Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 558 Don’t make any noise

It's more about acting and acting.

At this moment, Xuan Xi and Granny Lihua were two real cat demons, and naturally they couldn't be careless in this pursuit.

But at this moment, Grandma Lihua, who was riding the demon wind with Yi Shuyuan, looked back and was suddenly shocked.

"You're escaping so fast, I'm going to catch up soon!"

Xuan Xi glanced at Granny Lihua beside him.

"Mother-in-law, your flight is too slow and you can't outrun Hot Wheels. Let me take you!"

The next moment, a pure and huge demonic power emerged from Yi Shuyuan's body, and the demonic wind he controlled became violent, showing a kind of blue-gray escaping light.

Almost instantly, Xuan Xi and Granny Lihua quickly flew towards the southwest.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin in the distance behind were also shocked while chasing.

"So fast!" "Senior brother, you will be thrown away very quickly if you don't have any real skills!"

"I know!"

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin also reacted immediately. They had just planned to stop their efforts, but now they had to use all their strength.

The Fire Wheel turned into a meteor in the sky, and Qi Zhongbin merged with the escaping light of Tiangang Mace, becoming a stream of light in the sky.

Hui Mian was right above Shi Sheng's head, shouting in the ears of the two brothers.

"Fight and fight, don't just chase!"

"That's Master"

Shi Sheng muttered, and Hui Mian patted the back of his head with his tail.

"How can you, fellow apprentices, hurt your husband? What are you thinking about? Don't worry and take action boldly!"


In a few words, the two sides had flown a considerable distance one after another.

At this moment, Granny Lihua suddenly shouted.


Xuan Xi didn't even turn his head. The demonic light suddenly rose upwards. Almost at the same time, a golden light passed diagonally upward past the two of them.


Granny Lihua could even hear the vibrating hum in the golden light.

The Qiankun Circle was too fast, and after being avoided, it hit a mountain below directly. In an instant, the mountain was shattered.


Amidst the roar, a flash of golden light flew towards me again, causing Yaofeng to avoid it again and fly forward at a faster speed.

Granny Lihua suddenly felt a little frightened. Is this true?

If I had been hit head-on by that golden light just now, I'm afraid I would have been in trouble!

As if he could sense Grandma Lihua's thoughts at the moment, Xuan Xi said lightly.

"I meant it for real!"

Yaofeng escaped from the immortal light and chased him. He chased and fled on the mountains of the southern region. Not only did he bring out a little stream of light, but he also had to fight with him from time to time.

The half-day scene has traveled thousands of miles, and when it is almost dusk, the fairy light behind finally catches up with the evil wind in front again.

The Qiankun Circle attacked again, and Xuan Xi and Granny Lihua narrowly avoided it, but Qi Zhongbin, who had not taken action at this moment, finally took action.

If you don't move, that's it. If you move, you must grasp the best opportunity.

"The evildoer shall die——"

Qi Zhongbin's voice was not a roar, but it was extremely loud. The dark Tiangang Mace in his hand suddenly flashed with golden light, and he swung it downwards. In an instant, it brought out a golden arc of a hundred feet, and also brought up a gust of golden wind, gathering the sky clouds.


At this moment, even Xuan Xi felt that he had no time to avoid it, so he just flashed in front of Grandma Lihua.

"Mother-in-law, leave quickly!"

The folding fan in Xuan Xi's sleeve instantly turned into two silver cords and golden bells flew out. This was also inspired by Zixia in the previous "Westward Journey". Now worn on both hands, it matches perfectly with the thin golden bell lock on the neck. .

Amidst the sound of "ding bells", Xuan Xi crossed his arms and faced the shadow of the golden arc mace coming.


The demonic light collided with the fairy light, and golden thunder thundered down from the sky, hitting the two cat demons as well.


A terrifying trembling sound sounded, and almost the next moment Xuan Xi blocked the Tiangang Mace, the Qiankun Circle had already attacked in coordination, hitting her directly in the chest.


The woman flew backwards with a sharp scream, but at this moment Xuan Xi did not forget to grab Granny Lihua beside him, and with the power of this blow, she turned into an escape light again. In an instant, the escape light disappeared in the mountain.

Perhaps it was getting late, and a large mist suddenly rose in this mountain.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin flew over the mountains almost immediately, one after the other. The hot wheels under the former's feet were burning with fire, pushing away all the surrounding fog. The Tiangang Mace in the latter's hand shone with brilliance, giving off a heavy and depressing feeling. Feel.

After waiting for them for a while, another fairy light flew nearby. Although Rong Zhang was participating in acting, his emotions were somewhat real, he said eagerly.

"The shot was too heavy. Why was the shot so hard?"

Qi Zhongbin looked back at Rong Zhang, who was flying over, and said calmly.

"Fellow Daoist Rong, these evildoers should be punished for their evil deeds. Don't be deceived again!"

Shi Sheng stepped on the Hot Wheel and flew downwards, his eyes filled with a mysterious light of mana.

"Don't talk about this yet, this monster is so lucky that he can't even detect her aura!"

The three of them patrolled the mountains several times, during which there were also arguments between Rong Zhang, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin.

In the mountains, in the grass of a valley, a black cat and a civet cat were hiding here. Feeling the fairy light lingering above, both cats seemed a little nervous.

