Three days later, when he returned to the building, Pei Changtian, who had been there every day for the past few days, was still sitting in his old seat eating, and his occasional cough could not hide his elegant posture.

Finally, at noon that day, a real person arrived. After entering the restaurant, he went straight to the corner by the window on the second floor. To be precise, he came straight to Pei Changtian.

Pei Changtian still calmly put down his chopsticks and ate and drank calmly, without any panic in his heart. After all, he didn't actually hide his appearance in the past three days. Of course, he has changed a lot now.

The visitor's arms were waving powerfully, and his figure was very tall, but he walked across the floor without any heavy steps. It seemed normal, but if someone looked closely, they would feel that the person seemed to be sticking to the ground and slid to Pei Changtian's table.

"It turns out it's really you, Gang Leader Pei!"

Pei Changtian raised his head and looked at the person who came. He was an old man with frosty white temples. His face was red and his figure did not appear rickety at all.

"Hahaha, after so many years, I didn't expect anyone would still remember us. What's more, my appearance has changed a lot now. Elder Tong has such good eyesight!"

"Don't you remember me too?"

The old man did not ask the other party whether he agreed or not. He sat down directly across the table and looked at the person in front of him calmly.

Pei Changtian also looked at the old man in front of him, who smiled.

"Back then I heard that almost all the people in the Sky Whale Gang were dead, and I also heard that you and the old gang leader Pei also died together. I said that with you here, not all the people in the Sky Whale Gang would be able to escape. It seems that I I guessed it right! But I didn’t expect you to dare to come back?”

"Cough cough cough"

Pei Changtian covered his mouth and coughed lightly, with a smile on his face.

"After so many years, who still remembers who? I swaggered all the way back to Wuzhou and wandered around my hometown for a few days, and you were the first to recognize me."

"How courageous! To be honest, the imperial court has gone too far. It is hard for the people to make a living when the dog officials in the world are in power. Especially for what happened to your gang back then, we all are furious. Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense when you come back. Maybe, we also have something to say. Opportunities to help each other, if the ambition of the young gang leader is not extinguished, there will be a bright future."

Pei Changtian's smile did not change. For a person who doesn't understand some things, he may be doubtful, vigilant, and excited at this moment, or there is a high probability that he will think about asking questions.

But there was not much trouble for Pei Changtian. Although he had thought about this possibility, when he heard that the other party still wanted to recruit him, he couldn't help but smile even more.

"Ahem, cough, cough. The Jinyu Sect is quite powerful now!"

"Hahahaha, nowhere, not as good as the former Sky Whale Gang. If the Sky Whale Gang were still there, and if nothing happened back then, not to mention the status of the Sky Whale Gang, even the young gang leader would have been able to enter the martial arts conference. Top three!"

Pei Changtian's expression changed slightly, what an accurate comment, top three? Does it mean that I can't compare to Duan Silie and Mai Lingfei?

Maybe this is the truth, but the truth is also the most hurtful. Pei Changtian shook his head, and his mentality gradually relaxed. He was not really calm, but he was glad that the two were in opposition and had a place to vent.

"Elder Tong is so complimentary. Our Tianjing Gang is naturally courageous, and I, Pei Changtian, also think that I still have some courage left."

A smile appeared on the old man's face, but Pei Changtian's words made his expression change drastically.

"But traitors still don't dare!"


The old man uttered only one word, but he saw that Pei Changtian's figure opposite the seat had blurred for a moment.

"Duh~" "Duh~"

The two chopsticks penetrated the tabletop as fast as lightning, and the two hands on the tabletop were also nailed by the chopsticks. The old man's face was covered by Pei Changtian's sleeves, and his left hand clasped the old man's throat, causing He couldn't utter a word.

"Elder Tong, it seems that your martial arts skills have not improved much!"

Pei Changtian was sitting on the table at this moment, covering his hands that were pierced by chopsticks with his body. With a little force on his left hand, the old man's body trembled a few times.

The other diners at the tables on the second floor either didn't notice this, or just looked at it in confusion. They didn't know what the table by the window was doing, and no one came over to bother themselves.

"I didn't kill Jinyumen just to avoid alerting others. I heard that Nanyan sent many people here. Where are the people in Wuzhou? How many of you are hiding in Jinyumen? What is their purpose?"

The old man's entire face was covered, his throat and hands were locked, and there was a killing intent surrounding him, as if he would be killed immediately if he moved.

"Uh, uh"

"I'll be more relaxed, Tong Jinwang, and only say what I want to hear. Since you still remember me, you should understand who I, Pei Changtian, am!"

After saying that, Pei Changtian loosened his left hand a little, and at the same time, he also opened the sleeve covering the other person's face.

He is not afraid of the other party shouting that coming here is one of the methods, but it is not the whole method. And now when it comes to truth, he is not the one who can't see the light.

"Pei, Gang Leader Pei, I, I didn't know you were here"

Tong Jinwang, who still wanted to quibble, saw Pei Changtian's dead eyes, and suddenly felt frightened, and quickly changed his words.

"He, I don't know how many people came. There are only five people who have come to Jinyumen. Listen, I heard that they came to replace the previous helmsman. Listen, I heard that the helmsman has a rebellious spirit."

