Later that day, a large fish with a special appearance kept swimming along the water of the Eshui River, and soon came to the mouth of the Xihe River.

After swimming several times at the mouth of the river, the big fish swam from the mouth of the river into the West River. The water depth here showed an obvious downward trend, and more and more big fish were floating on the surface.

It is not certain to say that it is a big fish, because it is smooth and scaleless, its appearance is very different from ordinary fish, and it can breathe above the water surface.

The number of people on the edge of the Xihe River gradually increased, and some pedestrians on the bank saw the big fish in the Xihe River, and some even exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, look, Jiang Zhu'er——"

Hearing the exclamation, the people on the shore looked into the water, only to see a big fish with a round body swimming in the water. It seemed that it heard the call from the shore and looked at the people on the shore, as if It’s the same as distinguishing people.

"It's rare, so it looks like this!"

"Hey, it's true, he actually swam into the Xihe River. This is even rarer!"

"Stay away from the shore. This thing is so smart. It can spit water at people and play with it. Getting wet in the cold weather is very bad!"

People on the shore looked surprised, but the "big fish" in the water disappeared after a splash of water.

After the Xihe River meandered along the terrain for a while, it gradually came to the vicinity of Xihe Village, which is close to Kuonan Mountain. Before reaching the head of the village, the big fish appeared again in the river. It seemed that he felt something, and looked at the river bank on one side, where there was There was a little marten lying there looking into the water.

Seeing this little mink, the big fish in the water stopped, but it turned out to be a finless porpoise.

For ordinary people, many people have only heard of this kind of big fish and know that they mostly appear in large rivers and large lakes connected to these swamps. The section from the Xihe River to Kuonan Mountain is not considered wide. .

But obviously, the finless porpoise in the water is unusual, and so is the mink on the shore.

"Sure enough, someone came to find you. Are you also from the Ejiang Aquatic Tribe? You can hardly smell the evil spirit on your body. It seems that your cultivation level is not bad?"

The finless porpoise in the water was shocked when she saw the little mink and heard what it said. She almost didn't notice any evil spirit in the little mink.

So obviously, the so-called little monster rumored to be around Yi Daozi is obviously not an ordinary monster.

A stream of water slowly rose from the river. A hazy mist appeared in the finless porpoise, and it also stretched its fins and tail, transforming into a woman covered in green clothes like blue waves.

The woman bowed her hands to Hui Mian on the shore and spoke in a clear and soft voice.

"This is Fellow Daoist Diao, right? My name is Jiang Zhuer, and she is the manager of the Ejiang River System under the Empress Yao E. May I ask, is the Immortal Yi Daozi here?"

As the steward of Empress Yao E, no wonder she has good moral character!

Hey, Jiang Zhuer, Jiang Zhuer?

Hui Mian didn't dare to be negligent after thinking this. He stood up and returned the greeting with his forepaws.

"My name is Hui Mian. My husband is indeed here. He said you might come again. I just thought I would wait here and see. Sure enough, you came."

Hearing Hui Mian's tone, the woman felt inexplicably relieved, and it seemed that it was not so difficult to speak, so she hurriedly said.

"Previously at the mouth of the Xihe River, a Yaksha Commander of our Shuifu Mansion had some misunderstandings with the Immortal Lord. It was actually that something was stolen in the Shuifu Mansion, and because this time it was actually the Shui Clan of our Shuifu Mansion who was not in a good position to take care of it, which was detrimental to his face, the Yaksha's temper was a bit fiery. , this offended the Immortal Lord."

Hui Mian grinned.

"Sir, he didn't take it seriously at all. If he was really angry, Yaksha wouldn't be able to leave! Come ashore and sit down? It's getting dark. If someone passes by and sees you standing in the water, he'll be scared to death!"

Jiang Zhuer nodded and jumped lightly from the water to the shore. It was necessary to get closer to this fellow Taoist and explain the matter clearly. After that, it would be more convenient when the Water Goddess came back to see Yi Daozi.

This time Jiang Zhuer felt that her visit was unexpected, so it was good to explain clearly in this way. She felt that she was not qualified to come to face Yi Daozi directly.

"Hey, what great treasure has been stolen from your Ejiang Water Mansion? Please tell me in detail, maybe we can still help!"

Jiang Zhuer had already planned this, but now she actually sat down directly next to Hui Mian, hugging her knees.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. In the purple mud pool outside our water mansion, there are several sections of purple spiritual lotus roots planted. These lotus root sections are within the restricted area of ​​​​the water palace, but the lotus leaves extend beyond the restricted area. In recent years, there have been "Three buds"

This matter is indeed not a big deal for Shuifu. Although spiritual lotus root buds are rare, they have grown many times over the years, but they have never really bloomed.

The previous few times, they withered or were damaged by lightning. In short, they never bloomed. This time, the three buds were larger than before, and the expectation of blooming was also greater, and this is what happened.

Hearing this, Hui Mian took out a few hawthorns and made inscrutable comments.

"Hey, it seems that this spiritual lotus root is really difficult to bloom. In fact, if you think about it carefully, fellow Taoist, the two flowers that were torn away this time seem to be the same as the ones that withered or were struck by lightning before. Here, do you want to eat? "

Jiang Zhuer was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously reached out and took a red fruit.

