Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 582 The universe changes and Xuan Zong is restored

At the same time, as Yi Shuyuan's voice continued, the scattered auras in the jewel treasure book infused with his magic power continued to gather together.

It was as if Yi Shuyuan was speaking out, and the light of words emerging from the bead in his hand was constantly recovering. It felt like the words and the Dharma were accompanying each other, and the wonders of the Mysterious Sutra were being recounted anew.

But only Yi Shuyuan knows that this is the mystery of this jewel treasure book. Although the immortal inscriptions have been damaged for thousands of years, their spirituality has always been sealed in the book.

Through Yi Shuyuan's synaesthesia, it was like contacting the other end of time and space through these spirits.

Yi Shuyuan's voice continued. Not only did the entire main hall of the Crystal Palace become quiet, but even the busy footsteps around him stopped.

The silence spread quickly like it was contagious. Gradually, people outside stopped moving around. The gods and water tribes in each hall subconsciously stopped making small movements like turning a book in their hands.

Some people don't even know what's going on, they just stop when others stop.

"What's wrong?"


Someone raised a question and someone reached out to make a silent gesture. The eyes of the gods, humans, and water tribes all looked in one direction. The brilliance of the entire Crystal Palace seemed to have undergone some strange rhythmic changes.

Above the main hall of the Crystal Palace, in addition to Yi Shuyuan's voice, one could already hear the sound of pindrops, and perhaps the sounds of fish stirring up waves in the surrounding waters could also be heard.

"The Tao travels through the three realms, the five elements are stored in it, and return to the furnace orifice, containing the brilliant light!"

As Yi Shuyuan's last words fell, the bead in his hand, which was originally slightly dim but still looked gray after being imbued with mana, gradually became full of aura and showed a clear and crystal clear color.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuanxin felt something and looked down. There were countless light golden dots flowing inside the bead in his hand, like water flowing in the beads formed by countless golden dots.

But this is not real water, but the contents of the Jewelry Book!

Yi Shuyuan looked at the people around him again, whether it was Nanhai Longjun or Medicine Master Xingjun, or some of the divine beings from the Shui Tribe who came in behind, as well as Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin, and Hui Mian who stood above Shi Sheng.

Everyone looked at Yi Shuyuan with wide eyes.

"Immortal Lord, you have restored the treasure book."

What Yi Shuyuan just said was only the formula related to the four-pillar True Yang Furnace, but that may only be a small part of the content of this bead treasure, but what is restored now is the entire bead treasure!

The universe changes, all wonders come from the heart, hold the treasure in your hand, and restore all the mysteries!

There was a hint of trembling in the voice of Medicine Master Xingjun. Everyone present, whether they knew the way of alchemy or not, everyone understood that the treasure book of jewels held in Yi Daozi's hands was definitely extraordinary. This was a strong feeling. Intuition is also a fact!

This is not comparable to those broken classics!

As Yi Shuyuan's eyes returned to the bead in his hand, his magic power turned slightly, and several more streams of light bloomed from the bead. Several relatively larger golden characters appeared on the surface of the bead.

"Zhenlu Danzong."

Yi Shuyuan murmured, and then his heart suddenly jumped. This was definitely not just his feeling, many people showed their horror on their faces.

""Zhen Lu Dan Zong"?" ""Zhen Lu Dan Zong"!"

This name has appeared many times in various alchemy classics and various fragments. As long as it is involved in the study of this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has been seen dozens of times or even hundreds of times.

And among the gods, water tribes and immortal cultivators here today, almost everyone has seen this title, even if they have not been involved in alchemy before.

Yi Shuyuan shook his head slightly, but a smile appeared on his face. There was a sense of joy and a feeling of being relieved for those ancient Taoist friends from a long time ago.

The wisdom of ancient immortals has been passed down for thousands of years and should not be underestimated!

"It turns out to be "Zhen Lu Dan Zong"!"

Yi Shuyuan said this with emotion. Others may only be amazed by the book itself, but he felt a breath of ancient alchemy at this moment.

