On the evening of New Year's Eve, the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, the entire Chengtianfu Street was decorated with lights and the people were in jubilation.

There was also a grand celebration to be held in the palace. A eunuch excitedly walked into the imperial study to report the situation to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the dinner is about to begin. All civil and military officials have arrived and are waiting for you!"


The emperor responded and put down the memorial in his hand.

It's not that today's emperor is really diligent enough to deal with government affairs on New Year's Eve, but because this memorial comes by chance and is Yu Ziye's secret memorial, so I just took a look.

And just as the emperor expected, the Tan family is still the Tan family, and Tan Yuanshang is still Tan Yuanshang. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Once Tan Yuanchang takes action, even if the court's money and food are slow to arrive, Lingdong and Hexi are not stable. Has the situation changed?

But now even Yu Ziye has urged for money and food in the memorial, which seems to be a bit urgent indeed.

Of course, that will have to be after the new year.

Of course, the court's money and food are indispensable, but Tan Yuanshang should be given a little more effort.

The emperor was thinking about things as he walked, and the eunuchs around him followed him. The palace was also decorated very festively.

When he first discovered the two disasters and later discovered a major problem in the warehousing system, the emperor was indeed panicked for a while, but then both parties stabilized the situation and became calmer.

But there was one thing that the emperor was quite concerned about. Even Yu Ziye's memorial had obvious changes in tendency.

To be honest, Chu Hang was a veteran of three dynasties, and his ability and prestige were unquestionable, and the emperor knew this.

But Chu Hang was already very old, and relying on his elders to restrict the imperial power also made the emperor quite unhappy. The official factions were also very powerful, and sooner or later there would be trouble.

The front of the palace became brighter. When the emperor passed by, fireworks were already rising in the front palace.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~".

The flames of the fireworks shone in the palace, causing countless people to look up and a smile on the emperor's face reflected in the colors of the fireworks.

As the saying goes, the new year brings a new atmosphere, it is also time for the veterans of the previous generation to delegate their powers. When Prime Minister Chu is already old, he should not worry too much about state affairs, and this time he may be able to kill two birds with one stone.

In Lingdong, in Dengzhou City, fireworks are also blooming in the sky.

As long as life is not unbearable, you still have to have what you should have in the New Year. Besides, Dengzhou is indeed a big city, and the impact of natural disasters is relatively small.

In the government office, the New Year's Eve dinner in the official office has not yet begun.

In a government courtyard, Chu Hang looked up at the fireworks in the sky. It was rare that he did not think about fighting the disaster. Instead, he thought about his past, from his childhood to his growth, from being a child who was careless, to being a truly sensible adult.

"Prime Minister Chu, I have something to ask you. I wonder if it would be convenient for Prime Minister Chu."

The voice belonged to Yu Ziye, perhaps because he was afraid of feeling guilty. Usually he rarely came to Chu Hang, but it seemed to have changed recently.

Chu Hang didn't look back and just responded.

"What's the matter? But it doesn't matter."

Yu Ziye took a few steps closer, looked at the fireworks in the sky, and subconsciously looked down at the things in his hands. It turned out that he was holding a lot of albums and documents.

"The layout of Prime Minister Chu's drought-resistant canals is so exquisite that I spent more than a month studying it and finally understood it, but, but..."

Chu Hang looked back at Yu Ziye in surprise, and then noticed what the other man was holding.

To be honest, in Chu Hang's impression, Yu Ziye was just a sycophant, who was just quite favored by the emperor.

Chu Hang, who had been an official all his life, had no idea how many sycophants like this he had managed to get. Now he was just too old and weak in energy, and he didn’t want to confront the emperor, so he didn’t care about them anymore.

But I didn't expect that Yu Ziye would talk about this.

Chu Hang smiled and asked, his mind slightly changed towards Yu Ziye, and he even thought to himself that it seems that he is still occasionally swayed by prejudice, and it is possible for anyone to do good things.

"But what?"

Yu Ziye looked up at Chu Hang and hesitated before asking.

"Xiang Chu, I don't understand water conservancy, so I may be incompetent in your eyes. However, I have been thinking hard for a long time, and I really can't help but want to ask for an explanation."

It is rare for Yu Ziye to be so humble and sincere. Of course, this is also because he is facing Chu Hang. If it were someone else, even Yu Ziye would not have a good face now.

He paused before continuing.

"The drought-resistant canal is indeed exquisite, and the water management is impeccable, but there is no water! What if God is not kind? Is it because the canal was built? But this project is too huge."

Chu Hang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, Master Yu, you said it well, you said it well."

Chu Hang approached Yu Ziye and reached out to pat his shoulder. The latter was slightly stunned and didn't know what Chu Xiang was smiling at.

"Actually, you're not the only one who can tell, but the one who dares to ask in person is actually you!"

Chu Hang's voice was filled with a smile, and the word "surprisingly" was actually quite ironic. Even Yu Ziye could hear it, but at this moment he just felt embarrassed, and of course he didn't dare to say anything more. He just smiled along with him.

Then Chu Hang suddenly became serious and looked at Yu Ziye seriously. He was worried and flustered, but Chu Hang nodded slightly.

"Perhaps I had some prejudice against Yu before. If I have offended you, I will apologize to Yu here!"

This made Yu Ziye's heart skip a beat. He hurriedly took two steps back to salute, and all the documents and drawings in his hands fell to the ground.

"I don't dare to lower my rank. Prime Minister Chu, you are trying to disgrace my rank and file!"

Chu Hang smiled.

"Master Yu, I hope you can remember the moment when you asked me about it today, remember this feeling, and don't forget this moment in the Dayong court in the future! Okay, dinner should be almost done, I should go over there! "

After saying that, Chu Hang left first, leaving Yu Ziye, who was worried, guilty, and a little inexplicably excited, standing there.

