Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 985: Sky-high items

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Two hundred gold coins; three hundred gold coins; four hundred gold coins; five hundred gold coins ... one thousand gold coins! ?

After seeing this price, the orcs watching them felt quite ridiculous! What a joke! It's just some broken weapons and unknown materials. If you can't sell hundreds of gold coins at all, is this old pig family really a pig brain?

Besides, who would spend so much money on these things that I do n’t know what's the use!

Obviously, this old and powerful pig family appeared for the first time on the side of the sundries street, otherwise there would never be so many people around his humble stall.

However, as the people around me couldn't help but whisper left and right, none of them really prepared to buy anything. After all, even if the giant knife looks quite fierce at first glance, no matter the uneven gaps in its blade, or the purple-black dirt on the blade surface, how the giant knife looks like it just came from the mud hole Picked up in general.

At this moment, a slender orc with a vertical pupil suddenly squeezed forward flexibly, and everyone saw him wearing a set of black scales on the back of the armor, and behind him was even carrying Long-handled swords that were split apart in several sections.

In fact, the Snake Orcs are also well-known as powerful races in the Campas Orc Kingdom. Because of their talents for concealed breath and extremely flexible characteristics, they are simply natural assassins, killers and spies.

It's just that the snake race beasts are cold-blooded and have narrow minds and must be reported, so in the relatively straightforward and advocating bright and upright battle of the Campas orc kingdom, the snake race orcs who are omnipotent for the purpose are not subject to people respect.

If the power of the Snake Orcs is strong enough, and this family is known to be the vassals and minions of the Lion and Tiger Royal Clan, otherwise they will have been spurned by other orcs.

Now the situation is just the opposite, because the snake family has a powerful master, so that they have now become a special presence in the orc kingdom of Campas.

Even though it is not a noble among the orcs, it is even worse than the ordinary orcs and nobles in this fearful point.

So when the snake-orc was crowded to the front of the audience, the orcs who wanted to be angry suddenly swallowed their anger in the stomach after seeing the identity of the comer.

Not only that, with the appearance of this Snake Orc who has reached the fourth level of junior strength, the surrounding orcs receded to the surroundings, so that there was a clearly visible blank circle around the Snake Orc!

As if intoxicated by people's fear of him, the snake-clan orc saw a cold smile when he saw everyone around him, and then asked directly at the stall's old pig clan strongman:

"Tell me what you sell. If I'm interested, I might be happy to buy one or two to play with."

Hearing this, the crowd of orcs on the scene immediately showed a joke. They must have asked it many times before, but the old pig completely ignored it.

What's more, which of the stalls is not a few hundred gold coins? And that huge sword will obviously be excluded, so if you buy one or two like he said, wouldn't it require at least 500 gold coins?

Not to mention whether this snake race orc has the financial resources, as far as his present appearance is concerned, there is no parcel from top to bottom on the body, and it is certainly impossible to take out hundreds of gold coins.

Although the orcs are straight, they are not stupid. Under these circumstances, the idea of ​​what the snake orc is playing around is naturally clear to the people around them.

However, just after the voice of the Snake Orc had just fallen, he had been sitting there as if falling asleep like an old pig orc strongman, and suddenly looked up at the Snake with cloudy yellow eyes, and then his face was slack. 'S muscles shook for a while, and then said:

"I really shouldn't have listened to Taubak's words and ran here to waste time. A bunch of kids who don't know anything about these things, what can you expect from you?"

"Taubak? You dare to be irrational to the master of the Colossus! Do you want to live?"

Although Taubak is a bit old, its strength is not the strongest in the city, but as an elephant clan who has ruled the city of Ossetia for more than two decades, he is also in the city while making the city flourish. Accumulated beyond expectation.

Therefore, when this old pig powerhouse mentioned Taubak in a less respectful tone, almost all the orcs around him became a little ugly.

"What's the matter? Are there any dissatisfaction among a group of little children? Huh! When Lao Tzu and Taubak ventured together, he had to call Lao Tzu a big brother Peter! Or, do you want to move with me?"

Speaking of this, the strong pig family named Peter narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly a strong murderous force rushed out of the old orc, who was originally so dull!

