Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 216 Xiangshan Zen Temple

Simply walking would not make you faster, but when Yi Shuyuan walked with Shi Sheng, his speed was not slow.

The rhythm of the steps is consistent with the flow of spiritual energy in the body, and the body is moving unconsciously. Many times, it feels like walking on the ground.

Even Shi Sheng gradually became aware of this and began to adapt to it.

Sometimes he walked slowly, sometimes he walked fast, all based on Yi Shuyuan's or even Shi Sheng's feelings.

Next to a forest in Sanxiang County, Suzhou, Yi Shuyuan and Shi Sheng walked out of the snow-covered forest step by step. The string of large and small footprints left behind them seemed to be the only traces on the snow.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the forest. Shi Sheng looked back and saw that several wolves were running nearby.


Shi Sheng showed a happy smile on his face and waved goodbye to the animals in the forest. It was obvious that he had interacted with them before.

Yi Shuyuan didn't say anything, just looked back and left with Shi Sheng.

After walking along a relatively flat road until the afternoon, after asking a nearby villager, the master and the apprentice came to a temple.

Whenever he visits a place, Yi Shuyuan will inquire about nearby Buddhist temples, not only to see if there are suitable Buddhist disciples, but also to solve the accommodation problem.

Shi Sheng breathed into his hands and rubbed them a few times. A warmth suddenly appeared in his originally cold hands, and they were no longer cold.

"Master, do you live in a temple again?"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and looked into the distance. The mountains were covered with silver, the roofs of the temples were covered with snow, and the surrounding roads and fields were all dry. It looked like a lonely temple in a cold mountain.

Especially on the top of the tallest building in the temple, there is a faint flash of Buddha's light, which has obviously received the attention and even the blessing of a great Buddhist and Taoist authority.

"Master, can you not live in the temple? I want to eat meat."

Yi Shuyuan looked at Shi Sheng with a smile.

"I'll take you into the city later and have a nice meal."

"Then don't regret it!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and looked at Shi Sheng, who said so with a bright smile on his face.

This child was born into a wealthy family, but he was stronger than Yi Shuyuan. He had not complained about hardship for so long.

Today, the temple is a little larger than the ones we lived in before, and the incense is obviously better. You can see people getting off the carriage outside the temple, obviously they came here specially to offer incense.

A young monk was sweeping dry grass and snow with a broom. The pilgrims who occasionally passed by him didn't pay much attention, and almost no one talked to him.

"This young master, I wonder if your temple can accommodate people to stay overnight?"

The young monk looked to his side and found a gray-robed Confucian scholar and a child asking questions. At first glance, he thought the Confucian scholar's hair was covered with snow, but upon closer inspection, he realized that it turned out to be gray hair.

The monk held the broom and clasped his hands together in a salute.

"Donor, you can stay overnight in our temple, but you need to ask the abbot's opinion. Donor, please come with me."

"Thank you, little master!"

Yi Shuyuan returned the gift with his hand, and Shi Sheng on the side also did not miss the courtesy.

"Please come with me."

The monk smiled at Shi Sheng and walked towards the temple door with his broom. Yi Shuyuan looked up at the temple plaque and then followed him into the temple.

Xiangshan Zen Temple!

The interior of the temple was filled with a faint scent of sandalwood. Yi Shuyuan and Shi Sheng walked through several inner courtyards and were led by the monks to the main hall of the temple.

There is a large tree with lush branches in the courtyard. The tree is covered with red ropes and hung with various small wooden signs for prayers.

Yi Shuyuan entered the courtyard and stared at the big tree intently. Shi Sheng followed suit without knowing why.

"Donor, the abbot is right there, come with me quickly!"

The young monk urged, and Yi Shuyuan came back to his senses. He apologized and led Shi Sheng towards the main hall.

A plaque was erected outside the temple with the three characters "Miguang Hall" written on it, which means that this temple mainly enshrines the Yayoi King of Light Buddha.

The abbot was a middle-aged monk with a long beard, a yellow beard and kind eyes. He was explaining something to several pilgrims who were worshiping the Buddha.

When the abbot was free, the monk at the temple gate stepped forward.

"Abbott, there are two benefactors who want to stay in the temple. They are the two people at the door."

The abbot looked at the door and saw Yi Shuyuan and Shi Sheng who were also looking into the hall. Just a glance gave people a pure and natural feeling.

Be a good believer!

With this thought, the abbot quickly walked out of the hall.

"Master Abbot, my students and I would like to stay at your temple for one night. Is it convenient?"

Yi Shuyuan bowed first and then asked, but his eyes were carefully looking at the abbot master.

The abbot master looked at Yi Shuyuan, and then at the children beside him. He also felt that it was pleasing to look at him, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

"My Buddha is merciful. After thanking Yayoi Yayoi, the donor will live in the temple!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and led Shi Sheng into the main hall. Temples can also be regarded as places where travelers often stay. They cannot all be free. Some temples even have specific prices, but they are not marked out. But when you ask the temple The monk can tell you the secret.

As for this temple, according to the abbot, it is basically just donating some sesame oil money after paying homage to the Buddha.

Theoretically, the more money you have, the less money you have, it depends on your heart, but it is impossible for Yi Shuyuan to really invest only one copper plate.

Shi Sheng naturally followed the example of the pilgrims nearby, clasping his hands together, kneeling on the mat and bowing to the Buddha statue.

Yi Shuyuan stood on the side of the temple and watched Shi Sheng worship respectfully.

