Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 444 Immortal Tour in the Palace of Divine Medicine

Although Medicine Master Xingjun tried to keep his tone calm, he was very excited both in his heart and on his face. He raised his head and looked at the Emperor of Heaven.

"There are very few elixirs in existence today. May I ask, Emperor, if this elixir has a name, and where does it come from?"

In the past few hundred years, it is almost rare to hear rumors about refining elixirs. Even if there is some information, it is really just information and rumors, with almost no beginning or end.

There should still be elixirs that exist in the world, but just like the rumors of immortal immortality among mortals, many people are willing to believe it, but most of them have never seen it.

So today, when we heard from the Divine Medicine Palace that the Emperor of Heaven sent someone to ask Xingjun to identify the elixir, they immediately attracted a group of divine men who were in the Divine Medicine Palace. At this moment, they were even more excited than the pharmacist Xingjun. And nothing less.

The Emperor of Heaven also had a smile on his face at this moment. Seeing that all the gods in the Shenxiao Palace were curious and amazed, he did not hide it.

"This pill is called Yangyuan Pill. There are three pills in total. They were given by Yi Daozi."

Yi Daozi?

The people in the Divine Medicine Palace and the other gods were all stunned, and those who had already guessed before nodded slightly.

Among today's immortal masters, Yi Daozi is also a very special one, and he has merits beyond common understanding. It is not surprising that he has elixirs in his body.

But before the Emperor of Heaven finished speaking, the next sentence was like a thunder in the hearts of the gods in the Divine Medicine Palace.

"It was also practiced by Yi Daozi!"

Medicine Master Xingjun, many priests from the Divine Medicine Palace, and even many divine beings from the Divine Heaven Palace all felt a "buzzing" in their heads.

Especially the people in the Divine Medicine Palace looked at the Emperor of Heaven with an expression of disbelief. It turned out that Yi Daozi was actually a monk from the ancient Alchemy Cauldron?

"Emperor, where are you now, Lord Yi Xian? I have asked you to go down to the realm immediately. I want to seek help from Lord Yi Xian. I hope you will be kind to me!"

Medicine Master Xingjun tried his best to control his emotions and asked in a tone as calm as possible, but it was obvious that everyone could hear the excitement.

"I also request a decree to go down to the lower realm, and I hope the emperor will grant it!"

The gods and men of the Divine Medicine Palace requested the order almost in unison.

Normally, with the status of a person in the Divine Medicine Palace, he would naturally be able to go down to the lower world by himself, but now is considered a special period, so naturally he still needs to ask for a decree.

This is a true desire to seek advice from the lower world, even if you know that you will probably be rejected.

There are elixirs and elixirs, but not only immortals try to refine elixirs, but it is the immortal elixirs that are the most representative.

If we look into it further, the truly appropriate name is "Dao Dan", the Immortal Refining Dao Dan, and the divine refining one is the Divine Refining Dao Dan, but when we call it, it will still be classified as the representative title of Immortal Dan.

Over the years, the Divine Medicine Palace has tried many times to refine elixirs, but of course, they have never succeeded even once.

So now that they learned the truth, these gods were really excited.

"Please be patient, gentlemen. Yi Daozi is in the heaven, in the Demon-Conquering Palace in the far north. It's just not appropriate for you to go there rashly."

The gods and men in the Divine Medicine Palace all looked at each other, just looking at the Emperor of Heaven expectantly.

The man in white clothes on one side looked at the Emperor of Heaven.

"Emperor, I have an agreement with Yi Daozi. I can take Yi Daozi to the Divine Medicine Palace to read the alchemy books. If everyone in the Divine Medicine Palace agrees, why not let me go to the Demon-Suppressing Palace again to fulfill my promise?"

The Emperor looked at the people below and asked knowingly.

"Mr. Medicine Master Xing, do you have any objections from your Divine Medicine Palace?"

After hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, the gods of the Divine Medicine Palace bowed in response.