The orcs watching around all of a sudden changed their faces, and the snake orc with the fourth-order strength was staring at the eyes, and it was difficult to say after half the sound:

"Yes, I'm sorry! I didn't expect your Excellency to be Mr. Peter the Scarlet Striker! The following is Snooker, the enlisted soldier under the command of Lord Tedtek. I have just offended him and asked Mr. Peter to forgive me."

What the young snake family said made the surroundings extremely quiet at once!

Anyone who has lived for a long time in the colossal city of Orsay, knows that the blood-colored foursome who once broke out of the name of Nuo in the orc kingdom of Campas.

Among them, in addition to the most famous strongman "Blood Lion" Charlie, "Blood Shield" Taubak and "Blood Forward" Peter are also the best among the various races, plus the title of "Blood Canine" The mongoose clan powerhouse Baker, these four were famous on the frontline of the scarlet front, having set a record of fighting for seven days and five nights without dying.

After that, the Scarlet Four hunted and ventured together. It's a pity that later in a battle with unknown enemies, 'Blood Canine' Baker was killed in battle, and 'Blood Forward' Peter and 'Blood Lion' Charlie were seriously injured, which made them gradually fade out of sight.

However, the legends about them at the time have inspired countless young people in the Campas Orc Kingdom to come out of their homes, cherish the dream of becoming a hero, and strive to become an adventurer and go to the battlefield. Therefore, when the onlookers learned that the old pig warrior in front of him turned out to be the legendary ‘bloody striker’, the originally angry emotion was suddenly replaced by a respectful gaze.

And the people who calm down will have time to show their respects in the future, and the next sentence of the powerful pig family Peter will completely obscure everyone!

"Is Ted Turk's follower soldier? Hum! The face is big enough, okay, even this time. But boy, I advise you to be careful, not all orcs are as good as me, they will give you That master face. As for a newly-increasing fourth-order ... hum! "

"This ... I ... got it."

If something is most sensational in the city of Ossetia, the insider will naturally say that it is the seventh-order legendary Tiger strongman Ted Turk who came to the city of Ossetia.

It ’s just that ordinary people are not very clear about it. Everyone always thinks that it is just a rumor. After all, there are too few legendary powerhouses, and the City of Odyssey is far away from the front line of **** battle. Resources, so high-level powerhouses rarely come to this city not far from the barren Gobi.

Now Peter talked about it personally, and everyone was surprised and whispered to discuss it. People are very curious about the style of this legendary strongman. Is it astonishing as soon as it appears?

And ... Although it is rumored that the snake orc is a vassal of the lion and tiger clan, it was not until today that I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.

"Forget it ... too lazy to mess with you little guys, let it all go, close up! Really **** ..."

Ignoring the surprised and embarrassing crowd, old Peter struggling to support the ground and stood up, rolled up the animal skin lying on the ground in front of him and stuffed it into the pocket around him, and then limped along. Going slowly along the narrow street like east.

Seeing that there was no silence in the crowd, Zhang Yang hesitated a little, then stepped up to follow the footsteps of old Peter, and walked along the sundries street like east.


"Are you following me?"

Turning around the corner of a two-storey house, Zhang Yang found that the strong pig family named Peter was standing in front of him a few meters away and looked at himself with a rather dangerous eye. Although Peter was still empty-handed at the moment, the giant knife in the bag behind him was less than half a meter away from his hand.

Zhang Yang believes that if his answer at this moment does not satisfy the other party, this old and powerful pig family will definitely burst out of the grudge already raised in the body at the first time, and then be cut off with a knife!

Zhang Yang has no doubt about this.

"I want to buy something."

Originally in Peter's imagination, the crappy tracker behind him might confuse himself with miscellaneous things, and his purpose is definitely to steal the things in his backpack while he is not paying attention.

After all, it is a high-value item worth hundreds of gold coins. For most poor orcs, these things have made them irrational and willing to risk their lives.


"Buy something? Hum! I admit that this answer is somewhat unexpected, but you should have seen the price of those things I have already? So the ugliness comes to the front, the price is not negotiable, and if there is no money If ... hum! I thought you were playing with me, then I would be angry, and the consequences of making me angry ... hum! "

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