Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 563 The storm is coming

"Let's go, you are here, if you don't turn into bones, you might really wake up early, and things may change by then!"

When Liao Yaohuang said this, Xuan Xi smiled and said nothing, and then followed him away from the edge of the underground abyss.

It's not like you can control things like not turning into bones, but Liao Yaohuang does have some skills. If he really controls not turning into bones, it will obviously be a big trouble.

When Xuan Xi and Liao Yaohuang returned to the top, a spirit came to report in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty has sent someone here!"

"Oh? Just in time, let him in!"


The spirit left quickly, and Liao Yaohuang walked to his white jade couch.

Xuan Xi frowned, took a few steps back and hid behind the curtain on one side. Liao Yaohuang glanced at her and said nothing.

Not long after, a man with a gloomy, pale face and a hat with a slanted wing came in. Upon arriving, the man seemed to have a trace of surprise on his face, and then he hurriedly walked to Liao Yaohuang and saluted.

"Greetings to King Liao! It's extremely quiet in the palace today!"

Xuan Xi was behind the gauze curtain on one side, looking through the gauze curtain at the blurry demonic figure outside. With his Dharma eyes and synaesthesia, he could vaguely see a large, twisting snake with a fishy smell.

The aura of this snake demon is also extraordinary, and it is obviously a big demon. The monsters here are not just the two demon kings, but there are also many big demons with great demon power.

Fortunately, I brought a lot of soldiers and generals!

It's not good to have so many evil spirits, but it seems like it's been a long time since I really used my full strength to fight!

Almost at the same moment, on the distant celestial galaxy, many warships flew south along the light of the galaxy, and on the central warship, a stalwart god wearing silver-based gold scale armor suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, divine light flashed through the ranks of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, and even shone in the distance, as if one could clearly see the demons dancing in the southwestern mountains of the southern realm!

At this moment, perhaps some of the magnanimity of the Xian Sheng True Monarch also affected Xuan Xi, making her smile slightly.

Liao Yaohuang, who was in the hall, was in a good mood. Hearing the visitor's words, a natural smile appeared on his face.

"It's nothing, I just feel noisy today. You came just in time. I got something good today. I was about to inform your king and share it with my brothers! By the way, what are you here for?"

The visitor had a slightly serious look on his face, and he came closer and said.

"King Liao, my king asked me to inform you that there is news that Yi Daozi has come to the southern border, and he went to heaven two days ago and was received by the Emperor of Heaven alone. The matter seems to be related to some evil spirit. What my king means is , Heavenly Court’s face still needs to be given, so keep a low profile these days.”

When Xuan Xi heard this, his heart moved. Sure enough, the news leaked out very quickly. Jie Zhitungsten seemed to have quite a lot of connections.

Liao Yaohuang subconsciously looked in the direction of the gauze curtain on one side, and suddenly understood in his heart that Yi Daozi must have come for her. It seemed that the trouble she caused was not small.

But, after all, he stole the elixir, and maybe Yi Daozi was really angry because of it.

Thinking like this, the smile on Liao Yaohuang's face did not change and he said calmly.

"What did I think it was? As soon as you tell me about this matter, I will know the reason. Please rest assured, your Majesty, I, Liao Yaohuang, am not a master who cannot judge the time!"

The snake demon who came to speak nodded and subconsciously looked at the gauze curtain on one side. What was King Liao Yaohuang looking at just now?

At this sight, the snake demon was slightly shocked. There was actually a silhouette of a person behind the gauze curtain. He had not noticed it just now. Now he could only see it with the naked eye. After all, the gauze curtain was very thin.

But even with such a vague look, you can see that she has a graceful figure.

"That thing behind the gauze curtain is the good thing that King Liao said, right?"

The snake demon said this with a smile, but the smile on Liao Yaohuang's face faded, but he quickly regained his composure.

"The good things I talked about are also related to Yi Daozi. They can be encountered but not sought after in this world!"

Upon hearing this, the visitor's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Is it an elixir?"

The smile on Liao Yaohuang's face reappeared and he nodded slightly.

"Not only is it an elixir, but it is also an elixir that no one outside the world knows about. When I see your king, I will give it to him personally!"

Joy flashed across the snake demon's face, and infinite desire arose in his heart. It was said that as long as he took the elixir, there would be infinite possibilities.

"I wonder how much King Liao got?"

Liao Yaohuang said "hehe".

"Is it so easy to get something like elixir? Naturally, there aren't many, but it's enough for me and your king to share."

