Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 526: Seeking a doctor and returning home together

The children got the candies and left laughing and playing. They came all the way to get the candies, and they got them just as their friends said.

Hui Mian poked his head from the back collar of Qi Zhongbin's clothes and was a little concerned about the song here.

"Boy Qi, follow me and ask?"


Qi Zhongbin had this intention, so naturally he would not leave directly, but followed the children.

The children were making noise and singing children's songs, and then entered an alley. Then they all sat down in the alley, began to unwrap the oil-paper icing, and tasted the candies with anticipation.

This kind of candy is actually mainly maltose, which is shoveled off large pieces of candy with a spatula. The store tears the oil paper into small pieces and wraps them up for children to take away.

"Hahaha, mine is so big!" "Oh, mine is smaller than yours!"

“Mine is shattered” “So sweet!”

"Ha ha ha ha."

The children were reluctant to eat the candy all at once, and licked the bits on the oiled paper bit by bit.

What’s funny is that even though I eat small pieces, I always want to keep the integrity of the large pieces of candy.

At this time, Qi Zhongbin also walked into the alley with a handful of hawthorns in his hand, and the source of the hawthorns was naturally Hui Mian.

Qi Zhongbin came closer and asked with a smile.

"You little kids can sing catchy songs. Where did you learn this song?"

The children looked at Qi Zhongbin one after another, and when they saw that he was a kind-hearted old man, some of the children who were more cheerful answered.

"We learned it from others, we all know it!" "Yes, we all know it!"

"Oh! How long have you been studying for?"

"Forgot." "I've known it for a long time anyway!"

Qi Zhongbin couldn't figure out the reason, so he didn't ask any more questions. These children didn't know what was going on, but they just thought it was a good thing for Tan Ji to sing this song when giving out candy.

Let alone a child, ordinary people actually don't feel anything wrong. Even if they understand the principle of not exposing their wealth, Tan Daguan is a person in the sky. How can he be the same as Sheng Dou, a commoner? This is naturally a compliment.

Thinking like this, Qi Zhongbin still spread his hands.

"Come on, these are hawthorns from the mountain, two per person. Eating hawthorns with sugar is just like eating candied haws."

"Wow!" "Oh, great!" "Thank you, grandpa!"

The children gathered together and started fighting for a while, but in the end it was still two per person, but some got the bigger one and some got the smaller one.

This seemed to be just a small incident when entering the capital, but Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian took it to heart.

After all, Tan Yuanshang is not an insignificant person.

Since the time of Yongmingzong, and even since the period of Prince Yongmingzong, although Tan Yuanshang has not been an official, he has been a real help to the entire Dayong Dynasty.

There is no need to count the number of disaster relief workers. Tan’s status and influence in the business world, as well as his contribution to opening up trade routes by sea and land are not small.

It is also unclear whether Tan Yuanshang himself knows about the children's songs.

Qi Zhongbin made some calculations after he came out of the alley. The strange thing is that starting the hexagram with the song there is naturally detrimental to Tan Yuanshang, but using the three characters Tan Yuanchang to start the hexagram gives Qi Zhongbin a very stable feeling.

It's really hard to say whether this is an obvious good or bad thing, but Qi Zhongbin knows little about Tan Yuanshang after all, and the conditions are not sufficient. Maybe he needs to take a look at him to see his talent.

However, although Tan Yuanchang's fate changes cannot be calculated clearly, he also knows that he is not in Chengtian Mansion at the moment.

"Let's go, Mr. Qi, let's go find a place to eat! How much money do you have in total?"

"A little more than three taels."

"Hahaha, there are quite a few. Let's go and find a better place!"

Under Hui Mian's instigation, Qi Zhongbin also indulged in luxury. The most important thing in the capital was high-end restaurants. As for the richness and taste of the dishes, if he wanted to be able to do it in the capital, he would naturally need two brushes. .


Dayong now has not only a reputation for prestige, but also a reputation for being virtuous and benevolent. It can be said that it is a place that foreigners respect, fear and admire.

When Tan Yuanshang went out to do business, whether it was to Nanbang or the Western Regions, or to the northern grasslands, or even to Yanfang in the northeast, everyone he passed treated him respectfully, and even the king of a country wanted to sit with him, and he also He has a good way of dealing with the world, he is never arrogant, and he always does things decently.

It can be said that although Dayong has military power, Tan Yuanshang's contribution to the name of Li Wen Bang is indispensable.

Of course, the first batch of opportunities to open up business routes naturally allowed the Tan family to make a lot of money. After all, when it comes to making money, the entire Dayong and even the surrounding countries are included. I am afraid that no one can be Tan Yuanshang's opponent.

Lingdong, Dengzhou City, Renji Hall, Tan Yuanshang's figure appeared here at this moment.

Tan Yuanshang, who is about to reach his seventies now, is still full of energy and has a lot of black hair on his head. He is not a person who often stays at home. A few years ago, Tan Yuanchang personally went to the farthest reaches of the Western Region.

It's true that he often walks outside and takes good care of his body. Even at this time, Tan Yuanshang still doesn't look like an old man from a distance unless he takes a closer look.

Tan Yuanshang, with only two people around him, came to the street in front of the medical center and looked up.

"Renji Hall!"

Looking into the hall, there were quite a few people inside. Some were buying medicine and others were seeing doctors. There were about a dozen of them.

The fleet passed through Datong River and stopped temporarily at Dengzhou Port. Tan Yuanshang took the opportunity to come to the city. In fact, he had already visited Yuezhou before.

The reputation of this medical center is naturally good in Dengzhou, but it is not well-known outside Dengzhou. After all, there are too many medical centers and drug stores of various types, and many of the names are similar. However, one doctor in the medical center has A big name.

