Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 565 One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers in Reality

Another day and night passed, and at noon this day, the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Army had already crossed a long distance and approached their destination.

At this moment, it was not just the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army who followed the Xian Sheng True Monarch. Higher up on the clouds, there were also Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in full armor on top of the Dharma Clouds.

These are the troops and horses of the Heavenly Court here, commanded by Lord Wu Quxing. There are 50,000 troops and horses. Together with the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army, they form a hundred thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals!

God's soldiers and horses are different from those in the human world. They don't need servants, heavy troops, or all kinds of handymen. One hundred thousand people are one hundred thousand warlike divine soldiers.

Xian Sheng Zhenjun was now looking at the mountainous area that was not very far away. Of course, he also saw Xuan Xi's perspective. He had now adapted to this special perspective.

At the moment when the war was about to begin, the demon body and the divine body were still thinking about other things in their minds. The first time I learned about the One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers was from the "Journey to the West" TV series I watched as a child.

At that time, Yi Shuyuan, who was still young, thought innocently that a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were not that big of a deal. Every time he heard about a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers conquering so and so, it seemed that he had not seen many victories in the drama.

But at this moment, the Xian Sheng Zhenjun stood above the Chinese warship, feeling the heavenly soldiers and generals he had brought, and the soldiers and horses in the heavens further away, and the chilling aura and divine light were consistent.

Just one hundred thousand soldiers and horses standing here seemed to form a large formation, which was an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

This is no longer a pale and feeble figure in the past movies and TV dramas, but a real power that can turn rivers and seas, move mountains and crack earth!

"Emperor, our army has reached the remote wilderness, and there must be restrictions in the mountains far away!"

A god came to report, and Xiansheng Zhenjun glanced around him. In addition to the gods and generals he brought, there were also gods such as Wuqu Xingjun from this heaven on one side, and Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and others on the other side.

"Call the order to beat the drums and form an array, ready to slay evil spirits and eliminate demons! I also ask Xingjun and all of you to help out first!"

After hearing the words of the Xian Sheng True Monarch, several gods and men around Wuqu Xingjun here cupped their hands.

"You should try your best!"

After saying that, several gods flew out. At this moment, wind and clouds gathered in the sky, and dark clouds instantly accumulated on the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles.

The sky seemed to turn from day to dusk all of a sudden.


At the moment of lightning and thunder, the mountains and swamps were illuminated again, but there was a suffocating and depressing atmosphere in the thunder.

After all, this is the southern realm, so the authority to control thunder and the Holy Lord should be left to the gods of the southern realm.

Following the order from the Holy Lord Xian Sheng, dharma clouds flew out first, and battalions of heavenly soldiers flew to all directions——

In the remote demon city, the two demon kings and many demon cultivators were drinking and chatting in the palace. The interior of the palace was back to the way it was before Xuan Xi came.


There was a sound of thunder, as if the mountains could feel a slight vibration like the wrath of heaven, and all the demon cultivators in the hall stopped.

Jie Zhitung frowned and raised his head slightly.


There was another burst of thunder.

Liao Yaohuang put down the wine cup in his hand. Some of the monsters that were still dancing enchantingly in the hall seemed to be frightened, and the whole hall suddenly became quiet.

“There’s something not right about this thunder!”

"Go out and have a look!"

The two demon kings stood up and hurriedly walked out of the demon king's pavilion.

As soon as she came outside, Granny Zhen, who was originally shocked by the thunder, immediately came forward with surprise. Compared with the thunder, the thing in front of her was more concerned about her.

"My lord, my lord, did you get that thing? My lord, you promised to reward me!"

Liao Yaohuang looked at Granny Terror with disgust.

"Stand down first. I will certainly not forget your contribution."

"Your Majesty, you must keep your word, old lady, I am not the one this time"

"Crack - boom -"

The thunder light illuminated the surroundings in an instant. This light passed through the restriction and actually made countless demonic auras in the city appear visible to the naked eye. The originally peaceful streets and various buildings in the demonic city seemed to be in a kind of indistinct state. In the mist.

But in the blink of an eye, everything seems to be an illusion.

But in the eyes of some monsters with good cultivation, this is not an illusion, but a bad omen.

