Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 519: The calamity within the realm of demon transformation

After seeing you off for a thousand miles, you must say goodbye. Tan Yuanshang and Zhang Liangxi finally said goodbye to each other. The former stopped where they were, while the latter continued to drive in the original direction with the carriage.

On the carriage, Zhang Liangxi was no longer drowsy, but yesterday's dream kept flashing through his mind.

The further we move forward, the clearer the dream becomes, and it even seems like we have spent a long period of time in the dream instead of just one night.

But it seems. There seems to be something wrong.

The sound of horse hooves kept ringing. The more Zhang Liangxi thought about it, the more headache he got.


Some pictures kept flashing through his mind, including the late emperor's, Yi Shuyuan's, a little mink, a young man in rich clothes, and a very familiar person, but I couldn't remember that person's name. The appearance is not clear either.

I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, but dreams are easy to forget, right?

Pictures of small houses and houses, small bridges and flowing water, children playing, and even Mr. Yi playing the piano and composing music kept flashing by.

The faster Zhang Liangxi's thoughts raced, the more painful his head became. He wanted to suppress his headache but couldn't help but think about and recall the dream.

It's already afternoon.

The pain in his head was getting stronger and stronger, and it was like needle pricks. At this moment, there was a sudden "rustling" movement on the roadside. Zhang Liangxi suddenly became alert. He looked to both sides of the road, and there seemed to be figures moving quickly.

However, Zhang Liangxi remained calm and continued driving the carriage unhurriedly. It looked like a harmless old man was driving the carriage alone.

Finally, as dusk approached, the sight in the forest became dim. Zhang Liangxi thought in his heart that those people might not be able to bear it any longer.

Sure enough, with the sound of their clothes shaking in the wind, several masked men in well-dressed clothes sprang out of the forest and landed steadily in front of the carriage using light skills.


Zhang Liangxi pulled the reins and the carriage quickly stopped. He sat in the carriage and looked at the five masked men in front of him without any panic on his face.

One of the masked men smiled and whispered to the left and right.

"I'm right, right? There is an old eunuch in the palace who is returning home from old age. He must have a lot of gold, silver and valuable things in his car. He must be rich after doing this!"

The leading masked man nodded, but still said.

"Confirm first before speaking."

With that said, the leader stepped forward and spoke loudly.

"Don't be afraid, old man. We are here to chase a flower-picking thief, but we couldn't find him for a while, and your carriage and horse appeared very unexpectedly, so we showed up to ask."

"I haven't seen any flower-picking thieves. Are you mistaken?"

When Zhang Liangxi said this, someone immediately said angrily.

"Maybe it's hidden in your car. If you're old enough, let us search it!"

"Oh! Don't scare the old man!"

The leading man looked at Zhang Liangxi again with a pleasant look.

"Old man, tell me the truth, where did you come from and where are you going?"

Zhang Liangxi said calmly without hiding anything.

"I'm driving a carriage from the Chengtian Palace. I'm coming. I'm coming."

Zhang Liangxi's head started to hurt again. Where should we go? Where should we go? Where should we go? Where am I going?

"Hahahahahaha. It's true that this old eunuch is old. Don't think about it. If you want to go home, you won't be able to go home this time!"

"Hahahahaha" "Hehehehehe."

Several masked gangsters laughed wantonly, but Zhang Liangxi was already holding his head in his hands, feeling pain coming one after another.

No, no, I’m not going home, I’m not going home, where am I going, where am I going?

"Brother, something's not right with this old guy?" "It's going to be a long night and a lot of dreams, so catch him quickly!"

"Should we just kill him?"


The sound of drawing a sword sounded, and danger was approaching quickly, but Zhang Liangxi turned a deaf ear until the sword was in front of him.

Zhang Liangxi's eyes suddenly widened.

"Ding~" "Dang~"

With two soft sounds, Zhang Liangxi slapped away the two knives, then stretched out his left hand to hold the blade of the third knife.

Among the three people who were the first to attack, two were filmed spinning on both sides of the carriage and then staggered. The leader held the knife and wanted to drop it, but no matter how hard he tried, the blade did not move at all.

The other two holding the line were also astonished at this time.

The leader stared at the old man in front of him in disbelief, and his pupils even dilated slightly, realizing a terrible problem.

