Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 446 The Divine Medicine Palace asks for help, it’s urgent

On the steps outside the Demon-Cutting Palace, Shi Sheng and Du Xiaolin, who had just finished their homework, were sitting bored.

The Weaver Girl who was in charge of Zhi Tianfang mustered up the courage to come to Fumo Palace a few days ago and invited Zhuo Qing back.

During this period of time, gods and men from other areas of the heaven kept coming over to discuss things or to make their presence felt, which made Hui Mian and the old coach seem very busy all the time.

Shi Sheng and Du Xiaolin had enough fun.

"It's been half a month, why hasn't Master come back yet? Should we find a place to meditate and practice?"

Looking into the distance and saying something worried, Du Xiaolin on the other side smiled.

"Sir, I'm worried that you're still about the same. It's only half a month. For you, it's probably just a nap. As for meditation practice, I don't think you can calm down recently."

Shi Sheng grinned.

"Although there are many fun places in heaven, the places I can go are limited. I almost want to go to the lower world!"

Hui Mian walked from the hall at this moment and reached the side of Shi Sheng and Du Xiaolin.

Du Xiaolin stood up subconsciously. Although Shi Sheng had always said that Master Yunlai was Senior Gray, she had never heard a similar admission from her own mouth. Moreover, Master Yunlai had always seemed more solemn. In her mind, this was the same as Senior Gray. The more out-of-the-way temperament in daily life cannot be related at all.

Shi Sheng raised his head and looked at Hui Mian, but he was still sitting. He was obviously not as energetic as when he came to Heaven.

Hui Mian smiled at Du Xiaolin and then looked at Shi Sheng.

"Shi Sheng, go to Xihe Village and explain to Yi Baokang and the others that your husband needs to stay longer when visiting friends, otherwise he will be blamed when he returns!"

The only person in the world who dares to blame Yi Shuyuan without any scruples and leaves him helpless is probably Yi Baokang.

When Shi Sheng heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, Xiaolin and I are going right now!"

"I won't go. Aunt Zhuo said she was making clothes for me. I want to go to Tianfang Palace!"


Shi Sheng was stunned for a moment, and Hui Mian bent over and lowered his head to tease.

"Ah what? Don't you want to go down? Why don't you go quickly?"


Shi Sheng threw out the Hot Wheel and left reluctantly, while Du Xiaolin looked at the Great Master Yunlai next to her with a smile, which indeed made her feel like a senior.

"Senior Gray?"

Du Xiaolin tried to shout carefully.

Hui Mian chuckled, glanced at her, and deliberately chose not to answer, but his behavior convinced Du Xiaolin.

The news about Shi Sheng was quickly brought to Xihe Village, but what people didn't expect was that he would stay longer than the people who sent the message and the people who received the message thought.


There were some changes in Fumo Palace. Zhuo Qing visited Yusang Village and Tianfang Palace several times.

The past half year has gone by in a blink of an eye.

For Yi Shuyuan, it was as if he had just finished reading through the wonderful features of some books, and the joy and immersion in seeking the truth gradually faded away.

My thinking gradually calmed down.

Yi Shuyuan's method of change can be said to be very mysterious, and it is also extraordinary to use this method to match the various changes at the time of alchemy, but what he originally understood was an ordinary book after all.

Although the experience of the alchemy warlock lineage is indeed remarkable, it is definitely not comparable to the real immortal collection.

To be honest, many of the variables in elixir refining depend on Yi Shuyuan's own mysterious magic. They are balanced by his own changes and movements, and combined with the changes in the balance of heaven and earth in the artistic conception to integrate the inside and outside, and then the elixir can be completed.

However, looking at the world, only Yi Shuyuan can use this method. From the perspective of the true alchemy skill, it is actually a more harsh approach.

But the Immortal Pill Codex that he read in the Divine Medicine Palace now made Yi Shuyuan feel fresh and new.

In the past, I was watching flowers in a fog, relying on my own synaesthesia and changes, closing my eyes and following the wind, smelling the fragrance of elixirs with my nose, and refining elixirs based on my feelings.

Now, it was as if the gauze curtain had been opened to disperse the fog, allowing Yi Shuyuan to have a clearer understanding of some mysteries in alchemy.

Overall, the way of Alchemy is indeed very mysterious. It relies heavily on talent, feeling, and even luck. However, referring to the true classics of this way also allows Yi Shuyuan's feelings and changes to be more nuanced.

If you combine some of the many wonderful techniques of alchemy with your own way, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

Moreover, Yi Shuyuan also realized something deeply: the stronger the elixir, the stronger the variables of the bad elixir!

"Thank you for coming to this Divine Medicine Palace. If I hadn't come, I would have used Dingshan grass as the material to make elixirs. I'm afraid something big would have happened!"

