Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 458 All parties show their heavenly rank

Later in the night, the emperor opened his eyes. Zhang Liangxi, who had been sitting quietly with his eyes closed, noticed something and stood up immediately.

"Your Majesty, does he have a dry mouth?"

The emperor did not speak, but looked to one side of the tent, where his emperor's sword hung.

“It turned out to be a dream, it’s really ridiculous”

He had just woken up at this moment, when he had the clearest memory of the dream. Looking back now, the emperor realized that the thinking of the person in the dream was a bit strange. Although the direction of judgment was correct, the judgment was not normal.

For example, if you have noticed something strange before entering the mountain, you should not enter the mountain rashly.

For another example, the ministers in the dream clearly ignored it. It was really not their own style. Moreover, how could my imperial guards be as miserable as in the dream!

Zhang Liangxi still poured a glass of hot water for the emperor and walked to the bed.

"Did your Majesty have a dream?"

"Well, maybe it's because I'm hunting in autumn here, and the dream is a bit ridiculous."

The emperor took the cup from Zhang Liangxi, drank the water to moisten his throat, and then lay down to rest. He was not particularly worried about the previous dream.

Three days have passed, and the entire periphery of Yanshan has been completely blocked by the Forbidden Army. By this morning, the real autumn hunting activity will begin.

Outside the camp, many teams were lined up, far apart from each other. Hunters from all sides were gearing up. Some of the sergeants around the emperor let goshawks fly.

The hounds barked and the horses neighed in the ranks.


The loud hawk's call resounded through the sky, and the emperor, who had long forgotten the previous dream, ordered to enter the mountain. Drums were beaten in the camp, flags were waved, and horses from all sides were galvanized.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, many teams divided into multiple lanes and entered the mountain in the direction they had set.

Yanshan Mountain is not a large mountain range, and it is not boundless. However, Yanshan Mountain is not small enough to prevent many royal hunting teams heading in the specified direction from meeting.

There are definitely good and bad resources, but the rest depends on luck and ability.

The emperor's team kept moving forward, followed by goshawks and guide dogs. However, the Imperial Army camp at the foot of the mountain started beating drums and shouting, which must have frightened many animals. It is more difficult to make any big gains on the outside of the mountain. of.

Perhaps many of the princes' ranks were already anxious, but the emperor was patient.

The speed of the horses gradually slowed down, and the surrounding vegetation became denser. The guard who opened the way moved through the forest with Qinggong.


There was a strange shout and one of the guards was startled. He jumped up to a tree and took a look, only to see a house under the cliff in the distance.

The depths of Yanshan Mountain should be uninhabited!

The guard jumped down and quickly arrived in front of the house, but found no one there, and there were no traces of smoke or fire inside or outside. It seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, but the surroundings were very clean.

This house is also strange. There seem to be broken bricks and tiles in the lower half and some places, and there are many stones piled on top. The roof is made of logs and grass.

It's like someone built a house on the broken walls.

After watching for a while, the guard decided to go back and report.

It didn't take long for a large group of people to arrive here. The guards led the horses of the old governor and the emperor and slowly approached the house.

"It's weird. I should have checked this area before. Why is there so many empty houses?"

The emperor smiled when he heard Zou Jie's voice.

“The mountains are so vast and the forests are so deep that it’s hard for animals to escape, let alone people.”

The only ministers who drank together before were Zou Jie and She Wuxuan. Chu Hang and others were among the princes who were valued by the emperor.

She Wuxuan was at a later position, looking at the house under the cliff, feeling strange for some reason.

"Your Majesty, don't get close to me easily!"

Zou Jie turned back and glanced at She Wuxuan without saying anything. The surroundings had already been checked and there wasn't even a mouse in the house, but he didn't want to waste time here. Hunting was more important.

At this moment, She Wuxuan suddenly felt alarmed and immediately rode his horse to the emperor's side. When he looked up again, he saw a figure in the shadow of the room.


Many experts didn't notice anything, but when they heard She Wuxuan's roar, they instinctively became nervous, and many people even subconsciously looked at the small house under the cliff.

Is there anyone in the house?

"Zheng~" "Zheng~" "Zheng~".

Many guards drew their swords directly, and there was the sound of bows and strings being bent, and a sense of chilling instantly gathered in front of the house.

The emperor also frowned. This house must have been checked repeatedly. How could there be anyone there? Looking around again, this is what my imperial army and guards should look like.

But no one noticed any movement when they looked at the house. She Wuxuan himself suspected that it was an illusion.


A slight low whistle came from the room, and everyone who had just been wondering whether Sir Si Tianjian had misunderstood the situation suddenly became tense.

"Woof woof woof" "Woof woof woof"

The hound, which had been unresponsive until now, began to bark.

Even the emperor subconsciously became nervous. The old governor Zou Jie quietly arrived in front of the emperor, while Zhang Liangxi had quietly dismounted. Compared with riding a horse, he could show his strength more with his feet on the ground.

From the shadows of the shabby house, a pair of arms that seemed to have hair gradually stretched out, and a strange figure walked carefully to the door of the house. He was wearing rags with some banana leaves covered, and a straw hat on his head. thing.

And a pair of unusually large hands actually held an animal.

Is this a human or a ghost?

This thought arose in many people's minds, but without an order, none of the guards took action first, and just watched the scene nervously.

But at this moment, the hounds that were being led, whether they were yellow dogs or black dogs, actually became quiet one after another.

The people who were holding the dogs were also the ones who were raising the dogs. They all looked surprised, because they all clearly understood that the hounds were not afraid.

