Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 225 It’s really not a meticulous work

Ding Feixiong was just as ready as he said, without any resistance at all.

The hands that were performing Buddhist rituals were also put behind his back, and an iron shackle was put on his head that was specially designed to restrain warriors. Anklets were also put on his feet, and he was sent into an iron prison car at the same time.

Until this moment, all the military attaches and soldiers felt relieved.

A soldier grabbed the string of iron prayer beads with all his strength and brought it to the leading military attache. The latter stretched out his hand to catch it and suddenly felt an obvious heaviness coming from his arm.

Just from a rough feeling, I can tell that this string of beads probably weighs dozens of kilograms, and it is obviously not ordinary black iron.

The military attache glanced at the wandering monk over there who seemed to be reciting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice, and then gave orders to others.

"Control all the monks and pilgrims in Xiangshan Temple. Unless someone resists, please be careful!"


Some of the soldiers outside the temple entered the temple, and officials from Sanxiang County also showed up to assist, mainly to appease the monks and people inside the temple and prevent them from resisting.

When the soldiers rushed into the temple, Monk Zhaoli looked towards Yi Shuyuan and saw that Mr. Yi had no reaction, so he disappeared and never appeared again.

Everyone in the temple was frightened, and not many people dared to resist. From the abbot to the novice monk, as well as many pilgrims who stayed overnight, they were all controlled by the soldiers.

Because there were officials from Sanxiang County intervening to persuade them, there was no additional trouble, and the soldiers did not embarrass these ordinary people who could be easily recognized.

Those local pilgrims whose identities could be quickly confirmed and whose luggage and belongings were intact were released first, and they were all let go in almost an hour.

Some businessmen and travelers passing by from other places, as well as some people with obvious martial arts skills, were all kept in the monastery like the monks in the temple and were not allowed to leave immediately, including Master and Disciple Yi Shuyuan.

In addition to the movement inside Xiangshan Zen Monastery, there were also soldiers and officers who went up the mountain together, searched carefully for the remaining footprints, and moved all the corpses down from the mountain. Even the remaining clothes of those who were dragged away by wild beasts were found.

Half a day later, the entire Xiangshan Chanyuan almost became a temporary military camp, with two battalions of soldiers and horses temporarily stationed here.

For a master like Ding Feixiong, it is not the best choice to take him directly to the city for custody, and it is also necessary to find out why this person came to Xiangshan Temple.

Of course, an urgent message was also sent to the Governor's Mansion in Suzhou immediately.


In the largest monk's Zen room in Xiangshan Zen Monastery, Ding Feixiong, who was imprisoned in a cage, was guarded alone here. There were also many military attachés and some local officials here.

The leading military attaché directly questioned him about his situation.

"Ding Feixiong, have you killed many people before?"

The monk in the cage seemed to have some memories and smiled.

"Ding Feixiong has killed many people in his life. I don't know which ones the general is referring to. If they were in Dayong, he only killed sixteen people, and they all died deep in the mountains behind this monastery."

"What grudge do you have against those sixteen people? Why did you kill them? Do you know that they are Nan Yan Xizuo?"

Although the monk in the cage had already guessed it, he still looked surprised.

"It turns out they are doing it carefully."

The military attache took out a letter from his arms.

"This is a secret letter received by one of them. Being able to deliver the letter means there is a channel for delivering the letter. Do you really not know?"

"The poor monk doesn't know."

"Monk, if you have nothing to do with them, then why did they gather people to come specifically to find you? What are the two things that you must get in the letter?"

At this point, there was nothing to hide, so the monk spoke directly about the matter.

"What they want is my Guiyuan Gong and Guiyuan Pill. The former is the martial arts I practiced, and the latter is the auxiliary elixir."

The monk did not stop at the end of his answer as he had done before, but also told some past events in the world, such as what the Guiyuan Gong was, what the Guiyuan Pill was, and what the name Ding Feixiong meant.

After hearing the answer of the caged monk, everyone present could not help but look shocked. If what he said was true, then he might be looking for him specifically at all costs.

At this moment, the leading military attache couldn't help but ask.

"Are the Guiyuan Gong and Guiyuan Pill still in your hands?"

The monk glanced at the leading military attache.

"Guiyuan Gong is just a technique. I can describe it orally without a book. However, the Guiyuan Pill has long been gone. Everyone in the world thought I still had it in my hand. In fact, I only kept one pill and the rest. Giving it to others will only bring disaster to them, so I don’t want to mention it again.”

At this moment, the monk, who was extremely skilled in martial arts, almost asked and answered whatever he asked, and then the military attache asked another more concerned question.

"Why did you come to Xiangshan Zen Monastery, and why didn't you leave for so long?"

