Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 484 The bumpy search for Buddha

In Xihe Village, at this moment when Yi Shuyuan "read" the letter, it was actually not just the old guys around him who were listening.

The children who were originally playing had gathered around to listen to the story before they knew it. Even the landowner of the village was sitting in the hut and listening, with Hui Mian holding a snake in his mouth next to him.

Perhaps because Yi Shuyuan's voice was interrupted for a moment, which also interrupted part of the imagination of those present, a child asked.

"Mr. Yi, what do you mean by sending a message of enlightenment?" "Yes, why do those bad guys still send things to them?"

The old people all understood what it meant. Yi Shuyuan looked at these innocent children, but there was no idea that children should not listen to bloody violence, because it is the simplest wish of kind people to punish evil and promote good. Old people can hear it, and children can also hear it. .

"The great monk said that his Dharma is low. Naturally, he cannot rely on the Dharma to help these scoundrels see their true self and become enlightened. And since the Dharma is low, it is natural that they cannot see the Buddha. So what is left of the Dharma of the Three Enlightenments that he said? ah?"

When Yi Shuyuan asked this question, children immediately rushed to answer.

"You can still see purgatory and become enlightened!"

As soon as these words came out, many children also reacted. Most ordinary people, old and young, understand the so-called purgatory. It must be in the underworld anyway.

Although there were some children who were still a little confused, Yi Shuyuan did not need to explain any more. There were other children who were talking to their friends.

"So the monk said in the letter that he broke the precepts."

"Brother, are there any more later?" "Yes, Brother Yi, these horse thieves are really nothing!"

The elderly cherish the elderly. The elderly in Xihe Village imagined what happened to the elderly in the letter, and they were all filled with indignation.

Just listening to "Reading the Faith", I seemed to be able to see that scene, see the horse thief being dirty and arrogant, and see the monk glaring angrily!

Yi Shuyuan looked towards the north, as if he could see through thousands of miles, and spoke softly.

"The great monk asked me what I mean by Buddha."

This sentence was indeed included in the letter, and then Yi Shuyuan continued.


In the village, Monk Fu was covered in blood, and in addition to the panicked horses, more than twenty horse thieves were already lying on the ground.

The monk closed his eyes slightly and clasped his hands together again. Apart from the neighing of the horses, the only sound left in the village was the monk chanting sutras.

Chanting sutras can induce the underworld officials to send the soul to death, otherwise it will be a lonely ghost.

Of course, monks cannot see these things with their own eyes, but they are still meticulous in reciting sutras. The sutras save people to go to the netherworld and see purgatory. If they say they will give them enlightenment, they will give them enlightenment.

Gradually, the horses in the village became quiet.

The chanting of sutras continued, but the monk's heart was not as peaceful as the sound of sutras.


Thunder sounded in the sky, and soon, heavy rain fell.

The monk kept chanting, but slowly raised his head while holding the Buddhist ritual. The rain washed away the blood on his face, hands and even on his body and clothes.

After another sleepless night, in the gradually weakening rain, the monk dug a hole and buried all the corpses in the village. Before dawn the next day, he sat cross-legged and rested for half an hour, and then got up and started on the road.

After traveling for six or seven days, he passed through more than one empty village. The monk finally arrived at a town. Even though he was not in a hurry this time, he had already walked a considerable distance.

Monks had visited this town before, and the grain in the bags was melted here.

The monk walked step by step in this town. It seemed to be relatively stable here. There were many people in the market, but except for a few people, most of the pedestrians looked somewhat sallow and thin.

Passing by a grain store, the shopkeeper saw the monk and immediately greeted him happily.

"Hey, is that monk here again?"

The helpless monk turned around and looked at the food store manager, clasping his hands together in a salute, but the boss smiled and took two steps forward.

"Monk, help me unload a few more trucks later. How about I give you some grain?"

The monk glanced at the shopkeeper, said nothing, and started walking forward again.

The storekeeper of the grain store in the back shouted quickly.

"I'll add some for you - monk -"

However, the monk in front did not stop at all. The shopkeeper walked to the street and looked at the people. He felt that the people were already gone, and he regretted that he had given him less, or he could just hire him as a long-term worker.

