Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 964: Cross the sky

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Why was Ambiance discovered by the wolf orc safari just after leaving Taolezu Village? Do those who want the life of Ambiance can predict this?

Naturally impossible.

Mo said that there are only a few small orcs and nobles, that is, the legendary strongmen and kings on the mainland, which one can predict the future?

So there is only one explanation, that is, someone in the village of Tao Lezu reported to the nobles! In other words, someone is simply someone who was sent by the nobles to monitor the village of Taolezu!

"I'm going to catch the three guys who just joined here not long after joining the caravan now! How dare I do things under my nose, do I think my temper will kill me?"

After Zhang Yang said the matter, Tao La suddenly stood up suddenly! When the three wandering orcs requested to stay in the village, Taola let them stay after seeing their pity. Unexpectedly at this moment, it was because of this that he almost killed Ambis!

She used to be kind to the people in the village and never thought anyone would betray her. However, Zhang Yang understands that the human heart and human nature are sometimes the most trustworthy, but most of the time they are unreliable.

Furthermore, Zhang Yang felt that the person who reported to the nobility was not necessarily the three latecomers, so he immediately stopped the angry Taura and continued calmly:

"It may not be the three people, and the eyeliner may not be the only three of them. As far as the current situation is concerned, if they catch them rashly, what if they catch the wrong person? This will not only injustice the good people, but also make the real The criminals were alert and even exposed the next plan. "

"Then what should you do?"

"Yeah! If there are really criminals, how can we hide them? We will have to be easily discovered as soon as they tell us?"

For this problem, Zhang Yang naturally thought of countermeasures.

"If we can't find them, we just need to muddy the water, so we can hide them and leave quietly."

"Mix the water? What do you mean?"


The news of the return of Ambis and Dunkel and others has long been known to the village as if they had wings. At the same time, the severity of the injuries of Dunkel and Terby has also become a topic of discussion among the villagers.

But just after Taura entered the old Tema's tavern to visit Dunker, the villagers heard that during this time, Taura would personally guard the injured two in the tavern, and incidentally protect the legendary bad guys. Little Shaman Ambis.

This is a good time. In order for Master Taura to stay in the tavern, her confidants can be busy. Not only went to Dunkel's house to get a lot of metal plates to make a bed, but also let people go back and took Taola's scary set of armor and weapons.

After such a tossing, the eyes of the whole village were suddenly gathered at the gate of the old tema's tavern. After all, I wanted to let the big Tula's body live. All the chairs were moved out ... Seeing this kind of business, I couldn't do it in a short time.

At the same time, however, on the side of the Mill Caravan that had not left in the village, the Kodo beast who was wounded and was planning to stay in the village of Taolezu suddenly died somehow. After standing in front of the body, Mill shed tears and scolded, and then squeezed his chin for a while, and decided to pull it down to the city of Colosse in Orsay to sell the meat!

For this reason, Munch and his men suddenly became coolies. Not only to find a large enough cart, but also to find a way to get this big guy up ...

However, the death of a Kodo beast by the Mill Caravan was obviously not a big deal, so even the other guards in the caravan only silenced for the unlucky Captain Munk, and then went to watch the old The tema tavern is lively.

When Munch and several people died from blood and sweat, and finally got the Kodo corpse onto the cart, Mill began to jump and said that he could not let the meat smell, so he had to sell it to Colosseum in Orsay. That burning **** looks like someone who wants to grab his money.

If it were n’t for Munch ’s reminding him that he had to say hello to Master Taura before he left, Mill might have just let the caravan set off.

But maybe he was afraid that Taura would be angry with him without saying goodbye, and Mill ended up reluctantly going to Old Tema's unrecognizable tavern to say goodbye. It may just be that in order to pursue the relationship of efficiency, Mir's partner actually dragged the long caravan to the end, and squeezed the periphery of the old Tema's house.

But soon after Mill entered the tavern, he ran out angrily again!

It turned out that Old Tema was also a treacherous figure. His pub business was gone, and he decided to open a cauldron in the yard to prepare for a Kodak Chowder feast! And the raw material ... Naturally it was the idea of ​​the Kodo that the Mil Caravan just died!