In the hut, the strange man's body slowly lowered, and people could never see its full picture. They only had an "inhuman" feeling. It put down the animal in its hands, and then slowly retreated into the shadow of the house.

The guard held the knife tightly, the sergeant held the gun and halberd tightly, and the archer kept on pulling the string, with a little sweat on his forehead.

But a while passed and there was no movement in front of the house.

Two guards with knives had reached the door of the broken house, and one of them glanced at the blind corner of the house.

The house is no bigger than an ordinary kitchen, and you can see everything at a glance.

no one!

The guard was startled and looked up at the top of the house. The house was also very low and the top could be seen at a glance. There was no one hiding in the broken wooden beams above.

"Your Majesty, Grand Governor, there is no one in the house!"


At least dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at that room. How could there be no one there?

"Your Majesty, let me confirm!"

After saying that, without waiting for the emperor's reaction, Zou Jie got off his horse, walked step by step to the front of the house with his saber in his hand, and then looked inside the house, and sure enough, there was no one there.

"What a ghost."

Zou Jie murmured and faced the emperor over there.

"Your Majesty, there is really no one!"

At this time, the emperor also got off his horse, and She Wuxuan quickly followed. Some people wanted to stop him, but they didn't dare to make any move when facing the emperor's eyes.

Soon, attention fell on the animals in front of the house.

This is an animal with black hair all over its body. It looks like a cat, but the hair on the tips of its ears is long and upturned, its tail is also thick and long, and its body is much larger than an average cat.

The emperor seemed to feel something.

"Look at its forehead."

After hearing the emperor's order, a guard grabbed the "cat's" chin and twisted his head.

I saw a bloodstain between the eyebrows of the strange cat, which seemed to be the cause of death, but the blood had solidified at this time.

"It seems to have been dead for a while. This coat is extremely shiny. What kind of beast is this?"

Zou Jie was puzzled and squatted down to check the beast's body. To be honest, he had never seen such a beast in his life, and the fur was really good.

At this moment, the emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the absurd dream of the past few days.

"Your Majesty, do you want to knock this house down?"

Someone asked this. The emperor raised his head and looked at the small room in front of him, while She Wuxuan on the side said hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, no, I think this is because the spirit in the mountain felt the power of Your Majesty, and saw that I had waited for a long time without any harvest, so it took the initiative to offer the prey."

The emperor smiled.

"Keep the house, maybe it's the residence of the mountain god."

"What about the beasts of the earth?"

The emperor did not speak, but looked at She Wuxuan.

"She Aiqing, it seems that the person who offered the prey just now is evil, isn't it?"

She Wuxuan said bluntly.

"I didn't feel any malice from what I just saw. Instead, I felt a sense of clarity. Maybe he really is a mountain god."

The emperor smiled sarcastically.

"Then take it with you, you are my prey too!"

With that said, the emperor went back and got on his horse. What he just said could be regarded as a pun, but the people around him must not understand the deeper meaning. Maybe only the mountain god also understands.

Amidst the roar of the eagle, the hunting team set out again. At this time, many prey in the mountains were finally driven out.


This strange incident in the Autumn Hunt is just an episode for the entire Dayong Royal Autumn Hunt event, but in a certain sense, this episode is a microcosm of the Xingluo Dharma Assembly.

On the day of frost that year, the gates of heaven were in full bloom, and practitioners from all walks of life came to this heaven one after another.

The manifestation of the heavenly steps is not necessarily in one area, and even the heavenly steps may sometimes manifest more than one, but no matter which direction they come from, they will always go to that heavenly gate.

In the Mo Family Courtyard in Mingzhou, Mo Xiaorong has been following Shi Sheng all day long recently, almost never leaving him except when sleeping.

As soon as Shi Sheng went out today, Mo Xiaorong, who had finished his meal in a hurry, trotted over to follow him.

Shi Sheng, who had only walked out of the dining hall, turned around helplessly and looked at his sister. Compared to three years ago, this girl had grown a lot taller.

In Mo Xiaorong's own senses, she has grown from an eight-year-old child to an eleven-year-old adult!

"Xiaorong, please don't follow me all the time, okay?"

"No, I'm afraid you'll just run away and won't take me to play. I know the time is approaching!"

Shi Sheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"I am your brother. How can I not keep my promise when I promise you something?"

Shi Sheng said, pointing to the corner of his mouth.

"Who knows, you didn't even tell me where you were going!"

As Mo Xiaorong spoke, he wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth with his clean hands and ate them.

No wonder Mo Xiaorong was nervous. Her brother didn't know the time and place, and he didn't tell her parents. She was always put off when she asked, which was hard to convince.

In the dining room, the Mo family couple who looked at the brother and sister talking about something from a distance also smiled.

Shi Sheng outside was helpless.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, I will take you out on the winter solstice. I am afraid that you will be too excited to sleep after I tell you. Then how can I take you out?"

"You're lying. How can you take someone out while you're asleep? You can't see anything when you're asleep!"

Shi Sheng really missed his innocent sister who believed everything he said. He bent down and spoke to his sister patiently.

"Brother, that's why I went out. This time, the stars outside will be very bright, so bright that it will be dazzling, and the wind will be very strong, so strong that it will hurt my nerves. I want to get something from my junior brother. If I really want to disappear, do you think you girl can stop me? ?”

Mo Xiaorong frowned and looked at his brother and stopped talking.

Shi Sheng smiled and pointed to the sky.

"Count how many rays of light flash across the sky. Don't think it's an illusion. Anyway, if you feel it, just count it as one. Let me know when I come back!"


"Be good, I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, Shi Sheng left quickly.

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