Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 980: Arrive at Colosseum

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Looking at the colossal city of Ossetia that could clearly distinguish its complete outline not far away, Mank and Mill finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, in less than two days, the mental pressure on the Mill Caravan from top to bottom is almost as good as it was when it encountered a large group of erythema jackals!

It should be known that once the existence of Ambis and others is exposed, in the face of hundreds of bounty hunters and adventurers who are almost all in the third tier or above, as far as the dozen or so people of the Mill Caravan want to resist, it is simply an idiot. !

Fortunately, after the first night of the most heart-wrenching night, although many bounty hunters rushing to Taolezu Village can still be encountered on the road, they are relatively easy to deal with.

It was just that the excessive enthusiasm of the bounty hunters made Mir quite uneasy. You have to know that he secretly counted it. In less than two days, nearly 600 bounty hunters have rushed to Taolezu Village!

This is nearly 600 warriors of the third rank or above! And there are dozens of strong men with more than 4th order strength. Not only that, but this morning, Mil and others even saw several strong men with 5th order strength with a group of 4th order and 3rd order followers. Rushing hurriedly in the direction of Tao Lezu village.

These people were so anxious that even when they saw the Mill Caravan, they just hurriedly glanced away and left it directly, which made Mill, who was worried about Taura's safety, become more nervous and uneasy.

It is a pity that Mill also understands that, in terms of the strength of him and his caravan, under such circumstances, he can't help Taura at all. Even if he hurries back, he will die.

So Milos, who was helpless, shut himself in the box and fell asleep, as to whether he could sleep, this is unknown ...

Speaking of which, the Mill Caravan has traveled around the barren Gobi for many years. It is this Colosseum in Odyssey that has visited many times. Therefore, when the Mill Caravan came to the entrance of the Colosseum City in Orsay to be inspected, Munch knew that if he wanted to enter the city smoothly, he was afraid that it would take some trouble.

After all, for the caravan, it is a difficult issue to pay tax in the city. The amount of tax often directly relates to the final income of the entire caravan. Therefore, the person who can stay at the city gate to collect taxes, not just a captain of the guard, must be someone who the city owner trusts and values.

So when the young elephant guard captain at the gate came to the body of the Kodo beast where Dunkel and others were hiding, the members of the Mill Caravan almost raised their hearts.

Fortunately, Munch has rich experience. When he saw this posture, he moved forward and cried poorly. He told the story of the heavy losses suffered by a large group of erythema jackals. This made the other party's original idea of ​​wanting to be together. Changed a bit.

Although the part about Zhang Yang was hidden by Munch, the current number of Mill Caravans and the claw marks and bite marks of the red spotted jackals on the accompanying Kodo beasts are obvious.

In this case, everyone knows that this caravan is already seriously injured, so the young elephant guard captain who originally wanted to buckle down the dead body of the Kodo beast to enjoy alone, taking into account the problem of long flowing water, finally received more At the same time 20% tax, just cut off the back leg of a Kodo beast and put the Mill caravan into the city.

This situation is quite a huge discount compared to the 'taxes' paid by the Mir Caravan when they came to the Colosseum in Ossetia.

It was only then that Munch carried Mil out of the box. After all, in Munch's view, this good news should make Mir feel better.

"Is it really just a 20% tax increase and a Kodo beast's leg ?! Oh my god! Brother Munch, you didn't disappoint my brother! Hahaha!"

Looking at Mill who laughed because of saving a lot of money, everyone suddenly felt that this guy had really worried about the safety of Taura before? However, as for his boss's virtue, Munch knew more than anyone else, so he quickly stepped over and covered Mill's mouth, and then he whispered to the other's ear and whispered:

"We haven't" unloaded "yet! Besides, it's not far from the gate of the city. If you laugh like that, if the guards are brought in, don't complain that I didn't remind you!"

When Munch said this, Mill's small eyes suddenly looked in the direction of the city gate. There were many orcs coming and going here. The sound he made just now did not attract too many people's attention.

Until it was confirmed that Mir had calmed down, Munch withdrew his hand, and then continued to suppress Sheng Sheng and asked:

"What shall we do now? Should we first find a place to settle down, or should we first unload the" goods "?"

Munch said puns, and his eyes drifted towards the scooter carrying the huge corpse of the Kodo beast.