Xuan Xi could feel the mood changes of the snake demon behind the gauze curtain, because the demon's aura also changed accordingly, and he could guess it by just guessing.

Nowadays, there are many rumors about elixirs in the world, and they have been spread to an exaggerated level. Well, maybe they have been rumored to be quite exaggerated since ancient times.

The snake demon knew in his heart that there must be more than one elixir, and he didn't know if the king would be willing to share some of it.

But there will definitely not be many elixirs, because this kind of wonder in the world is too rare.

The snake demon rushed away happily, and Xuan Xi came out.

"Are you going to let me go or not? If it's the latter, please arrange a place for me to live."

As he spoke, Xuan Xi glanced at the hall, showing some discomfort.


It was dawn not long after the snake demon returned. In another mountain range in the distance, a burly man stood up from the cave seat in shock when he heard the report.

"What? The elixir?"

Many other monsters and monsters in the cave who were discussing matters also fell silent, and they all either looked at each other in confusion or widened their eyes.

An elixir?

Because of his excitement, the golden wine cup in Jie Zhitung's hand was squeezed out of shape, and he paced back and forth in front of his seat.

"I see, that's it. No wonder Yi Daozi went to heaven. Someone must have stolen the elixir!"

"Your Majesty, I heard that there was an immortal light fighting with people in the distance last night!" "Could it be related to the elixir?"

Jie Zhitung nodded and looked at the returning snake demon.

"How many elixirs do Liao Xiandi have there?"

The snake demon couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. After saying this, Jie Zhitung felt that something was wrong. The snake demon looked at the many monsters in the cave hall and thought for a while.

"Your Majesty, how can there be so many near-path wonders like elixirs? I guess Liao Yaohuang only has a few in his hand, maybe even two!"

"Yes, I think back to the Eastern Xingluo Dharma Assembly, where thousands of people gathered together, and you were able to achieve great heights. If you want to get elixirs, you have to rely on fate."

Speaking of Jie Zhitungsten, he laughed.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, it's my destiny. My good brother is so interesting! If it doesn't work, I have to go immediately!"

As he spoke, Jie Zhitung threw away the wine cup in his hand, stopped discussing the matter, and immediately strode out.

"Your Majesty, I'm going too!" "I'm going too!"

"I want to see it too!"

Jie Zhitung glanced back.

"My brother and I went to share the elixir. We thought we were going to rob when we brought so many people there. Spirit Snake, Aries, Horned Rhinoceros and I can just go. The rest of us will wait here and restrain each mountain and cave. During this time Stay safe, we still have to give Yi Xianzun’s face, hahahahahahaha.”

Jie Zhitung's tone was slightly weird at the end, and then he laughed loudly and left. The three demons who had just been named followed him excitedly, including the snake demon who had just returned.

The demon wind set up and went straight to the remote demon city. After a while, it had passed through the demon city's restrictions. Before the person landed, the voice had already arrived.

"Hahahahahaha. Good brother - Jie Zhitungsten is here -"

This sound was extraordinary. The laughter directly penetrated many restrictions and spread into the Demon Pavilion. It also caused Xuan Xi's expression, which was already outside another attic behind the Demon Pavilion, to change slightly.

Such a strong demonic energy, this monster coming is probably still above Liao Yaohuang!

In the Demon Pavilion over there, Liao Yaohuang had already opened the door and welcomed him out, also showing a hearty smile.

"Hahahahaha, big brother, please come in quickly, Liao knows you will be here soon, and you are waiting for big brother——"

Xie Zhitungsten led the people down, and as soon as they reached the bottom, Xie Zhitungsten gave him a bear hug, and then entered the pavilion with him. However, when he came today, he found that it was very quiet inside, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Brother Xian, it's very quiet here today!"

"Hehehe, I've been noisy for a long time, and I need to be quiet sometimes."

Although it was very quiet inside now, there were still many monsters.

The snake demon on the side had a grinning expression on his face and whispered something beside Jie Zhitung. The latter immediately smiled even more and pointed at Liao Yaohuang with a smirk on his face.

"Hahahahaha, it turns out that my dear brother has embraced the beauty. I guess she doesn't like it. Where can I show it to my eldest brother?"

"Brother, stop joking, let's go in and talk!"

Liao Yaohuang said this with a smile, but subconsciously glanced at the snake demon one more time, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, "Do you want to talk more?"

