Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 481 An old friend returns home

Before the winter of the next year, a carriage came to Yuanjiang County. When the carriage entered the city, someone in the carriage opened the curtain and looked outside. It was an old man full of emotion.

"Oh, I didn't expect that it has been so many years since I returned to Yuanjiang County! The changes have been big, but not too big."

"Dad, what you said is really contradictory. By the way, I heard you say that Tongxinlou Bazhen cuisine is very famous before. Now I can finally try it!"

A young man in the car smiled and said this, which made his father roll his eyes.

"If you don't learn and have no skills, learn from your big brother and get a good name is the serious thing!"

"Dad, I am ignorant and incompetent, but at least when you retired and returned home, I was the one who accompanied you back to Yuanjiang County. You should praise me."

The old man shook his head and said no more. The carriage went straight to the Yuanjiang County Yamen. The old Yamen was still the same back then, and there were even a few old colleagues he knew, which made the old man overjoyed.

What was even more surprising was when I invited my colleagues from the yamen to have a drink and a meal at Tongxinlou.

An old government official from Yuanjiang County who was still on duty mentioned Yi Shuyuan, which cheered up the old man.

"What? Mr. Yi is in the county?"

The old government officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Yi came back many years ago and has been in Xihe Village all this time. Don't Mr. Wu know?"

"How do I know? I haven't heard much about Mr. Yi in these years."

Yi Shuyuan's face has become blurry in Wu Minggao's mind, but he still remembers many things he did when he worked together in the county government, and he never forgets his calligraphy.

In fact, even after learning that Yi Shuyuan had returned home, and Xiang Yi even visited Yuanjiang County incognito, many people in the court did not know where the emperor went that time, and even Chu Hang did not know. Naturally, I didn’t know that Yi Shuyuan was in Yuanjiang County.

After chatting a few more words about Yi Shuyuan at the wine table, Wu Minggao immediately thought of visiting him. However, he felt that it might be rude to go there in a hurry, so he sent someone to deliver a greeting card in advance.


In the afternoon of that day, an unknown young government official came to the county town and sent a greeting card to Yi's house. He delivered it to Yi Shuyuan personally. After receiving a reply from Yi Shuyuan himself, the government official hurried back to the county town.

In the afternoon of the second day, Yi Shuyuan specially tidied himself up, changed out of the peasant clothes he had been accustomed to wearing over the years, and put on decent clothes to greet him.

"Sir, are you so formal?"

Hui Mian pounced on the grasshopper when he passed by and made a joke. Yi Shuyuan thought about it and smiled.

"Master Wu may think that Yi doesn't care about him, so it's better to be formal."

From a distance, you can see a carriage driving along the village road, and someone in the car opened the curtain to look out at the scenery.

The man sitting in a car with the old man smiled.

"Dad, do you think Mr. Yi still remembers you?"

"What a joke! How could you not remember me? I just didn't expect that Mr. Yi would have returned to Yuanjiang County a long time ago."

The young man had heard his father mention Mr. Yi before, but to be honest, it had been a long time ago. Except for his father's calligraphy, which was indeed very good, he had no special impression of that person.

In fact, even my eldest brother, who was in Yuanjiang County back then, had never met Mr. Yi a few times. My father was stricter at that time. My eldest brother was studying most of the time, and he was not allowed to go to the county government office casually even when he returned home.

As for the second brother, he was just a brat at that time, and I have no impression of him.

Thinking like this, the young man suddenly saw a person standing at the entrance of the village not far away. He was the kind of person who would be unusual in a small rural village at a glance.

"Dad, do you think that's Mr. Yi standing at the entrance of the village over there?"

The old man in the car looked around and saw an energetic old man standing at the entrance of Xihe Village. This old man had a white beard and white hair, and was wearing a gray Confucian shirt. His figure was still tall and straight, and he really had a Confucian demeanor.

"It should be, it should be! Stop the car, stop the car."

"Hey, it's the master!"

"Dad, please slow down!"

The old man in the car got off the carriage directly with help, and the old man at the entrance of the village also walked over. The closer they got to each other, the clearer they could see, and the more they understood that they had not recognized the wrong person.

At this glance, the image of Yi Shuyuan in Wu Minggao's mind became fuller and clearer, making him feel like he was in another world.

Yi Shuyuan had a smile on his face. In fact, Wu Minggao was also a wonderful person, but he didn't have the motivation to have a close relationship with him back then, and he always had a sense of coping.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan took a few steps forward and solemnly bowed his hands.

"Master Wu, Yi has been waiting here for a long time!"

Wu Minggao was so excited that he returned the salute with his hands, and the men beside him quickly followed suit.

"Mr. Yi, Wu Minggao misses you very much. Back then, he promised that the "Yuanjiang County Chronicle" would be passed down as a treasure of the county, but he failed to do so. Wu is so ashamed of him!"

Yi Shuyuan laughed dumbly. Do you still remember this? But at this moment, something moved in his heart, and he seemed to feel something.


At this moment, far away in the official office of Chengtian Mansion Yamen, Lin Xiu was taking advantage of his free time to read in the study when he suddenly felt his nose itching.

"Ah~~~Ah autumn, autumn"

After the two sneezes, Lin Xiu couldn't help but rub his nose and tighten his tight clothes. It seemed that the weather was indeed getting cold.——

Outside Xihe Village, Yi Shuyuan took Wu Minggao and his youngest son to their home. The Yi family was naturally prepared to entertain them warmly, but that was in the evening.

