Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 547 Not turning into bones

Although Yi Shuyuan still didn't know the details after hearing this, he roughly understood it.

There is no doubt that the person in front of me is a cultivator. After the Xingluo Dharma Assembly, cultivators all over the world have different understandings of the Dayong Dynasty, but they also use the power of Emperor Dayong to reduce some of their sins.

After the person in front of him finished speaking, he picked up vegetables and poured wine very casually, but his eyes were always focused on Yi Shuyuan across the table.

He thought that after he said these ambiguous words, the other party would be impatient to ask questions. Unexpectedly, the person opposite him was also eating food and drinking and was not impatient, but his expression was obviously thoughtful.

This young man is so calm!

Seeing this man, he didn't say much, and started to take care of the dishes seriously. Later, he even asked the restaurant waiter to serve the food.

Seeing that this man was eating deliciously, Yi Shuyuan also had a big appetite, so he poured rice and wine, and then added a few more dishes.

After eating until there was not much food left on the table, the man who came out of the prison also had a happy face, swallowed the food in his mouth and said again.

"You, a young man, seem to eat in a gentle manner, but you eat a lot. I was just released from prison, and I haven't had a good meal in a few years. You still feel like you haven't eaten in a long time."

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"I haven't had a good meal in a long time!"

The person opposite was slightly surprised when he heard this, and looked at Yi Shuyuan again.

"You don't have any money to pay the bill, do you?"

"That's not enough."

Yi Shuyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the other person nodded slightly when he heard what he said. He seemed to be a thoughtful person.

"By the way, I just heard you talk about how you were imprisoned, but I don't know what you committed. And it doesn't sound like you are a mediocre person, right? Are you from the Western Regions?"

You finally couldn't bear it anymore, right?

The more the man looked at the person in front of him, the more pleasing he became to his eyes. The person's actual age was older than his appearance, and he seemed to be a person who had gone through many hardships and experiences. He also had a natural aura of being out of the world, and he might be a person who could enter Taoism!

With this thought in mind, the man put down his chopsticks, took the wine glass next to him, and drank the rest of the wine in one gulp. Then he looked out the window with a look of reminiscence, and spoke leisurely.

"I'll just say it casually. Young man, just listen to it. If you think it's ridiculous, how about laughing it off?"

Yi Shuyuan picked up the wine pot and poured wine into the other person's glass, nodding with a smile.

"Okay, I like to tell and listen to stories. If you can listen to a story, it's worth a meal!"

Hearing this, the man glanced deeply at Yi Shuyuan and nodded slightly.

"Far away from here, on the coast of the South China Sea, there is a small country called Jin Shanguo. The country's customs are different from Dayong, but perhaps because Taoism says that the world is ultimately connected, it is not completely different."

"Many years ago, there was a Xuanjin Mountain in Jin Shanguo, and in this mountain, an immortal animal was trapped."

Yi Shuyuan's eyes flashed, not turning into bones?

"There are many types of corpse transformation after death. Folk magicians and Taoists from various religions alone have many classifications. There are more than a dozen types depending on the degree of corpse transformation. Zombie transformation into climate can be divided into purple zombies, white zombies, green zombies, and hairy zombies. Zombie, flying zombie, wandering corpse, lying corpse, and not turning into bones."

Yi Shuyuan nodded slightly. He also knew something about it. Back then, he encountered a warlock who brought zombies forward and planned to use the zombies to make elixirs.

"Is it true that it will not turn into bones?"

Yi Shuyuan asked this because in theory, non-bone formation is almost the highest level of zombie cultivation. He has been practicing for so long and has seen a lot of immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas, but he has rarely seen zombies that have truly matured.

Because existences like zombies often attack living people and livestock, once discovered, they are either subdued and eliminated by warlocks, or they are eliminated by the joint efforts of the government and even the people.

This is no joke. As long as you can overcome your fear, it is not difficult to deal with zombies that are not very mature.

The man just nodded when he heard Yi Shuyuan's question.

"In my story, it is true that it does not turn into bones. Alas, in fact, it was just a corpse that had been sleeping, lying in a black gold coffin, buried deep in the black gold mountain. Even if it does not rot for thousands of years, it will not change for thousands of years, even if it is subjected to It has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for countless years, but it is just a corpse. It will continue to sleep for a thousand or ten thousand years."

From this tone, it was certain that an accident would happen.

It seemed that it was not just Yi Shuyuan who was listening.

People at the next few tables had actually paid attention to this place from the beginning. There was a strong contrast between sitting down alone and sitting next to Yi Shuyuan. At the same time, the other person was wet all over, and it was difficult not to pay attention.

Now the story starts to be told, and many people are listening, and this kind of strange and strange talk is often the easiest to attract people.

