Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 989: Coincidentally

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Zhang Yang does not want to find trouble, on the one hand because of his lack of strength, on the other hand, he also does not want to try to be tasted by the legendary strong.

Although this snake orc warrior's own strength is nothing, but his master is a seventh-order legendary orc strong! Although Zhang Yang killed this snake man for self-preservation, for his master, no matter what he did, as long as he was killed, I am afraid that someone was provoking him!

Whether it is the majesty of the orc nobility or the face of the legendary strongman, once the death of the snake man is touched by Zhang Yang, then even the legendary strongman does not even need to be shot. The adventurous people will turn the whole city of Orsay to the sky!

If things really got to that point, Zhang Yang, who was unfamiliar with his life, was afraid that it would be difficult to run.

As for the corpse of the Snake Orc, Zhang Yang didn't move at all. Even if the long-handled sword is of great quality and expensive, but it is worthless to leave more traces for a little gold coins.

So after looking at this completely dead snake orc, Zhang Yang took advantage of no one to take off the blood-stained clothes quickly and took off the income ring, and then changed a coat and cloak and left directly. .

In fact, fortunately Zhang Yang left decisively, otherwise he will be hit by the old Peter and others, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

You should know that just after Zhang Yang's figure turned out of the alley and less than half leaked, Peter, who foresees what might happen, came to the body of the snake orc with two other old men.

"Hey! It was really guessed by Peter boss. These guys dared to kill people in the city."

At this moment Peter and others had already come to the corpse, and when old Peter frowned and looked at the corpse silently, the white-haired old monkey beside him said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

"Some people die every day in the city."

"But this guy's identity is special."

"Humph! It's a little troublesome ... but it has nothing to do with us."

Old Peter, who stood slowly on his knees, hummed for a long time, and finally squeezed out such a sentence. Although I only checked the corpse, the old Peter had been able to speculate about the situation in the previous battle.

"Really the half-orc hand?"

"Who knows! But from the wound, the person who started is a stubble. It had already penetrated the guy's heart with one blow, but he still made a note on his head afterwards. And although the snake family is very weak, But it ’s kind of interesting to be able to kill him before he reacts. "

Hearing the old Peter's analysis, the white-haired monkey family beside him immediately frowned.

"It is possible to kill this snake family kid before it reacts. The strength must be at least a full order higher. After all, the snake family itself is good at hiding and detecting. For these guys, sneak attacks are not very effective. . So to say that half-orc ... "

"Perhaps, maybe it was impossible to do it when it was unprepared."

"Use your babies as bait? So this snake family kid is for you?"

Hearing this, old Peter suddenly flashed a red light in his eyes, but he made no other expressions, but blinked his yellow eyes, then shook his head:

"It should not be possible. After all, although the material is scarce, it should not be in the eyes of the legendary strongman. In my opinion, it is only this kid who is greedy before he hits his mind on those things. Know that he did not Dare to challenge me, and later thought that the mysterious half-orc was so bully, this is how it ended. "

"Perhaps. But this kid is dead after all, what should we say if his master guards trouble us?"

"Humph! What else can I say, to be honest! We were n’t seen in the first place ... their power, now we are all old, and we ca n’t help those people anymore. Besides, what does Sisi tell me again? I ’m not familiar, I ’m not stupid enough to provoke a legendary superpower for a stranger! "

"Uh ~ this is also true, then ... the kids behind! Go back and tell your master, we are just passing by to see, this matter has nothing to do with us! Let's go! Let's go!"


Zhang Yang knows nothing about what happened behind him, and he still maintains an extremely low-key attitude at this time. Facing the orcs of all races on the street. Regardless of the identity of the other party, Zhang Yang will choose to avoid dodge, which is quite suitable for his current identity.

Therefore, until crossing the north-south main street in the Colosseum City of Orsay to enter Dongcheng District, Zhang Yang was basically safe and sound. As for the disgusting and disgusting eyes of many orcs on the road, Zhang Yang didn't take them seriously.

However, it was no coincidence that when Zhang Yang was going to pass the commercial street lined with shops in the low-key way just now, a faint but equally clear fluctuation suddenly passed from it!

This time the feeling is obviously different from what he just bought from old Peter, but Zhang Yang can understand that this thing is definitely what he needs after sensing this fluctuation.

