Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 543 The rise and fall of the pill

Nowadays, Lingdong has already restored its prosperity. No, it should be said that its prosperity has reached the highest level in history.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin flew over Lingdong together, and the "shooting star" gradually faded away and turned into the wind, parading high in the sky.

Although it is night, it is not the dead of night in the true sense. It is the time when thousands of families light up their lights.

At this moment, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in Lingdong at night, Qi Zhongbin and Shi Sheng both felt a sense of trance, and even more emotional. From their perspective, it seemed that they could go back in time and space to compare the depression of the past with the present.

"Reunited bit by bit, this is the light of thousands of homes"

Qi Zhongbin murmured, Shi Sheng couldn't help but nod, and Hui Mian, who was sitting on Shi Sheng's head, also nodded secretly. As expected, these two disciples followed their master.

However, there was something that made Hui Mian unhappy. It patted Shi Sheng's bun and crown with disgust, and pulled the hairpin on it.

"Shi Sheng, why are you wearing this thing? Can't your head be flatter?"

As soon as he arrived at Shi Sheng's place, Hui Mian wanted to lie down on his head with his limbs spread out, but there was an extra "bundle" on his head. How could he lie down like this? It was really uncomfortable!

"Senior Hui, I'm not too young at home. That's all."

Shi Sheng said this and stretched out his hand to pull out the hairpin. Then the small crown flew into his hand, and his long hair fell directly without any mess or bend. Hui Mian immediately lay down on it, feeling comfortable!

The two brothers looked at the sky for a long time, but they didn't know when the stars would fall.

But as time passed, I felt something. It was probably in this area, but it might not be tonight, it might be the next moment.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look. It's better than blowing in the wind in the sky, and let's find something to eat!"

Shi Sheng suggested this.

"well said!"

Hui Mian immediately agreed with Shi Sheng's words.

Although it is already late, this is Lingdong. It can be said that everything is prosperous, and there are many people doing business at night.

The two of them merged into the breeze, and as the night breeze blew into a city that currently had no walls, they could see the Xintian County seat after passing the archway outside the city.

At a certain moment, two figures appeared on the streets of the city with the breeze, it was Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin.

The two of them seemed to be walking on the street, appearing naturally and moving forward naturally. They did not look out of place in the city at night. There were still many people coming and going on this street at the moment. Some vendors working late were hurrying up. Doing the last wave of business of the day.

The weather has just entered summer and it still seems a bit chilly at night, and waves of heat are wafting along with the fragrance on the streets ahead.

A hanging lantern, a small shed, and a trolley that can be pulled away are all the configurations of the stall over there. There are three or two diners eating there, and I don't know if they are passers-by or nearby. The people came out to satisfy their greed.

"Just eat that, just eat that!"

Hui Mian shouted, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin looked at each other and walked forward. But when they arrived at the stall, Hui Mian's heart moved, and he stood up from Shi Sheng's head, but he couldn't cover his eyes.

This is a wonton cake stall. In front of the stall is a middle-aged man, who is working quickly. He manages the fire and receives customers alone. This is the case for most small businesses, and the many helpers are usually relatives.

"Hey, you two guests, do you want something to eat? Our wontons are made with enough ingredients and taste good, and the pancakes are also very fragrant! A bowl of wontons costs eight cents, and a pancake costs three cents!"

"Here are three bowls of wontons and six pancakes."

"Three bowls?"

The stall owner subconsciously looked around the two of them, and Shi Sheng explained.

"Oh, this old gentleman and I were afraid we wouldn't have enough, so we ordered an extra bowl to share."

"Then let me add more to each bowl for you, right?"

Qi Zhongbin smiled.

"It's better to have an extra bowl."

"Okay, please go over there and sit down and wait for a while!"

The two of them nodded, sat down at the empty table in the stall, and watched the stall owner busy. Practice makes perfect, and everything was done smoothly. After the people at the table next to them finished their meal and left, Shi Sheng and the two of them also finished their work.

"Sir, your wontons and pancakes are here~just right!"

The stall owner came over with a tray, put down the things and said "Please use", and then went back to his business. At this time, another diners arrived, and the store owner was busy greeting them. The business was obviously not bad.