Fortunately, the old Tema said that as long as the internal organs of the Kodo beast were enough, this made Mil Tieqing look better. It was so **** and busy for another half a day, until old Tema ’s wife Buna set up a cauldron more than two meters in the yard, and when the fire stewed the chowder soup, Mil only took the caravan to escape with anger The land left Taolezu Village, so the villagers around could not help laughing.

However, among these lively villagers, one person's eyes were staring at the Mill Caravan. It looked like he was looking for something among the Mill Caravan, but maybe because of the goods Too much pretending to be in the relationship, the people in the caravan are either sitting high on the back of the Kodo beast and waving with the villagers, or they are walking around the caravan like the remaining guards of Munch. .

It can be said that the number of people in the Mir caravan is really clear at this moment, as for those big bags full of goods, it is impossible to hide anyone.

(No, no, still not! In this way, a few of them should really stay in the old Tema's tavern. With that said, removing all the tables and chairs is not just to make room for Taura , And does it mean not to give outsiders a chance to get close? In this case ...)

I thought that the young cat family didn't leave immediately, and even the appearance looked no different from the surrounding villagers! It wasn't until the evening that the Kodo chowder stewed in the big pot in the courtyard of the old Tema's house smelt out a tantalizing fragrance. After all the villagers present each had a bowl of chowder soup, they laughed and left.

In the evening, when the young cat family left the village as usual and went to the nearby bushes to gather firewood, the hollow surface inside looked like a thick branch, but it was actually filled with a small piece of beast The objects of the ethnic script's skin were placed in an unremarkable burrow by him bending down ...

An afternoon is not long, and short is not short. If you let the orc warriors with full strength go all out, even if you have not reached the Colosseum in Orsay, it will not be too far.

However, for the Mill Caravan full of cargo, it is already a big hurdle to get out of ten miles at this moment. So when the sky was getting dark, even if Mill and Munch were very reluctant, they had to stop and camp overnight.

At this moment, watching the caravan members set up a camp not far away and have a busy dinner, Mill and Munch whispered while sitting on the top of the luggage on the back of a Kodo.

"How about Munch? Do you see if these three have any problems?"

"It hasn't been so far. They all behaved normally. The time is too short. I can't see if they are deliberately disguised or it's okay. But one thing I can be sure is that these three people are indeed not awakened. Ordinary people with blood energy. "

"Ordinary people? If it's ordinary people, it's more convenient to disguise."

"I don't know, but are they really okay in 'that'?"

"It should be no problem, after all, the method of opening the louver is really unique! Although the taste may not be very good, but if everything is considered for safety, there is nothing unacceptable."

"That's right, but it is best for your family to hide tonight. I have a hunch that there will be a bounty hunter tonight. After all, within ten miles before, those adventurers worry about the strength of Master Taura It wo n’t be close, but now our location is more than ten miles from Taolezu Village, so someone will definitely find it. "

Munch ’s worries are not unreasonable, but Mill has his own pains. As the leader of the caravan, many times he has to be brave enough to get the job done. And as far as acting is concerned, Mill thinks he is much better than Munch.

"Let my wife hide it, Mirenda should be able to take care of herself, as for me ... I am the owner of the caravan! If the adventurers who came for the bounty found me hiding, only I'm afraid it will be suspicious? Hey ... It would be nice if I didn't take this task. "

"Brother Mill, do you regret it?"

"No, it's just a sigh. After all, it's uncomfortable to owe such a big relationship."

"Well! Rest assured, I will protect your family even if I save my life!"

"Don't! Otherwise, where can I find such a good captain! Haha!"


Compared with Mill, who was frightened, Dunkel and the others were not much better now. Although the area inside this 'tin metal box' has been widened as much as possible after the design, but there is a large householder, Dunkel, who still feels quite crowded at the moment.

In fact, when Mill and Tema were tossing about the "Kodo Beast Chowder" at that time, Zhang Yang and Mank and others quietly began to transform the corpse of Kodo Beast in the backyard of Tema's house.

In addition to removing all the internal organs from the stomach of this Kodo animal, the contents are also riveted together with iron plates and iron plates sent in front to build a small metal house in the empty stomach of the Kodo animal!

And the Kodo beast disguised in this way is the real battle for Zhang Yang and others to sneak into the Colossal City!

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