In fact, everyone knows that it is the right thing to send the ‘goods’ to the place first, but the Colosseum at Orsay is too big, and no one knows the Mill Caravan where the big shaman Gulama lives. So how to secretly release Ambiance to lead the way is the most urgent issue nowadays.

"Well ... It's better to find a hotel to settle in and then set off. After all, there are many people in this neighborhood, so it's inconvenient."

"Same thing, then go back to the last one?"

"Farewell! That hotel is too expensive! Although we have a lot of goods this time, we still need to add manpower later! So go to the last one that was cheaper!"

"... Is it an inn in that house that doesn't even have a cover ?! Maybe it's closed, okay?"

"If you go to see it, you will know. Although the conditions are a bit tough, it's really cheap!"

(Yes! In addition to a room where there are more than a dozen people to rest, even dinner has to be made by yourself! Is it really a hotel there? It looks more like a warehouse.)

Not to mention how much Munch secretly sent out in his heart. When the Mir caravan and his party moved to the west of the city of Osety Colossus, the ‘huge’ hotel next to the city wall was actually still there.

No one knows who the property of this unique hotel is. After all, it is quite unbelievable to be able to operate such a humble hotel for a long time in the University of Nuevo Orsayi Colosseum.

It is important to know that in terms of the huts that look like warehouses in front of you and the area occupied by the front yard, if you sell them to other businessmen, how many thousands of coins can be exchanged for it to be possible.

However, this inn called "House of Giant Elephants" is still half-deadly open. When Mangke and Mill etc. enter, they will see, woo! It was exactly the same as when I came to the City of Cosmopolitan a few years ago!

Not to mention waiters or the like, there was only one hunchbacked orc orc in the entire hotel looking too old. This made Mil and others who had paid ten silver coins live in and suddenly gave birth to a time-lapse. The absurd feeling! Knowing the scale of the Mill Caravan nowadays, if you live in a hotel in the Colosseum of Orsay, you have to get dozens of silver coins in one night. If the conditions are better, it is even possible to eat and drink one gold coin.

So, these ten silver coins are really enough to be super cheap!

"It's still ten silver coins ?! I said Brother Mill, won't that ratman be your relative? It's been a few years, and if I remember correctly, this price is exactly the same as when we came last time! "

"Uh ... this, there should be no ..."

To be honest, Mill himself was a little surprised at the moment, but since he was able to save money, he was too late to have fun. How could he delve so much? Besides, compared to this, although the environment in this hotel is simpler, is the remote and quiet environment more conducive to keeping secrets?

So while the caravan escorts were unloading and preparing to cook, Munch and Mill and others pushed the Kodo beast's body into the house together with the entire cart.

However, when the crowd opened the stomach of the Kodo beast with all their hands and feet, and opened the 'tin metal box' hidden in between, Dunkel and others who thought that they would be extremely weak and tired, even one This nest is still sleeping soundly in the soft bedding!

This situation suddenly dumbfounded Munchmere and others!

"Uh! What is the situation at this time? Is it because we opened it in the wrong way?"

"That's right ... I didn't remember putting futons in this metal box? And how do these futons look like they are not something from our orc kingdom in Campas? This kind of fabric ... is it a legend? ... "

Speaking of where Munch stopped suddenly, he couldn't guess any way to make the materials unique to the human kingdom appear in this metal box inexplicably!

Fortunately, at this time, Dunkel, who had been awakened by the light, made a statement to rescue him:

"These things are indeed the cover of the human kingdom, but I think it should be all loot? As for why suddenly there will be problems ... Munch, we ordinary people should not dig into the matter about the strong. Wow……"

Hearing Dunkel ’s meaningful words, after Duncan ’s glance, nothing happened in Dunton ’s fashion. In general, Ambiance, Oris, Dunkel and others were helped in turn, but only in the round. By Zhang Yang's time, Munch's movements were still slightly stagnate.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't need him to help him. He saw that he jumped gently, and he was already firmly on the open space not far behind Munch.

(Sure, is it really her? Listen to what Dunkel said, is Ms. Heath really beyond our imagination? But that's right! If that's the case, everything before will make sense Why is she still so strong without blood energy in her body, why has it always given me an unfathomable feeling! She ... should be seriously injured?)

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