Yi Shuyuan murmured with emotion, carefully rolled up several broken jade slips in his hand, and placed them on a wooden shelf on one side. Then he scrolled a little on the other side of the shelf, and some words suddenly appeared on them. The light flew to a position outside with a wave of his sleeves.

Not only the Immortal Dao Fragments, but also some of the insights of the gods of the Divine Medicine Palace, Yi Shuyuan also understood a lot. He probably also understood the problems of these gods and men refining alchemy. Some of them were fundamental differences in the path of cultivation, which were difficult to resolve, while others were not. There is the possibility of transplantation.

At this time, there were several shelves around Yi Shuyuan, each piled with some books, jade slips and other objects. There were also some books, jade slips and other objects seemingly scattered on the ground, while his eyes were directed towards the gate of Danjing Pavilion.

"Thank you for your patience. Please come in."

Hearing the voices in the Danjing Pavilion, Medicine Master Xingjun and other people from the Divine Medicine Palace who were outside at the moment walked in with some excitement.

After entering, everyone saw Yi Shuyuan sitting on the ground against the wall. There were many books piled on the shelves next to him, and there were also volumes on the ground.

These books did not seem to be placed casually. With Yi Shuyuan as the center of the circle, an arc was formed around the base of the wall. The Danjing Pavilion was not small, and so was this arc.

Medicine Master Xingjun and his men approached step by step, carefully avoiding the spot where Yi Shuyuan put his book. Finally, when he was a few steps away from Yi Shuyuan, he bowed and asked.

"Immortal Lord, have you gained anything?"

Yi Shuyuan was holding a folding fan in his hand and did not get up. He looked at Medicine Master Xingjun and the other gods with a smile.

"What Mr. Xing wants to ask is actually if I can give you some advice, right?"

Medicine Master Xingjun maintained the humble posture of saluting and said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Instead, Yi Shuyuan tapped the white stone on the ground with his fan bone.

"Everyone, please sit down. The way to understand the Alchemy Scripture is naturally better in the Alchemy Scripture Pavilion. Although it may not be able to meet your expectations, Yi should be able to solve some of your doubts."

Medicine Master Xingjun looked down and chose the nearest seat to sit down. The other gods quickly found a place to sit cross-legged.

It has to be said that due to the different paths of cultivation, it is difficult for the gods to make alchemy to truly reach the realm of the immortal alchemy cauldron. The higher the grade of the elixir, the greater the difficulty.

But it is still okay for Yi Shuyuan to give some guidance, and his guidance method will be a little special. It can be regarded as repaying the favor of heaven, and it will be easier to ask when there is a need in the future.

Seeing that everyone in the Divine Medicine Palace was sitting down, Yi Shuyuan looked at the books he had spread out and put the folding fan in his hand on the ground.

The next moment, all the books on the ground levitated.

As all the gods looked at each other, someone reached out and grabbed the book, and then everyone followed suit.

Yi Shuyuan doesn't talk nonsense and gets straight to the point.

"The way you and other gods practice is different from the immortal way. Dao Dan Dao Dan steals secrets. The role of a god is close to the ability of heaven. It is very difficult to master the magic of alchemy alone, but with the power of everyone, There is another way but it is possible!”

This is the fundamental difficulty for gods and men to refine elixirs. In essence, the entire heaven is a product that conforms to the way of heaven. In the final analysis, gods and men are the most difficult group of people to defy heaven. How difficult is it to refine the "stealing elixir"!

But in Yi Shuyuan's wonderful way of change, it is difficult but not impossible.

Moreover, the way of heaven is the most ruthless and the most affectionate, and it is also the so-called path of heaven and man!

Yi Shuyuan finished sorting out his thoughts and looked calmly at the many gods and men around him. At this moment, there was no ranking of gods, only masters and students.

"The Emperor of Heaven feels that the Xingluo Meeting is approaching and is suffering from the lack of things to hold the place. Today's opportunity for me to go to the heaven to meet my friends is considered to be just the right time for the meeting, so I would like to share my worries with the Heavenly Court for once."

When Yi Shuyuan spoke, there was no interruption from any gods. Many people listened carefully and were already looking at the books in their hands.

The content of the book is often a paragraph or some pictures with inspiration emerging, attracting many people's attention.

But there are also a few divine people like Medicine Master Xingjun whose hearts moved. Before Yi Shuyuan's next words were spoken, they already had a vague special feeling through the preface.

Yi Shuyuan paused and smiled on his face.

The words just left his mouth could no longer be taken back. At this moment, Yi Shuyuan felt in his heart that doom was coming, but the look on his face did not change and his tone remained calm.

"Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, reading the remaining classics is not enough to gain enlightenment. If you don't mind it, let Yi take you with me to refine the furnace and make elixirs, right?"

