Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 508 Dan Cheng Heaven and Earth Shake

It was one morning five years after Yi Shuyuan started refining alchemy.

At the southern foot of Tiandou Mountain, a fiery red bird flew over a mountain stream, glanced at the animals in the mountain drinking water by the stream, and then kept raising its body and flying high into the sky, looking down at the earth from the sky.

The sun shines from the east, coating the bird with a layer of golden light. This is not just sunshine, but also a short-lived brilliance contained in it. At this time, looking from a distance, the bird seems to have a layer of phantom around it. It seems that its wings should be bigger and its tail feathers should be longer.

In fact, there were indeed eyes watching the little bird in the distance at this time.

Some monsters within a thousand miles of Tiandou Mountain knew the news about the immortals refining elixirs in the mountains. However, everyone tacitly chose to keep the news secret, and couldn't help but come to take a look from time to time.

Of course, the same was true for the fox demon. At this moment, she turned into a fox and looked at the sky in the distance in a forest outside Tiandou Mountain, looking at the little bird that appeared for a short while in the morning sun.

Next to the fox lay another gray fox, also staring in that direction.

"Sister, have you seen it? It is one of the four gods in the heaven, Nanling General Zhu Li. There must be the other three gods of the four directions on the other three sides of Tiandou Mountain."

The gray fox stared at the sky in the distance and sighed, but the red fox on one side immediately stretched out its paws to block the gray fox's eyes.

"Sister, don't look at me like that, you will be noticed!"

The gray fox slapped away the paw that was blocking him.

"Look what's going on. She probably discovered it a long time ago. Alas, there was no chance in the first place. Now even if she wants to take a closer look, she can't."

“Maybe he’ll get rid of the elixir!”

Red Fox spoke his heart, which was also the heart of some demon cultivators currently guarding outside Tiandou Mountain.

Some of these demon cultivators were lucky enough to go to the Xingluo Dharma Assembly, witness the opening of the immortal furnace at that time, see thousands of elixirs fly away, and have also heard of what is called "walking elixirs".

If the elixir of good fortune comes, if there is an elixir disaster, the elixir refining immortal, even Yi Daozi, may be distracted in his busy schedule, and may take the elixir, then everyone will have a chance.

"If we really take the elixir, and we really get the elixir, do you dare to keep it for yourself?"

The gray fox suddenly asked such a pointed question, which made the red fox silent for a long time, and then looked to his side.

"Then sister, do you dare?"

The gray fox shook his head.

"I don't dare. If it were me, I would send the elixir back to Yi Daozi to try to win his favor."

Saying this, Gray Fox began to think wildly.

"As a true cultivator, he might say: Well, this is also your destiny. Now that I have it, I will give it to you, so that you can eat it with confidence!"

The red fox was also amused and smiled.

"What if Yi Daozi took it back directly? What else do you want to eat? If he raises his hand to summon a thunder?"

Gray Fox immediately shook his head.

"No, no, then he will definitely say this: Well, it is very rare to get it and return it. I really can't give you this pill, but I won't lose it to you. I still have some elixirs here, so I will give you one. Bar"

The gray fox held its paws together, grinned at the corners of its mouth, and swung its big tail back and forth.

"I'm not greedy. As long as it's an elixir, any elixir will do! Maybe you'll think I'm smart and sensible, accept me as a disciple and teach me my immortal skills. Oh, then I'll become a fairy with unparalleled magical powers."

The red fox was dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, it's too much."

But the next moment, the gray fox immediately recovered and looked at the red fox next to him with a serious "hehe".

"This elixir in Tiandou Mountain is obviously extraordinary, don't take it at your own risk!"

Red Fox frowned and looked at Tiandou Mountain.

"Isn't it better to have an extraordinary elixir? Why do you want to do all these unnecessary things?"

Just as the two fox demons thought, there are indeed four gods and guardians on the four sides of Dou Mountain today.

Different from the time when Qi Zhongbin set up the Sifang God in the Mo family and asked the gods to cast spells, the Sifang God who is now in Tiandou Mountain actually entered the lower world half a month ago.

After experiencing the Xingluo Dharma Assembly and receiving another Taoist artifact, this side's heavenly fortune has increased, and he has become more sensitive to the changes in the energy between heaven and earth. In fact, the unusual changes in the starlight of Tiandou Mountain in the past few years have been noticed by the heavenly court.

Today, the heaven has even sent the four gods to protect the lower realm, which can be regarded as an attitude expressed to Yi Shuyuan.

Deep in Tiandou Mountain, under the sloping peak, the alchemy furnace has been burning non-stop for five years.

In the past few years, Hui Mian and others have occasionally appeared nearby, but they have never seen Yi Shuyuan, and they have become accustomed to it over time.

However, it is obvious that the current alchemy furnace is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface. The lower realm of the Sifang God itself illustrates a great possibility, that is, the elixir is about to be completed.