Before Yi Shuyuan could speak, someone beside him had already spoken.

"Listen to what you mean, why didn't you turn into bones or fall asleep again, but woke up?"

The unkempt man glanced at the next table and nodded.

"When I woke up, the black gold coffin was taken out of the mountain, the coffin was taken away, and the body was thrown into the abyss of earth fire. The body that was burned by the earth fire did not turn into ashes, but changed. This Once a corpse transforms into a corpse, the bloodthirsty instinct will follow with anger, and you can imagine what will happen."

As he spoke, the man's eyes narrowed slightly, but his sight lost focus, as if his mind had traveled thousands of miles, and seemed to have transcended time and space.

"The corpses lay all over the city and blood flowed into rivers. The human army moved and the ghosts and gods were shocked. Later, the heavens were shocked. There were drums in the sky, gods and men led the troops, and thunder rolled in the sky. They wanted to surrender in the abyss of earth and fire. Corpse, beat him until he keeps escaping."

Many diners around were listening to stories, but Yi Shuyuan's expression gradually became serious.

Yi Shuyuan was not only thinking about the untransformed bones, but also about the black gold coffin.

The surrounding diners slowed down in their eating movements. They were extremely excited to hear the heavenly soldiers and generals surrounding the zombies. At this moment, some people couldn't help but speak again.

"Have you eliminated the zombie?" "Yes, you won't let it escape, right?"

The man shook his head and sighed.

"The corpse must have been severely injured, but it was difficult to kill, let alone capture. Although the gods and various Taoists continued to search for it, even though it was severely injured, it escaped every time, and it was found that it had already It has almost reached the point where the vajra is indestructible. The falling sword of the gods can cut through its body but cannot shake its bones."

"After a hundred years of this, Feng Lei patrolled the land but could no longer find any trace of the corpse. Some said it had been severely damaged and had become a real corpse in an unknown place. Some said it had escaped."

As the man spoke, he raised his glass again and took a sip of the wine Yi Shuyuan poured, while the latter looked at the other person thoughtfully.

"Then what crime have you committed? Could it be that you were the one who dumped the body in the abyss of fire and took away the black gold coffin?"

The man who was taking a sip of the drink suddenly choked.

"Ahem, cough, cough. If I had committed such a big sin, I might have already walked on the Immortal Killing Platform."

Speaking of this, the man suddenly realized that he had made a slight mistake and subconsciously shut up. However, when he looked around, it seemed that no one, including the gray-haired young man in front of him, cared about his words.

Even more people laughed.

"Hahahahaha, it sounds like you think you are a god?"

"Hehehehe." "This story is quite good, but the ending is a bit bad. The monster was not eliminated!"

"That's a zombie!" "Oh, they're all the same, they're all the same!"

The people at the table next to them were chatting and laughing, returning to normalcy and starting to eat and drink normally.

However, except for Yi Shuyuan, no one seemed to notice that the person who was originally wet when he came up and everyone disliked him, now his clothes were already dry.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the man who kept coughing and poured wine for him again.

"Then I'm getting more and more curious. What did my brother do?"

"I'm sorry."

The man drank the wine and sighed.

"I was not aware of it for a while, and was deceived by the monster and fell into lust. Later, I was deceived by her, thinking that she liked to hear strange things. Once, I revealed the matter of the Xuanjin coffin. The coffin was borrowed by my ancestors from Xuanjin Mountain. Forged by force, a coffin is used to store corpses, which should never be opened."

"One day after that, she suddenly disappeared. A few years later, there were corpses and murders. I didn't know whether it was her fault. I was trapped in this for many years and couldn't feel at ease."

As he spoke, the man picked up the wine bottle, raised his head, opened his mouth and poured the wine into his mouth.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

He kept swallowing the wine, and some wine spilled from his mouth. Although he was an unkempt man, there was a unique sense of elegance in him at this moment.

"Is that woman's name Xuan Ji?"

Yi Shuyuan said this softly and coldly from the side.


The man took a sip of wine and sprayed it out towards Yi Shuyuan. At this moment, the latter unfolded his folding fan and swept the wine back with a single swipe, hitting the man opposite him.

The man opened his mouth slightly and looked at Yi Shuyuan with wide eyes, suddenly feeling a sense of horror.

"You, you, you are not, not a mortal?"

Yi Shuyuan slowly folded the folding fan.

"From your understanding, I am not a mortal. From my understanding, I am in the mortal world. My father and my mother give birth to my father and my mother raises them. They are all related to everything in the mortal world. Naturally, I am also a mortal. So back to the question just now, then The woman must be Xuan Ji?"

Judging from the other party's reaction, Yi Shuyuan is basically sure.

And that black gold coffin?

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