"When I return to the Emperor, I will sweep the couch at the Divine Medicine Palace to greet you! I will take my leave first."

Invite Yi Daozi directly to the Divine Medicine Palace. This group of people can't wait and want to go back and prepare.

"Pharmacist Xingjun, the elixir is here to stay. You cannot use it to study at will."

The Emperor of Heaven also said helplessly. The Medicine Master Xingjun had been holding the elixir in his hand. Hearing this, he felt like waking up from a dream. He quickly stepped forward to return the elixir, and then left with the people from the Divine Medicine Palace, just as he had come. hurry.

There is definitely no need for general cleaning. The Divine Medicine Palace is already spotless, but I have to rummage through the cabinets and find all the classics related to Dan.

As soon as the people from the Divine Medicine Palace left, the discussion in the Divine Heaven Palace did not stop.

Yi Shuyuan has never underestimated the elixir, but he may have underestimated the weight of the real elixir.


In the Demon-Conquering Palace, Yi Shuyuan was not surprised to see Bai Yi who had returned.

Bai Yi just expressed the attitude of the Emperor of Heaven and the Divine Medicine Palace, and asked Yi Shuyuan to go to the Divine Medicine Palace. As for when to go, Yi Shuyuan's opinion was naturally that the sooner the better.

But this time only Yi Shuyuan could go there happily, and it would be inconvenient for Shi Sheng and the others to go.

On the way to the Divine Medicine Palace, Yi Shuyuan and Bai Yi were not speechless. After the former asked intentionally or unintentionally, the latter did not conceal the previous situation in the Divine Heaven Palace.

Although Bai Yi's way of speaking "so-and-so said so-and-so said so-and-so" did not have any emotional fluctuations, Yi Shuyuan heard that the elixir escaped from the Shenxiao Palace, and it was the pharmacist Xingjun who finally caught the elixir outside the hall. It is not difficult to imagine the scene at that time Chaotic and funny.

"Yi Daozi, ahead is the Palace of Divine Medicine. The people in the Palace of Divine Medicine are not good at dealing with others, and they may have weird tempers. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me!"

"That's natural!"

The boundaries of the Divine Medicine Palace are not small, or the palace complex in Heaven is not small either.

Speaking of this Divine Medicine Palace, it is actually a very important place in the heaven, mainly providing for the needs of various realms related to the heaven and heaven.

It is rarely thought of by people on weekdays, but it cannot be ignored. Although the status of this group of gods in the heaven is not very important, if there is any need, it must be the kind that responds to everything.

"The realm of the Divine Medicine Palace is not limited to what is in front of you. There are also various refining furnaces, various medicinal gardens, various grass-headed spiritual soldiers, and various medicinal beasts and birds."

As Bai Yi's words gradually weakened, the two people's magic clouds had also reached the boundary of the Divine Medicine Palace.

At this moment, outside the gate of the Divine Medicine Palace, many divine beings were waiting outside. Seeing the magic cloud flying from a distance, some people immediately made a cry of excitement.

"Is he here?" "Be patient, maybe he is passing by."

"No, it's coming. I saw Lord Chang Geng Xing!"

"He's really here, and the person next to him is Yi Xianzun?"

After several calls from the palace, more gods gathered here, and more than a hundred people gathered.

Medicine Master Xingjun looked at the people behind him who were talking and excited, and hurriedly spoke out.

"Comrades, please stop talking and tidy up your clothes!"

When we first went to the Shenxiao Palace, the dozen or so priests were not so solemn. Now, more than a hundred people were tidying up their clothes and waiting quietly.

When Yi Shuyuan and Bai Yi fell, the gods of the Divine Medicine Palace, led by Medicine Master Xingjun, bowed one after another.

"I've met Yi Xianzun!"

The Divine Medicine Palace would definitely not neglect him. Yi Shuyuan had expected this, but this battle still made him somewhat shocked, but he could understand it.