"What's this?"

"You don't even know hawthorn? The fruit on the mountain is sour and delicious!"

"Oh, I've never been to the mountain."

As she spoke, Jiang Zhuer followed Hui Mian's example and took a bite of a hawthorn. She immediately frowned. However, after chewing and swallowing, she stuffed the remaining half into her mouth, and it took a while to get rid of the core that she had been sucking for a long time. Spit it out.

"Hehehe, is it delicious? Let me tell you, this thing is like candied haws when wrapped in sugar. That one is more delicious, sour and sweet! What else?"

"Are you enough?"

"I have a lot. I wandered around Kuonan Mountain every day before winter, and I picked up a lot! Here!"

Seeing that Jiang Zhuer liked to eat, Hui Mian kept taking out the hair from the chin. The former quickly reached out to take it, and quickly took a handful.

"Enough, enough, I can't take it anymore!"

Only then did Hui Mian give up.

"Hey, is that interesting?"

Xihe Village is a little further away on the opposite bank. Jiang Zhuer ate hawthorn and looked in that direction. She felt that she and Hui Mian were somewhat familiar, so she looked at the little mink next to her with a hint of curiosity.

"I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Gray, is the Taoist temple of Immortal Master Yi Daozi located in Kuonan Mountain? I remember that the god of Kuonan Mountain should be Huang Gong. I have seen him several times before, but I have never heard him mention it."

"Because I am from Xihe Village."

Yi Shuyuan's voice came from not far away. Hui Mian and Jiang Zhuer looked up and saw that Yi Shuyuan's figure had appeared at the entrance of the village diagonally across the bank.

"Sir, you are like a ghost!"

Hui Mian shouted, while Jiang Zhuer stood up hurriedly holding the hawthorn. The red fruit in her hand had nowhere to place for a while, and she even forgot about the spell. She held the fruit and saluted Yi Shuyuan.

"Jiang Zhuer pays homage to Immortal Yi Daozi!"

A breeze blew across the river at the entrance of the village, bringing Yi Shuyuan nearby.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite!"

Yi Shuyuan returned the gift with his hand, smiled and glanced at Hui Mian on the ground before looking at Jiang Zhuer.

"Did Fellow Daoist Jiang come here because of the incident involving Yaksha?"

"Sir, are you not hiding in the village and eavesdropping?"

After Hui Mian said this, Yi Shuyuan bent down and flicked its head with his fingers, causing it to do some somersaults on the ground.

Jiang Zhuer on the side wanted to laugh but didn't dare. Seeing Yi Shuyuan straighten up and look over, she quickly answered seriously.

"Back to the Immortal Lord, the Yaksha who bumped into you before has been thrown into the water prison. The Water Goddess has her own destiny. The little god dare not go beyond it. I just apologize to the Immortal Lord personally and hope that the Immortal Lord will forgive you!"

After chatting with Hui Mian for so long, Jiang Zhuer probably understood that Yi Daozi's temper was not as terrible as the rumors said.

Sure enough, Yi Shuyuan just laughed it off.

"I have no control over this matter. I just let the Water Goddess deal with it on her own. But what happened in the Water Mansion?"

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you!"

Hui Mian ran back and jumped on Yi Shuyuan's shoulders.

"They were on duty while patrolling the Shui Tribe and lost the two buds of the spiritual lotus root. They felt embarrassed and were afraid of being blamed, so they were looking for them like crazy."

Hui Mian narrated much faster and explained the matter clearly in a few words, but it didn't save any face for the Ejiang Shui Tribe. However, Jiang Zhuer didn't feel embarrassed at all, that was the fact.

Yi Shuyuan felt a little strange after hearing this.

"The spiritual lotus root has been broken, so it can't be found anywhere? Do you need to mobilize so many troops?"

Hearing Yi Shuyuan's question, Jiang Zhuer hurriedly explained.

"The Immortal Lord doesn't know that the Purple Lotus Root is a rare fairy herb. It's not an ordinary thing. It can't be counted. Even practitioners who pass by may not notice it. Unless the Purple Lotus Flower blooms, there will be something strange. elephant."

Yi Shuyuan's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the fairy grass on the top of Tiandou Mountain. It is also difficult to detect, and it is difficult to tell that it is extraordinary unless you take a closer look with your own eyes.

"It is precisely because of this that the patrolling Shui Tribe occasionally overlooks the spirit lotus root. In fact, it cannot be regarded as neglect of their duties."

Jiang Zhuer explained this again, and Yi Shuyuan glanced at her. It was superfluous to tell him the next sentence. He was not a water god.

"Is there any evil spirit left behind?"

"There is no such smell, maybe someone picked it."

The aura of popularity is the most mixed and chaotic, and the aura changes rapidly. Naturally, it is easily diluted and dissipated, so it is indeed very likely that it was picked by someone.


At this moment, on the Eshui River, in a small boat sailing to Wuzhou, there were two flower buds as big as a child's fist placed in a pottery basin filled with water.

As the boat moved forward, the water and flower buds in the pottery basin swayed along with it.

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