Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 490 Something happened while playing?

Is this martial arts? Or Bai Yudao's sorcery? No matter what it is, you can never fight it!

When Yi Shuyuan glanced away, everyone showed fear. Even warriors found it difficult to muster up courage against completely unbeatable opponents, not to mention that although these guards were not bad at martial arts, they were used to living a privileged life.

Of course, the three Jian children were also frightened. Some did not dare to look at Yi Shuyuan, while others had their eyes widened as if they were frozen.

In the darkness before the thunderstorm, the wind was still strong at this moment, and the door of the courtyard was clanking in the wind, which made the courtyard even more eerie and quiet.

"Cough, cough, kill, ho, kill well"

The guard who was barely holding his body half up on the ground was coughing up blood and talking vaguely. Unexpectedly, Lu Rongqing, a hypocritical person, was walking in front of him. How good!

Regardless of whether the person who came was a remnant of Bai Yudao back then, Pan Wentang heard clearly what the person in front of him said. He just hoped that he was really here to protect the prince and princess. Pan Wentang's breathing became more and more difficult, and his consciousness became a little drowsy. .

"You can't die either!"

Yi Shuyuan glanced sideways at the guard in the courtyard, and flicked his left hand to release a stream of air, which directly touched the heart of the guard in the courtyard. He felt that there was an air in his body that sealed his lungs.

Breathing became smoother, like a drowning person who was suddenly lifted to the shore, allowing him to breathe heavily.

Only then did Yi Shuyuan look at the three children again.

"I know you are afraid of me, but I'm afraid you three kids won't survive if you follow them. The dead one is holding the Dayan Jade Seal and running towards wealth and power, and the rest of them won't be much better."

As soon as he heard the word "Jade Seal", the eldest Ninth Prince immediately shouted.

"I knew it!"

Yi Shuyuan continued speaking before the child could express his indignation.

"Whether they are loyal or have evil intentions, you can also ask this person on the ground."

The guard on the ground felt much better now. Although his injuries were still there, he could at least speak normally. He spat out the blood in his mouth. Regardless of what would happen next, he had to trust this strange white-clothed guest now. .

The guard said angrily.

"Your Highnesses, Lu Rongqing wants to be the seller for glory. Each of these guys either agrees or acquiesces. Do any of them dare to look at me or deny it?"

The guards avoided Pan Wentang's sight with a guilty conscience, but the man in white was right next to him, and they were extremely frightened and uneasy in their hearts. Some of them couldn't help but defend themselves.

"We are just trying to survive. It is the commander who wants to harm your highnesses. We just don't want to die. Without us, your highnesses would not leave the palace. Those eunuchs would make life worse than death for you!"

Speaking of this, the guard was already risking his life and his voice was much louder. He did not dare to face Yi Shuyuan, but he looked at Pan Wentang and the eldest Ninth Prince.

"You are big and bold!"

The Ninth Prince was frightened and in disbelief. He pointed at the guard with trembling fingers. After the latter finished speaking, his heart beat rapidly. He was not afraid of Pan Wentang, let alone a few children. Like everyone else present, life and death depended only on the white clothes. In one thought.

"Oh, what he said is indeed right. Without them, you wouldn't be able to get out."

"Kill them!"

The Ninth Prince suddenly roared and interrupted Yi Shuyuan's words.

"Kill them quickly!"

Yi Shuyuan slowly looked sideways at the twelve-year-old prince. When the other person's eyes came into contact with his, fear suddenly reappeared in his heart and his body froze.


Yi Shuyuan smiled, and the atmosphere instantly melted like ice and snow. Then he turned to face the courtyard and walked forward step by step.

"Come on, follow me and you'll live!"

Saying these words, Yi Shuyuan passed by the guard on the ground, bent down and patted him gently on the back. Suddenly a breath vibrated in his body, the dislocated bones returned to their positions, and the pain in his meridians disappeared.

The force of this slap made the guard stand up from the ground. It was not until he stood firm that guard Pan Wentang realized in shock that he seemed to be fine.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan had already walked to the door of the courtyard, standing there looking into the courtyard, as if waiting for them to come out.

Pan Wentang reacted immediately and hurriedly walked to the door of the living room, reaching out to the prince and princess.

"Your Highnesses, let's go!"

The three children hesitated, but then they all walked out. Among them, the Ninth Prince immediately ran towards the body of the guard commander over there, reaching out to pick up the square thing wrapped in a cloth bag, but at this moment, the voice of the man in white came again. Come over.

"Although a jade seal may seem to weigh only a few kilograms, it actually weighs a lot. If you want to take that thing, He will not take it with you!"

Yi Shuyuan was very gentle and his tone was not serious, but it also made the Ninth Prince freeze. He glanced at his younger brother and sister who had already arrived beside Pan Wentang, and then looked at the man in white who was looking at him over there. After all, he was afraid. Gaining the upper hand, he hurriedly ran towards Pan Wentang.

Then the four anxious people, one big, three small, came outside the hospital and came to Yi Shuyuan's side.

At this time, the city was still windy and the weather was getting gloomier.


The explosion of thunder made many people tremble in their hearts. The current situation in Zhonglingfu City and this kind of weather are like this. How to escape?

Yi Shuyuan glanced at a few people, opened his mouth and let out a loud crane cry.


This sound made many people's hearts jump suddenly, and there was a hint of absurd thoughts in their hearts.

But soon there were some responses from the sky.

"唳——" "唳——" "唳——".