Then a hair flew out of Xuan Mao's body. When the cat opened its mouth and blew it gently, it turned into a gust of wind and flew outside. It turned into a demonic light and flew away in the distance where it escaped from the mist in the mountain.

"No, I fell into the evil Jin Chan's plan to escape!" "Hurry up and chase!"

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin exclaimed and shouted angrily, and then flew away with the Escape Light.

Until this moment, the civet cat next to Xuan Mao suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and Xuan Mao seemed to relax, lying on his side and hiding quietly, not only restraining his breath, but even holding his breath.

It's getting dark, it's night

However, the two cats did not leave the place. After a long time, the fairy light from above came back and wandered again. After searching for a long time, it left again, and this time it did not come back.

It wasn't until not long after that the two cats left their original place and went to the inner cave under the overhanging boulder on one side of the valley, and then transformed into human forms again.

Xuan Xi sat directly against the mountain wall, with one hand on the ground and the other covering his chest. Half of his long hair was spread sideways on one shoulder.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho"

Grandma Lihua looked at Xuan Xi's appearance at this moment, and the slightly painful look on her face. She couldn't even tell whether it was true or false, and she felt nervous and anxious on the side.

"What's wrong? Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

Why did these two immortals attack so hard? Xuan Xi couldn't be seriously injured, could he?

Granny Lihua is getting more and more anxious at this moment. Should we stop it right now?

Xuan Xi calmed down for a while, and his breath calmed down a lot. He looked sideways at Grandma Lihua beside him, and secretly praised her in his heart. This demon cultivator who has been at home for a long time has good acting skills. Well, maybe it's not just her acting skills.

Yi Shuyuan transformed into the demon body of Xuan Xi, and was obviously more sensitive to Granny Lihua's emotions.

If he was directly hit by the Qiankun Circle without any precautions, even Yi Shuyuan would not be completely unscathed, but he was prepared, and Shi Sheng obviously withdrew his strength at the last moment.

The Qiankun Circle and Shi Sheng's thoughts were connected, and this little move left no trace at all, at least Granny Lihua didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, Xuan Xi's heart moved, and the hand covering his chest was put to his lips.

"Shhh, someone's coming!"

While speaking in a low voice, Xuan Xi had already sat up straight and crossed his legs, while Grandma Lihua looked towards the forest outside the cave.

Sure enough, not long after, a woman's figure walked in the mist at night, and she deliberately showed a slightly surprised expression when she saw the scene in front of her.

"It turns out it's really Granny Lihua. The immortal that chased me before nightfall was so powerful that I didn't even dare to reveal my presence. But at the critical moment, I summoned the mist in this mountain, so I helped you!"

Granny Lihua nodded, stood up and thanked the visitor.

"I ended up here without realizing it. Thank you very much. Let's rest for a while and then leave."

The person who came was a graceful woman who looked beautiful to ordinary people, but in fact her face and shape were a little too strong. She nodded and walked aside, looking at the side that Granny Lihua had obviously deliberately blocked, and saw the person sitting there. The woman adjusting her breath over there.

Just one look at it, and the pure aura in the bright beauty makes the visitor startled.

At this moment, Xuan Xi closed his eyes tightly and seemed to be calming down, not saying a word.

"This one is"

Grandma Lihua hurriedly blocked Xuan Xi's front.

"Oh, this is the descendant of the demon clan whom I adopted in my early years, named Xuan Xi."

"Oh, Xuan Xi, I thought it was that Xuan Ji. She was just hit by that powerful immortal magic weapon. She didn't seem to be seriously injured at all. She's really good at cultivation."

At this moment, Xuan Xi opened his eyes, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for remembering me. I'll be fine!"

Xuan Xi's smile seemed to brighten the night, and his appearance, aura, and even the spirituality in his demonic aura were completely natural, making people who came here feel envious.

"It's a good Taoist practice, and the transformation is just right. By the way, who is the immortal chasing you? Why are you so aggressive? Logically speaking, with your cultivation, even an immortal shouldn't be so aggressive!"

Just as Granny Lihua was about to speak, Xuan Xi spoke first, shaking her head.

"We don't know either. Maybe they are just unreasonable immortals who want to kill demon cultivators when they see them."

The person nodded.

"Well, then I won't bother you. If you need anything, just come to me."

"Thank you very much!"

Xuan Xi thanked him and accepted it. The visitor nodded and turned to leave, but Grandma Lihua chased after him.

When they were more than ten steps away, Granny Lihua approached the visitor and whispered.

"We are only here for a short period of time and will be leaving soon, so please don't make any noise!"

"Grandma Lihua, don't worry. You and I are old acquaintances. How could you do such a thing? Don't worry!"

After saying that, the visitor walked into the mist, and seemed to disappear out of thin air in front of Grandma Lihua. The latter frowned slightly, and finally sighed and walked back to the cave over there.

On the other side, Xuan Xi seemed to be unable to hold on to his injuries. He leaned against the cave wall again, his expression no longer as relaxed as before.

"she left?"


Xuan Xi nodded, seeming to relax again, but in her heart, based on her past memories and experiences, "I will definitely not talk nonsense" is the most unbelievable thing!

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