However, Hui Mian was still very good at making trouble. Although he was dissatisfied, he actually walked to the woman's side and rubbed her arm.

But when the woman subconsciously wanted to pet the cat, Hui Mian cleverly turned around to avoid the cat. Her movements were exactly the same as those of ordinary cats, except that she didn't know how to meow.

Those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to Yuan of the Book of Changes are good at playing!

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Hui Mian and suddenly said something in his mind. He also reached out to grab Hui Mian. Unexpectedly, the other party also avoided his hand and jumped outside the window edge to hide. touch.

In fact, it was very easy to make people relax. Neither side could catch the cat, but Zhuo Qing covered her mouth and smiled.

"Forget it, I'm a greedy cat. As long as we eat faster, it won't be able to help itself."

Yi Shuyuan handed a pair of chopsticks to Zhuo Qing. After the latter took it, he looked at Yi Shuyuan picking up vegetables to eat, and then subconsciously picked up the dishes for him in the bowl in front of the table.

This made Yi Shuyuan very uncomfortable, he raised his head and said helplessly.

"I know you haven't eaten yet, so just treat me as an ordinary friend. I don't need any special care. Just use your chopsticks."

Zhuo Qing nodded and really started to eat. It was almost the time for the girl in the building to have dinner, but a guest suddenly came. Naturally, she dressed up first and then came over. Of course, she didn't bother to take a few bites.

"Dragon Master, although this dish is inconspicuous, it is the most delicious. Please try it."

Yi Shuyuan looked at a bowl of flour covered with the same dish. Neither he nor Hui Mian had touched this bowl. As soon as he used chopsticks to lift the layer of egg skin sprinkled with sesame powder, the aroma underneath came out.

When you eat it again, you will find the saltiness and sweetness, the salty meat, bamboo shoots and mushrooms, with a unique flavor.

"really not bad!"

The atmosphere at the dinner table gradually relaxed. Yi Shuyuan would not talk about romance like other guests, nor would he show off his literary talent, nor would he try to flirt or make moves.

This made Zhuo Qing confused and even self-doubtful at first, but then she found it difficult to relax. She didn't have to make excuses, work hard to please, listen to those dirty poems and express joy and praise, and she didn't have to feel any discomfort.

It's just like what the other party said, just treat it as a dinner and a casual chat between ordinary friends.

This is not a person who comes here to look for flowers and flowers. Maybe he really just comes to eat, right?

Zhuo Qing was already eighty percent full, so she stopped using her chopsticks and picked up the jug to pour wine for Yi Shuyuan.

Yi Shuyuan did not refuse, but looked at Hui Mian who was still hiding on the window sill.

"Okay, I won't do this next time, come over and eat, I've left some meat and vegetables for you!"

The cat's head on the other side of the window sill was revealed, and then Hui Mian walked to the table with graceful cat steps and jumped onto the table lightly.

Zhuo Qing on the side opened her mouth slightly.

"Can it understand human speech?"

"Animals have been in contact with people for a long time, so they can naturally understand each other. They may not be able to understand people's words, but they can feel the emotions in people's words and detect malicious intentions and good intentions."

Zhuo Qing looked at Yi Shuyuan. She could also detect the malicious intentions of others. For example, the person in front of her must be a true knight of the world. Few of the so-called knights she had met before had a good impression.

"It still doesn't bark, such a quiet cat!"

Zhuo Qing put some meat on a clean plate for Hui Mian, causing Hui Mian to look at her more.

Yi Shuyuan smiled on the side and thought to himself, you have never seen it not being a cat.

"Speaking of which, does anyone here have a cat?"

It was like a casual question after getting familiar with it, but only then did Yi Shuyuan gradually begin to point to the real purpose.

But Yi Shuyuan has to stay here for a long time today. Not only does he have to wait for the float to come back, but he also has to stay until night.

Although there is no demonic smell, there is another strange smell that is still very concerning, but this smell has no clear direction and is more like a residual trace.

Maybe when the sun goes down and the power of the sun fire weakens, something will change.

Zhuo Qing thought for a moment after hearing Yi Shuyuan's words.

"Cats? Occasionally I can see one or two, but I don't know who raises them. They are wild cats that come from outside. There are more sisters who raise birds. Maybe they share the same problem. Many sisters will let go after raising them for a while. Lose."

"It's just that after they were released, many birds just died outside. They had no way to survive outside. After a long time, they wouldn't be released anymore."

Zhuo Qing, who showed some real emotions, reacted immediately after speaking and quickly smiled at Yi Shuyuan.

"This cat wants to find a playmate. I'm afraid it won't be easy here. It also needs to be careful not to run around. If it takes one of the sister's birds, it won't end well!"

"Don't worry, my cat is very sensible. Apart from being delicious, there is nothing wrong with it."

Yi Shuyuan could feel the complex emotions in the heart of the woman in front of him. Even though he was eloquent, the comforting words came to his lips but they felt pale, so he only talked about the cat.

"Animals such as cats and dogs also have very keen senses in other aspects. People often say that dogs can see ghosts with their eyes, which is actually true."