Many people looked into the sky, not just the people inside and outside the courtyard. Although many people escaped from Zhonglingfu City before, more than 70% of the people were still in the city this time. There were also people in nearby residences looking at the sky.

At this time, several white cranes flew over and quickly landed outside the courtyard.

"Woo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

The crane's cry was very clear, and the white cranes gathered around Yi Shuyuan, fluttering their wings or jumping a few times, which also stunned everyone watching this scene.

Is this a method that Bai Yudao could use back then?

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan just chuckled, and also let out a crane cry in his mouth, and blew out a stream of breath to sweep over several white cranes. Then the few white cranes that fell down actually lowered their bodies slightly.

Pan Wentang's heart moved again. Could it be that he wants us to sit on it?

But before Pan Wentang could ask, Yi Shuyuan waved his sleeves, and all four of them fell on Bai He.

These white cranes are very strong, and the one Pan Wentang is sitting on is the most majestic. They are obviously frequent visitors to the Imperial Garden of the Capital Palace, but at this moment, they were summoned here by Yi Shuyuan.

"We are immortal masters."

"Don't think too much, and don't be afraid. If you can't fall, let's go."

After Yi Shuyuan said this, he waved his arms slightly and turned into a white crane in the horrified eyes of everyone, followed by another loud crane cry.


All the white cranes stood up, followed the white crane in front and took a few steps to flap their wings and fly into the sky.

The sacred crane that protects the country, this is the sacred crane that protects the country and comes to save people!

Pan Wentang was more excited than the three Jian children, but he soon couldn't care less about the excitement, because the cranes rose into the sky and flapped their wings for nine days, creating a strong sense of weightlessness, and the following royal highnesses even screamed.

"Ah——" "Your Highness, hold tight——"



Thunder illuminated the dim Zhong Ling Mansion. Some people in the Zhong Ling Mansion seemed to vaguely hear the roar of cranes and saw a line of white cranes disappearing away, while others who saw it clearly stared in disbelief.

Seeing many white cranes flying high into the sky, the cranes followed Yi Shuyuan and circled over Zhongling Mansion. Looking down from here, one could see the vast army and the palace with billowing smoke and dust that seemed to be burning somewhere. .

"Dayan's energy has been exhausted. Those who cannot let go of their power will continue to conquer or become puppets. They will eventually coexist and perish with the Jian family. The so-called sacred crane protecting the country is just a superstitious move to fool the people. Heaven and earth have energy, and the country If there is a rise or fall, how can the country and the country be ridiculous?"

Yi Shuyuan didn't want to enjoy the treatment of the national guardian crane at all. Saving these three children and preserving the Jian family's bloodline would also settle this fate to a certain extent.

As for whether some of these people will commit suicide when they grow up, Yi Shuyuan has nothing to do with it.

The voice of the white crane in front came. No matter what the four people behind them thought, they were unable to respond amid the strong wind and thunder, in the moment of fear and excitement.


The crane roared, and all the cranes followed each other and flew into the distance.

In the city of Zhongling Mansion, Hui Mian had already moved the family of three from the original residence to another vacant residence far away. At this moment, it turned into a gust of wind and chased the white crane in the sky.

After a while, the remaining twelve guards in the original residential courtyard finally came back to their senses, with some inexplicable expressions on their faces.

But the next moment, everyone moved and rushed towards the imperial seal next to the corpse!


Although the four people were sitting on the back of the white crane, they were terrified, thundering and strong winds were blowing in their faces, and their bodies were shaking with the fluttering wings of the white crane. They did not even dare to open their eyes except hugging the white crane's neck.

I don’t know how long it took, but everything seemed to have calmed down.

"Giggle, cluck, cluck -"


The white cranes were chirping, the wind had softened, like a veil blowing on the face, the thunder was far away, the feeling of coldness and darkness had also dissipated, and instead there was a kind of warmth all over the body.

Pan Wentang and the three children gradually opened their eyes.

It turned out that the cranes had already flown out of Zhonglingfu City, flying out of the range of dense dark clouds and strong winds. In front of them were the warm sun and wind in the sky. After getting used to it, the tension eased, and even the hand holding the crane's neck was no longer so strong. As Shenhe said, you can't fall!

Looking at the land below, although it is still very high, it still has a very strange feeling. It is far better than standing on a high mountain and overlooking the sea of ​​clouds.

"Shenhe, where are we going?"

Pan Wentang looked at the three highnesses on his left and right, and when he saw that they were okay, he loudly asked the crane in front of him, and Yi Shuyuan's voice soon came.

"Go to a place where you can stay for a while, where you can meditate, and maybe get a glimpse of the pain of this troubled world. As for what happens from now on, it depends on you."

The cranes flew very fast, but the four people sitting on the back of the white crane were obviously protected by some kind of wind control method, otherwise the strong wind would be enough to make people unable to open their eyes.

In less than half a day, Baihe had already flown into Xichuan Province, passed the prosperous Luoqi Mansion, and even reached Yunlu Mansion.

When flying over the mist-shrouded Hele Mountain, Yi Shuyuan was slightly startled. Looking down, he could vaguely see faint wisps of special evil spirit. So the Big Toad King is back here again?

In a pool in the mountains of Hele Mountain, there is also a pair of eyes looking at the sky, and it seems that the cranes can be heard in the sky.

The Big Toad King revealed his pimpled toad body from the water and looked at the shadow of the distant sky.

So that’s it, hum, no wonder he was so fierce back then!

It's obviously a monster. What kind of trick is it to play like a crane that protects the country? Hehe, are you afraid something will happen now?

Wait till I settle the score with you!

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