Although the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Furnace is very quiet, the Hunyuan Xuanzhen Furnace in the heaven has been shining continuously in recent days, and seems to have a faint echo.

Beside the alchemy stove, Yi Shuyuan has been sitting here calmly.

However, unlike before, a storm was setting off in his mind now. This storm swept across the entire world of mind, and the strong wind set off a tide of spiritual breath.

However, Yi Shu Yuan Shen Nian was also sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain of artistic conception, motionless. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the interior of the alchemy furnace.

This furnace was originally a piece of heaven and earth, but at this moment it had completely collapsed, forming a huge tornado, with flames instead of air currents swirling around.

This flame presents five colors of light and releases endless scorching heat

And in the center of the flame tornado, a green mountain grass swayed in the wind.

Yi Shuyuan's eyes seemed to contain the sun and the moon, bringing brilliance to the world in the furnace. In his sight, everything he saw was an illusion of alchemy, and a Guiyi Seal slowly formed in his hand.

As Yi Shuyuan formed the seal in the artistic conception, Yi Shuyuan in the real Tiandou Mountain appeared five years later and also formed the Danding Guiyi seal.

"Woohoo. Woohoo woohoo"

The wind in Tiandou Mountain became stronger, but it was not just wind, because streams of spiritual energy were gathering from all directions.

Maybe the spiritual energy was just a faint wisp when it was thousands of miles away, but by the time it gathered in Tiandou Mountain, it was already a tidal torrent, and it even caused a storm.

Tiandou Mountain God appeared on the surrounding hills in an instant.

"Mr. Yi appears!"

On the top of a mountain in the distance, Hui Mian and Xiao Yong also looked towards the sloping peak.

"Sir is out!" "Firelight."

As Yi Shuyuan appeared, the oblique peak that seemed to have disappeared in the eyes of outsiders also reappeared in Tiandou Mountain. Although the alchemy furnace was not turned on, the light from the overflowing fire dyed the sky red.


Amid the strong wind, the sky darkened, and the clouds were bursting with lightning, forming a whirlpool that seemed to absorb all the clouds in the sky.

In a short period of time, dark clouds gathered rapidly, completely covering Mount Tiandou, and were still spreading outward.

At the sloping peak, Yi Shuyuan's physical body also slowly opened his eyes, and just looked into the alchemy furnace full of fire. The original alchemy realm seemed to have come to reality, and the flames in the furnace also appeared from time to time in a large amount of red light. Out of five colors.

The five-color flames are constantly gathering, and the endless spiritual energy is also being crazily absorbed into the Douzuan Qiankun Furnace. The Qiankun gourd on the top is constantly devouring the starlight, as if the dark clouds in the sky cannot stop it in the slightest!

Yi Shuyuan looked up at the sky and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. It was not that he despised Lei Jie, but that he suddenly thought with a hint of interest.

Oops, I have experienced so many calamities, but this time it is a serious thunder calamity. Tsk tsk, it’s so rare!

Yes, the catastrophes Yi Shuyuan experienced were strange and changeable, but today is the majestic power of thunder, which is also the most common catastrophe in the practice of sentient beings.

This calamity was not only a Dan calamity, but also a calamity for Yi Shuyuan, which coincided with the Beginning of Summer that year!

Outside of Tiandou Mountain, monsters and gods all looked up at the sky. The terrifying dark clouds and lightning made those who looked at them feel terrified.

At the same time, the dark clouds were dyed red by the firelight, and even the thunder light had a red color, sometimes mixed with five-color changes, giving it a fatal beauty!

Pill disaster! Sure enough, there is a calamity!

At this moment, all the energy in Tiandou Mountain was in chaos, and the heavenly secrets were in chaos.

Yi Shuyuan didn't pay attention to the fire, he just looked at the sky, watching the wind and thunder building up, and at a certain moment his heart moved even though he couldn't calculate any changes.

Thunder is coming!


At this moment, the sky and the earth were bright, and a thunder fell down on the world.

But Yi Shuyuan didn't move at all. The thunderbolt directly touched the Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace and was taken away by the Qiankun Gourd in an instant. The thunder suddenly appeared in the alchemy furnace again, as if another thunder appeared in the world.


This thunder light falls on the mountain grass in the furnace, just like the scene when the mountain grass swallowed up the thunder light when it matured.

But this lightning strike seemed to anger the heaven and the earth, and then the thunder accumulated in the nine heavens, showing the five elements and five colors of light. The terrifying breath of heavenly tribulation made all practicing beings breathless.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom."

The dark clouds are not without water, and the bright thunder turns into heavy rain. The color of the world seems to be fading. Only when the thunder flashes will it be dyed into the color of thunder.

The thunders of Jiamu, Binghuo, Wutu, Gengjin, and Renshui fell one after another.