It can even be said that there are not many doctors in Dayong who do not know his name. Even foreigners who admire Dayong culture and medicine know him, and that is Hu Kuangming.

The book "Treatise on Strange Plagues" can be said to be unique in its own understanding. It is a masterpiece of plague treatment in ancient times. It involves not only medicine but also management and control. It is one of the must-read books for medical students.

The book also includes some medical records about plagues in history, as well as the valuable experience of the Lingdong plague. As Hu Kuangming's experience and medical skills continued to increase, many supplementary versions were published, and some other epidemic diseases were also added. .

Therefore, Hu Kuangming has a high status in the hearts of doctors all over the world.

Tan Yuanshang entered the hall. A person with his temperament and clothes certainly attracted the attention of most people immediately. A young boy immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Do you want some medicine or medical treatment?"

When the person next to him was about to speak, Tan Yuanshang raised his hand to stop him and saluted the person behind the counter.

"This young gentleman, my surname is Tan. I would like to see Mr. Hu. I wonder if he is here?"

The boy frowned slightly.

"There must be hundreds of people who want to see Dr. Hu every day. Of course they will be able to see him when he comes."

However, an old man behind the counter had something in his mind. While weighing the medicine, he looked at the visitor a few more times and asked a question.

"But that Tan from the Tan family in Chengtian Mansion?"

Tan Yuanshang looked at him and nodded.


As soon as he heard this, the old man's face immediately changed color, and a smile appeared. Many people in the hall even looked sideways again, and some even looked shocked and couldn't help but make a sound.

"People from Tan Ji Company?" "Tan family members?"

"The one that sent the rescue fleet that year, right?"

Tan Yuanshang smiled and said nothing. This is what he likes about Lingdong. People in Lingdong never forget their roots. Perhaps it was the great disaster that year that left such a deep impression that the entire Lingdong united as one.

Even among the Dayong Army, Lingdong soldiers are often the most combat-effective group and are deeply loved by the recruitment department and the generals of various armies.

"It turns out he is a member of the Tan clan, but what's wrong with him?"

The old man behind the counter was friendly and cheerful.

"I don't have any symptoms, I just want to pay a visit to Mr. Hu and have a chat with him."

The old man nodded.

"Axiang, sit down and grab some medicine."

With that said, the old man came out from the counter.

"Please, I will take you to see the master!"

"Oh, thank you!"

Tan Yuanchang bowed again and followed the old man into the inner hall. In fact, it was not far at all, just behind Renji Hall. He just bought a few houses in the back to form one.

After passing two courtyards, Tan Yuanshang saw Hu Kuangming, who was arranging his posture and doing a set of slow health-preserving boxing techniques.

When he saw Tan Yuanshang coming over, Hu Kuangming frowned and looked at him for a few times. His memory came back and he felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember who this person was. However, with his extraordinary demeanor, he should not be an ordinary person.

"Master, this is a member of the Tan family of Chengtian Prefecture in the capital. He came specially to visit you. Oh, by the way, your name is..."

Tan Yuanshang smiled and took a step forward, bowing respectfully.

"Tan Yuanshang, I have met Mr. Hu!"

"Mr. Tan!" "Mr. Tan?"

Hu Kuangming and his disciples were one stunned and the other shocked.

"As people get older, their memory fails, so I said it looked familiar. It turns out Mr. Tan is here. Come on, make a pot of good tea!"


The old man left in a hurry, but after a few steps he turned back and glanced several times. Is this Tan Yuanshang himself? It doesn’t look too old!

You must know that Tan Yuanshang is actually older than his master Hu Kuangming!

Hu Kuangming personally moved chairs and stools into the house, and Tan Yuanshang also went to help. Then he sat down in front of the house. Soon the tea arrived, along with some refreshments.

The chat inevitably brought up the topic of the Lingdong disaster that year. When it was almost done, Tan Yuanshang mentioned the real reason for his visit.

"Mr. Hu, Tan hopes that you can come back to Beijing with me this time!"

Hu Kuangming frowned.

"Mr. Tan, if someone in your family is sick, Hu Kuangming will do his best to help. If you want me to go back with you to be your private doctor, I'm sorry I can't agree."

Tan Yuanshang shook his head.

"Of course not. Mr. Tan hopes that Mr. Tan will return to Beijing with me to see a doctor for the current emperor."

Tan Yuanchang's words were so shocking that not only Hu Kuangming, but also the two people following him had their hearts skipped a beat, and Tan Yuanchang continued.

"I have watched the emperor grow up. When he went to my place, it was a rare time for him to relax. After he ascended the throne, the emperor was under great pressure. He did not dare to slack off for twenty years. In fact, the Dayong today is not the same as when the late emperor ascended the throne. There is no need for him to be so tired. After the death of the Queen Mother last year, the Emperor’s health seemed not to be right.”

Tan Yuanshang sighed as he spoke.

"I know the emperor's temper best. When the late emperor was alive, he was afraid that he would be weak in kindness, but in fact he had the same temper as the late emperor. And he cared more about the opinions of others than the late emperor, and was easy to force himself on."

Only very few people such as Tan Yuanshang could say this, and even fewer after the Queen Mother's death. The understatement showed the status of the Tan family.

"Tan doesn't trust those quack doctors in the palace. He invites the best doctors, so I've come to invite you!"

Tan Yuanshang was still brooding over what happened back then. The imperial doctor clearly said that he had stabilized the late emperor's illness, but the late emperor died just after he left. Although he knew that the imperial doctor was not to blame, he did not trust the imperial hospital.

Hu Kuangming frowned.

"Your Majesty? Mr. Tan, please don't make such a joke. Besides, if I go, how will the people in the Imperial Hospital deal with themselves?"

"Hey, of course it won't work if you hire someone unknown, but you are Hu Kuangming. It's human nature to be unable to compare with you."

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