Just hearing these words, Pei Changtian's thoughts started to spin rapidly, and he had already roughly guessed something.

"Tong Jinwang, you still don't know what happened to Nanyan, right?"

Having said this, Pei Changtian stared at the old man with a strange smile on his face. Then he completely released the hand holding the other man's throat, and smoothly pulled out the chopsticks that were holding the other man's hands, and he got off the table. He sat back on the opposite side.

During the whole process, the old man was frightened and struggled several times in his heart, but he had no confidence in escaping. He didn't even dare to shout, but used his strength to seal the wound.

"It seems that you are a smart man, Tong Jinwang. Let me tell you what happened in Nanyan."

Having said that, Pei Changtian thought for a moment and continued half-guessing and half-truth.

"The first Baiyu Dao in Nanyan has been completely destroyed. The national master who is known as the living immortal is also dead. The whole country heard the news and killed him. The court is in chaos and the rivers and lakes are in turmoil. It is being completely reshuffled, and the people are in chaos. , this is what you just said about dog officials being the Taoists and the people having a hard time."

"And the detailed network on my Dayong side is definitely very important to Nan Yan. It is naturally impossible to give up. But it was once controlled by the direct descendants of Bai Yu Dao. At this moment when the power game is changing between the old and the new, how can we not prevent future troubles? "

Pei Changtian paused and said with a smile.

"Do you know what this means? Do you know what the situation is like today? Do you know why I know it so well? Do you know how our Dayong Court responded to the situation? Do you know that our Sky Whale Gang used to do this?"

Tong Jinwang's eyes widened. Could it be that the destruction of the Sky Whale Gang was the secret hand behind the co-operation with the imperial court?

A big network has been knotted for more than ten years?

At this moment, Pei Changcai smiled again.

"The original helmsman you are talking about is from Bai Yu Dao, right? And the Nanyan people who came this time, even if they are warlocks, have not practiced the Bai Yu Dao anymore, right?"

Many things can show some variables, but sometimes they are ignored. At this moment, Pei Changtian came out and Tong Jinwang reacted belatedly.

"Of course people like you cannot make promises just for money and the future, but no matter what Bai Yudao has given you, it will not be possible in the future. Tong Jinwang, listen to me and do things for me. You still have a chance of survival!"

Tong Jinwang was very confused now. Pei Changtian's words revealed too much information, which made him panic and panic. At this moment, he even asked subconsciously.

"Can, can you let us go?"

The smile on Pei Changtian's face disappeared, and he just looked calmly at Tong Jinwang, who was already in a mess.

"I said, you still have a chance of survival, it's just you and your family. I, Pei Changtian, always keep my word, and I won't trick you if I can't guarantee it! Let you think about it for a moment, and give me before the end of this meal. That’s my answer!”

With that said, Pei Changtian took out a new pair of chopsticks and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

From the sudden action just now to the return to normal at this moment, it actually didn't take long.

None of the other diners on the second floor paid much attention to this place. At this moment, the restaurant waiter was warmly greeting the new customers to come upstairs. He glanced at the two people's seats and noticed nothing unusual.

Tong Jinwang was on pins and needles, and the bustle of the restaurant and the streets outside made him restless and restless.

"Cough cough cough cough."

Pei Changtian's coughing frightened Tong Jinwang to tremble, and before he knew it, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body.

"Mr. Pei, I really want to believe you. I don't doubt your character, but can your credibility really represent the court?"

Tong Jinwang gritted his teeth and stared at Pei Changtian. The latter raised his head and looked at him calmly. Nodding slightly, he raised one sleeve, revealing a touch of gold.

Although it was just a glimpse, Tong Jinwang's eyesight still saw something clearly.

It was a gold medal, with the words "Royal Gift from the Emperor" vaguely visible on it, which shocked Tong Jinwang again. Sure enough!

In fact, there are many ways to deal with problems, some rough and some delicate, some royal methods, and some villain methods. Since today's situation is going smoothly, it will be a lot more convenient, at least it will have a much smaller impact on the people.

As for Tong Jinwang, Pei Changtian is not afraid of him playing tricks. It will only make it more troublesome. Under the current general trend, he doesn't have to worry about not achieving his goal.

It was also from Tong Jinwang's mouth that Pei Changtian was able to learn more information. First, the "ruler" had a good background. He turned out to be the disciple of the powerful national master, that is, Liao Wenzhi's disciple.

It's no wonder that the other party has to be removed. Anyone can win over him, but the relationship between Bai Yudao and the person at the helm is too solid. Nanyan, the self-proclaimed prince, will never allow this remnant, and there is only one way to die.

And it was also from Tong Jinwang that Pei Changcai truly understood what Bai Yudao's most effective method was in the past, which was the elixir, the elixir refined by Han Shiyong.

Of course, that is already a thing of the past and will never happen again. So it can be expected that there will be more loopholes in Nanyan's detailed network!

At the end of a lunch, Pei Changtian suddenly said something.

"Tong Jinwang, please hand in the certificate of surrender!"

Tong Jinwang, who had always been nervous, had already expected it.

"What do you want?"

"Well, I want the heads of your sect master and those distinguished guests in the sect!"

"I'm no match for them!"

"It's okay. If you are suspicious, don't worry. I'll help you!"

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