Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 580 He really became a messenger

This special banquet at the South China Sea Dragon Palace is still going on, and the special messengers leaving the Dragon Palace and traveling to all directions have accelerated one after another.

Although Yi Shuyuan and Nanhai Longjun did not set a specific time, the fool also knew that the sooner the better, and judging from the battles they noticed before leaving, the movement this time was probably not serious. Small.

Going back quickly is what everyone wants. After all, someone who came back early may have brought back a key book and found important clues, and then restarted the alchemy furnace. Then wouldn't he miss it if he came back late? This is absolutely necessary!

A place on the coast of the South China Sea.

There was a sound of "Bang~", and in a wave, Shi Sheng, dragging firelight under his feet, rushed out of the sea.

In the blink of an eye after rushing out of the sea, Shi Sheng had already ascended into the sky and disappeared into the clouds in the distance with a flash of fire like a rewinding meteor.

Someone on a nearby offshore fishing boat seemed to have noticed the movement, and several boatmen looked in the direction just now.

"What's going on?" "It's probably a big fish. There are a lot of big fish in the sea!"

"That must be a sea pig, right?"

"But I just saw a flash of fire."

When the person who noticed the movement first turned around, he could still see a trace of fire brought by the Hot Wheels, and everyone else laughed.

"Hahahaha, where did the fire come from in the sea!" "Is it a sea dragon spitting fire?"

"Go home today and have a good time with your wife tonight!"


The people on the boat are all from the same village, and they are also familiar with the currents, and they are even able to carry out winter fishing in the South China Sea.

While they were joking and having fun, suddenly there was another movement on the sea in the distance.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~".

Huge waves exploded on the water surface. At this moment, the water spray connected with the mist and rose into the sky, bringing with it a strong wind and big waves.

"Woohoo. Woohoo"

The ship suddenly rocked, and the boatmen on the ship changed from laughter to horror.

"Hold on -" "Hold on, the big wave is coming -"



Huge waves hit the ship, but the movement was not as big as the boatmen and fishermen imagined. The big ship shook violently, but it was still within the range of everyone's tolerance.

Then a large amount of water splashed down, making everyone on the boat half wet, but the surroundings were already filled with clouds and mist, and it seemed more like some kind of terrifying giant beast was stirring up the mist and water splashes.

"Ang——" "Ang——".

Waves of dragon roars frightened many crew members to sit down on the ground. The ship shook for a while before becoming quiet.

The waves and sea breeze gradually subsided, and all the fishermen who were in shock looked at each other.

"Just now." "I seem to have seen a dragon shadow?"

"Oh, my dear!" "Bow down to the Dragon King, hurry up and worship!"

The fishermen kowtowed to the sea one after another, and some people looked up to the sky. They could vaguely see the shadow of the dragon flicking its tail away, but it seemed like an illusion in the blink of an eye.


Shi Sheng left early and escaped quickly, so he was naturally far ahead among the couriers.

The Hot Wheels are like two shooting stars that follow each other, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky, lighting up the night through the day.

During this period, Shi Sheng did not stop for a moment, speeding up faster and faster. After a period of flying, he drove the Hot Wheels to the distance outside the Tianmen. At this time, the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army was still on its way back. .

The guarding Tianmen God General saw a stream of light flying from a distance and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is the meteor falling this way?" "Nonsense, the meteor can still turn?"

In the time it took for the two of them to say a word, the fire in the distance had already come quite a distance away. Only then did they both realize who was coming.

"That's the Qianyuan Wind and Fire Immortal!"

When the voice fell, Shi Sheng arrived in front of the Tianmen with the power of wind and fire, and the voice came together.

"I have something to meet with the Emperor of Heaven, so I won't stop here. Please invite my two Taoist friends Haihan——"

In the blink of an eye, the fire of the Hot Wheels had rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly Palace. The two gatekeepers didn't even try to intercept it. One of them shouted and asked.

"Chief Mo - How is the battle with the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army going -"

Shi Sheng had already flown far away, but he still heard the shouts from the Tianmen side. Only then did he realize in surprise that the news from the Demon-Conquering Palace had not arrived yet, so he turned around and shouted.

"Victory of the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Army——"

This sound not only spread to the Tianmen, but also echoed in the Heavenly Palace where it passed, causing many gods and men to raise their heads. At this moment, Shi Sheng really seemed like a messenger delivering good news.

However, Shi Sheng also believes that some great gods in the heaven may have already calculated the situation of the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Army. At least after it is over, this will no longer be a secret. At least the Emperor of Heaven will definitely know about it.

It didn't take long for Bai Yi to go to the hall next to the Shenxiao Palace to meet the Emperor of Heaven. Shi Sheng could fly directly through the Tianmen, but he didn't dare to rush directly to the Shenxiao Palace to find the Emperor of Heaven. The etiquette was still insurmountable.

Baiyi entered the quiet room where the Emperor of Heaven was, and the latter, who was lying on his side to rest, had already opened his eyes.

"Report to the emperor, Qianyuan Fenghuo Immortal is here!"

Although the immortal orders issued by the Eastern Heavenly Court to qualified immortal cultivators all read "immortal master", they represent respect for the immortal way, and there are not many who deserve the title of "immortal master".

"Yi Daozi's apprentice, he should have gone to the southern border! What is the result there?"

Although the Emperor of Heaven already knew that True Monarch Xian Sheng had won, it was an expected result, but the details were not clear.

Bai Yi thought for a while and said.