At this moment, all the gods suddenly looked at Yi Shuyuan.

Not only making elixirs, but also refining furnaces?

"Immortal Lord."

"Don't say much. Please take a closer look at the book in your hand. Yi has already pointed out the key points. We will need everyone to work together to make the elixir, but there are still a few people here."

Medicine Master Xingjun looked around and saw that there were indeed many empty seats, but the capable priests of the Divine Medicine Palace were already here.

"Immortal Lord, I will immediately report to the Emperor of Heaven to seek help from the great god who can control the mysteries of water and fire!"

As expected of the leader of the Divine Medicine Palace, he knows everything and knows who is needed!

"Please go back quickly, otherwise you may not be able to make it to the Xingluo Conference!"

When he decided to do this, Yi Shuyuan had already felt that whether it was a few years or more than ten years after the Xingluo Dharma Conference, he would be very nervous about what he was going to do next, and he might even be touched by some kind of Mystery.

"I'll go right away!"

Medicine Master Xingjun stood up directly. Before anyone left the Danjing Pavilion, his feet were no longer touching the ground.

Perhaps the people in the Divine Medicine Palace were excited that the Immortal would take them to make elixirs together, but Medicine Master Xingjun was thinking about more than just this. The timing of Qi changes was too critical, and the tone of the Immortal's words was too unusual! ——

In the Shenxiao Palace, the situation today is different from last time.

In addition to the corresponding heavenly priests, meritorious officials and department chiefs who are present every time, this time there are also many mountain areas under the jurisdiction of the heaven in the hall, and many mountain gods and lands from the lower world have come.

The hall also seemed quite noisy. The gods from all walks of life had not seen each other for a long time, and they were discussing various matters with each other. For example, some mountain gods were geniuses and knew that the Star Luo Society might be opening, and they were somewhat excited.

Next to the gods in twos and threes, there are often heavenly masters and recording star officials discussing and recording, so there are many tables and cases set up in the temple.

Only some important matters require someone to go out and loudly report to the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven checked the text and felt the energy on it.

At this moment, a divine light rushed over with a roar in the sky outside the Shenxiao Palace. When he saw the divine generals and heavenly soldiers outside the hall, Medicine Master Xingjun did not fall down, but rushed straight into the hall.

"Emperor—Emperor—there is something important to report in the Divine Medicine Palace. It is extremely urgent—"

Medicine Master Xingjun had already shouted before he arrived at the Shenxiao Palace. When he came in, the general guarding the palace followed him in without daring to stop him.

Medicine Master Xingjun rushed into the hall and ignored the sudden silence of the hall and the many glances directed at him. He did not wait for the Emperor of Heaven to speak, but stood directly in the hall and stated the situation at a very fast speed.

"I'm reporting to the Emperor that Yi Xianzun has been reading the Immortal Scriptures in the Danjing Pavilion of our Divine Medicine Palace for half a year. Now he has left the seclusion and laid out one hundred and eight Earthly Scrolls. He wants to lead us to refine the Immortal Furnace to achieve Dao Dan. However, I We are short of manpower, so we have come here to ask for help from the emperor, asking the god who can control water, fire and mysteries to help us make the elixir!"

After saying this, Medicine Master Xingjun hurriedly added.

"The Immortal Lord has said that everything must be done as quickly as possible, otherwise we may not be able to catch up with the Star Luo Society!"

At this moment, in the Huntian Palace, Xuantian suddenly activated, and a brilliant light shone. The Emperor of Heaven felt something in his heart at the same moment, and he stood up from the jade throne.

The changes in the power of the Tianhe Star can only sense that the Xingluo Dharma Assembly is approaching, but they cannot grasp the real opportunity. It may even be that the tide has passed and everything will calm down.

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven was shocked, knowing that the secret he had been waiting for had arrived, and it was also the real opportunity for the Xingluo Dharma Assembly!

In the Xingluo Society back then, the destiny of this heaven was rising and Xuan Tianyi appeared in the world. Now in the Xingluo Society, the opportunity of the Taoist weapon is here!

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly stood up, startling all the gods and men in the Shenxiao Palace. Only Medicine Master Xingjun remained unmoved.

The feeling in the Emperor's heart became stronger and stronger, and his tone couldn't help but be a little excited. He looked down at the Medicine Master Xingjun and asked.

"How many people are missing?"

"My Divine Medicine Palace barely has fifty-three people participating in the Taoist Movement. If you want to be safe, there are only forty-two people!"

The difference is too big, the difference is too big!

The Emperor's heart skipped a beat and he issued an edict directly.

"The gods outside the palace listened to the order, beat the thundering drum and returned to the sky bell, and ordered the gods to return to their places——"

The gods and men inside and outside the palace were all shocked. The last time they faced the dragon-slaying incident, they just beat the thundering drum!

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