There were pilgrims nearby who had just finished worshiping Buddha. Seeing Yi Shuyuan's appearance, a man couldn't help but ask.

"Scholar, why don't you bow?"

In fact, the abbot and another monk were also looking at Yi Shuyuan at this moment, and they also frowned.

However, Yi Shuyuan also had his own explanation, and just explained with a smile.

"People in the world have many things to ask for when worshiping gods and Buddhas. I have no desires or requests from the Buddha. The Buddha just treats me with courtesy in my heart. I don't necessarily need to worship!"

These words cannot be regarded as Yi Shuyuan's excuse. In fact, every sentence is true.

"Why are you, a scholar, coming to this temple if you don't ask for help from the Buddha?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced around him out of the corner of his eye and saw the expression on the abbot's face. He understood that the abbot of this temple was more concerned about whether the pilgrims respected the Buddha statue.

After thinking about it, Yi Shuyuan still bowed his hands towards the Buddha statue. He was not allowed to bow, so it would be fine if he bowed his hands as a gesture of respect. He must be able to bear it now that he has become a Buddha.

This simple gift was not without any movement.

After the ceremony, there was a "rustling" sound in the hall, and a lot of dust fell from the body of the Buddha and the yellow cloth prayer flags above.

"Ouch" "Get out of the way!"


The pilgrims who were prostrating stood up one after another to get out of the way, and all ran out of the hall. Even Shi Sheng hurriedly got up and hid.

For a time, the hall was filled with smoke and dust.

When others were hiding, Yi Shuyuan slipped out a folding fan from his sleeve, fanned away the dust around him, then walked to the merit box, took out a small amount of broken silver and a few copper coins, and threw them into the box together.

"What's going on?" "No movement?"

"Scared me."

The pilgrims were surprised and talked among themselves, and some people couldn't help but say something when they looked into the hall.

"Why doesn't he run?"

The abbot, who had also run out of the hall, looked at the dust in the hall with a look of shock, but Yi Shuyuan's words just now were still ringing in his ears.

The abbot's face showed a sudden realization, and he knew that today's visitors were in a different realm, so he couldn't help but step into the hall and walk forward.

"Donor, please follow me. I will take you to the guest room!"

"Excuse me, Master Abbot!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and thanked him, and followed the old monk out of the hall with Shi Sheng, who had already stood up, to the backyard of the temple.

There are more than just Yi Shuyuan staying in the temple. In other words, the temple has some believers and travelers staying there all year round, so it already has a guest room. Even if there are more people staying, some monks' dormitories can be temporarily freed up.

Many people who stay in temples are often arranged to live with others. For example, there are many guests staying in temples now, and many guest rooms have to accommodate at least four or five people.

However, there are some exceptions, such as some distinguished guests of the temple, such as those who donate incense, and some special guests.

Yi Shuyuan and Shi Sheng were obviously among the exceptions. The master abbot personally took the master and apprentice to a small guest room in the backyard so that they could live alone.

After asking about their names and reading the ultimatum, Yi Shuyuan and Shi Sheng settled down.

The young monk who first led the two people in was arranged by the abbot to help clean the guest house. It was obvious that some debris had been piled up in the house before.

But of course Yi Shuyuan would not just let the monk do it. He and Shi Sheng also tidied the guest room together, mainly sorting out the debris and cleaning the floor, and then brought bedding from other places.

The room was not big and dirty, but it took a long time to clean it thoroughly. During this process, Master and Disciple Yi Shuyuan talked and understood each other with the young monk.

"Little master, there are quite a few of you staying overnight?"

After wiping the floor, the little monk carried the dirty bucket outside and answered with a smile while rubbing his hands that were red from the cold.

"Mr. Yi, you have come here from afar and don't know. Here in Suzhou, as the New Year approaches, many believers go to various temples and temples to stay overnight to pray for the coming year. In a few days, most of the monks' rooms will have to be vacated. Some of our teachers Brothers all have to squeeze in."

"That's it! It seems that your temple has a good reputation in the local area!"

The little monk poured dirty water into the courtyard and answered with a little pride but also some depth.

"My master said that the palm tree in the front yard was erected when the temple was established! Mr. Yi, I'm leaving first. This dining hall can be used for fasting, but it will be gone in half an hour. Please come over early, sir. If you have any questions, you can also contact the senior brothers in the temple and me."

"Okay, thank you very much, little master!"

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

The young monk performed a Buddhist salute, then left with the bucket and things. When he was farther away, he quickened his pace, obviously also rushing to eat.

Shi Sheng looked at the young monk's leaving figure, then looked at the other overnight guests nearby who were looking towards him, and then looked at Yi Shuyuan and asked.

"Master, what does he mean?"

Yi Shuyuan walked into the small guest room, spread out the bedding, and answered Shi Sheng.

"The flower palm tree grows slowly, and the tree in the front yard has already matured. This means that Xiangshan Zen Temple is an ancient temple that has survived for a long time. It naturally has a high status in the hearts of the locals!"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan sat down on the bed, took out a cloth bag from the backpack, and placed a book with many papers on the bed.

"I won't go to fast. You can take Hui Mian with me later."

"Then let me bring some food back for Master?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Shi Sheng, nodded.


Shi Sheng found a big bowl from his backpack and hurried out. Hui Mian had already hidden it in his clothes. It didn't matter whether he knew the way or not, he could just ask anyone.

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