"This is the Heavenly Thunder Illumination Demon. Something is wrong with the thunder clouds above. There must be a thunder god who is casting a spell!"

The snake demon's words were filled with shock, but as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound that made the demon even more panicked.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom."

This is the sound of heavenly drums, from slow to fast, and finally merge into one. It is obviously the gods beating the drums and raising the troops. The combination of the drums and the thunder creates a faint chilling atmosphere.

Jie Zhitungsten looked to the left and right and thought for a moment.

"Don't act rashly. Wait for me to go out and check the situation. Maybe there is some misunderstanding, or the God of Thunder is looking for some monster."

As he said that, Jie Zhitung looked at Liao Yaohuang very seriously.

"Brother Xian, if we really want to capture some key evil spirit, no matter who it is, brother Xian, we'd better hand it over first and avoid any head-on conflict with the heaven!"

Liao Yaohuang knew the implication of Jie Zhitungsten's words, so he frowned and did not answer immediately.

"Good brother!"

Jie Zhitung's tone became more serious, and Liao Yaohuang sighed and nodded.

"Okay, listen to big brother! But what if he comes for us?"

Jie Zhitung smiled and patted Liao Yaohuang's shoulder.

"This is definitely not possible. I'll come back as soon as I go. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding!"

After saying this, Jie Zhitungsten flew away alone without any subordinates, cast a spell to pass through the restriction, and flew directly to the sky above the mountain.

When he went outside, Jie Zhitungsten was even more shocked. He looked around in all directions. Wherever he could see, there were dark clouds and thunder rolling in all directions.

"Dong dong dong dong dong"

The sound of beating drums is high in the sky. Looking up, you can vaguely see the divine brilliance of the armor of the gods. In the corner of the sky, there are divine warriors beating drums.

Jie Zhitungsten took a deep breath, kept flying high into the sky, and then stood below and raised his hands.

"I understand the tungsten. I don't know which god led the troops here. This place is a peaceful place, and there are no evil spirits hiding there. I wonder if the god can show up to see it?"

Although the demon king's voice was not a roar, the volume was very loud, and it even reached the sky, and even the Xian Sheng Zhenjun who was far behind could hear it clearly.

The godly man beside Xian Sheng Zhenjun couldn't help but say.

"This monster's behavior is so amazing!"

Shi Sheng over there couldn't help but said.

"There are no such monsters in the East!"

Qi Zhongbin frowned slightly.

"It's not necessarily that there isn't one, maybe we just haven't seen it!"

As they spoke, several people looked at the True Monarch Xian Sheng over there, but the latter was not moved at all.

On top of the clouds over there, Lord Wu Quxing walked out of the clouds, followed by several golden-armored gods. He looked at the monster appearing alone below and couldn't help but nod slightly.

"Jie Zhi Tungsten - Do you know your sin -"

Wuqu Xingjun's thunderous sound spread throughout the mountains and fields, covering up the sound of thunder from the sky, and even shocked Jie Zhitung below.

What? Question me?

Jie Zhitung frowned and raised his head to look at the god in the sky.

"It turns out to be Wuqu Xingjun! Jie Zhitungsten doesn't know what crime he is guilty of, let alone what exactly Xingjun wants to do with his troops here. If there are some misunderstandings, I hope they can be cleared up. Jie Zhitungsten will definitely try his best to cooperate with Heavenly Court -"

With a good solution, Wu Quxingjun looked at the extraordinary demon king below. Even at this moment, with thunder in the sky and even heavenly soldiers and generals showing off the tip of the iceberg, he could still keep his composure.

"To solve the problem of tungsten, you and Liao Yao set up a demon city to gather all the evil spirits from all over the world, causing countless evil deeds to be done without any calculation - even hiding them secretly without turning into bones, which is really a heinous crime - and they can't be captured without restraint - "

This voice not only reached the ears of Tungsten of Understanding, but also penetrated the restriction and reached the demon city below, causing a feeling of uneasiness.

Jie Zhitungsten slowly raised his head and looked at the sky. Was he coming towards me?

"Xingjun, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding. My brother Yaohuang and I are both demon cultivators. When the Heavenly Court was encircling Bu Huan Gu, I went to help him. If he didn't Hua Gu, he would have died a long time ago, so what could I do? Maybe hiding it!”

