In the Chu Mansion, Chu Hang personally went to the gate to greet Yi Shuyuan. Although he was old, he was walking as fast as flying at the moment.

When he reached the front door, Chu Hang immediately ordered someone to open the door.

"Quickly, open the main door to welcome guests!"


How dare the accompanying servants be a little bit negligent. Seeing his master's attitude, he knew that the guests outside were unusual. They might be the heirs of an old friend.

Yi Shuyuan and the three people outside the door have already noticed the situation inside.

As the door of the Chu Mansion slowly opened with a "squeaking" sound, Chu Hang also saw the people standing outside. At this moment, his face was even more surprised, and he couldn't help but complain in a tone of voice. Others said.

"You only said that Mr. Yi was here, why didn't you say that Master Qi and Master Mai were also here?"

Master Qi?

The concierge's servants were startled, but before they could say anything, Chu Hang had already stepped out to greet them.

Yi Shuyuan's smiling voice had already passed through the door.

"Master Chu, I haven't seen you for many years. Are you okay?"

"Mr. Yi, Master Qi, and Master Mai, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Chu Hang was wearing a simple Confucian shirt, facing the wind at the door. In the eyes of art, his figure was still upright, and with his swaying beard, he seemed to see the trees in the mountains and the few scholars who traveled together in the mountains.

"Prime Minister Chu!" "Master Chu!"

Qi Zhongbin and Mai Lingfei also saluted Chu Hang together, one with a sincere smile, and the other with some nervousness and embarrassment.

"Please come in!"


Yi Shuyuan and others followed Chu Hang into the house, only to see a child running out carrying a copy net.

"Grandpa, you promised to play with me, and you are not allowed to run away——"

The child ran so fast that the maid behind him couldn't catch up with him. If he did catch him, he would run to the child and apologize profusely, grab him and whisper in his ear, then hug him and leave.

This scene also made Yi Shuyuan and others smile, including Hui Mian who was standing on his shoulder. When the child saw Hui Mian, his eyes suddenly widened and he pointed at Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and shouted.

"Mink, Mink, there's a mink!"

The screaming child was taken away by the maid.

Everyone entered the Chu Mansion in an atmosphere of laughter, and then went to the living room to reminisce and chat.

The servants of the Chu Mansion were also busy for the first time in a long time, making arrangements for the reception.

Outside the living room, as soon as the servant who brought cakes and tea came out with a tray, he was surrounded by some servants. Everyone was asking curious and excited questions.

"Oh, can you see clearly?" "Yes, is it the Heavenly Master?"

The person who came out was also an old servant of Chu Mansion, and he was obviously very excited.

"You see clearly, the person with the immortal spirit is the Heavenly Master Qi. Can you still admit your mistake?"

"How many Celestial Masters are there in our Dayong Dynasty?" "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course there is only Celestial Master Qi!"

"Yes, the entire Chengtian Mansion was discussing the old Tianshi. I didn't expect that he was still alive!"

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Bah, bah, bah, I made a mistake!"

"This old Heavenly Master must be one hundred, thirty or forty years old now, right?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that!"

"Oh, this is a living god."

The servants of the Chu Mansion had a heated discussion, and were then sent to work by the housekeeper. Today's Chu Mansion seemed to be particularly energetic.

In the living room, Yi Shuyuan seemed to have heard the discussion outside and said something jokingly.

"No one knows who Yi Shuyuan is, and no one cares about Mai Lingfei, the best player in the world, but Zhong Bin is still a familiar name!"

"Master, please stop making fun of me."

Qi Zhongbin also didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although this is human nature, he didn't expect that Master Dayong's popularity has not completely passed after so many years.

"Today we found out that the old Heavenly Master turned out to be Mr. Yi's disciple. It's no wonder that the old Heavenly Master has such a Taoist practice and has achieved such achievements. Chu should have thought of it a long time ago."

The "nightmare" incident in his early years and a series of subsequent changes made Chu Hang understand that Mr. Yi was not an ordinary person, but he did not expect that the old master was actually Mr. Yi's disciple, but many things made sense.

The content of the chat between several people ranged from the original Yuanjiang County to the later Lingdong disaster, as well as the changes in Dayong over the years. Many things made people feel sad and many things made people sigh.

Mai Lingfei had always been nervous and prepared to be questioned. He was half worried and half encouraged, but Chu Hang never mentioned anything sensitive.

After chatting for a while, Chu Hang actually paid more attention to Mai Lingfei's expression and movements.

This son-in-law-to-be is no younger than Chu Hang himself in appearance. If he says he has no resentment, that would be a lie. But if he really says he hates him a lot, it doesn’t count. After so many years, many things have been put aside, and the rest is nothing. Just some memories and regrets.

"Master Mai, Qier has always been afraid of me, right?"

Chu Qi and Mai Lingfei technically eloped, and the Chu family's family tradition was quite strict. In this regard, Chu Hang became more like Chu Qinglin when he got older.

Therefore, Chu Qi was actually very afraid of her father. For many years, she only dared to send letters home to her mother.