This old eunuch knows martial arts, and his skills are amazing!

"I remembered, I want to go to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain!"

After the words fell, Zhang Liangxi's other hand was just blurry in the eyes of the leading masked man. Almost at the same moment, a pressure like a mountain collapsing came from his chest.


After a palm strike, the leader of the robbers flew out without a sound, and crashed directly into the forest over there, completely making no movement.

"The idea is pricking your hands, run quickly——"

Someone yelled and ran away first, but it was obviously too late. Although Zhang Liangxi was usually kind-hearted, he was ruthless once he took action!

No one ran a few steps, or was stabbed by a thrown knife, or was hit by a slap in the face.

In just a few breaths, four of the five masked gangsters who held up the road were dead, leaving one alive who was so frightened that he could not urinate.

"Who sent you?"

Zhang Liangxi had already seen the true faces of those people and returned to Huokou to untie his acupuncture points.

"I, I, we just heard that you are leaving from here, no, no one sent us. Uh-huh, I said, I said, the eunuch supervisor of foreign affairs in the palace is a relative of my family. He said that there is a fat old eunuch who will leave. This way”

Zhang Liangxi released his hand that held the other person's eyes, and then lightly patted his forehead.

Amidst the sound of "clucking", the last gangster bled from all his orifices and died.


With a cold snort, Zhang Liangxi had no intention of replying to Chengtian Mansion, so he returned to the carriage and continued to set off.

But at this moment, he had already thought of a lot of things. Although he still had a headache, he knew that he must go down this road and go to the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain!


In the southern border of Dayong, in the Mentou Mountain in Yushu County, Yanzhou Prefecture, it is very quiet after dark.

There is a cave opened by immortal cultivators in the mountain. The outside of the cave is made of simple blinds and restrictions made of vines, while the inside is a relatively spacious space.

There is a special cave deep in the cave. The cave is not big and can only accommodate one person. Gongsun Yin is sitting in it. At the same time, the cave is also sealed by two iron doors, which are covered with inscriptions. .

The faint light of these inscriptions also heralds the opening of the ban, completely sealing off the inside and outside.

At this moment, Gongsun Yin and Zhang Liangxi had only entered the restricted area of ​​the iron gate for a short while, and they did not reveal a trace of their breath after it was closed.

The iron gate outside was also sealed with the help of Yi Shuyuan and Jiang Lang.

In fact, this is already a year after Zhang Liangxi retired and returned home.

"Well, after daybreak, the Heart Aperture Sympathy Technique will lower Gongsun Yin's cultivation level again, while Zhang Liangxi's cultivation level will increase. The two people's mana, mind and spirit will come from the same source. In time, they will be able to control water and fire. At the same time, Create your own casting furnace!"

Hui Mian stood on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and spoke eloquently. Jiang Lang also nodded slightly. This kind of immortal magic is indeed magical.

Yi Shuyuan frowned.

"When I helped Gongsun Yin create the method of coexistence between the heart and the aperture, strictly speaking, it was not to create the immortal foundation, but to deal with the demonic calamity, because Gongsun Yinshi did not survive the calamity of the demon that year, and his heart orifice was already damaged. , as your practice deepens, the devil’s calamity will surely come!”

Jiang Lang had already heard Yi Shuyuan and Gongsun Yin talk about the demonic calamity back then, and he couldn't help but smile at this moment.

"That's just right. Jiang also wants to see this so-called demonic calamity. Is it as mysterious as you say? I have been practicing for so long and I am very knowledgeable. I have never seen the demonic calamity transformation state that you are talking about!"

"Hey, I advise you the best."

Having said this, Yi Shuyuan's heart suddenly jumped.


"What's wrong?"

Without answering Jiang Lang's question, Yi Shuyuan looked at the closed iron door.

"Open the restriction quickly!"

"Aren't you ready to guard against external demons?"

"I'm afraid it's too late!"

While Yi Shuyuan was speaking, the folding fan in his hand had already moved towards the door twice. The inscriptions on the door that he had sealed with his own hands immediately disappeared, and then the iron door slowly opened with a "rumbling" sound.

As soon as the door opened, Jiang Lang and Hui Mian were stunned.

