neil Jelena, she specially made a pocket with magic cloth to cover up all the light, otherwise the brilliant light released by the soul gem was enough for Neil Jie Lina has nothing to hide at night!

Fortunately, among the people present at the moment, Dunkel's knowledge was quite extensive. After looking at the gray nail-size gemstone for a while, Aberdeen finally said:

"This seems to be a soul gem?"

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