However, the emotion contained in Yi Shuyuan's exclamation was obviously a bit complicated, and the people who heard the words couldn't help but look at him again. They seemed to be surprised and moved, and they were definitely not like others who saw the treasure of the Alchemy Sutra for the first time. Horrified!

"True Record of Alchemy" is said to be an ancient masterpiece of alchemy. It is even said in some fragmentary alchemy scriptures that "True Record of Alchemy" is one of the five most precious classics of alchemy. Non-alchemy masters are not allowed to touch it easily. !

The sect that achieved this pearl treasure, at least the main sect, was the former Zhenyang Sect.

Looking at this formation, the classics represented by this pearl collection should not be fake, right?

Another doubt arose in Hui Mian's mind over there, that is, why does this bead look so familiar?

In just a moment, Hui Mian thought of something, but Yi Shuyuan over there was obviously one step ahead, having already reacted the moment Zhu Zang recovered.

This jewel treasure book and the artifact that carries its contents are very similar to Yi Shuyuan's two treasures.

Those are two spirit beads, one was obtained from the Lingzhu Pavilion and became the dragon bead transformed into the White Dragon of Yi Shuyuan, and the other was obtained from Mrs. Lingli, which is still in hand and not used.

"Immortal Lord, is this book true?"

Someone still asked this question, and Yi Shuyuan looked at the questioner and saw that it was a dragon in the water, but he didn't know which ocean it was from, but he still nodded and answered in a very affirmative tone.

"It's true. It's a great merit for us that "Zhen Lu Dan Zong" can see the light of day again!"

After receiving Yi Shuyuan's confirmation, everyone who was already very excited finally couldn't bear it anymore. Some of them were shaking uncontrollably, or they couldn't help but let out a low voice.

While many people in other palaces and pavilions were keeping quiet in confusion, the noise had gradually spread from the main hall of the Crystal Palace to all directions.

In an originally quiet hall, a man of God rushed in and shared the good news with the people inside.

"The "Zhenlu Danzong" has been restored! The "Zhenlu Danzong" has been restored. The Immortal Master has restored the "Zhenlu Danzong"!"

"What?" ""Zhenlu Danzong"?"


"It is absolutely true that the "Zhenlu Dan Zong" is a treasure trove of pearls. Although its spiritual light was shattered, it was completely preserved in the pearl. It was restored by the great magical power of the Immortal Lord Alchemy!"

The same message spread quickly throughout the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Even the servants of the Shui Tribe who were carefully serving the Dragon Tribe and Immortal Cultivators in their busy schedules already knew it. Although they may not know the true meaning of "True Record Dan Zong", they also understood the absolute Is something crucial.

This can be said to be a powerful medicine to strengthen the heart and replenish the spirit. For a time, the entire South China Sea Dragon Palace was excited from top to bottom, as if it had won a battle.

In the center of the Crystal Palace, the research surrounding "Zhen Lu Dan Zong" naturally began immediately. This treasure book must have infinite mysteries in it.

A few months later, Yi Shuyuan walked out of the Crystal Palace hall with the bead in his hand.

In the open space outside the main hall of the Crystal Palace, a separate area has been separated to store the restricted and protected four-pillar True Yang Furnace. It was steaming with heat, and a water-proof bead was suspended above the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, even the obstruction of the ocean current cannot completely eliminate the heat.

The surrounding gods and water tribes were still busy, but at this moment, many people came to the periphery to watch this scene.

Yi Shuyuan has arrived in front of the alchemy furnace. He needs to sort out the alchemy classics, but he must not forget the original purpose.

Wu Yin followed Yi Shuyuan. After Yi Shuyuan entered the area covered by the power of the water-avoiding beads and shed the water beads on his body, Wu Yin stopped outside the water film.

"Fellow Taoist, you can't stop now!"

After this period of study, at least Nanhai Dragon Lord Wu Yin's understanding of the alchemy path was barely a beginner at the theoretical level, and he also understood what Yi Shuyuan's actions at this moment represented.

