The entire Dragon Kingdom’s automobile industry has been fully activated.

They obtained the corresponding technology before the Kuafu engine was released.

Almost every factory has new engine technology.

Those with stronger technical capabilities have also introduced modification plans.

For those who are temporarily unable to queue up for modification, Longguo also has enough gasoline and diesel to sell them.

The annual fuel consumption of motor vehicles is only 120 million tons.

When industry’s dependence on fossil energy is reduced to a minimum, everyone will choose cheaper Jinwu electricity.

Longguo’s production capacity is more than enough to supply motor vehicles.

Suddenly, the people’s mentality changed:

“In the future, if you buy a car from a foreign company, domestically produced cars will save you the most money!”

“That’s it, I’m overtaking on a curve now!”

“Let’s just skip the engine technology that others are stuck in and are unwilling to come up with!”

“Kuafu engine is stronger than anything else!”

“Nowadays, domestic cars are really not bad. At most, there are differences in details, but there is no difference at all in big parts!”

“After one year of repayment, ordinary families will save thousands of dollars every year, and they will make money by buying domestically produced cars!”

For a time, everyone’s impression of domestic cars has risen to infinite heights.

Even those who like cars and are not short of money no longer blindly pursue foreign high-end brands.

“BBA abroad is just an ordinary car, not that high-end at all.”

“Just buy a foreign car and collect it. If you really want to play with cars, you need a domestic car!”

“[Link] Look at this one, they want to use full vacuum technology, which means it can be driven in space!”

“Damn, isn’t this as good as any other car? We can race on Mars!”

“That’s totally fine! Outer planets can easily reach temperatures ranging from tens of degrees below zero to hundreds of degrees. How can an ordinary car withstand it? Only Kuafu Engine with unlimited energy can persist!”

“That is, if anyone buys a car from a foreign company in the future, I will laugh at him!”

Infinite energy, perpetual motion, eternal combustion… no matter which word is used, it looks extremely sci-fi and extremely fashionable. Those who pursue high-end cannot take their eyes away from the parent engine.

Is there anything more high-end than this?

Those who pursue technology, immediately I can’t help myself.

This is the crown jewel of the human technology tree!

It’s much more interesting than spending hundreds of years pondering a few broken engines! Those who pursue grandeur, just think about a mini sun under your crotch.

The blazing courage will rise from your heart Starting.

Foreign companies without Kuafu Engine were suddenly knocked out of the world. Those who bought it, beat their chests.

Those who placed a deposit must cancel the order even if they lose money.

Those who did not buy it will never look at foreign garbage again.

And the entire Huameng began to place orders frantically.

They were close to the water, and with the Huameng ID card, they could make reservations.

Although the delivery time is later than Longguo, there is hope at least.

These countries are either targeted or disliked by the mainstream of the world..

Immediately it will have endless energy and run wildly on the road.

People in non-Chinese Alliance countries were drooling after seeing it.

They couldn’t wait to take a look and touch the Longguo car.

However, foreign car companies immediately made They have already anticipated that they will lose the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the entire Chinese League’s sales.

With unlimited fuel, they can save tens of thousands of dollars every year.

No one will choose the old-fashioned fuel vehicles or trams.

They can still move. Foreign companies immediately began to block

“After investigation, Kuafu engines have serious quality problems, and we call on the country to ban imports!”

“Longguo’s new technology will further increase the number of cars and cause traffic congestion. It is strongly recommended to ban it!”

“Once the Kuafu engine is damaged, it will continue to burn and form a fire that will never go out! This is a threat to the world and is absolutely strictly prohibited!”

“Dragon Kingdom technology will cause serious damage to the energy industry and cause millions of oil workers to be laid off! This is the destruction of order and good customs, and requires sanctions against the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Longguo must hand over the Kuafu engine for technical verification by multiple parties! And arrest Su Mu until the review is over!”

The car companies fought back desperately. They would never let Kuafu Engine enter NATO!

But before Longguo could fight back, the locals couldn’t sit still.

They were extremely angry and scolded:

“What the hell! If you want to make money, you have to make us spend more money?”

“Haha, if I can’t buy a car with Kuafu engine, I won’t buy yours either!”

“Who can afford to spend thousands of green coins a year?”

“Su Mu already said that if Kuafu’s engine is damaged, it can no longer be ignited. You are slandering!”

“Asking others to hand over technology will worsen the relationship, so you can close imports, right?”

“Damn old money, they should have been abandoned by the times long ago!”

“resist! protest!”

In Europe and the Americas, countless people took to the streets angrily and protested loudly.

Some even stormed the headquarters, factories, and 4S stores of various car companies.

They thought that as long as local car companies were shut down, Longguo car companies would not be able to come in. ?

The entire Blue Star was extremely lively on this day.

The Chinese Alliance was loud with gongs and drums, celebrating the hard-won good news.

On the NATO side, the shouts of killing were deafening.

