Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 577: Breaking the furnace and awakening to the inner world

Although Yi Shuyuan's words were expected by Nanhai Longjun, they still made him feel happy.

"Hahahahahaha. Such treasures can only be appreciated by Taoist friends. Ordinary and mediocre people can't understand it and are not worthy of me to take it out for appreciation. To be honest, even I feel ashamed when facing this treasure. Superficial people!"

The old Dragon Lord stood up as he spoke, and looked out of the hall with emotion, looking at the inside of the treasure pavilion, which gradually became more and more substantial between reality and reality. The heat of the alchemy furnace became more and more obvious with this change. .

"It has been more than four hundred years since I obtained this treasure, and I understand more and more how extraordinary these treasures are."

As he spoke, the old dragon looked at Yi Shuyuan, who was also staring at the Immortal Pill Furnace outside the hall.

"In today's world, I am afraid that only fellow Taoists can recognize this treasure, appreciate this treasure, understand this treasure, and even use this treasure!"

This is a true statement. No one here refutes the words of Nanhai Longjun. There is not even such an idea. Even if it is placed in the heaven, placed in various immortal mansions, placed in various gods and Buddhas, it will be like this all over the world. fact.

Upon hearing this, Yi Shuyuan shook his head and looked at the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea, and said with sincerity in his emotion.

"Long Jun, don't belittle yourself. This treasure can maintain such an outstanding state. I think Long Jun has put a lot of thought into it. If you really didn't study it carefully and didn't understand it at all, how could you have the fairy furnace glory at this moment?" Light?"

This sentence was by no means a compliment deliberately spoken by Yi Shuyuan. It was also a fact stated by a master of alchemy.

Jiang Lang couldn't help but whisper.

"Is it so mysterious?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Jiang Lang and nodded slightly.

"If you were to get such an alchemy furnace, something might happen within a hundred years!"

Something happened?

This word should contain a variety of profound meanings. Jiang Lang did not refute or ask questions, he just looked at the alchemy furnace over there and admired it.

Of course, after a brief period of astonishment, all the dragon and water tribes in the entire Dragon Palace who were eligible to participate in the banquet became excited. Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and others were equally excited.

"Junior brother, there is actually a real immortal alchemy furnace in the Dragon Palace!"

Shi Sheng said this in amazement, while Qi Zhongbin also stared outside the hall intently.

"Yes, who would have thought that even if the Yao Shen Palace in the Eastern Heaven Realm tried its best, it would only be able to obtain a ruined furnace, but there is a real alchemy furnace deep in the ocean."

This is really too rare. They didn’t understand it before and didn’t have enough experience, but after so many years, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin probably understood how rare the Immortal Pill Furnace is.

The senior brothers once thought that except for Master's Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace and a Taoist alchemy furnace that Master refined for Heaven, there might be no intact Alchemy Cauldron Immortal Furnace in the world.

Unexpectedly, there is one here, and it looks absolutely unusual!

"Junior brother, which one is better compared to Master's alchemy furnace?"

Master's alchemy furnace was actually newly refined decades ago. Extraordinary must be extraordinary, but Shi Sheng was a little unsure which one was better, while Qi Zhongbin smiled and shook his head.

"Senior brother, there is no comparison. Maybe this alchemy furnace is very extraordinary, and maybe it has been used to refine some extraordinary elixirs, but master's Douzhuan Qiankun furnace allows the world of our sect to change in one furnace, and it can go through tribulations with master. Furthermore, there is no one before, and I am afraid there will be no one in the future, and it has given birth to the Taoist Alchemy Furnace, which must have been the Supreme Treasure Furnace during the heyday of the Alchemy Tao!"

As he spoke, Qi Zhongbin added another sentence.

"The day when the non-transforming bones are refining is the Great Cold Day. Although Master didn't say it, it must have gone through a calamity, and it is closely related to the alchemy furnace."

Shi Sheng nodded slightly, murmured "No one will come after", and couldn't help but sigh.