"You don't have to be polite. I heard that the Divine Medicine Palace has a lot of alchemy books, and Yi came here to borrow them!"

Yi Shuyuan said and returned the gift with his hands, and Medicine Master Xingjun straightened up in response.

"We have already made preparations and are waiting for the Immortal Lord to come. Immortal Lord, please, everyone, don't block the palace gate!"

"Yes, yes, Immortal Lord, please!" "Immortal Lord, please come quickly!"

"Ah, Mr. Xingjun Changgeng, please give way." " Mr. Xing, please don't block me. Alas, Immortal Lord, I'm Li Bufan!"

"The Immortal Lord, the little god Chu Run, is in charge of the Yaoxiang Pavilion!" "The little god Ma Gan, patrols the Lingcao Garden."

A group of gods came closer but also moved out of the way. The scene was somewhat chaotic, and the white man standing next to Yi Shuyuan was pushed aside.

But when Yi Shuyuan saw this scene, he found it quite interesting and a little emotional. These gods and men were quite cute.

When a group of people almost surrounded Yi Shuyuan into the Divine Medicine Palace, Bai Yi still stood there blankly.


Baiyi stood there for a long time, neither leaving nor entering. After a long time, he smiled and sighed.

That's all, go back to Shenxiao Palace and resume your life. Even if you are not here, the people in Shenyao Palace will never neglect Yi Daozi.


"Exalted Immortal, please look at this. This is the Hunyuan Dao Furnace. Although a corner of it is missing, we have worked hard to make up for the defects. Now we can still open the furnace."

"Exalted Immortal, please see, this is the Sunflower Water Black Gold Furnace, it has been well preserved!"

"Immortal Lord, please look at this. This is the Five Elements Gathering Xuantian Furnace. It can no longer be opened, but its shape is well preserved. We still cannot repair it after spending hundreds of years."

The people from the Divine Medicine Palace took Yi Shuyuan to see their most precious treasure, which also shocked Yi Shuyuan.

I haven't seen the alchemy cauldron books yet, so the first thing I saw was a large number of alchemy furnaces, some of which were made by the Divine Medicine Palace itself, and many were left behind by the real immortal alchemy cauldron lineage.

Just from the residual aura on these immortal furnaces, Yi Shuyuan could feel that these were once extraordinary treasures, and even now they were not considered mortal objects.

Unfortunately, almost all of them were damaged.

Amid the introductions and narrations from the gods of the Divine Medicine Palace, Yi Shuyuan approached a pill furnace that was about the same size as the Douzhuan Qiankun furnace.

There is a large gap on the top of the alchemy furnace, and there is a black mark on it. People from the Divine Medicine Palace must have cleaned it carefully, but the mark is obviously indelible.

Yi Shuyuan reached out and gently touched the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, the noise around him seemed to fade away. Under synaesthesia, Yi Shuyuan's mind seemed to be briefly retrograde in the light of time.

In his blurred vision, the alchemy furnace in front of him was no longer damaged, but was instead churning with real heat.

Swish swish swish.

Streams of light overflowed from the alchemy furnace, and the sky was already covered with clouds.


A terrifying thunder light fell, and the alchemy furnace was also opened at this moment.

Thunder and lightning danced, the mountain peaks shattered, and the alchemy energy and burnt smell were blown to all directions. Yi Shuyuan also felt the impact.


The entire alchemy furnace suddenly shook, and Yi Shuyuan took three steps back.

In an instant, there was complete silence in the Divine Medicine Palace, and all the gods were staring at Yi Daozi and the alchemy furnace that he had just touched.


The cracks on the alchemy furnace were getting bigger. Yi Shuyuan looked solemn and raised his right hand. There was already a burnt black scar on his palm!

These alchemy furnaces were once the most precious treasures of immortality, and Yi Shuyuan also knew how these alchemy furnaces were eventually damaged.

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