"Why don't you wait until the Alchemy Conference is over and everything is ready before starting?"

Yi Shuyuan looked back at Wu Yin and smiled.

"Friend Wu Taoist, there is no such thing as a perfect solution. This time we are not only joining forces from all directions to hold the Alchemy Conference, nor are we just letting the treasures see the light of day, we are also racing against the odds!"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan smiled slightly.

"The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of heaven is also impartial. Everything has a glimmer of hope, even the way of alchemy, but don't be greedy for perfection!"

Compared with others, Yi Shuyuan has understood his own way through practice and has gone through fifteen kalpas. He has his own understanding of the changes in the number of days and the laws of the movement of heaven's way.

After saying this, Yi Shuyuan approached the four-pillar True Yang Furnace again. Even though he had not said the mysterious formula at this moment, the heat of the alchemy furnace did not make him feel any discomfort, as if the alchemy furnace had already recognized him.

This is much simpler!

Thinking of this, Yi Shuyuan's folding fan slipped out of his sleeve, and then he unfolded the folding fan and shook it again, and the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace flew out from the fan.


The three-legged Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace fell on the edge of the four-legged Four-column True Yang Furnace, and two great alchemy treasures, one ancient and one modern, appeared on the seabed at the same time!

However, the Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace is a treasure that Yi Shuyuan personally refined. It has gone through many calamities and undergone many transformations, and the true fire has already taken shape. As soon as it appeared, it surpassed the four-pillar True Yang Furnace in terms of firepower.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

The two alchemy furnaces seemed to start to vibrate slightly. The surrounding sea currents were chaotic. Countless fishes at the bottom of the water fled one after another. The water tribe looked uneasy. The gods and dragon tribes from all over the place came out to check the situation. Even Yi Shuyuan was not behind him. The dragon kings of Nanhai in the distance frowned slightly.


The Fu Chi appeared in Yi Shuyuan's left hand, and the folding fan gently collided with the Fu Chi. A clear sound sounded, and the movement caused by the two big alchemy furnaces was instantly disillusioned.

Everyone was shocked, as if everything was an illusion just now, but looking at the expressions of the people around them, it seemed that he was not the only one who felt that way.

"The true yang gathers together and is stored in the suspended furnace. The spirit contains the true fire. The Tao contains the long Qi that rolls up. The yin and yang circle the cauldron and fall from the sky. The sky is shining. The Tao travels through the three realms and the five elements are stored in it. It returns to the furnace orifice and contains Give birth to Huaguang!"

As Yi Shuyuan's mantras came out one by one, he could feel the aura of the Four-Pillar True Yang Furnace more clearly, and gradually felt like he could control the firepower in it. The moment the mantras were completed, he felt a slight movement in his heart. Breathing out a breath of spiritual energy into the furnace.


Like a strong wind blowing by, the fire in the furnace became fiercer in an instant, and Wu Yin could clearly feel the heat on the outside.

But Yi Shuyuan still shook his head inside.

"Although the four-pillar True Yang Furnace is extraordinary, it has been eroded by years and calamities, and its firepower is no longer enough. Let Yi use the Fighting Turning Universe Furnace to help you!"

In fact, judging from the feelings presented in synaesthesia, the firepower of the former True Yang Furnace has long been insufficient, but there is no need to tell others about this, just as the alchemy furnace also has dignity.


The folding fan gently hit the Douzhuan Qiankun furnace, and the lid of the furnace immediately rose, and a powerful firepower shot into the sky.

In an instant, the entire South China Sea Crystal Palace seemed to be swept by a storm of fire. No matter whether it was a water tribe or a god, for a moment, it seemed as if they had fallen into the sea of ​​​​purgatory fire and endured endless roasting!

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, and it quickly disappeared after being shocked.

When they looked at the two alchemy furnaces over there, the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace stood quietly, as if everything was an illusion.

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