Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 430 The backup plan is not here

Xiao Yuzhi's stab made him a little panicked, but in the eyes of others, it was shocking, and in the eyes of the two Nanyans, it was frightening.

Pei Changtian and Yan Zhang had also caught up close by, but their hearts skipped a beat when they saw the sword from the official officer not far away.

To be honest, there were only a few people present who could really see the sword, including many officials and people in Jinyu Manor. Many people almost saw only a flash of white light, followed by blood and miserable howls. .

Yan Zhang subconsciously glanced at Pei Changtian beside him, took a deep breath and whispered.

"This is the background of our Dayong court. Or in the final analysis, we still can't trust us. We are dealing with a small Jinyu Sect and they actually send out masters of this level."

Pei Changtian smiled.

"Uncle Yan, you don't have to think too much. After all, there are officials to deal with. If you think about it from another angle, isn't it a strong support for us? The imperial court definitely doesn't like to take risks. It would be too narrow-minded to think of the worst in everything!"

"Young Master is right!"

"Actually, what you said makes sense, but I still want to tell the ugly truth. Not to mention that we are now considered members of the imperial court. Even if we are in opposition, the Sky Whale Gang does not have the qualifications for the imperial court to deliberately deal with it."

The truth was too heartbreaking, but such heartbreaking words made Yan Zhang feel much more relaxed after he smiled bitterly.

In these few words, Pei Changtian had already arrived in front of Xiao Yuzhi and praised him sincerely.

"This Gongmen brother is very good at martial arts. Not many people can catch such an amazing sword!"

Xiao Yuzhi turned around and took a look. He had already received the information and knew that these two people should be his own.

"you flatter me!"

After saying this, Xiao Yuzhi reacted and hurriedly squatted down to perform acupuncture points between the two thin waists and legs. The blood flow in their legs also slowed down instantly.

Officials from other directions had already rushed into Jinyu Manor. Many people in Jinyu Gate were in a state of confusion. In addition, Tong Jinwang kept shouting "Don't resist" and the like, so the whole process went relatively smoothly without much bloodshed. .

"Good boy, I didn't even see that knife clearly——"

Yang Pingzhong and several officials arrived, and the crowd almost surrounded Xizuo, who was wailing on the ground. The official immediately took off the ropes, tied up those who needed to be tied up, and restrained those whose broken legs should be tied up to stop the bleeding.

"You two are Mr. Chu. They are indeed very courageous. I am Yang Pingzhong, from the Yamen of Chengtian Mansion!"

During this period of time, there had been secret exchanges of information, but this was also the first time for Pei Changtian to meet someone like Yang Pingzhong, and he did not hesitate to compliment him at this moment.

"It turns out that Capt. Yang, several of the famous captors in Chengtian Mansion, are like thunder to me, and they even brought such a master to help out. I am very grateful!"

"Hahahahahaha, I said it after the scene, official business is important!"

As he said this, Yang Pingzhong already looked down.

"Check their tongues and everywhere on their bodies, and we will interrogate them in the Jinyu Gate!"


"Master Pei, shall we come together?"

"That's natural! By the way, do you know the name of this master?"

To be honest, Xiao Yuzhi has always been a close junior in Yang Pingzhong's eyes. He would subconsciously ignore Xiao Yuzhi when "adults talk", and Xiao Yuzhi felt the same way. In the past, when Uncle Yang came back to talk to his master, he was also a little transparent, but now he also shrank obediently. Yang Pingzhong stood aside.

Upon hearing this, Yang Pingzhong also realized that Xiao Yuzhi had really grown up, and his martial arts was even more extraordinary.

"Hahaha, this is my junior, named Xiao Yuzhi. This is also his first mission. I brought him here to let him know a lot, but I didn't expect that he stole the show! Yuzhi, hello!"

Xiao Yuzhi held the knife and saluted again, but his eyes fell on the two men with broken legs. Are their martial arts really weak?

Yang Pingzhong patted Xiao Yuzhi on the shoulder.

"Let's go! You come too! Mr. Pei please!"


Yang Pingzhong glanced at Xiao Yuzhi who was following him. He used to be an old instructor who taught his disciples, taught him martial arts and raised him up.

However, Xiao Yuzhi's experience in the world of martial arts is still shallow, and the establishment of his character is limited to the relatively simple environment of Yuanjiang County. The so-called righteousness in his heart can easily be distorted by what he sees and hears in the future!

