Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 977: Meetings and secrets

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When Neil Jelina learned from Toton that she would take the Silver Pegasus to Moxim to meet Ophelia, Neil Jelina always felt as if there was something wrong with her. of.

However, after being frightened by Totoni who likes to go offline a few times, always beware of Tony suddenly rushing over to play? Nier Jielina, until he greeted the female Silver Pegasus Knight and sat together with the silver After taking off from Pegasus's back, she discovered what the problem she had neglected before!

It turned out that Ophelia really just sent a female Silver Pegasus Knight to pick her up! Really just one!

Although Silver Pegasus is a very powerful flying Warcraft, but in view of their relatively good at magic, under their own body shape and various physical qualities are not very strong, they can only barely bear two lighter weight women Ride, or carry a male silver Pegasus Knight in full body armor flying and fighting.

So, at this moment, Niel Jielina, who had flown to the sky, looked at the smaller and smaller fortress roof at her feet, and Totoni, who couldn't help but wave her hand, Niel Jielin finally couldn't help shaking her head and sighed .

Ophelia's move is really cruel! She took advantage of Totoni's offline personality and temporarily threw her to the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps! But the most amazing thing is that until now, Niel Jielina has taken off, and Totoni has not yet discovered the cruel fact that he was fallen ...

What the **** did she do? How could Ophelia deal with her in this way?

(Can it be ...)

Suddenly thinking of the scene in the reception room where Totoni was holding him wanting to play ‘Mama Da’, Neil Jielina suddenly felt shocked, thinking of a very exaggerated possibility!

(Does this guy Totoni also want to play "Mama Da" with Lord Ophelia ?! Oh my god! Where is she from ordinary off-line! Obviously ... It's clearly time to take medicine!)

The thought of how noble and beautiful Ophelia was hugged by Totoni, Neil Jelina was so shocked that she couldn't say anything this time. So, the mind, unconsciously concentrated on the ‘picture’, Niel Jielina, did not realize that she had flown into the sky thousands of meters!

In fact, if there is any failure at this moment, it is really dead for her to fall from such a high place with her strength!

On the contrary, when Neil Jielina's state was seen by the female Silver Pegasus knight in front of her, she was understood as a manifestation of trust and bravery.

So, until the two men landed on a platform at the top of a fortress in the headquarters of the Pegasus Corps headquarters in Moxim City, the female Silver Pegasus knight with a light sword and a wide sword on his waist Lina's affection suddenly increased, and even said that she would actively apply to send it back to Yunyun ...

Saying goodbye to the passionate female Silver Pegasus Knight for a while, Neil Jelina soon saw Ophelia who had been waiting for her for a long time.

It was still the fortress that stood in the Silver Pegasus Legion. It was still the same room that I had been to many times. Even if it had really taken over the Silver Pegasus Legion, and it was fully supported by the Camoad family, but Austria Philia's life didn't seem to change.

Of course, those female silver Pegasus knights who were stationed in the fortress and who had completely taken over security work were not included here ...

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Neil Jielina. You really haven't seen it. If it's not something, you wouldn't want to come and sit with me."

"Sir Ophelia is really laughing, I'm already terrified that an ordinary mercenary can ask you for help, so why would I bother you often?"

"Sure enough, it's so out of the way. Anyway, we are also comrades who have suffered many times. Isn't this relationship not close enough? What's more, if it was the Wright guy, he wouldn't be so polite to me."

Speaking of this, Ophelia had already stood up from her favorite recliner and walked to Neil Jelena. But when Ophelia mentioned Wright, Neil Jielina sighed.

Perhaps it is because Ophelia's height is almost ten centimeters higher than that of Neil Jielina. Whenever the other party stands in front of him, Neil Jielina always feels inexplicably very stressed.

At the moment, Ophelia, who was standing near the window, was bathed in the morning sunlight. Because of the golden curls, Ophelia seemed to be shining from the perspective of Neil Jelina. Speaking of Ophelia, it is a well-known beauty general in the French Empire. Even if his strength and status are not taken into account, in terms of appearance alone, Neil Jelina is slightly inferior to it.

Of course, Ophelia's beauty is not all derived from appearance, and her temperament and manners also add a lot to her. That kind of natural elegance and nobleness is simply not comparable to the average beauty. It can even be said that even in the royal family of Franks, the princesses of Jinyiyushi don't have the temperament of Ophelia.

