Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 418 Mysterious case in the water

"Oh, the fish ran away, hiss."

Yi Yongan was rescued ashore by Yi Shuyuan. While trembling, he huddled there and was still unwilling to do so.

"Uncle, look, the fishing rod is still moving, hissing!"

"No matter how big the fish is, it's all in vain if you can't catch it?"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan put down the dry firewood and withered grass he had collected, and set up a bonfire for Yi Yongan at the edge of the forest along the coast so that he could keep warm.

The fire grew very fast, but Yi Yongan obviously didn't notice these details at this moment. While warming himself, he looked at the river in the distance. With his good eyesight, he saw the fishing rod that was still moving just now. It floated on the water and became motionless.

When he came to his senses, Yi Yongan found that his uncle had already built a triangular support frame with fishing rods, fishing lines and branches in the forest.

The fire can both keep people warm and dry clothes later, and Yi Shuyuan walked to the river afterwards.

"Uncle - if you can, help me pick up the fishing rod -"

Yi Yongan shouted at the bonfire by the forest. Yi Shuyuan looked back and was too lazy to pay attention to his eldest nephew.

However, Yi Shuyuan did not react, but the fishing rod in the water reacted on its own. Water splashed, and a stream of water flowed around the fishing rod, quickly forming a whirlpool and draining Yi Yong's life. The fishing rod I made with all my heart was swallowed underwater.

Hui Mian poked his head out from his collar and looked at the river without saying a word.

Yi Shuyuan pinched his right hand in his sleeve and made some calculations, then looked at the river and frowned slightly.

"Yong'an, your fishing rod has floated away. I'll go rowing to pick it up for you."

After saying something to Yi Yong'an who was warming himself over the fire, Yi Shuyuan began to untie the cables at both ends of the boat. Yi Yong'an over there hurriedly shouted.

"Uncle, please be careful. If you really can't pick it up, just forget it -"

Yi Shuyuan didn't reply. He stepped on the boat and walked to the stern. He picked up the oars and easily let the boat leave the shore. He rowed from the mouth of the river towards the open E River.

The E River is the E River, but whether it is on Cangnan Road or other places, or even on the imperial court's topographic map, it is called the E River by more people, and it is considered a water body on the Cangnan Road.

Although Yi Shuyuan is from Yuanjiang County, he has never had any dealings with some of the beings in E River.

Beside the woods, Yi Yongan was warming himself by the fire and looking into the distance. He saw that the boat was rowing farther and farther away, and it had become a blurry patch in his sight. He couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"The fishing rod was dragged so far? How big of a fish must it be?"

The Xihe River is not a big river, but where the rivers meet, the water area is much larger. On the small boat in the middle of the E River, Yi Shuyuan stood up and looked into the water.

"I wonder which one of the E water people is joking? Can the water tribes who were nearby be released?"

"Sir, there is also a fishing rod!"

"If possible, would you also return the fishing rod?"

After adding this, Yi Shuyuan found that the water around his boat was also swaying. Even the boat was rotating slightly, and a vortex was quickly forming.

Yi Shuyuan smiled, stood in the middle of the boat and lightly stamped his feet.


After a dull and slight sound, the water rippled around the boat. The whirlpool immediately dispersed, and the boat stopped rocking and gradually returned to calm.

"As expected, you are a cultivator. Since you have the true Taoism, why do you keep in captivity and condone the monsters in the water to drive away our Eshui tribe?"

Monster in the water?

Yi Shuyuan looked at the water. Under the seemingly unclear water, there was actually a man holding a two-thorn harpoon looking at the water.

"Then I wonder where the monster in the water you mentioned is now?"

"Of course it has been taken down!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded. The ones in Kaiyang Water Area have been captured. He had told them that they could leave, but they had not left. Now that's fine. Is something wrong?

Judging from the movement under the water just now, the process should be quite fast.

These thoughts only lasted in Yi Shuyuan's mind for a short moment, and he calmly said to the water at this moment.

"Those monsters are also peaceful, and they are not the water monsters I raised in captivity. As for driving the Eshui Aquatic Tribe away, I think it is a misunderstanding. They are also water spirits. They may have surprised the nearby Aquatic Tribe in unfamiliar waters."

Isn't it because I caught a few more fish before? And it’s been a long time!

"Hmph, since it has nothing to do with you, that's all. You're not an aquarium either. It's useless to say more. I'll return the fishing rod to you."

The sound came, and a fishing rod broke through the water and flew to the boat with splashes. Yi Shuyuan reached out to catch it, and the person who spoke in the water seemed to be leaving.

Yi Shuyuan hurriedly stopped him.


After all, they were General Crab's subordinates, so Yi Shuyuan would not let anything happen to them under his nose.

The man underwater looked back at the shadow of the boat on the water surface not far away.

"What, is there anything else? I saw that you seemed to have reached enlightenment and entered the immortal path, so I let you go. Don't push yourself further!"