"You and I may be able to learn a few things about Master's changes in the universe, but the way of alchemy..."

While the senior brothers who were sitting on the same case were discussing, the other dragon and water tribes were even more enthusiastic in their discussions. At the tables that were closer to each other, the dragon sons and dragon girls of the South China Sea were very excited.

"We actually have an immortal alchemy furnace in the South China Sea?" "Yes, I didn't even know it!"

"Then the eldest brother doesn't know?" "The eldest brother isn't here either, maybe he knows."

“And it’s so well-preserved!” “It’s like there’s elixir gestating in the furnace!”

"This treasure is indeed rare in the world, and it is true that not everyone can appreciate it."

"Can we use it to refine elixirs?"

Someone asked this question, and the lively discussion on the side suddenly fell silent for a while, and several dragons and dragon girls looked at the speaker.

"Don't look at me like that. I know I made a mistake. But who has such a treasure and can't bear to try it?"

Everyone agreed with this statement, and many people looked at Mr. Long who had already stood up.

"I wonder if dad has tried it?"

The Dragon Lord of Nanhai seemed to have heard these words. His face that had smiled knowingly because of Yi Shuyuan's praise and compliments froze slightly, and he glanced over there from the corner of his eyes, but said nothing.

Then the old dragon left his seat with the wine cup in hand, walked step by step towards the center of the hall, and looked at Yi Shuyuan over there.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you come and appreciate it up close with me?"

Yi Shuyuan also stood up with a trace of expectation on his face.

“It’s better to obey your orders than to be respectful!”

Although some of the others wanted to get up, they looked around and looked at the atmosphere, and finally sat down hesitantly.

Outside the main hall in front, in the treasure house between the virtual and the real, the pill furnace slowly floated up and flew directly out of the treasure house.

As soon as the alchemy furnace came into contact with the external water flow, there was a sudden collision between water and fire, and countless bubbles were produced. However, after a short period of water, the alchemy furnace entered the main hall covered with water-proof beads.

Waves of hot water vapor drifted away from the alchemy furnace, and when it landed in the center of the hall, it seemed to be surrounded by clouds and mist, with a sense of immortality in it.

"Fellow Taoist, please appreciate this treasure!"

Long Jun stretched out his hand to guide it forward, and Yi Shuyuan stepped forward. This was also the first time he had seen the ancient immortal furnace handed down, at least the first time he had seen it intact.

Although I had studied many alchemy furnaces and read many alchemy books in the Medicine God Palace in the Eastern Heaven, how could I compare them with the alchemy furnace in front of me?

Waves of burning sensation came over, and the fire in the furnace seemed to be still unruly, causing the temperature of the entire Crystal Palace to rise. And this heat was not the residual heat of ordinary fire, and even made some aquatic tribes who were responsible for serving everyone's drinks and food feel uncomfortable. Many couldn't help but retreat a little.

Yi Shuyuan approached the alchemy furnace and stretched out his hand to touch it gently. Long Jun looked at it and his heart tightened. He was about to give a warning but saw that Yi Shuyuan's hand was already only a few inches away from the alchemy furnace, but it still had no effect. , and if it reaches the throat, he swallows it.

The next moment, Yi Shuyuan directly touched the body of the alchemy furnace lightly, and his white hands were able to hold the hot furnace wall.

As a master of alchemy, how could Yi Shuyuan not be on guard against the fire of the alchemy furnace? His movements were changing, and the power of fire was flowing between his palms.

Either it has the same origin as the alchemy furnace, or it can be overcome by water. Since the treasure of the alchemy furnace is in front, it will naturally not be observed in terms of mutual restraint.

Yi Shuyuan's palm touched the furnace body, which meant that his magic power came into contact with the furnace body.

At this moment, starting from the position of Yi Shuyuan's palm on the entire surface of the alchemy furnace, a ripple-like fire-colored light spread out and spread all the way up and down the entire immortal furnace.

On the wall of the immortal furnace, some patterns began to show a flame-like pattern, and streams of light lit up. The heat of the entire alchemy furnace seemed to rise instantly at this moment.


