The words of the headmaster of the Zishan Sect gave rise to some expectations among the Xianmen monks around him.

"If the Immortal Lord really makes elixirs, will he take elixirs in the future?"

A monk in the Zishan Sect couldn't help but say this, and the people around him also looked sideways. Even if they didn't say it, they probably had the same idea in their hearts.

At the time of the Oriental Star Luo Dharma Assembly, the Zishan Sect also tracked down an elixir. Although they claimed to have taken it and said that the master's cultivation was all due to the elixir, in fact the elixir is still placed at the gate of the mountain to this day. Among them, it is regarded as the treasure of the town.

Everyone from the Zishan sect, from the headmaster to the elders of the disciples, all agree that if you can cultivate the immortal way, you must cultivate it by yourself. Unless it is a really critical moment, you must not use the Xingluo Pill. This elixir also has a special heritage.

Now that they realized that Yi Daozi might be refining elixirs, how could the disciples of the Zishan Sect not think about it.

Cai Yusheng looked at the speaker, glanced at his disciples, and shook his head.

"At the Xingluo Dharma Assembly, Yi Xianzun followed the changes in the energy of the heavenly world and helped the Eastern Heaven to refine the Taoist tools and at the same time breed the elixir. When the furnace was completed, the elixir was also completed. The elixir was taken during that Xingluo Dharma Assembly and was an opportunity to practice ten thousand ways. !”

As he said that, Cai Yusheng looked into the depths of Xuanjin Mountain, and could vaguely see a vague smell of flames in his eyes.

"As for the elixir refining this time, even if the elixir is really gone, even if we can really catch the elixir, we should return it to the Immortal Lord and form a good relationship. How can we have the idea of ​​keeping the elixir privately? You can remember it. Got off?"

The monks of the Zishan Sect all bowed in response.

"Follow the teachings of the Master!"

Cai Yusheng nodded and looked at Rong Zhang. This junior brother seemed to have some friendship with Yi Daozi.

"What if someone comes to steal the pill?"

One of the disciples asked this question, and then he laughed. The god general not far away grinned. The divine light on his body corresponded to the stars. There were also many gods protecting the elixir in the entire Xuanjin Mountain.

Taking a step back, even if there are no gods, there are not many people who can snatch the elixir from Yi Daozi. What's more, there is a great demon-suppressing god in the heaven who is Yi Daozi's best friend. Who dares to mess with this great demon-suppressing god? ? ——

Several months have passed, and Yi Shuyuan has been sitting cross-legged on the hill in the center of Xuanjin Mountain, sitting in front of the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace.

Shi Sheng and others did not actually go to the South China Sea to play, but sat cross-legged not far away. The two disciples and Hui Mian seemed to be able to feel some of the changes in the alchemy furnace.

It's just that Jiang Lang is really a little bored. Others want to get closer, so he is nearby, but he is not a monk of the Qiankun lineage. Naturally, he cannot feel the changes in the furnace. When he is bored, he will go to the nearby waters. Visiting or something like that.

As the seasons change, the weather outside Xuanjin Mountain has gradually become colder. In previous years, even though Xuanjin Mountain is close to the seaside, the South China Sea is close to Xuanjin Mountain, and there is still a possibility of snow on some of the peaks.

But that was not the case today. The entire Xuanjin Mountain seemed to be enveloped in an invisible fire.

In fact, this fire power was originally only around the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace, only near Yi Shuyuan. However, as the real fire in the furnace began to transform when it was refining and could not be transformed into bones, the scope of influence of this invisible fire power seemed to be gradually becoming larger. .

In the middle of winter, Xuanjin Mountain seems to have been integrated with the Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace, combined with the wider ground below. The heat wave that is filled with the alchemy furnace naturally also fills the entire Xuanjin Mountain.