"Wandering here, I want to find some purity. I have to listen to the true scriptures and meditate for several days!"

The military attache looked to the side, and the county lieutenant from Sanxiang County nodded slightly. This was consistent with the information they had inquired about before.

"Who is that monk who meditated with you? We have searched all over Xiangshan Zen Temple, but we can't find anyone with the same characteristics. Do you know where he is?"

The monk in the prison car smiled. The eminent monk should not be a mortal at all. Looking back at it now, he felt that it was extremely magical. It was a blessing to have the chance to listen to the scriptures together.

"I don't know where the eminent monk who listened to the sutra went. Maybe he was the incarnation of the Bodhisattva Arhat."

Although the monk was telling the truth, it was naturally impossible for the people present to believe such words. However, the military attache did not hold on to this point, but he was keenly aware of something unusual in the other party's words.

"Isn't that what the monk taught you?"

The wandering monk frowned slightly and did not answer.

"Who is preaching?"

The wandering monk had closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The captain of Sanxiang County stepped forward and said.

"Monk, you said that you are not Nan Yan Xizuo, but I don't think so. The monk who listens to the sutra together must be your accomplice. The person who lectures on the sutra for you is probably your best enemy!"

In fact, the attention-grabbing movement of meditating for many days can hardly be classified as a detailed communication matter, but it is difficult to have any other explanation.

However, when the monk heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes, his expression showed anger, and his voice was deafening.

"Nan Yan came here confused and had nowhere to go. He listened to the true scriptures in a Zen monastery in a foreign country and did not lie or feel confused! Our Buddha is merciful. Those who behave virtuously can approach others and open the door to the miraculous. They can observe the body at ease. There is no fear, no evil.”

The first few words of the monk were like thunder, causing the ears of everyone present to buzz. The soldiers and generals even drew their swords one after another, but in the last few words, the sound gradually became quieter.

Up to this moment, all I could hear was muttering, as if they were constantly reciting scriptures.

Many of the military attachés and officials in the Zen room maintained a vigilant posture and relaxed after a while. This monk was locked up like this, which can bring such pressure to people.

At this moment, the monk only focused on chanting sutras and said nothing else.

However, everyone also saw that the monk really had no intention of resisting. Otherwise, let alone being captured in the military formation before, it was doubtful whether he could really be trapped now.

After a long time, several military attachés and Sanxiang's officials walked out of the Zen room together.

"I have never seen anyone with such strong martial arts skills. I am afraid that this person has reached the innate realm of martial arts!"

"It's really scary. I wonder how many people like this are there in Nanyan Wulin?"

"Who are the other monk and the lecturer?"

The head catcher of Sanxiang County suddenly spoke.

"My lords, he doesn't want to say it, but other people in the temple may not know that the long-bearded monk is wearing the monk's robe of Xiangshan Zen Monastery!"

"Yes, if you ask the monks in the temple, they may not be as tough-talking as Ding Feixiong!"

After deciding on this strategy, the monks of Xiangshan Zen Monastery were taken individually to some Zen rooms or Buddhist halls for questioning.

Although Zen Master Guangji and some old monks were afraid, they chose to practice silent meditation when asked some questions. However, some young monks were already restless and could not bear the intimidation and told everything they knew.

There is no conclusion as to who the long-bearded monk is, and no one knows, but Yi Shuyuan was confessed.

After all, Yi Shuyuan was not seen walking with two monks before. After the two monks woke up, the surrounding monks also heard them talking about "Mr. Yi."

But now there is only one person named Yi in the entire Xiangshan Zen Monastery.


Yi Shuyuan was temporarily detained in a monk's residence with a group of stranded foreign pilgrims. At the moment, he was sitting in the corner with his knees on his knees and his elbows on his face with his eyes closed, while Shi Sheng was sleeping next to him.

In fact, although the group of people here are not locals, their suspicion is not high, so the supervision is not too strict.

But suddenly there was some movement outside, and Yi Shuyuan also opened his eyes.

"Oh, this is such a big deal. I've been investigating it for a long time and it's all over my head."

Yi Shuyuan smiled and muttered to himself. He was not very upset, but rather enjoyed himself in the absurdity.

The door was opened, and standing outside was a military attache and the head catcher of Sanxiang County.

"Who is the Confucian scholar named Yi here?"

Shi Sheng also woke up at this moment and looked up at Yi Shuyuan.

"Master, they won't be talking about you, right?"

"Who else could it be?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled and stood up with his legs propped up, and Shi Sheng quickly followed suit.

With his ability, he couldn't escape in a single thought, but he also wanted to see how Ding Feixiong's trouble would pass. If necessary, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add fuel to the flames.