So even though it has been delayed for a long time because of the previous transaction with Old Peter, Zhang Yang still decided to take a look at the commercial street in front.

You must know that many things are extremely rare and even rare. If you miss this opportunity, Zhang Yang does not know when he will encounter this kind of baby again.

In fact, Zhang Yang was a little bit unsure, after all, he had already spent most of the gold coins in his space ring in order to buy the ‘Demon Essence’ and ‘Demon Heart’ from Old Peter. Nowadays, the remaining gold coins of the human kingdom and the gold coins of the orc kingdom of Campas are added together in his ring of space, and the total is still less than one hundred.

If the money is saved a little, Zhang Yang will have enough to eat and drink, but if he is going to buy something, it will be a bit too tight.

Regardless of before and after rebirth, Zhang Yang has always looked down on money. Most of the time, his outlook on money only stays at the stage of eating enough. Therefore, although there are many valuable treasures in his space ring, but the stock of gold coins has not been much.

Now Zhang Yang just hopes that the next thing he is looking for is not too expensive, otherwise the feeling of finding it but not being able to afford it will definitely make him quite depressed.

(This is a weapon shop ... no ... this is a weapon shop ... a weapon shop ... blacksmith shop ... armor shop ... weapon shop ... how come there are so many weapon shops?)

Walking on this commercial street that is more than ten meters wide, Zhang Yang once again found the feeling when he was in Beidoucheng. Although the architectural styles of these two cities are very different, their scales are almost the same.

It's just that Zhang Yang clearly remembered that although there are also many shops on the commercial street of Beidoucheng, the variety is much richer than here. Now Zhang Yang has walked more than a hundred meters on this bustling street, but the rest of the eyes except the weapon shop are almost all blacksmith shops with customized weapons!

This situation can only be described as weird. Fortunately, after Zhang Yang walked forward for nearly 100 meters, he finally had the shadow of other types of shops. Several sporadic jewelry stores and meat shops finally relieved Zhang Yang's already tired vision.

In general, Zhang Yang has come to the conclusion that the closer it is to the city center, the larger the scale of the weapon shop and the more concentrated its number. From this point of view, the orcs are also quite pragmatic in addition to being belligerent, but this is clearly different from the situation in the human kingdom.

(According to the record in the city of elves, the closer to the city's arms stores, food stores and the like, the less there are more shops selling accessories and musical instruments books. If so, this habit and Humans or orcs are really different, if you have the opportunity to really want to take a walk around the legendary extremely beautiful elf city ...)

Zhang Yang, who was thinking about his own thoughts, suddenly felt that the strange wave suddenly became clearer than before, which made him feel upright at once, and then quickly walked in the direction of the strange wave.

In fact, within two minutes, Zhang Yang found the small shop where the singularly fluctuating item was located. However, rather than being a small shop, it was better to say that it was a stall built in the gap between the two weapon shops. Be more accurate.

Whether it is the leather ceiling supported by a few thick wooden sticks on the wrist, or the shelf woven with rattan and wooden sticks, this one is written on the wooden sign at the door compared with the storefronts and furnishings of the two left and right weapon stores. Several small shops of orc script can only be described as shabby.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang's orc common language is quick, and listening and speaking are basically harmless, but reading and writing are mostly black for Zhang Yang. In addition to the more common and commonly used words, Zhang Yang can barely recognize it. For the rest, like the name of the shop in front of him, Zhang Yang just couldn't understand it.

(What is it? In the end, how are all the bones and stones sold in this shop?)

It's no wonder that Zhang Yang looks straight in the circle. At this moment, the goods sold in the shop in front of him are actually palm-sized bone sticks and stones! It's just that unlike the bone and gravel that can be seen everywhere, these bone rods and stones are all painted with dense and **** orc characters!

If there are only a few pieces of this kind of thing, Zhang Yang will not be so big, but on the shelf of this stall in front of his eyes, there are a whole pile of bone sticks and stone pieces painted with **** words!

Looking at the mess, there must be at least hundreds of bone rods and pieces of stone together. The only thing Zhang Yang can be sure of is that the strange wave is emitted from here! But if he was asked which wave he sent, Zhang Yang could not tell!

After all, these bone rods and stone chips are not big, so much mixing together is even more chaotic. So much so that Zhang Yang was completely stunned at the moment, not knowing what to do,

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