The monk now understood some of the meanings of the Unknown Sutra, and even more than one meaning.

It is said that there is no fear and no evil, but in fact it can also be that there is no feeling and no good, which is a blank sheet of paper.

It could be that Yi Shuyuan had a hint of enlightenment and spiritual enlightenment when he was interpreting the scriptures for spiritual animals at the foot of the mountain. However, from the current level of Monk Fang, it is also somewhat ironic about the good results of empty seats in many Buddhist scriptures. .

While walking and thinking, the monk felt unbearable hunger in his belly, so he reached out to grab the cloth bag, but when he put his hand into the bag, he felt something was wrong.

I looked down and saw that after a few rains and covering it up for a few days, it turned out that the remaining grain seeds in the bag had sprouted, and there were even a few small roots sticking out of the bag.

The monk withdrew his hand. He didn't want to eat the sprouted millet, so he carefully took out the homemade alms bowl from the bag and prepared to go for alms.

This alms offer lasted from daytime to evening. Unexpectedly, such a big town could not even provide enough food for a meal. The poor people had no food left over, but even the rich people saw it and attacked it.

Finally, in front of a restaurant on the street, the monk saw hope. After the monk stood still and hadn't spoken yet, the waiter who was packing his things started talking to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper then looked outside and found a monk standing there. He was standing outside the door without entering, with his head slightly lowered, his eyes slightly lowered and his hands clasped together.

"Almsgiver, this poor monk is here to ask for alms. Can you give me some fast food?"

Monks are really rare these days, and even if they exist, they are all fake monks. Or even in the early years, there seemed to be not many real monks.

Just this one in front of me.

Walking out from the counter, the shopkeeper looked at the monk up and down, looking at the ring scar on his head. He looked like that, never mind that he was a real monk or a fake monk.

"Master, please wait here for a while. I will prepare some for you later. Come in and sit for a while!"

"That's great, thank you so much, donor!"

The monk bowed but did not enter the restaurant. In the evening, when business was supposed to be at its best, people were turning stools and wiping tables, as if they were about to close.

When they were cleaning up, the waiter had already saved a lot of leftovers in the pottery basin in his hand. When they were brought to the table near the counter, the shopkeeper stopped to do the calculation and walked out.

"Master, what do you use to pack the rice? I'll get some plain food for you."

The monk looked at the pottery basin over there. This kind of cleaning up the leftovers could not be called meat and vegetable separation. They were basically mixed together, but the monk still took out the special alms bowl.

Just as he was about to hand it over, the monk suddenly looked around him. It turned out that several children were already running over, each holding some utensils in their hands.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I will prepare the meal for this master first, and I will give the rest to you."

The monk's outstretched hand paused. It could be seen that the diners actually ate relatively cleanly, and there wasn't much in the pottery basin.

So the outstretched hand was withdrawn.

The shopkeeper had been staring blankly at this special alms bowl just now, feeling that it was really crude, but when he saw the monk put it back again, he couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

"Master, I'll prepare some fast food for you!"

"The donor is merciful, so good!"

The monk bowed again and took a step back. The frightened children next to him crowded over one after another, making the shopkeeper even more surprised.

"Shopkeeper, just forget it if you don't like it. Huh, our business is small and we still have to sell slop to other stores. Is it possible that I can prepare a special vegetarian meal for you? If you don't work, you can't contribute. , don’t despise the rice when you reach out to beg for it!”

The waiter's sarcastic words were not polite at all. He felt that the monk disliked the fact that the food in the basin did not distinguish between meat and vegetables, or simply disliked the leftover rice.

The scolding was obviously unpleasant, and he had obviously killed many horse thieves who were also scolding and teasing some time ago, but at this moment the monk was not angry at all.

"The donor taught you the right lesson!"

After bowing again, the monk who was reciting sutras in a low voice took two steps back, then turned and left.

"Oh~ Master, please wait!"

The shopkeeper shouted and the monk in front stopped. Now the shopkeeper hurried to the kitchen and rummaged for a while before finally finding a slightly hard steamed bun.

Then the shopkeeper chased him into the street and handed the steamed bun in his hand to the monk.