This year’s Xuanjin Mountain looks like spring in winter, full of green leaves and red flowers

Yi Shuyuan slowly opened his eyes. In the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace in front of him, the immortal bones had gradually begun to melt, and the real fire in the furnace had gradually taken shape.

He felt the changes in the furnace and also felt the subtle changes in Xuanjin Mountain.

In fact, the warmth of Xuanjin Mountain is the best proof that the true fire has been established.

Everything must be reversed, and the fire in the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace was once a violent and abnormal thing that made people feel unbearably hot when they were close to it.

But now there is a sense of gentleness. The fire shines and the heat spreads. The entire Xuanjin Mountain is filled with a warm breeze, which does not feel hot at all. Even Yi Shuyuan looked into the alchemy furnace. Although the flames were full of However, the furnace hole did not feel as if it would gush out at any time.

This is a special change, and it seems that there is no change at all, but Yi Shuyuan knows that the changes in the true fire in the furnace can also be vaguely felt by Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian.

In this warm spring-like Xuanjin Mountain, the heat that is like gentle wind actually contains the dangers in the magic of immortality.

But at this moment, Yi Shuyuan's attention quickly shifted from the real fire in the furnace to the things calcined and refined by the real fire.

Although the non-transformable bones have this name, there is nothing in this world that is eternal and immortal. After lying in the alchemy furnace for several months, the non-transformable bones finally melted.

At this time, there is a substance in the furnace that is like gas but not gas, like liquid, not liquid, and is constantly flowing in the real fire. However, Xuanjin Mountain, the surrounding ground veins, and the spiritual tides from all directions are still constantly gathering spiritual energy. Today's Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Furnace is even better. Pass the original black gold coffin.

Yi Shuyuan's thoughts moved slightly, and the entire alchemy furnace began to rotate slowly. The real fire in the furnace also changed with his thoughts, and also affected the substances in the furnace.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

As the alchemy furnace began to rotate slowly, the nearby hills seemed to begin to emit a slight vibration, which then seemed to spread to the entire Xuanjin Mountain.

It's just that on the hill where Yi Shuyuan is located, the vibration may be a real feeling, but when it spreads to the entire Xuanjin Mountain, it is more of a spiritual perception just like the Zhenjun Fa Tianxiang shook the heaven and earth before.

People with high cultivation and strong spiritual consciousness will feel that Xuanjin Mountain is shaking slightly at this moment, but ordinary people or ordinary animals often cannot feel it.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin also opened their eyes at this moment, and Hui Mian also flew to Qi Zhongbin's shoulder.

What is Master doing?

Has it turned into ashes without turning into bones?

This was what Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin had in mind. As the master, Yi Shuyuan seemed to be able to guess the questions the two disciples had at this moment.

"The Immortal Bone has been refined, but since it is in the alchemy furnace, it is natural to refine the elixir as well!"

Yi Shuyuan murmured, but he couldn't help but reveal a smile, not because of the joy of becoming a pill, but because at this juncture, he suddenly recalled the original time.

When Shi Sheng was still a child, Yi Shuyuan took him to an abandoned inn and met the alchemist lineage. The warlock wanted to use zombies to make elixirs, and it was then that Yi Shuyuan came up with the idea of ​​getting involved in the alchemy method.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Yi Shuyuan, who is now regarded as an immortal cultivator of alchemy, is actually using zombies to make alchemy.

Back then, I laughed at people's absurdity, but now I am doing the same thing. There is nothing more wonderful than this in the world!

With this thought, Yi Shuyuan didn't seem to care about the changes in the furnace at all. However, during this inadvertent wandering of his thoughts, the energy in the furnace had already undergone changes in the concentration of pills.

It was also night at this moment.

On the furnace body of Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace, complex stars and various patterns gradually light up. The sky is full of stars, and the stars fall like rain. They sink into the furnace body of Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace one after another, as if they are absorbed by the stars in the furnace body.