The thunders of Yimu, Dinghuo, Jitu, Xinjin, and Guishui are coming one after another!

Yi Shuyuan thought that a simple thunder catastrophe would be easier to deal with. He also knew that the heavenly tribulation would definitely be more ferocious, but he did not expect it to be so ferocious.

The thunder and lightning seemed to wipe out the entire Tiandou Mountain, but in fact it was mainly concentrated in the Xiefeng area.

But the entire Tiandou Mountain seemed to be experiencing a thunderbolt. There was no creature in the mountain who was not afraid. Even Xiao Yong and Hui Mian had fled outside the mountain. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the pressure.

At this time, Xiao Yong stared blankly at the thunder calamity in Tiandou Mountain, even he was frightened by it.

But if you want to see clearly inside the mountain, no one has the ability, and you can only see chaos.

"Hui, Fellow Daoist Hui, Mr. Yi, nothing will happen to him."

Hui Mian clasped Xiao Yong's shoulders tightly with his four paws, worried in his heart but tough on his lips.

"No, it's just drizzle to sir! It won't happen at all. In the worst case, just avoid it. I'm more worried about the alchemy furnace and the elixir!"

The drizzle in Hui Mian's mouth has already chopped Yi Shuyuan into pieces. Now Yi Shuyuan is no longer the original immortal body, but has transformed into a white crane.


Another thunder fell.


The white crane fluttered its wings to meet the thunder. With a "crash", the thunder light enveloped the entire white crane and fell together towards the alchemy furnace on the ground.

With a sound of "Boom~", the crane's legs landed on the roof of the alchemy furnace. With a flick of its wings, the thunder light was shaken off.

"Ho, ho, ho"

If there were not many changes, Yi Shuyuan felt that the immortal body, which had been damaged in the last winter solstice, might have been scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

The earth began to shake, the white crane raised its head, and the calamity clouds in the sky turned bloody.

Yi Shuyuan was barely given time to react. At the moment when something bad happened to him, a streak of bloody lightning fell from the sky.



A ray of sword light penetrated the sky directly from bottom to top, splitting the lightning in half.

At the moment when he sheathed his sword, Yi Shuyuan lowered his head and looked into the furnace, and could vaguely see the flowers blooming on the top of the mountain.

It was also at this moment that the fairy grass in the furnace was completely vaporized from bottom to top, and merged into the flowers above along with other pills. As the flowers also collapsed, the few pills with golden light in the flowers were finally revealed.


The thunderclouds in the sky exploded with loud noises, and the blood light shrank and turned into a thin beam of thunder, twisting and falling to the earth.

Yi Shuyuan's idea of ​​drawing out his sword was dashed as soon as he first thought about it, because at the same moment, something was "causing trouble" in the alchemy furnace!


The lid of the alchemy furnace was actually lifted up. The moment the thunder fell, Yi Shuyuan's figure became unstable.

But at this moment, divine light suddenly rose, and a three-pointed two-edged knife pierced the last lightning beam upwards, and then the handle of the knife slammed downwards.


The golden light was accompanied by a loud noise, and the moment the top cover of the alchemy furnace was smashed down, the handle of the knife and the alchemy furnace burst out with a brilliant burst of light, directly covering all the colors in the world.

After this blow, Yi Shuyuan transformed into his original body again and fell to the ground, and all the restless pill energy in the furnace was absorbed into those pill pills.

Yi Shuyuan looked up at the sky. The whirlpool of dark clouds was no longer spinning. There was still thunder, but it was now ordinary lightning.

Dan, it’s done!

The movement of the alchemy furnace has gradually weakened, and now it is at a standstill.

Yi Shuyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt settled in his heart. He looked at the Alchemy Furnace with a smile on his face. The disaster had finally passed, and the Alchemy Furnace was not damaged. It was worth the suffering.

However, the pills cannot be left in the pill furnace for a long time, or they may become ashes after being refined!

Yi Shuyuan waved his folding fan and raised it slightly to see if he could get rid of the elixir.

Should I maintain the Celestial Transformation?

It's just that now the energy has gradually returned to clarity, and you can see from a distance. It's still Yi Daozi. The movement is definitely not small, but it's not uncontrollable.

In the blink of an eye, the top cover of the alchemy furnace has risen, and a piece of fire is imprinted again, turning the dark clouds in the sky into burning clouds.

It's also this moment.


A loud explosion-like sound came from the alchemy furnace, and the violent impact pushed Yi Shuyuan, who instantly unfolded his folding fan, to slide backwards quickly.


A ray of light pierced the sky directly with the impact, tore through the dark clouds and penetrated into the heaven.

The entire Tiandou Mountain was rumbling and shaking.

Not to mention Tiandou Mountain, the entire heaven is in turmoil at the moment.

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