Tales of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 877: Taming This Power

It seemed like the world had accepted him, or he accepted his fate and new power. The colors that blinded his eyes and clouded his mind were now looking docile.

He could tell them apart so easily, and could also feel some connection towards them. "So the answer was always the same…" he took a deep breath before raising his head and spotted that sect.

The sect that started all this mess.

"And this was here just for me, right?" his smile was getting wider before he suddenly laughed. Under his eyes, under the watching eyes of everyone, all the cultivators around turned into puffs of smoke.

Even the towering peaks of the sect started to fade away like an illusion. And yet he knew it wasn't.

This sect was planted here in this world to do just one purpose, to push him along this path. After going through it, the purpose was now meaningless and thus its presence had to halt.

It wasn't surprising for him and yet it was shocking to everyone. Even the dark forces led by the dark angel mage were all shocked to see this scene.

The dark angel mage came to this world for one task, one task alone. He had to destroy that sect and make sure it wouldn't exist.

He tried, using the best of his abilities and everyone provided to him by the mighty dark clans. And yet he failed.

However just in such a moment, this disappearance came out of the blue to him. It seemed weird, like there was a trick behind it or something.

However the only person in the entire world, or even in the entire universe, knew of the true secrets behind all this was only Arthur.

And Arthur stood erect with a straightened back while watching his enemies with cold eyes.

The cultivators made the main bulk of Doaf's and other forces so far. With their sudden disappearance, things seemed unfavorable for them.

In terms of strength, numbers, and even abilities the dark side would easily win. However there was only a single variable that stood there without anyone realizing it.

It was Arthur.

He alone was now able to fight an entire army single handed and win without breaking a sweat.

He was now a true powerhouse that everyone should watch out for, not a pushover, a weak mage from a low world, a traitor of the mighty dark dragonair clan.

He was the agent of heavens, someone that the entire universe would be shaken whenever his name would be mentioned.

"Kill them all!" At this time of chaos and confusion, the dark angel mage was the first to recover. He instantly gave this cold order to all his forces around.

It was his moment to shine. The portal he initially summoned at the sky was still burning. He knew he had less than ten minutes left before the backlash would haunt him.

And yet he craved to see his enemies dead and crushed under his feet before that. He wanted his revenge.

But he wouldn't be able to get it.


"Kill them all!"


All of sudden all the scattered dark forces around the remaining portals yelled while those standing around the ten portals started to move.

Instead of cowering around the ten portals and desperately defending them, they shifted positions with their enemies.

And now they were the ones running at the necks of their foes, and their mighty enemies were now running away, trying to survive and escape at all costs.

"Gege…" However it was the time Arthur decided to make his presence known to the entire world, "move me there."

He didn't like fighting weak fries while the alpha wolf was standing in front of him.

Just as he gained total control over his powers, he started to see things he never saw before, things no one else could see but him.

That dark angel mage was revealed to him surrounded by fog. He could see now the dense amount of black energy swirling around his body. He couldn't see his features, and he never needed to in the first place.

He could perfectly see his place and even anticipate anything he would do. Before he could speak, Arthur noticed the stir in the energy around that mage and thus he knew he was going to do something.

"I can't control dark energy?" Arthur felt this and was startled by this realization. He could freely even touch the flows of the light energy all around.

However with the presence of black wisps of dark energy, he tried to control its flow but failed.

"Wait a minute…" all of sudden something sparkled in his mind, bringing more sense to things that didn't make any before. "So… that was all about that trial? Damn! I should never underestimate heaven!!"

In that trial world he just got out from, he was granted a strange ability inside. He could turn any dark red energy into his own by simply making the energy surrounding him get in touch with that.

Comparing the two situations together, and putting aside his confusion about why that trial went this way, he now could see through things before and now.

He realized this wasn't a trial at all, it was some sort of training. "Tsk, heavens can do such deep tricks even on me, even on someone who knew it for such a long time, sigh," he shook his head as he felt awe and slight fear from heaven.

He didn't imagine even the trial he went through was meant to prepare him for this moment. "How deep are the machinations of yours could go?" he raised his head to the burning sky and seemed to see through these dark layers up there.

He was speaking to the heavens directly, admiring his lack of comprehension and insight from before.

But now he had to throw all this behind his back and start moving.

He knew what he should do. 

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