If Xiao Yuzhi, who is good at martial arts, goes astray, Yang Pingzhong, whether as an official or as an elder, would not want to see it.

Yang Pingzhong recalled the old instructor's appearance in his heart, "Instructor, don't worry, you are still alive in heaven. From now on, I will teach Yuzhi, teach him official documents, teach him how to handle cases and track down murderers, teach him his experience in the world, and teach him justice and righteousness!" ——

In the lobby of Jinyu Manor, the interrogation of the two agents quickly came to a conclusion.

These two people were good at martial arts, but they seemed unable to withstand any punishment, so they quickly resorted to it.

And in fact, they are not really skilled craftsmen, at least they lack a lot of common sense compared to the previous people. They can only be regarded as people trusted by Prince Nan Yan, and they do not have long-term training and learning.

This time, in addition to taking over the previous detailed work, they also wanted to get rid of Han Shiyong's disciple Yanbo, whose pseudonym here is Yan Ri'an.

Outside the reception hall of Jinyu Manor, Pei Changtian and Yang Pingzhong have already come out. The weather is cold tonight but the night sky is bright, but neither of them is obviously in the mood to appreciate the moonlight.

"Yan Bo, Yan Ri'an, Ri'an, together they are Yan. What a bold name!"

After hearing what Pei Changtian said, Yang Pingzhong also nodded.

"Indeed, it's arrogant enough, but that was in the past, let's see how he escapes now!"

Pei Changtian glanced at Yang Pingzhong, hesitated before speaking.

"Baiyu Dao was destroyed, Han Shiyong died, and his master and junior disciples are not known to be alive or dead. Nanyan has no favor for him. If I, Dayong, can take advantage of him, wouldn't it be?"

"Mr. Pei, the magic tricks of warlocks are hard to guard against. Of course I understand what you mean."

Yang Pingzhong paused before continuing.

"A person's gambling will benefit himself, and the disadvantages will only harm himself. In a family, you can fight but not gamble. In a country, you need to be more cautious. After all, Yanbo is not the Tianjing Gang! Of course, this is my humble opinion. , after all, it is a matter decided by the higher-ups, and what I am talking about is too simple. Will Yan Bo be willing to accept his fate?"

Pei Changtian smiled and said nothing more about the matter.

"By the way, is Wuzhou Yamen also infiltrated by Xizuo?"

"Hey, after all, Jinyumen has a good reputation here. In principle, the Yamen is just corruption at most. It's just unlucky that this happened. We will enforce the law impartially, but I don't know what the higher-ups think."

The two were silent for a while, and then looked at each other. They seemed to understand another meaning from each other's eyes, but Yang Pingzhong spoke first.

"I heard that Han Shiyong is known as a living immortal in Dayan, and his magical power is unpredictable. How can his direct disciples be able to deal with such a thing?"

Pei Changtian nodded.

"So there must be someone else to deal with Yan Bo, and he didn't show up at Jinyumen!"


On the E River, a small boat follows the normal movement pattern of a normal ship, sailing during the day and mooring at night.

After several days of sailing, the boat finally arrived at the river section near Yuezhou. The person on the boat was none other than Yan Ri'an, or in fact, it should be called Yan Bo.

At this moment, the boat was moored on the shore of the river section at the junction of the two states. In the closed cabin, Yan Bo was lying under the quilt.

A sheepskin topographic map was spread out in front of the quilt. Yan Bo used the light of a small oil lamp to study the route as his body swayed slightly with the ship.

There are two options in front of us. One is to go straight along the Ejiang River, twisting and turning along the water system, and finally turn to the northern land route, or simply try to go to the sea, one is to go back to Dayan in a roundabout way, and then inquire about the situation there. .

Another way is to find a suitable place to disembark directly after arriving in Yuezhou. The most suitable point should be Yuanjiang County.

Then go straight to Kuonan Mountain, enter Cangshan Mountain via the connected mountain road, and go north along the uninhabited Cangshan Mountains. You only need to walk a small special section, and finally you can cross Moshan and return to Dayan.

The former road may be comfortable, but it is actually very dangerous. The latter road may seem difficult and dangerous, but it is actually relatively safe. The main problem is that Cangshan Mountain is too cold and desolate in winter.

"How are master and junior brother?"

Wanting to return to Dayan wasn't because Yan Bo had any illusions, it was just that he didn't want to die in a foreign country and wanted to try his best.