Even though he said that, Jie Zhitungsten's voice had already been transmitted back and appeared in Liao Yaohuang's ears.

"My dear brother, the person who came to heaven this time is not good. I am afraid that he brought many soldiers and horses. I am afraid that this matter cannot be solved. If it really comes to this point, don't be stingy with your family wealth. As long as you and I are fine, everything can come back. !”

"Brother, don't worry. If the Heavenly Realm dares to take action, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get a favor. There are thousands of demon clans in my remote and desolate territory. In my remote city alone, there are 20,000 demon soldiers and profound demon cultivators. There are so many of them, I’m afraid that he doesn’t have enough heavenly soldiers!”

Jie Zhitungsten calmly looked at the divine light above the sky outside. There were many monsters in Yaohuang, but there were only a lot more monsters under him.

There is a gap between the gods and the dragons, but since I am on good terms with the dragons, I naturally don’t have to worry about the dragons helping the heavens.

Who said that this southern realm cannot be divided into three parties? All orders are based on strength!

Not to mention that his side is already quite strong, but now that the Invisible Bones are in his hands, it is not difficult to repel the heavenly soldiers.

At this moment, Wuqu Xingjun's voice came again.

"Jie Zhi Zhi Tungsten—quickly capture without restraint—"

With strength and confidence, Jie Zhitungsten's voice is still neither humble nor arrogant.

"Xingjun——Jie Zhitungsten knows that he is innocent, how can I restrain my hands? Can the gods of your heaven kill demons on sight? Can they not distinguish between right and wrong? Can they kill innocent people indiscriminately - roar -"

The monster roared, and the monster aura on its body rose into the sky. The power of the monster rolled up into the sky, as if there was an infinite sea of ​​fire below. The aura was so terrifying that it was exaggerated!

Jie Zhitungsten deliberately said this because he did not want to give up the truth at this juncture. What he wanted was a righteous speech.

At this moment, the demonic energy rushed into the sky, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals were shocked by it.

The Xian Sheng Zhenjun, who was far away on the warship behind, couldn't help but open his slightly closed eyes.

"What a monster, so good at cultivation!"

At this moment, a burst of light appeared in the hands of the Xiansheng True Monarch. Although the Yinchen Real Treasure was not there, its spirituality gathered over it and manifested a three-pointed, two-edged sword in the divine light.

But above Jiuxiao, who was directly facing Jie Zhitungsten, Wuqu Xingjun smiled. He was deliberately irritating the evildoer below.

These two demon kings are a serious problem in the mountains and seas of the south. They have grown stronger over the years, but the Heavenly Court had already recognized their identities as demon kings, and some of their affairs were indeed well hidden.

Now the non-transformed bones are in their hands. If they don't remove them this time, wouldn't they miss a good opportunity?

Just when Wuqu Xingjun wanted to force the monster to take action first, the war drums sounded from behind.

"Dong dong dong dong dong"

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in the dark clouds. Battalions of soldiers and horses were arrayed in formation, and even more soldiers and horses had begun to descend.

To put it bluntly, this expedition is still focused on True Lord Xian Sheng, and there is no need for True Lord Xian Sheng to pay attention to the troubles between the Southern Heavenly Court and the Demon King. Even if the so-called evil spirit can quibble, I have a clear conscience. Just remove it!

And this soaring demonic energy already represents the accurate reaction of the demon king below. The face of the southern heaven is your business. If you don't take action now, are you still waiting for the demon king to prepare his troops?

Several god generals appeared directly on top of the clouds, with flags fluttering in their hands, with the word "Demon Demon" written on them, and then waved downwards.


Countless heavenly soldiers and gods responded and shouted together.



Lightning fell like rain at this moment, hitting the mountains intensively, or in other words, hitting the demon city's restrictions. It only took a moment to defeat the restrictions, revealing the demon city in the mountains.

In an instant, infinite divine light fell like meteors. Countless divine radiances fell from the dark clouds in the sky. More than a dozen divine generals went straight towards Jie Zhi Zhi Tungsten, the weapons in their hands shining brightly!

At this moment, Jie Zhitungsten didn't even have time to see the flag clearly. He saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals had already fallen down, and he was suddenly shocked!

So decisive! Isn't this person in command not Wu Quxingjun?

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