The figure under the water has revealed a hint of anger, and at the bottom of the river, there are many E water aquariums around. They also have a big green net with several big fish trapped in it.

The net was wrapped so tightly that the big fish couldn't move, and it was even more difficult to shout.

"I, we are not some unknown monsters, we are the Kaiyang Water Tribe!"

"Yes, I was ordered by Lord Kaiyang Water God, I am not a monster——"

The figure suddenly looked at the aquarium in the net, and his look scared several big fish to the point where they didn't dare to say a sound.

"Hmph, I will find out the origin of it. If you make people upset, shut their mouths!"

The surrounding aquatic people immediately cast spells, and the water plants continued to wrap around them. The big net just now became denser and tighter, and there was a burst of dim light, which made the aquatic people inside not only unable to move, but also only had the strength to blow bubbles from their mouths.

"let's go--"

Following the order from the man in the water, the underwater aquatic tribe dragged the net and left with him to control the water, and no longer paid attention to Yi Shuyuan's plan.

On the water, Yi Shuyuan watched the bubbles disappearing not far away, frowning, and swung the fishing rod forward in his hand.

It’s not that I’m unreasonable!


At this moment, the fishing line on the fishing rod seemed to be continuously extending, breaking through the water surface and shooting underwater.

In the water, the man seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly turned around and waved a palm. A whirlpool-like undercurrent was instantly formed, rolling up the water and entangled the bottom of the water. For a while, the nearby sand was churning and water plants were rolling.

It's just that although the fishhook and fishing line are swinging back and forth in the turbulent current, they are like a slippery loach, not controlled by the water flow at all. During the twisting, they have broken through the blockage and shot towards the aquarium. The hook hooked instantly. Live in the big green underwater net.

At this time, Yi Shuyuan, who was on the boat on the river, lifted the fishing rod and pulled it out in an instant.


A sea of ​​water seemed to explode near the large net under the water. All the aquatic animals controlling the large net turned somersaults and were shaken away. The large net was also dragged to the position of the boat in the distance along with the retrieved fishing line.

"It's a good trick, but it turned out to be wrong! You didn't just realize Taoism and cultivate immortality-"

The man under the water shouted loudly, and the water around him twisted. His figure was shot out quickly, jumping straight into the big net. He turned the harpoon a few times in his hand and stabbed forward.

The big fish in the net that had just been able to breathe a little because Yi Shuyuan hooked the big net away saw this scene, especially the one on the outermost side, which was frightened when it saw the sharp harpoon coming straight towards it. .

"Ah——immortal help me——"

Yi Shuyuan was also slightly startled on the boat. He didn't care much and directly thrust the fishing rod in his hand into the water.

When the harpoon is about to hit, the fishing rod breaks into the water, and the tip of the rod points directly to the tip of one of the harpoon thorns.

At this moment, the fishing rod was bent violently as if it had caught a big fish, but the fishing rod was extremely flexible. The more the harpoon moved forward, the greater the resistance. In the end, it was deadlocked with the bent fishing rod just a few meters away from the big net. inch position.

Through the green mesh, the sturgeon spit water at the harpoon that almost hit his head, hoping to spray the harpoon away.

It was only half a breath, or half an hour for the sturgeon.


A violent stream of water exploded, and the fishing rod bounced back at this moment.

"Whoosh, whoa, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

It was like there were big waves one after another on the river, and the precipitation was shaking. The boat was swaying left and right, and the waves were like rough waves, hitting the shores far away on the left and right, stirring up countless sprays.

Under the water, the man holding the harpoon rolled his body and was bounced far away.

"Is your attack too harsh?"

Yi Shuyuan lifted the fishing rod in his hand. After all, it was not a magic weapon. The fishing rod was already cracked at this moment, and the movement under the water around him showed how powerful the opponent's blow just was.

This time under the water, the man holding the harpoon was still retreating. Finally, he stabilized his body at a distance from the shore of the waterway without hitting the shore. He looked in horror at the sight that was already at least a hundred feet away. The boat outside was shouting fiercely.

"I can't test your methods without being more serious. Who are you? What's the purpose of coming to my E water? Did you do what happened in the water house?"

Waves of turbulent water have gathered near the steel fork in the man's hand, and the surrounding water tribe soldiers have also gathered.

"Commander, do you want to set up a formation to deal with him?"

"Stand back! His Taoism is too high. Your formations can't do anything to him. Moreover, he is an immortal cultivator and is not in the water. I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat him!"

When Yi Shuyuan heard "the incident in the Water Mansion", he could probably guess that something happened to the Water God Mansion in Eshui, so he took action against the strange water tribe nearby?

Thinking in his mind, he looked at the big green tennis ball beside the boat. Due to the turbulent water flow caused by the collision between the fishing rod and the steel fork, the tennis ball had broken. All the big fish inside had escaped and hid near the boat, not daring to move.

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