At this moment, in addition to the blazing true fire, there are also bits of starlight in the alchemy furnace, and there is even more gathering of earth power. At the same time, there is also a little bit of spiritual energy flowing in from the spiritual tide.

It was also at this moment that Yi Shuyuan seemed to be able to feel some of the last breath of the inhuman body. In other words, this breath was not that of the inhuman body, but more like that of the person who had been buried in the coffin.

Although it was broken, although it was messy, although it was vague and absent, it seemed that Yi Shuyuan had a brief glimpse of this person's past life, and at the same time, he also saw the awakening of the immortal in the change of climate.

The scenery between the two is the difference between heaven and hell, and it is also mixed with the changes in the atmosphere in the furnace.

"Everything here is just smoke from the past."

As Yi Shuyuan murmured, the feeling of "vibration" in the entire Xuanjin Mountain was getting stronger and stronger.

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

On the peaks and ridges of Xuanjin Mountain, some practitioners and even gods in the heavens felt unsteady, and many even swayed back and forth.

But looking at the animals and vegetation in the mountains, they still seem to be very peaceful. They are foraging for food, walking around, having fun, and maybe even choosing a mate due to the weather in the mountains.

Lines of fairy light, divine light and demonic light flew up one after another, and many people were unable to stand in Xuanjin Mountain.

At this moment, the rotation of the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace slowed down, but the alchemy energy in it rotated faster and faster, and all kinds of auras gathered towards the center.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them suddenly.


All the breath in the furnace shrank at this moment, becoming one with infinity, turning into a round pill with a platinum color!

But at this moment, the earth power of Xuanjin Mountain and the spiritual energy from all directions were still gathering. Yi Shuyuan frowned slightly, but he did not dare to be greedy for more.

He looked up at the sky, and before he knew it, the sky above Xuanjin Mountain was covered with clouds, and the thunder and light intertwined in the sky, like a skynet that flickered from time to time.

Many of the monks and heavenly gods waiting in Xuanjin Mountain were looking at the sky at this time. Many of them were mentally prepared, knowing that Cheng Dan was likely to cause a calamity. Many of them had participated in the Xingluo Dharma Assembly that year. Together we fought against the fire calamity that day.

The various monks at this meeting were also ready to take action at the right time to help Immortal Yi Daozi withstand the calamity.

If it’s not for anything else, even if it’s just to make him look familiar and let the Immortal Lord remember him, if he’s lucky, he might have another chance!

Yi Shuyuan withdrew his gaze from the sky and looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him again. The spiritual light inside was shining, the real fire was blazing, and there was a kind of power building up.

It is enough to form a pill at this time!

As soon as Yi Shuyuan had an idea, the top cover of the Dan furnace of Douzuan Qiankun furnace was opened to one side.


With a loud noise, the entire Xuanjin Mountain really began to shake. Even the calamity clouds in the sky were shaking. Many monks and gods who were still standing in the mountain began to fly into the sky at this moment.

In the center of the mountain, the flames soaring into the sky instantly dyed the calamity clouds golden red.

The fire that everyone had perceived as gentle for most of the year was filled with a terrifying sense of oppression at this moment.

It turns out that without the isolation of the alchemy furnace, the real fire in this furnace is so hot that just feeling the fire makes people want to retreat.

But in this red light all over the sky, in this "rumbling, rumbling." trembling mountains and rivers, there is a bit of platinum light rising into the sky, like a white rainbow sword energy, like a comet's heart curling backwards.


The red light shot straight into the sky and hit the calamity clouds in the sky.


Lightning fell from the sky and directly hit the Danguang, followed by the second, third, and even countless densely packed lightnings. For a time, it seemed that a war that shocked all realms had once again erupted between heaven and earth.

Yi Shuyuan didn't make any move, he just looked up at the sky. Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin also stood up, and like Hui Mian, they looked at the white light that shot straight into the sky with a slightly absentminded look.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's voice also murmured.

"The pill is made into one, a mysterious golden treasure!"

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