The military attache over there saw someone getting up and said immediately.

"Come out and follow us, you two, go and take his luggage!"


When the two soldiers entered the monk's house, other pilgrims ducked away. Yi Shuyuan did not stop him and allowed others to pick up his suitcase and other items, and then walked out with them.

The group of people arrived in the courtyard outside Miguang Hall. Several military attachés and officials from Sanxiang County were waiting under the palm trees. When they saw Yi Shuyuan walking with a child in his hand, they couldn't help but take a closer look.

This Confucian scholar did not look old, but his hair was gray. The officers and soldiers escorted him but he remained calm and calm. Even the children around him were only curious and not afraid.

The key point is that such a person should have stood out among the crowd, but the military attache and police present were not very impressed.

They had obviously seen the people in the temple at the beginning, how could they ignore such people?

"Sir, the people are here!"

As the soldiers returned to life, Yi Shuyuan took the first step and bowed his hands to the military attaches and officials under the tree.

"Yi Shuyuan has met all of you!"

The leading military attaché looked Yi Shuyuan up and down and suddenly asked.

"You were the one who gave lectures to the two monks?"

Yi Shuyuan didn't hide anything and nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's not that formal, it's just teaching an unknown scripture I heard to people who are determined to become a Buddha!"

"Do you know the identity of the wandering monk?"

Yi Shuyuan actually nodded again.

"My lord, the roar was so loud before. I guess he is Ding Feixiong, the master of Nanyan. Yi Mou has always boasted that he is very accurate in judging people. Unexpectedly, he was wrong today and actually regarded a spy from another country as a person who prays to the Buddha. It is really a waste of time to read a sage." I’ve read the book, I’m so ashamed!”

Yi Shuyuan looked ashamed and angry, which made several military attachés and officials feel inexplicably embarrassed.

The performance of the wandering monk before and after was there, and it also explained everything. If the other party really wanted to run, no one could stop him, and his deafening words seemed to be still in his ears.

Such a person can definitely be said to have a heart for Buddha.

The subsequent cross-examination of the Confucian scholar went very smoothly, and almost everything he knew was revealed.

Then the military attache looked at Shi Sheng, who was always leaning on Yi Shuyuan.

"Son, Mingzhou is so far away. Isn't it hard for you and your master to travel thousands of miles across mountains and rivers?"

"It's not hard. Master said that traveling thousands of miles and meeting thousands of kinds of people is also fun, and reading all the world is fun. Following Master can meet many people and things, and gain a lot of knowledge!"

Someone here asked questions, and someone over there then rummaged through the luggage.

There were bedding, pots, bowls, and various sundries in the trunk. Of course, there were also some books. The road guide was also found, which confirmed Yi Shuyuan's answer. It was just that it was not Yuanjiang County, but Mingzhou. people.

In addition, when I put my hand to feel the pulse, I found that the Confucian scholar in front of me had no internal strength at all, and really didn't find anything of value.

The military attache picked up the big gourd hanging on the corner of the trunk, shook it, grasped the gourd vine and pulled out the mouth of the gourd. There was no smell at the mouth of the bottle. When he tipped the gourd, a stream of water suddenly poured out. It was obviously ordinary water.

Looking at the Confucian scholar again, he was always calm. Based on the words of the previous questions and answers, the military attache also knew that this man was by no means an ordinary and mediocre scholar. He was a man with real talents and practical knowledge who personally led his disciples to travel around the world.

The suspicion of Yi Shuyuan as a spy has actually faded, but we can't jump to conclusions.

The military attaché put the gourd back in place, stood up and cupped his hands apologetically.

"We are doing official business. Your husband is an outstanding scholar and his background is clear. However, although the misunderstanding has been resolved, please forgive me for a moment and wait for the governor to arrive before making a decision!"

"As it should be!"

Yi Shuyuan returned the gift with his hand.

"Take Mr. Yi down to rest and stay in a guest room alone. Haosheng will take good care of him!"


You said the misunderstanding has been cleared, the guard is tighter, I want to get the backpack but the military attache blocks me, and he has no intention of getting out of the way.

Yi Shuyuan had no choice but to smile and leave with Shi Sheng and the soldiers.

As soon as Yi Shuyuan left, the military attache looked at the people beside him.

"This man is a great talent. I hope he is not a spy, otherwise it would be a pity!"

"Don't worry, sir. His demeanor is calm and measured. He must be a person who can understand the general situation. Since I am a mediocre person and knowledgeable, how can I be that Nanyan spy!"

"Yes, and it really doesn't look like Ding Feixiong is telling lies."

The military attache also nodded. Neither Ding Feixiong nor Yi Shuyuan looked like real spies.

"Let's wait until the governor comes!"

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