However, although Ophelia was born into a famous family, she is now a high weight, but she has never put on a shelf even for Neil Jielina and Zhang Yang's friends. In addition, the people of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps have more contact with her, but they have a very good impression of her.

But even so, Neil Jelina still keeps the courtesy every time she sees Ophelia, even if this situation is tried to be corrected by Ophelia every time, but how effective is it, since the meeting just now It can be seen.

"Hey, you really are like him, this is a stubborn temper. Well, the reason why I invited you here early in the morning was indeed a major discovery. It ’s just that this news is really true for you. I do n’t know if it ’s good or bad ... "

Hearing this, Neil Jielina took a moment to be serious, and could make Ophelia so cautious. I am afraid that it would become the black hand behind the tragedy of the day. Its strength is not what she can imagine?

"The secret report I received this morning ..."

As Ophelia whispered, even though Neil Jielina was already prepared in her heart, she was still stunned by the news!

Originally from the control of Ophelia to become the Silver Pegasus Legion, the Imperial Intelligence System that was once unable to get involved can finally be used by her. Coupled with the full support of the Kamud family's human and material resources, under the full operation of several intelligence dark lines, the secret Council of Shadows was finally touched by her!

As far as the Shadow Council is concerned, it is impossible to verify how long it has existed. However, the information obtained from the Rogue Union says that there are traces of the Shadow Council in the files 300 years ago.

In fact, this organization is very mysterious. Not only is the true identity of its internal members almost a mystery, but its strength is basically unquestionable! Moreover, the Shadow Council has really shown its strength very few times, but Ophelia has found that almost every time the Shadow Council takes action, there will always be riots and fighting somewhere in the human countries!

And the time when the riot occurred was counted before the arrival of each bimonthly year! Is this really a coincidence?

Unless Ophelia now controls so many intelligence channels, plus the Silver Pegasus Legion has a special expert who is responsible for analyzing these intelligences, otherwise even Ophelia ca n’t make Yotan the tragedy. Even the death of the old emperor is connected with the Shadow Council!

The reason why Ophelia spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate this organization, on the one hand, there are reasons for Neil Jielina to make comments, on the other hand, Ophelia has never forgotten those who followed him for a long time. How the soldiers died in the Yotan incident.

However, with the deepening of the investigation, when this possibility of serving all this information in the early morning of this morning was directed to the royal palace in the imperial capital of Franks, which symbolized the rights of the empire, Ophelia understood what happened in recent years. Things, originally aimed at the French Empire! Or it is aimed at the throne of the French Empire!

Among the high-level members of the Shadow Council, there is a prince of the French Empire!

Ophelia is still not sure which prince made this series of conspiracies for the throne, but from the intelligence point of view, the time for the Shadow Council to catch up with an imperial prince is not too long.

More than five years and less than three years, this is the answer given by the think tank of the Silver Pegasus Army. And think deeper, once the French Empire falls apart, or falls under the control of the Shadow Council, then, judging by what they have done in the past, I am afraid that there will be a thousand years of peace in the human kingdom. It's over!

No one ever thought that His Majesty the Emperor, the first human power, would suddenly die! This is the first time since the establishment of the French Empire and the four kingdoms of mankind.

It should be known that in every palace of the kingdom, there will be at least one legendary or even a strongman above the legendary level. In addition, there are a large number of powerhouses of the fifth-order gold level and the sixth-order purple gold level.

Not only that, there have been rumors that in every kingdom, there are unknown sage powers.

I thought there was an eighth-order epic strongman in the Campas Orc Kingdom who wanted to assassinate the emperor of the French Empire, but when he sneaked into the French Imperial Palace, the silent mystery disappeared.

No one knows what happened to this orc strongman of the eighth order epic level, whether it is dead or alive. But the only thing people know is that the emperor of the Français empire seemed to be doing nothing the next day, and he should do what he did, as if nothing had happened last night!

Since then, people have known that the assassination of the king cannot succeed. In this case, His Majesty Audrey Franks, who was only 65 years old but had no physical problems, suddenly died!

You know, although His Majesty Aldridge Franks has no fighting talent, he also has a fifth-level gold level of fighting strength. Coupled with the emperor as the largest empire in the four human kingdoms, his life can be described by Jinyiyushi. Under normal circumstances, let alone sixty-five, there is no problem to live healthy to eighty!

Therefore, considering the situation of the impending split in the empire today, it is only a prince eager to gain the throne who is motivated and conditionally hands-on!

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