When Hui Mian said this, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin were moved in their hearts, and they all looked at Hui Mian who had jumped onto the table.

"Senior Hui, is there anything special about him?"

Shi Sheng asked this, and Hui Mian smiled.

"That's right, let's eat first!"

As he said this, Hui Mian had already begun to enjoy it, and he was very skilled at grabbing the spoon with his two paws. If anyone saw this scene clearly, they would be surprised.

Apparently many of the people eating wontons nearby were acquaintances, and many were chatting with the stall owner.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin were eating and listening at the table. Because of Senior Hui's relationship, they also became interested in the stall owner.

I probably know that this wonton stall will be open at least until midnight, and then at the beginning of Mao Shi, the stall will be opened for the morning business, which means that preparations will start at Yin Shi, and you can rest or do other things during the day.

"Eat quickly, I'm almost finished!"

Hui Mian was not almost finished eating, but had already finished eating. He even stole two wontons from the bowls of Qi Zhongbin and Shi Sheng.

"Senior Hui, just tell us!"

"Hey, don't say anything!"

While Hui Mian was holding back, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin suddenly looked up. Although there was a shed blocking the way, they were still aware of the changes in star power in the direction of the sky that they had been paying attention to.

"Store, the money is on the table!"

"Oh good."

The busy stall owner responded, but when he looked up, he found that the people at the table were gone.

This made the stall owner a little surprised. He walked to the table and took out the copper coins on the table. He scratched his head and looked outside the stall. He didn't see the two people. Could it be that he had entered an alley?

"Did you guys see when the two guests here just left?"

"Didn't you just leave? Didn't you give me any money?"

Several regular customers raised their heads and looked at the stall owner, who quickly shook his head.

"Yes, yes, I just can't see where I went. I disappeared in the blink of an eye. It can't be."

As he said this, the stall owner subconsciously covered his mouth and shuddered. As the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts. So, could it be possible that he also encountered ghosts when he set up too many stalls at night?

"Hey, stop guessing, can you still hit a ghost?"

A diner joked and then said.

"Those two people are probably charlatans. The young man with long hair is disheveled, so he is dressed like this. They may come and go!"

After saying this, the stall owner immediately felt relieved.

On the other side, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin had already flown into the sky, but in just the blink of an eye, the star in the sky had disappeared.

Although the brothers and sisters were eating wontons in the county town, at their current level, whether they looked at the sky or not did not actually matter much. In other words, the stars suddenly disappeared from their perception.

"The pill has moved! It's still in the sky, but it doesn't shine anymore!"

"He'll be gone in no time!"

The brothers Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin revealed the truth in one sentence each. When the elixir moved, it looked like a walking elixir and no longer appeared as a star.


Suddenly, a vague light flashed across the sky, and Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin's hearts skipped a beat.


One of the two stepped on the hot wheel to fly like lightning, and the other threw the Tiangang mace. Their body shape and the precious light merged into one escaping light mace and moved forward.

Although the "stars" are hidden, it still depends on who they are dealing with. They are all disciples of Yi Daozi!

This elixir of light was extremely fast, scurrying around in the sky, then flying towards the earth, flying rapidly among mountains, rivers and swamps, while Qi Zhongbin and Shi Sheng were chasing after it all the way.

"Brother, this pill is not simple. Unfortunately, although its pill quality is higher, it has already left the pill furnace. Without the pill furnace for refining, the power of the stars it has contained over the years has become chaotic. This time it has reached its limit. , that’s why it escapes and flies around. If we don’t catch it, others will catch it sooner or later!”

The master is an expert in the immortal way of alchemy, and the apprentice now has some understanding of the way of alchemy, especially the Qiankun lineage, which has the shadow of the way of change.

At this moment, the two of them escaped from the light very quickly, but they also looked like they were flying around.

On the land, the drought-resistant canal left by Chu Hang has not disappeared after decades. Instead, it has been maintained by the people of Lingdong. It is obviously a small river extending in all directions.

In a mountain connected to the drought relief canal, there was a fish raising its head in a pool, and a faint flash of fire and another escaping light could be seen.

At this moment, Yu'er's heart moved. Because of his sister's relationship, he knew some things that ordinary demon cultivators didn't know.