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan pointed at himself and Zhuo Qing.

"Another interesting thing is that people like you and me also have innate spiritual sense! It may not seem as sharp as small animals, but it does exist."

Zhuo Qing suddenly showed a curious look and became very relaxed without realizing it.

"What kind of spiritual sense is it? What are its manifestations?"

Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment and explained.

"Ordinary people's spiritual sense is just blocked by all kinds of chaotic thoughts and desires, but sometimes the spiritual sense will remind themselves in some ways, such as inexplicable panic, such as in late night dreams."

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan drank the wine in the glass and seemed to be joking.

"I'm in the martial arts world, and I don't say how strong my martial arts are, but it's not bad either. I've met some martial arts magicians, some of them fought against each other, some of them had a heart-to-heart relationship with me, and I've learned some interesting things. How about I tell you about them today?"


Zhuo Qing had a smile on her face, and Yi Shuyuan asked.

"Then let's talk about the Thirteenth Floor. Is there anything strange happening around here in recent days?"

"Something strange?"

Seeing Zhuo Qing's expression of thought, Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment and then explained.

"It's the kind of thing that can make you feel inexplicably flustered just at night, and maybe you'll occasionally have nightmares at night."

After hearing Yi Shuyuan's words, Zhuo Qing thought for a moment before answering.

"If Dragon Warrior says so, I have indeed had several nightmares recently. Some sisters have also told me about nightmares, but most of them are related to the unhappiness in daily life. It's just..."

"Just what?"

Zhuo Qing thought of the recently famous woman in the building. She was about to leave the court in her 28th year. Her first night had touched the hearts of many talented, gentry and powerful people in the capital.


It would be bad if gossip about other sisters in the building gets spread, especially if the other party is in the limelight. After all, although the Jianghu guest in front of you is admirable, he is still an outsider after all.

Yi Shuyuan didn't force the question. Although the other party didn't say it clearly, he already knew that something was wrong.

"Is there anyone missing? Or some people I know suddenly disappear one day."

Zhuo Qing had a smile on her face, shook her head and said.

"How can this be considered a strange thing in Shisanloufang? Some people will know that they are sisters when they leave, and many leave silently. There are also some who died because of what they committed. Here, There is no friendship at all, and it would be strange to have a guest."

"It's going to be windy right now? What do you mean?"

Yi Shuyuan frowned and asked. He looked at Hui Mian and looked up at him as if he didn't know clearly, so he looked at Zhuo Qing again.

Zhuo Qing was stunned for a moment, looking at the clear eyes of the Jianghu guest in front of her, she felt funny and felt a long-lost shyness at the same time. Such ordinary words became a bit difficult to say at this moment.

"That's right, the guest died suddenly during the clouds and rain."

Yi Shuyuan suddenly realized and learned a new word.


After a while in the afternoon, things seemed to be getting lively outside the building. The waterside pavilion was far away and relatively quiet, but the noisy sounds were still clearly audible.

Zhuo Qing, who was making tea, said.

"The float team is back, and on that float is the sister who will be leaving the cabinet in the near future, her name is Lu Xiaoxiao. I don't know how many talented people and powerful people want to kiss her, but it doesn't just have to be powerful, it depends on fate."


Zhuo Qing had obviously let go a lot, so she said sarcastically.

"Yes, fate, the fate of the oiran's first night in the Thirteenth Floor is also an established game among the capital.

Since it is a game, it naturally has rules. No matter how rich or powerful you are, there will always be something different. Only when everyone abides by the rules of this game can it be interesting and have the fun of competing for playthings."

It would have been impossible for Zhuo Qing to say this to any other guest, but after being in contact for a long time, he said it very easily in front of Yi Shuyuan. After speaking, he looked at Yi Shuyuan with a smile.

"Long Daxia has both the heroic spirit of the world and a bit of the casualness of a talented scholar. If you go to the Zhengyan Hall with this magnanimity, you may have a great chance of being favored. Just before I came here, there were several All the sisters want to come over.”

"Stop making fun of me. I don't know if the money in Mr. Long's pocket is enough to pay for the meal. Why are you joining in the fun!"

Zhuo Qing smiled and was about to speak, but saw Yi Shuyuan's expression became a little solemn.

"And didn't Long just say that he also communicated with the charlatan? To be honest, Long came here to enjoy the flowers today and felt that something was wrong here!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she felt inexplicably panicked.

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, just treat Long as joking, and Miss Zhuo will forget about it. Long suspects that there are monsters causing trouble in the Thirteenth Floor. Isn't it that the Kaiyang River God has died? Maybe the River God is gone. There are monsters that need to be suppressed."

Yi Shuyuan said half truthfully.

"His monster. Are there really monsters in this world?"

Hui Mian, who was resting in Yi Shuyuan's arms, raised his head at this moment. Although he could not shout or speak, his attitude was already very obvious to Yi Shuyuan.

Not only do they exist, but they are all around us.

"Actually, under normal circumstances, it's better not to believe it, but sometimes you can't lose your respect."

Zhuo Qing felt a little hairy.

"Dragon Master, what you said made me afraid to go out and order dinner."