"Master, it's hard to see real monks these days. You are one of them. Here, this is vegetarian and has never been touched by meat or fish!"

"That's great, thank you so much, donor!"

The monk did not pick it up with his hands, but took out the alms bowl again, waited for the shopkeeper to put the steamed buns into it, and then bowed and thanked him before leaving.

The shopkeeper looked at the monk's retreating figure and shook his head before walking back to the shop.

I just don't know if the monk is too unlucky, or if he himself will bring bad luck. After walking for a long time, the street suddenly became chaotic in the distance, and there were bursts of yelling and the sound of horse hooves.

The monk was startled and immediately remembered the past few days. Could it be that there were also horse thieves in this town?

At this moment, the monk walked against the crowd and walked quickly, but the scene he saw from a distance made him slightly stunned.

A group of armored sergeants were charging through the streets on horseback, with the leader holding a knife in his hand and shouting everywhere. Restaurants and shops rushed over, and either officers and soldiers shouted, or people simply went in.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant where the monks had just been given alms. The door of the restaurant, which was almost closed, was kicked open, and the sergeants and generals on horseback pushed and cursed.

"Get up, get up for me -"

The waiter didn't dare to say a word, while the shopkeeper, who had a bloody head, struggled to get up from the ground.

"Master Jun, we have a small business and really don't have much money left. Please be kind and let us go."


The riding crop whipped the shopkeeper on the chest, causing him to stagger a few times.

The general tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. He knew that this family had plenty of money.

"This is your business. Immediately donate ten taels of silver as military pay. If you don't have money or food, you can do it. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

The shopkeeper leaned against the store door and said shakily.

"How can you be an official army? You are obviously bandits."

"court death!"

The general was so angry that he drew his sword and slashed at the shopkeeper with a "clang~" sound.

But the next moment, the general had a look of horror on his face, fear and disbelief in his heart, and the knife in his hand could no longer cut.

A monk seemed to appear at once and stood in front of the shopkeeper, holding the blade with one hand.

"Clark la la la."

Amid the sounds of wrestling, blood spilled from the monk's palms, but he remained motionless, just looking up at the man on horseback.

This general was unknown to the monks. When he was crossing the border, the soldiers searched his body for magical weapons. When they were about to take away the water bag, it was he who stopped him.

At this moment, the monk also understood that this knife might hit the store owner, but at most it would be a superficial wound, which was scary but not fatal.

"My Buddha is merciful, so why should the captain embarrass the people?"

The monk let go of the blade, and the general slowly withdrew the sword. He also recognized this monk, this monk from Nanyan who had returned from the direction of Dayong.

This monk is not an ordinary person. He can endure exploitation at the border. Is he just a craftsman? But if you are careful, why are you blocking this knife at this moment?

Perhaps the general had his own mind made up, but for some unknown reason, the general felt the urge to defend himself in front of this monk.

"Monk, do you know how long it has been since the frontier army received food and salary? What can we do? We can only raise it ourselves! We are the frontier army and cannot leave the border for a moment! The grassland and Dayong are always watching with eager eyes. If the grassland people come in , everyone here is either alive or dead, or a slave, tell me, what can we do?"

The general pointed his riding whip at the monk with his left hand and roared.

"Do you think I want to plunder the hard-earned money of the people of Dayan?"

The monk's heart was very complicated.

"I, the Buddha, are merciful. I hope the captain will open his eyes!"

The general stopped talking and glanced at the alert riders around him, then looked at the shop over there.

"I'm telling you, we don't want too much. From today on, we don't need to pay more than ten taels per month. If we can't pay it, we don't have to open this store! I'll spare you today and let's go!"

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, the officers and soldiers in front of the store left.

The shopkeeper and the shop assistant felt that they had saved their lives and thanked the monk profusely.

"Thank you, master, thank you, master, you saved my life!" "Master, it was my fault just now. I am blind and unable to recognize the true Buddha!"

"You two don't have to be polite, I can't bear it!"

"This business can't be continued. I will sell the shop tomorrow. Whoever wants to do it can do it."

The monk stretched out his hand to support the two of them and sighed in his heart, where is the Buddha?

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