That flaming strange escaping light was too fast to see clearly. It must be Yi Daozi's apprentice Mo Xianchang. The other escaping light was unknown, but what were they doing?

The fish flew up to the top of the mountain in a burst of water mist, and looked into the distance, only to see that the escaping light kept flashing rapidly, as if it was flying around.

wrong! It can't be flying around, that's the disciple of the Immortal Lord, the Great Immortal in the Tao!

At the same moment, at the other end of the mountain, there was a place where mud and rocks were scattered on the mountain, and a strange head gradually poked out from the soil. Apart from the soil, there were crack marks everywhere on this head, and there was a faint smell. Dead air.

It also looked at the sky, and also noticed the immortal light. At the same time, it also had a strong intuition in its heart, but it didn't know why. Maybe it was the confusion of spiritual sense before death?

In the distant sky, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin, who had been chasing for an entire hour and a half, found that they could not catch up with the elixir. Although the elixir was in chaos, it had already reached the point of qualitative change.

"Forget it if you can't catch up, it means it is destined not to belong to you! It has been so long, and it may have alarmed a lot of people, which also means that you two are not yet at home in practice. If you are here, sir, why bother to waste such effort~"

Hui Mian was very open-minded. He said sarcastic remarks above Shi Sheng's head. He had seen Tian Dou Dan. Although this Star Rod Dan was very different, that was all.

"Hmph, I still have some tricks that are useless. Junior brother, get ready to stop it. Look at my Universe Circle!"

The precious light in Shi Sheng's hand flashed, and a small circle of heaven and earth appeared in his hand. He turned the circle of heaven and earth in his hand, and the latter kept getting bigger on his fingertips. After a few turns, he was thrown away by Shi Sheng.



The circle of heaven and earth turned into a golden light, and after a "buzzing" sound, it quickly flew towards the elixir in the distance, faster than Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin's escape light.

Shi Sheng didn't want to use this trick at first, because the star power of this Star Rodan was not refined and integrated from the alchemy furnace. It would probably be dispersed a lot by the Qiankun Circle. Gotta try it.

The Qiankun Circle is very spiritual and communicates with its owner's mind. Its speed is so fast that it is invisible, almost like a golden thread in the sky, and it can turn quickly while rotating at high speed.

Shi Sheng's flying speed slowed down, while Qi Zhongbin rushed to catch up. Shi Sheng behind him raised his fingers between his eyebrows, constantly casting spells to change the trajectory of the Universe Circle.


Following Shi Sheng's soft voice, the Qiankun Circle in the distance caught up with Xingluo Dan, and a ball of starlight was ejected in the sky.


The light flashed, and the star-glow golden dots of the elixir became more obvious. However, unlike Shi Sheng's expectation that the elixir would be stunned for a while, it was directly knocked away. No, it was not knocked away, but immediately after a moment of chaos. flew away and became more obvious.

The light at this time is exactly the same as the star glow corresponding to the elixir light when the elixir was released in the heaven.

But Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin couldn't see it, because a large cloud of starlight exploded from the elixir, covering the two people who were chasing them. There was a bright starlight in front of their eyes.

There was a flash of light in the distant sky, and the fish on the top of the mountain over there couldn't help but scream in surprise.


I have never tasted the elixir or seen it, but my sister has seen it, and even almost caught it. Yu'er knows that it is the elixir, and it is the one my sister said, Xingluo Dan!

This exclamation was not too loud, and it did not spread very far, but a mountain at the other end of the mountain shook suddenly, and it heard the exclamation!

In the distance, Qi Zhongbin and Shi Sheng broke through the starlight. They even cast spells to gather a considerable part of the rich star power, but the elixir that was just close at hand disappeared.

But both of them looked at the city not far away. After chasing for so long, they actually returned here.

In the wonton stall in Xintian County, the store's wontons were still a little unsold, but it was already late, and he had already started to close the stall. When he was clearing away the bowls and spoons on the table, a ray of light flashed away, and he entered I put a wonton that had not been cooked in the pot, and the wonton skin was not broken.

The thick smoke from fireworks at the stall also directly wiped away the remaining scent of the elixir.

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