But each of these letters was read by the Chu family together. After all, blood is thicker than water, so how could it be cut off at the drop of a hat? Chu Hang was rebellious when he was young, but he could still understand some of his daughters.

When he heard this, he looked up at Chu Hang and opened his mouth but did not speak immediately. He spoke after a while.

"Qier, she has always respected you and missed Mrs. Chu very much."

"Oh, it would have been great if we had allowed you to get married in Chengtian Mansion back then."

Chu Hang sighed and said this, which was regarded as reconciliation with A Fei.

A Fei couldn't help but ask at this moment.

"Master Chu, are you having any difficulties now? Although I, Mai Lingfei, am not a great person, I still have some skills that I can use. I also have some appeal in the world, and I have some comrades who are willing to respond."

The meaning of Mai Lingfei's words was very obvious. He was willing to return to the world for Chu Hang. Back then, there was a bloody storm in the world between Dayong and Dayan because of him. With just three words "Mai Lingfei", the world was conquered. No one in the martial arts world dares to ignore it.

Chu Hang may have heard this kind of words too many times when countless people were fawning over the Prime Minister, but to A Fei, these words are not unimportant.

"Hehehe, I, Chu Hang, am not a great person, so there is no need for Master Mai to do this."

"But you are Qier's father! You are also the pillar of Dayong!"

Yi Shuyuan held a folding fan and slowly fanned it, while Qi Zhongbin put down the tea cup and shook his head.

"How can there be eternity in everything? The Prime Minister of Chu is a veteran of three dynasties and holds a high and powerful position. Now it is not the time for Your Majesty to ascend the throne for the first time. It is also the time to become the emperor and the ministers of the same dynasty."

"It's just as the Heavenly Master said!"

Chu Hang was also tolerant and even looked at Yi Shuyuan and the others jokingly to say one more thing.

"Oh, it's a pity. I'm still not decisive enough. I should have known that I should retire and return home a few years ago. I always thought that my old bones still have some energy and can contribute to the country for a few more years, but I kept procrastinating. "

Yi Shuyuan flapped his folding fan slightly, and looking at Chu Hang's face, he seemed to be able to see some sparkle in his eyes.

"Dayong, Dayong, old relatives, old relatives."

Chu Hang said it easily, but he still felt a little sentimental in his heart, and he also felt guilty for his relatives. Perhaps it was because of this guilt that he couldn't hate A Fei.

Outside the royal study room of the palace, Tan Yuanchang resigned and walked out. When the cool breeze blew outside, he took a deep breath before leaving.

After leaving the palace, Pei Changtian and the Tan family guards who were waiting gathered around, but Tan Yuanchang didn't say anything. He got into the carriage first, and then drove away to rest in a temporary residence.

Amidst the noise of the wheels rolling, Pei Changtian in the car finally couldn't help it.

"Mr. Tan, how is the situation? What did you and His Majesty say?"

Tan Yuanshang glanced at Pei Changtian. This Jiang Hu Ke, who was much younger than him, looked like his father in the car.

"Your Majesty said nothing."


Pei Changtian frowned, as if he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Tan Yuanshang sighed.

"Your Majesty and I chatted in the imperial study for two hours. We talked about interesting things. Of course, we also touched on some government affairs. However, your Majesty did not mention Prime Minister Chu once."

Pei Changtian frowned. Shouldn't it be Princess Tan who said this? But just as he was about to speak, something suddenly moved in his heart, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Tan Yuanchang nodded, Pei Changtian was still quite keen.

"If His Majesty was really serious, he would definitely mention this matter, but His Majesty did not mention Prime Minister Chu even once, and did not even mention it in ordinary chats. Your Majesty has already made it very obvious!"

Pei Changtian couldn't help but slowly clenched his fists.

"Don't be alarmed, Gang Leader Pei. With me here, I won't let things go too far. At least I can protect Prime Minister Chu and his family's safety!"

"Okay, let's go home and have a rest. We'll visit Prime Minister Chu tomorrow."

Pei Changtian was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't this too deliberate?"

Tan Yuanshang smiled. Pei Changtian was a smart man, but he seemed a little concerned and confused at this moment.

"I, Tan Yuanshang, have done the most deliberate thing in coming to Chengtian Mansion!"

In the imperial study room, after Tan Yuanshang left, the emperor looked at the direction in which he left, narrowed his eyes slightly and remained silent for a long time.

"Besides Tan Yuanshang, who else came to Chengtian Mansion?"

"Old slave, go check it out now!"

The emperor nodded, and then returned to the imperial cabinet again, but after grabbing the pen, he didn't put it down for a long time. After a while, he suddenly raised his head.

"Come here, tell me the Minister of Punishment, the Yin of Chengtian Prefecture, the Minister of Dali Temple, and the Censor Zhongcheng!"

The old eunuch on the side was shocked, but he immediately followed the order and retreated.


Perhaps it was Tan Yuanshang's arrival that made the emperor make some determination, or maybe it was Tan Yuanshang's arrival that made the emperor have other thoughts.

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