This feeling

Is Prime Minister Chu recognizing me, Yu Ziye?

No matter how tit-for-tat they were in the court, no matter whether they had been slandered in private, but being recognized by Prime Minister Chu, even Yu Ziye had an emotion that was hard to explain.

By the time Yu Ziye came to his senses, Chu Hang had already walked away. He was picking up something on the ground, his brows furrowed again. Not only did Chu Xiangfei not answer his previous question, but it actually made him more confused.

On a large arch bridge over the Datong River outside the city, Yi Shuyuan gently flapped his folding fan and looked up at the fireworks in the sky. Qi Zhongbin on the other side was stroking his beard and looking at the sky, with a slight smile on his face.

The joyous moment in the world also made the master and apprentice feel a bit of fireworks.

Hui Mian ran along the bridge railing, jumped on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and took out two big chicken legs.

"Sir, it's New Year's Eve. Do you want to eat?"

"Where did you steal the chicken legs?"

When Yi Shuyuan said this, Hui Mian suddenly showed dissatisfaction.

"What is stealing? Aren't the tributes from Yunlai Palace meant for me to eat?"

Yi Shuyuan waved his hand, and Hui Mian looked aside.

"Do you want it, Mr. Qi?"

"Thank you, Senior Gray!"

Qi Zhongbin naturally had no scruples and reached out to take it.

Seeing Hui Mian chewing happily, Yi Shuyuan shook his head and sighed.

"It's a pity that it's boiled chicken with no seasoning at all. It's not interesting to eat."

"It's used to offer sacrifices to gods. Are you still doing this?"

Hui Mian said this vaguely, while Qi Zhongbin smiled.

"Master, Senior Hui, recently performed a fortune-telling for the owner of Shangdeng Building. Today he has reserved a private room in Shangdeng Building and prepared a table of sumptuous food and wine! Why don't we go there right away?"

"Hahahahaha, not bad, not bad!"

Yi Shuyuan also laughed, and Hui Mian, who had already eaten a chicken leg clean in the blink of an eye, jumped onto Qi Zhongbin's shoulder and patted him with his shiny paws.

"Hahaha, children can be taught!"


Chu Hang rushed to many places in Lingdong and Hexi a year ago and personally arranged a lot of work in order to start all the work as soon as possible.

After the New Year, the weather is still very cold, but construction has started in advance in more than two places.

At this moment, it seems that this is the disaster relief scene that Yu Ziye originally imagined. Chu Hang is stationed in Dengzhou, and the situation in two places is summarized here.

In the cold season, drought seems invisible and invisible, but everyone knows that this is a race against time. If we wait until spring plowing, it will be too late, and most of the year may be wasted.

In the spring of the seventh year of Shaoyuan, there was still not much rain on Lingdong Road and Hexi Road, and the water levels of some large rivers and lakes continued to drop.

When it comes to the farming season, the situation still doesn't seem to be getting better. Lingdong is slightly better, but Hexi is getting worse.

Sometimes, there are clouds in the sky, but it doesn't rain. After a while, the clouds will gradually dissipate, as if God is joking with people.

In Dengzhou Yamen, Chu Hang was handling official duties in the official office. The pictures and texts on the desk showed that drought relief canals in many places had been completed. After all, it was a water canal, and the amount of work was not too large.

Even the water canals in some places have been integrated with the Lingdong Drought Canal, which has alleviated the drought in Hexi to some extent.

There were also many local officials nearby. Some were sorting out memorials from various places, while others were summarizing consumption in various places.

"The one in Chenzhou is almost done. When will the one in Sizhou be completed?"

"According to reports from local officials, it should be almost done. However, there is not much water in Lingdong. The water that can be diverted to Sizhou is already the limit. What should we do in the following states?"

Chu Hang shook his head slightly.

"That's all for now. By the way, how much food has the imperial court received?"

The official said helplessly.

"It's arriving very slowly, but private grain stores seem to have considerable storage capacity. Although grain prices are rising, they are not exaggerated and will not make the people unable to afford food."

"How is the security in various places?"

"Public security is pretty good, and it seems that some people from the martial arts community are also helping out."

Chu Hang nodded and said nothing more, but at this time Yu Ziye walked in, came to the table and whispered a few words to Chu Hang.

"Xiang Chu, there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

Chu Hang glanced at Yu Ziye and calculated the time. His Majesty's private edict should have arrived again. He, Yu Ziye, would come to see him now. Maybe there was some unfavorable news for him.

"If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter."

"Prime Minister Chu."

"Just say it!"

The surrounding officials were silent at this moment, but their attention was also focused on Yu Ziye and Chu Hang.

Yu Ziye hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a low voice.

"Prime Minister Chu, the situation in the DPRK is a bit complicated. There are many memorials to impeach you for your failure to fight the disaster. Some people say that you have colluded with people in the Jianghu and threatened the imperial officials to go to various places. Some even say that you embezzled the imperial court's money. It is similar to making excuses. In The capital is very noisy.”

Chu Hang just smiled when he heard this.

“You can’t say it’s all right, and you can’t say it’s all wrong!”

As soon as these words came out, Yu Ziye and the surrounding officials were shocked.

"Prime Minister Chu, how can you say that? If it falls into the ears of some treacherous villains, it will be a big deal to the emperor!"

This sentence actually came out of Yu Ziye's mouth, which made Chu Hang couldn't help but look up at him a few more times, and then smiled.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, the Holy One can distinguish some things. At least he can allow Chu to do things here."

As he spoke, Chu Hang sighed. It was precisely because he knew that the emperor was not that unclear that he felt even more helpless.

But it doesn't matter. Chu Hang just wants to know what crime he will be guilty of in the end.

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