Yi Shuyuan thought again and said again.

"Miss Zhuo, extend your hand."

Zhuo Qing subconsciously stretched out her right hand. Yi Shuyuan's right hand raised his sword finger and drew it on the woman's palm from an inch away.

Zhuo Qing only felt that her palms were very hot and itchy, and then a warm current spread along her arms to her whole body, and her eyes widened for a moment.

"Is this the inner strength of a warrior?"

"Well, let's be honest. I used the magician's method to carve a spell on you. It may be able to protect you in a critical moment. As long as your mind is upright, this aura will not escape. If you have evil thoughts in your mind, it will They will disperse."

So magical?

Zhuo Qing touched the palm of her hand and then looked up at the Dragon Warrior in front of her.

"Okay, let's go out and order dinner."


At this time, a certain hall in the building was crowded with people, and even many servants at the waterside pavilion came to help. Zhuo Qing went out to order food.

As soon as Zhuo Qing left, Hui Mian, who had been holding back for a long time, immediately spoke up.

"Sir, please remind me next time. I almost screamed just now. By the way, did the monster show up?"

"No, maybe it's because the time has not come yet, but I have already laid the foundation for Miss Zhuo Qing. Even if it doesn't show up tonight, there will always be a time when it will show up."

This time he felt completely different from the last time he was in the village. If it weren't for that special smell, Yi Shuyuan would have even suspected that he had made a mistake, let alone detecting where the other person was. Was he a cat or a human?

"Sir, she is also a poor person, won't you hurt her?"

Yi Shuyuan shook his head.

"With my spell, she is safer than others. However, there are always many evil ways in the world. Some are external evil spirits, and some are in people's hearts. Not all of them have perfect solutions."

"Perhaps there is a high probability that something will happen on the night when Lu Xiaoxiao leaves the palace. Even if I am overthinking, I really should inform the City God of the capital. Unfortunately, the water god has disappeared from the water."

Hui Mian reminded.

"The Water God is gone, but some of his generals are still there, so they're not all bad, right?"

"Yes, you can ask them for help! If you can't smell the source of that strange smell, it may not be hidden in the water!"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan looked out the window at the water surface. It was already sunset, and the river surface was shimmering in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Spring is around the corner, and the literary spirit is gathering. Is it possible to seduce someone who is one of the top three in this department? This thought suddenly became intense.

Soon dinner was served, and Zhuo Qing actually went back and changed her clothes.

But as the sky got darker and the food and wine on the table were almost eaten, Yi Shuyuan noticed that something was wrong. It wasn't that a monster was about to appear, but that the atmosphere in the room became a little ambiguous.

"Dragon Master, do you want to take a bath?"

While talking, Zhuo Qing actually took out a small wooden box, which contained some special-shaped things. Yi Shuyuan probably understood that they were fish bubbles or something like that.

Seeing Yi Shuyuan staring at the contents of the wooden box, Zhuo Qing looked at him with heat on her face, but she whispered seriously.

"If it's Dragon Warrior, there's no need for it."

"No, no, no, no, no, Miss Zhuo has misunderstood!"

Yi Shuyuan sweated profusely, said "goodbye" in his mouth, and jumped off the soft couch.

"Mr. Long has had enough wine and food today, so I won't bother you. How do I pay here? Should I go out to the atrium?"

Zhuo Qing sat on the soft couch and looked at Yi Shuyuan, tears flowing from the corners of her eyes.

"Does Great Master Long look down on Zhuo Qing's appearance?"

"Don't get me wrong, girl. I don't mean to look down on or look down on you. It's just that Long has already made it clear that he is here for dinner today and also because of what happened during the day, he came here to find out what happened."

Zhuo Qing just looked at Yi Shuyuan and took a long time before speaking.

"When you leave the waterside pavilion, someone will collect silver."

Yi Shuyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for letting me know. By the way, how much does it cost for two meals at noon and evening?"

Zhuo Qing looked back at the dining table.

"Ten taels per table, and on this day in Shuixie House, it's twenty taels."

Yi Shuyuan had just been thinking that although twenty taels were expensive, he could afford it, but when he heard that this private room actually cost twenty taels.

Now it's a big deal.

"Twenty taels for a room?"

Hearing Yi Shuyuan's surprised voice, Zhuo Qing suddenly laughed out loud, knowing that he really didn't understand.

"When Master Long leaves, just say that the money for the Shuixie House has been given to Zhuo Qing, and they won't make things difficult for you."



Yi Shuyuan understood immediately. With his current shamelessness, it was rare for his face to show embarrassment and the original expression.

After saying goodbye again, Yi Shuyuan finally left, his pace much faster than when he came, and the building was gradually becoming lively at this moment.

Yi Shuyuan walked out of the building and walked quickly outside, looking back at the brightly lit place on the edge of the peach blossom forest. The woman in the house just now had arrived at the window of the front hall and seemed to be looking at him.

"Sir, she is looking at you."

"Nonsense, sir, he is not blind, he is also a pitiful person, but I still find it hard to bear this kind of love for him."

Yi Shuyuan sighed and left. There will be story-telling tomorrow.

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