"I also asked him about it, and he said: Killing the two demon kings will be a great victory if you can't suppress them until they turn into bones!"

The Emperor's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but reveal a smile of surprise on his face. He suppressed the two demon kings and killed them. The reputation of the Great Demon-Suppressing Emperor in the North Pole may be resounding throughout the southern border!

"But Emperor, Fellow Daoist Mo is not here for this, but for something else!"


The Emperor of Heaven couldn't help but sit up. When Bai Yi said these words, he was already calculating silently in his mind, but found that he couldn't figure it out clearly, and suddenly frowned slightly.


Bai Yi's tone was still unhurried.

"I also asked, and the answer was: Borrow books. Yi Daozi wants to borrow the books in the Danjing Pavilion to go to Nanhai!"

"Borrow a book?"

The Emperor of Heaven was surprised, who could have imagined such a thing.

"Do you still need to come to me to borrow a book? Just let him go to Yaoshen Palace."

"But the emperor, what he wants to borrow is not just one or two books, but he wants to vacate the Danjing Pavilion of the Medicine God Palace and borrow all the books to Nanhai for use."


The Emperor of Heaven was slightly startled, and then stood up.

"Let him come to me!"

There is definitely something big going on here. This is the possibility that the Emperor of Heaven immediately thought of. As for whether to borrow it or not, there is actually only one outcome. Since Yi Daozi has spoken, it is impossible not to borrow it.

Just over a quarter of an hour later, outside the Tianting Shenxiao Palace, Shi Sheng was already explaining the situation to the Emperor of Heaven. At this time, Medicine Master Xingjun and several gods from the Medicine God Palace arrived here.

Once I heard that Yi Daozi wanted to borrow all the books in the Danjing Pavilion to Nanhai for use, and even heard about their purpose, how could the gods of Yaoshen Palace sit still!

The Emperor of Heaven said that he would summon people from the Medicine God Palace to discuss it, but the outcome was already doomed.

One word: borrow!

But it can’t be Shi Sheng who brings the book back, the people from Yaoshen Palace will also protect the book and leave!

As a result, Shi Sheng followed the people from the Medicine God Palace to move books, and later he would take some of the Medicine Gods with him to the South China Sea.

Compared to the busyness and excitement of the people in the Medicine God Palace, there is a piece of news that makes other people in the heaven even more excited.

News of the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Army's victory over the mountains and seas in the southern boundary quickly spread throughout the heavens. As a witness and a storyteller's apprentice, Shi Sheng was naturally able to explain the details clearly and vividly, even if he was not an expert at it.

To be honest, it was fortunate that Qianyuan Fenghuo Shangxian said it himself, otherwise many people would find it unbelievable even if they were gods and men in heaven.

It is said that when the soldiers and horses of the heavenly realm were fighting with the demon soldiers and horses in the mountains and seas of the southern boundary, a demon king released the immortal bones, and the demon-subduing emperor took action and transformed into a sky-holding giant standing tall on the ground. He used a three-pointed two-edged sword and a pestle to kill the immortal Bone suppression, the divine weapon slashed, and the two demon kings fell.

This is no longer an indescribable combat power. It is a bit too mythical for gods and men!

And that kind of heaven-defying supernatural power that has been heard among a small group of people in the heaven is the law of heaven and earth!

This kind of thing can't be true or true. I think everyone will understand everything soon, because the demon-suppressing heavenly army returning in triumph is already halfway there. I think this news will soon spread to all parts of the world!

Above the Dayong sky, a dragon was flying away carrying the wind and clouds. The speed was also extremely fast. There were sounds of wind and thunder from time to time wherever it passed. It was Jiang Lang who was constantly preparing to rush back to the East China Sea from the South China Sea.

When passing over Changfeng Lake, Jiang Lang did not go down, but chose to go straight to the East China Sea.

However, during the flight, Jiang Lang couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

This kid Shi Sheng flew so damn fast. I hurried and took my time. I originally wanted to have a companion to chat with him on the way, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t even see the light of the fire. Who can catch up with Hot Wheels? Him?

While muttering in his heart, various scenes from that year flashed through Jiang Lang's mind. They were scenes of Shi Sheng playing in the Dragon Palace of Changfeng Lake when he was a child. He rode a big fish and scurried around at the bottom of the lake. His crisp laughter filled the whole room. The Fenghu Aquatic Tribe was so infected that they smiled happily.

"Oh, little Shisheng has grown up in the blink of an eye."

Hey, after staying with Lao Yi for a long time, I have become more sentimental than ordinary people!

Not long after, Jiang Lang came to Donghai Dragon Lord in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Of course, as Jiang Lang expected, Long Lord Feng Yan still slept on the sand bed in his true form. When he saw him coming, he just slowly opened his eyes.

"Jiang Lang pays homage to Dragon Lord!"

"No courtesy! It's been a hard time for you to go to the South China Sea. Tell me, how is the situation there?"

Unlike Shi Sheng, Jiang Lang did not dare to show any slight to Long Jun, and did not mention the borrowing of books. He first explained everything about the trip to the southern border, but omitted the wonderful transformation of his friend and explained some details. The use of strategies.

Also listening together were the dragons from the Dragon Palace who came later.

"What? Laws of heaven and earth?"

When he heard that the Holy Monarch appeared and displayed his divine power, even the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea suddenly opened his eyes wide. Two long dragon whiskers danced in the water, indicating the emotional fluctuations in his heart.

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