As for the list information in the Tutu Temple, it is also the result of Dayan's many years of operation in this area. The current result can only be said to be that you are unkind and I am unjust.

A child's curiosity is very strong. How long can that promise last? It is estimated that in ten days and a half at most, the child will dig out the letter.

Although the He family will inevitably be implicated in some cases, to be honest, Yan Bo believes that with today's mediocre officials, it will not be difficult for the He family to get rid of suspicion. After all, the people who come to investigate will not be ordinary people. It’s hard to say for Yan.

When I work in another country, I often compare some things between the two countries, and many times I can see it more clearly.

After a long time, the lights in the cabin went out and the cabin door was opened. Yan Bo, who had put on his coat, came out. A gust of cold wind made him shrink subconsciously.

There was no movement around. Yan Bo looked up at the sky. It was cloudless tonight. Then he looked at the water. There were slight waves, causing the boat to sway slightly.

But at this moment, Yan Bo felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

After thinking about it, Yan Bo directly untied the cable, lowered the sail, rowed the boat in the night, and quickly headed towards Yuezhou.

When they reached a river section, Yan Bo's feeling of uneasiness became stronger. The wind was light tonight, and the sails could not borrow much wind, so the speed of sailing against the current was not very fast.

Yan Bo looked at a few places on the water, and with a sudden change of heart, he simply held the oar firmly in his hand.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~"

Suddenly a few splashes of water appeared on the river surface, and several figures rushed towards the boat. Some people had already drawn their swords in the air.


When the sword sounded, Yan Bo had already knocked away the oar.

"Bang" "bang", the two people were swept away with one oar, causing them to fall heavily into the water. But when the third person came, he was greeted by a white light accompanied by the sound of a knife.


The oar was split in half. The moment Yan Bo dodged to avoid it, a handful of dark red iron sand was hit. He almost rolled backwards. The iron sand crackled on the cabin and hull, and the fishy smell made his face turn pale. Change.

These people know how to deal with warlocks!

At this moment, Yan Bo bit his finger and drew a drop of blood towards the person who was slashing with the knife.

A flash of red light had hit the opponent's blade.


There was a sound like the sound of gold and iron, and the swordsman held the blade tightly, but his body took several steps back.

Yan Bo's pupils dilated slightly. The move just now was his sure-fire move, which almost never failed. He hit the opponent's heart, not intending to strike with a weapon. It was the blood that the opponent struck with his sword at the critical moment.

I can't compete with this man's martial arts!

And at this moment, Yan Bo has discovered that a lot of water has leaked from the boat. Apparently, the people underwater have penetrated the boat!

"Yan Bo, you can't escape death, you might as well die in our hands. At least you have made a contribution to Dayan, and we will keep your body for burial!"

"It's a joke. Without me, you wouldn't be able to control so many secrets!"

The swordsman held the knife in front of his eyes and used the moonlight to check a gap in the blade. The moonlight reflected by the blade made his face look somewhat calm.

"As for me, I would rather have a good relationship between the two countries. Even for this, everything Bai Yu did in Dayong should be destroyed. Let it go regardless of whether it is fine or not. Yan Bo, your ship has sunk, if you are willing to hang up your hands , I can take your body back home!"

Yan Bo was in a daze for a moment. Could this "ship sinking" refer to Bai Yudao?

The next moment, the swordsman moved, and Yan Bo was shocked. Several talismans flew out of his sleeves, bursting into flames, and he jumped into the river from the half-sunken ship.


The cold and biting river water made Yan Bo more awake. As he dived into the water, he tore off the thick clothes he was wearing, glanced at the person chasing him in the water, and swam forward with all his strength.

On the small boat, the swordsman cut off the mast with a wave of his hand, and kicked it with his foot when the mast tipped over.

After a "bang~" sound, the mast shot towards the river, and the swordsman jumped up. Although there was no sound, he crushed half of the ship's side. He caught up with the mast and stepped on it almost as soon as it fell into the water.

It was like riding a fast boat chasing Yan Bo in the direction of his escape.

Although Yan Bo couldn't see the situation clearly on the water, he knew that the martial arts master would definitely come after him. He could only swim forward desperately, but the murderous intention was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, Yan Bo felt as if there was a flash of light. While swimming, he looked carefully ahead and seemed to see a few lotus leaves, some stems, and even a flower bud under the clear water with hazy moonlight in the distance. .

At this moment, Yan Bo remembered the little girl's words: "Don't really want to die to pick the lotus -"

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