Deep in the pavilion, in front of a white jade table, Liao Yaohuang took out two small jade boxes.

"Brother, please see, what is inside is the elixir. There are two of them. They are called Yangyuan Pills. This pill has never been revealed to the outside world. It should be unique to Yi Daozi!"

Jie Zhitung couldn't wait to reach for a box and opened it. He saw the pill inside, which was slightly different from Xingluo Pill, but his intuition told him that this was the elixir.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Jie Zhitung said this, and Liao Yaohuang thought for a moment and nodded.

"There are so many of us, even if we take the pill, we won't be unable to catch them. Come, seal all the entrances and exits!"


The surrounding monsters retreated and got ready. Liao Yaohuang nodded to Jie Zhitung. The latter picked up the elixir and placed it in the palm of his hand. Then he scraped it gently with his nails, and the layer of pure Qi dispersed.

"Why is there no movement?"

"Oh, yes, yes."

A layer of light gradually appeared on the pale golden elixir, flickering on and off as if it was breathing. The next moment, the elixir's light flashed and flew out in an instant. Jie Zhitungsten had already hurriedly shook hands, but only caught the afterimage of the elixir. , but he threw his other hand directly upward and caught the pill that flew out.


Even if it is Jie Zhi Tungsten, the heartbeat will speed up a lot. Although it is not difficult to catch, catching the elixir is still a bit exciting.

"It's really an elixir, it's really an elixir! The Taoist elixir moves on its own, it's the best elixir!"

Jie Zhitung pinched the elixir, smelled the fragrance of the elixir that was overflowing at the moment, and looked at Liao Yaohuang excitedly.

"Brother Xian, how did you get this elixir? Can you still get it in the future?"

Hearing this, Liao Yaohuang frowned immediately.

"Brother, the elixir is not an ordinary thing, and the origin of this pill is not correct. This has alerted Yi Daozi to come to the southern border. How can it be seen so often?"

"That's true, so how did you get it?"

Liao Yaohuang frowned and said nothing for a while.

"Isn't it convenient to say?"

Jie Zhitung looked at Liao Yaohuang, who hesitated slightly before speaking.

"This thing was stolen by a cat demon from Yi Daozi's Immortal Mansion. It was extremely difficult and dangerous, and it was extremely lucky to get it. It was really not easy!"

Jie Zhitungsten's eyes lit up.

"This cat demon seems to be very impressive. If he can steal once, he might be able to steal a second time! By the way, who is he?"

Liao Yaohuang hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"Her name is Xuan Xi. She is the Xuan cat adopted by Grandma Lihua's old cat. She is quite capable."

Jie Zhitung's heart moved, and he subconsciously glanced at the spirit snake beside him who was staring at the elixir and almost swallowing his saliva.

"Is it that woman?"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Liao Yaohuang could answer, there was a sudden vibration in the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom."

There was a shaking in the hall, the glass lamps above kept shaking, and the lights kept shaking.

"What's going on?" "Is it underground?"

"The earth dragon turned over?" "What nonsense are you talking about? How can we have an earth dragon here?"

However, Jie Zhitungsten immediately realized something and looked to Liao Yaohuang aside, who also showed a bit of solemnity on his face.

"Brother Xian, why did Bu Hua Gu suddenly become restless?"


In the celestial galaxy, one by one the warships of the gods have already arrived in the southern realm. The Xian Sheng Zhenjun stood on the central ship and swept through the many soldiers and horses in the clouds on the left and right, looking into the distance to the southwest.

"Emperor, my demon-suppressing heavenly army has arrived in the southern realm. Do you want to go to this heavenly realm first to understand the situation so that you can know the movement of the evil obstacle?"

The Holy Lord Xian Sheng, who had been standing still, spoke.

"No need, I already know where the evil barrier is now. From here we go southwest through the Nine Kingdoms and pass the Thirty-six Mountains. After that, there are demons and evil barriers that have set up in the city and are hiding underground if they don't turn into bones!"

The demon rises in the city? Many god generals on the left and right showed shocked expressions.

"Emperor, then we can only remove the bones but not turn them into bones?"

A smile appeared on the stern face of the Holy Monarch, and the red mark between his eyebrows was as bright as a gleam of light, as if his divine eyes were open.

"Now that you have come here, you will have a hearty battle. If there are evil spirits blocking the way, you should destroy them yourself, and restore the clarity of heaven and earth. Any evil spirits you encounter, but those who do evil, will definitely be killed without mercy!"

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