Wu Minggao and his son and Yi Shuyuan were chatting with each other in the courtyard outside the latter's bedroom.

There are a lot of things to talk about. Looking back on the past, the things that happened when we worked together are enough to be talked about, and it was thrilling for a while.

When talking about the present and even looking forward to the future, Wu Minggao has something to say. Some topics are difficult to discuss in depth with the old government officials in Yuanjiang County, but there is no problem with Yi Shuyuan.

"Mr. Yi, I heard that the border army planned for the Tartars to come again in the autumn, and directly set up an ambush to kill thousands of people. Then the thundering general Duan Silie led his troops and directly attacked the grassland, stretching thousands of miles from south to northwest, and there were also responders from the northwest countries. This This battle demonstrated my great national prestige!"

Wu Minggao, a scribe who has now resigned from office, seemed very excited when he mentioned this matter.

The servants of the Yi Mansion who were ready to serve at any time did not understand politics or military affairs, but they sounded very exciting. In short, Dayong's army was very powerful and defeated the barbarians.

"The army of our dynasty is indeed brave. It can also be said that they are waiting for work and are prepared for attack. The grassland people are indeed brave, but this is based on thinking that they can win or escape, and it is also based on interests. Up."

"When they suffer heavy casualties, they will instinctively retreat. But when they find that Dayong's army has not returned, but has entered the grassland in large numbers, they will inevitably become panicked while laughing."

Wu Minggao clapped his hands.

"This is exactly the reason. The little barbarians have been arrogant for several years, but I don't know how long our country has been preparing for this war. Now they are just shaking the tree. They must be defeated!"

Wu Minggao's high-pitched talk is actually the same as that of most middle- and lower-class people, missing many details. For example, the prairie people who were occasionally captured over the past few years have become guides, such as the prepared prairie maps, etc.

This was a time of great changes in the world. In addition to Dayong and the grasslands, there was also the land of Nanyan, and it also affected the countries in the west.

Some people make great progress, some people cry secretly, some people make great achievements, some people are defeated and die, some people are indifferent, and some people donate money to help

Everywhere, for some, it may be the best of times, and for others it may be the darkest of times.

For Dayong, the result was actually the same as the debate in the Royal Study Room a few years ago. Although the war was changing rapidly, he could handle it with ease and victory was foreseeable.

"By the way, I heard that there is also turmoil in the country of Nanyan. The tide of rebellion in the country is extremely strong. I think it is time for Nanyan to change its dynasty. I, Dayong, should send troops to take down Nanyan. !”

Hearing this, Wu Minggao's youngest son Wu Yuantao couldn't help grinning. His father was already drunk.

"Dad, we, Dayong and Nan Yan, have made the treaty first. If a person has no faith and no one is established, how can the country break its trust so easily?"

"What do you know? People naturally have to be loyal, but the country is complicated!"

Yi Shuyuan also said with a smile.

"Master Wu, drink less, there will be food and wine tonight!"

But it cannot be said that Wu Minggao was promoted from chief clerk to minor official because of Lin Xiu's help out of guilt.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan put one hand under the table and made some calculations in his sleeve. It was the first time in these years that he used magic power.

Dayong, which was in crisis several times back then, is now prosperous, but Nanyan may indeed be approaching its end.

It's just that Yi Shuyuan had the Baihe incident, and he was somewhat entangled with the Jian family of Nanyan.

At this time, Yi Baokang, who was a bit stooped, came over with a cane. After squinting to see Wu Minggao clearly, he held his hand and approached.

"Is Master Wu really here? Oh, Master Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time! I just went to the neighboring village and couldn't welcome you from far away!"

"Oh, it's Wu. Hello, brother Yi. I informed Mr. Yi in a letter yesterday!"

Yi Baokang frowned and looked at Yi Shuyuan, which made the latter immediately embarrassed.

"Baokang, come and sit down!"

"I'm not going to sit down anymore. I have to personally prepare some good dishes for Mr. Wu. Don't let us talk all the time. Let's talk about it after dinner tonight!"

Compared with the previous visits by distinguished guests, Yi Baokang was obviously more enthusiastic when facing Wu Minggao. After saying a few words, he hurriedly left with his cane.

Although Wu Minggao was a little drunk, he stood up holding the table and walked towards Yi Baokang. Wu Yuantao quickly got up and came over to help him. After all, his father drank a lot.

"Brother Yi, there is no need to be busy. Why are people from my hometown so polite? This time I have resigned and returned to my hometown. I will stay in Yuanjiang County from now on!"

Who would have thought that Yi Baokang would become even more excited upon hearing this.

"Then there will be plenty of opportunities. I have to go to the kitchen. Mr. Wu, please sit down!"

Yi Shuyuan looked at this scene and sat there without moving, just drinking a glass of wine.

Time makes people grow old, and when I face this scene with my body, I feel a lot of emotion in my heart.

Whether you talk about your ambitions and interests or talk about the general trend of the world, you must have someone you can talk to.

At the end of life, the fallen leaves return to their roots. Is it this place or the people in this place that gives people a sense of belonging?

Perhaps both are indispensable, otherwise you will feel empty.

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