Waves of scorching heat and brilliance continued to spread from the alchemy furnace. Yi Shuyuan felt it with his heart. The Dragon Lord of Nanhai on one side naturally stood still, but with a look of shock on his face.

The surrounding water tribe is different. Those water tribe attendants who were originally responsible for serving the guests and hosts at the banquet can no longer bear it. Some of them originally just retreated a little further, but now many people are retreating while whispering, and some even quit directly. The palace entered the external waters.

Yi Shuyuan seemed unaware of the reactions of the people around him. He closed his eyes slightly and just paid attention to and felt the alchemy furnace in front of him with all his heart. His mana carefully changed and subtle touches, and in the short period of contact, he moved in a kind of way. The feeling of convergence with the alchemy furnace gives a vague glimpse into the spirituality of the alchemy furnace.

There is no doubt that the original owner of the alchemy furnace has died long ago, so that there is no trace at all. Although the fire in the alchemy furnace has not been extinguished, it is actually not as hot as it seems on the surface. .

In fact, the fire in the furnace has become much weaker, but this is compared to the heyday when the alchemy furnace was cared for. On the contrary, it can still keep the water tribe in the Dragon Palace who are not well-trained enough to retreat. Of course, this is also the same as the loss of the alchemy furnace. It has something to do with the constraints.

But at this moment, Yi Shuyuan's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the curious Nanhai Dragon Lord next to him. The other party's originally doubtful eyes seemed to detect something from Yi Shuyuan's eyes, and then he saw Yi Shuyuan's... The hand was raised slightly.

This is not just as simple as no longer touching the alchemy furnace.

Yi Shuyuan looked around the hall, and when he saw that all the low-cultivation Shui tribes had retreated, he looked at the Dragon Lord on one side, asking each one with his eyes. After understanding, he nodded slightly, and the communication was completed without saying a word.

However, Yi Shuyuan still asked.

"How about moving somewhere?"

But Nanhai Longjun shook his head.

"It's the best way to add to the fun at this moment, right here!"

Then Long Jun raised his right hand and waved back. All the dragons were stunned for a moment and then immediately understood.

"Be prepared, those with low cultivation levels will retreat!"

The Shui tribe with low cultivation levels have actually run out of the hall, and now the only ones left are not only the dragon tribe, but also the Shui tribe with good cultivation levels.

So Yi Shuyuan raised his hand and gently patted the body of the alchemy furnace.

The moment the palm touched the alchemy furnace again, it was no longer in the "gentle" state just now, but the sound of gold and iron was heard, like the bells of the Dragon Palace under the sea!


Following this loud bell-like sound, a ripple of air and scorching fire erupted.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire hall was churning. Many dragon and water tribes immediately cast spells and stretched their hands forward to prevent the tables in front of them from being overturned. However, there were still some unprepared water tribes who were caught off guard and the tables in front of them were overturned and their cups were rolled over. Not to mention the Searing heat and pressure

It's just that whether the table is slipping backwards or the cups and plates are messy, while everyone is resisting the impact, their attention is also focused on the alchemy furnace over there, and the two people who are always standing next to the alchemy furnace.

The hot wind gradually calmed down, but at this moment, the alchemy furnace seemed to be churning with waves of scorching heat, with the heat getting stronger and weaker continuously.

If the previous alchemy furnace was still "alive" and its heat persisted for a long time, then the current alchemy furnace has "awakened"!

And the feeling of the alchemy furnace at this moment is more than that. Those with superior spiritual senses seem to be able to feel some special changes, but they are limited by the burning heat of the furnace and dare not explore too much.

However, Yi Shuyuan and Nanhai Longjun, who were close to the alchemy furnace, already understood. The latter's body seemed to be electrified, and he looked at Yi Shuyuan with questioning eyes in excitement.

"Fellow Taoist, this."

Yi Shuyuan was able to confirm it now and nodded in response.

"This alchemy furnace contains the universe! It is still calcining and refining things!"

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