The two people inside were sitting cross-legged facing each other, with their palms facing each other as if they were passing on skills, but this was just an appearance.

There seemed to be nothing unusual about Gongsun Yin, but just for a short while, the aura on Zhang Liangxi's body suddenly became dim and unclear, and even the blood on his body was fading rapidly. Soon, most of his body looked like it was carved from a piece of dead wood. statues and are still spreading.

"What's going on? How did he become like this?"

Jiang Lang watched Zhang Liangxi sit down, but he didn't dare to move casually due to his changes at the moment, so he had to look at Yi Shuyuan beside him.

Yi Shuyuan was also slightly shocked.

"Come so fast!"

Jiang Lang understood immediately when he heard the words and looked at Yi Shuyuandao.

"Magic Tribulation?"

Yi Shuyuan frowned. He calculated at this moment that all the auras were unclear. Looking around, he felt even more confused.

"The situation is not good. Could it be that this demonic tribulation has manifested itself to avoid me?"

Yi Shuyuan's eyes fell in front of Gongsun Yin and Zhang Liangxi. On their knees was a scroll of cultivation, with various seal characters and some pictures on it. In the middle, there was a mountain surrounded by colorful air balls, symbolizing the important palace of Xinqiao Lingtai. It was also painted by Yi Shuyuan, with three characters "Fangcun Mountain" written on it.

"As you said, Gongsun Yin's heart orifices are injured. At this time, when the evil calamity comes, is Zhang Liangxi, a layman like him, blocking it?"


"Maybe, maybe, can we help?"

Jiang Lang said this, and Yi Shuyuan looked at him.

"You want to help?"

"That's natural!"

"Then have you thought clearly about the demonic calamity I mentioned before?"

Jiang Lang answered the question incorrectly.

"In other words, you have a way?"

Yi Shuyuan nodded slightly.

"I really do!"

Jiang Lang smiled.

"It shouldn't be too late, more people can help each other, not to mention I'm a dragon!"

Yi Shuyuan unfolded the folding fan in his hand. Jiang Lang glanced at the fan in his hand and saw a vague figure in red and black clothes on the fan.

It seems that the figure on the fan is the center, and the ink color is constantly rendering, completely dyeing the white paper fan into a black paper fan.

"Brother Jiang, do you know that from the perspective of demonic calamity, the position you and I are in at the moment is an illusion, and since you have the intention, we are going to that demonic realm!"

Saying that, Yi Shuyuan looked over his shoulder.

"Protect the law for us!"


Hui Mian responded, jumped off Yi Shuyuan, and landed outside the iron gate.

The next moment, a lot of smoke escaped from the folding fan in Yi Shuyuan's hand. When Jiang Lang felt that his vision was unclear, there seemed to be a flash of red and black in front of his eyes.

Yi Shu Yuan Tian Demonic Transformation is actually very difficult to use, but at this moment it is just right. The complexion on his face is like frost and snow, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and the folding fan is waving in the smoke.

Since it is determined that Zhang Liangxi is in the devil's realm, he will definitely be able to enter the magic mirror with the power of Tiangang Transformation.

Yi Shuyuan does not need to actually perform this major Tiangang transformation. The conditions are so harsh that it is almost impossible for him to use his magic power, but he can do it at this moment!

The Heavenly Gang changes and the Heavenly Demon transforms into a state!

Sweeping the folding fan, in the eyes of Jiang Lang and Yi Shuyuan, the smoke continued to spread like fire. The surrounding scenery seemed to change with the burning of black smoke and flames, as if the world was torn apart and mottled, and then expanded infinitely in an instant.

When Jiang Lang reacted, he found that he and Yi Shuyuan were already standing on a familiar yet unfamiliar official road.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Jiang Lang looked around, his face full of novelty. This feeling was extremely real, too real!

Yi Shuyuan looked into the distance, and then ran over quickly. As soon as he saw the big stone, he understood it and shouted towards Jiang Lang.

"Brother Jiang - this seems to be the official road outside Chengtian Mansion!"

When Jiang Lang heard this, he immediately wanted Yu Feng to go over, but even though his thoughts moved, the wind did not rise, and his body did not move either.

Um? oh! It really is!

Thinking this, Jiang Lang immediately ran over.

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