At this moment, there was a new change on the Chunye stage.

Zi ——The pictures were taken back from the factories of various car companies and placed on an island.

The island is not surrounded by the sea, but by a dark abyss.

But under the abyss, there are blue seas, blue skies, and a vast continent!

People immediately reacted:”Yes Nantianmen Floating Island!”

Nantianmen, as one of the components of the Buzhou Mountain project, consists of 72 floating islands with an altitude of 300-500 kilometers.

Below is the Blue Star, and above the head is the 36.000-kilometer Lingxiao City.

On the one hand, it supervises the human world and resists threats from the stars.

It is the most important barrier for the Dragon Kingdom outside Blue Star.

The Nantianmen Floating Island is composed of a military area and a tourist area.

People have traveled many times through the entrance to the secret realm of Lingxiao Inner and Outer City.

Just one glance and they recognized it. Come out.

At this time, in the military zone on the other side of the floating island, a huge aircraft was ready to go.

“Report to the leader, ready!”

The signal came out from the plane.

Su Mu on the Chunwan stage pressed the headset and smiled slightly:

“Kuafu engine can provide unlimited battery life”

“In addition to cars, it can also be provided to aircraft.”

“This Jade Bird fighter uses the Kuafu engine as its energy source and can fly for an unlimited time.”

Buzz –

As he spoke, the thrusters of the fighter jet lit up on the screen.

The pilot made a confirmation gesture and started the plane.

He watched the plane drive slowly on the track, then suddenly jumped and fell towards the rear.

The dark universe and the boundless starry sky reflected on the metal coating, blooming with dazzling light.

Then, the Bluebird fighter thruster became brighter and brighter, pulling out a long Mach ring in space.

People suddenly thought:”Wait a minute. , outside the atmosphere, where does the air come from?”

“That’s right, how can you propel it without air?”

“This is different from a car. A car has wheels. As long as there is power inside, it can move forward by friction.”

“How does this fighter jet… fly? Su

Mu smiled slightly:”It’s very simple, because we use ion thrusters.””

“Outside the atmosphere, the Bluebird will switch to ion propulsion”

“Ion propulsion requires a lot of electricity, and luckily, we happen to have endless electricity!”

“You only need to carry a small amount of xenon gas and do not need any oxidant, so you can fly in a vacuum!”

“Ion thrusters are different from traditional combustion propulsion. They use ultra-high pressure to ionize gas to eject a high-speed particle flow.”

“The jet speed of rocket fuel can only reach 3-4 meters/second, while the jet speed generated by ion thrusters can reach 20 kilometers/second to 50 kilometers/second.”

“Consuming a small amount of fuel can bring continuous mobility”



The camera on the Blue Bird fighter jet emitted a quiet buzzing sound.

Compared with traditional fighter engines, it is almost silent!

Subsequently, the plane adjusted its attitude and penetrated the atmosphere of Blue Star! rumble!

A huge amount of sparks just appeared on the Blue Bird fighter plane.

People were immediately worried, this was atmospheric friction!

But then, the blue bird trembled suddenly and stopped suddenly in the air.

All inertia suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Jade Bird’s ion thruster was also shut down.

It switched to gas turbines, and the thrusters erupted into plumes again. rumble!

The traditional explosion sound was heard, and the blue bird returned to the blue star sky at an astonishing speed!

At this time, Su said four words that people couldn’t wait for: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That’s right, the Blue Bird is an aerial fighter plane.”


The entire Blue Star trembled.

All the people in the Dragon Kingdom looked at each other with excited expressions.

People’s faces were all red with excitement.[]

Everyone is celebrating each other and uttering extremely excited words

“Air and space fighter!”

“It’s really an air and space fighter!”

“I knew it, I knew it!”

“It uses Queqiao’s technology, but it’s not the same as Queqiao!”

“This blue bird, separated from the Buzhoushan Space Elevator, can fly independently in space!”

“There was smoke coming out of the ancestral graves, and we saw aerial fighter planes!”


Capital City, Dragon Kingdom Air Force���Headquarters, Commander-in-Chief Qin Ziwei suddenly stood up

“Air and space fighter!”

“Su Mu, you really made the aerial fighter plane!”

His eyes filled with tears, his fists clenched, and his body trembled slightly with excitement.

“It turns out that Su Mu said that the real usage of Nantianmen is this!”

“The air and sky fighters are the heavenly soldiers and generals of Nantianmen!”

The last time he visited Institute 011, Su Mu talked about the defensive role of Nantianmen.

But the overall core still relies on the space carrier.

At that time, Su Mu still hid his thoughts and smiled.

Now, Qin Ziwei finally understood that this last piece What to fill in the puzzle!

Air-to-space fighter plane!

Space-sky amphibious fighter plane!

With this thing, the Dragon Kingdom has the power to shock the entire planet under the sky. In space

, it also has stronger firepower!


The Blue Bird fighter jet continued to fly forward, reaching Mach 3 speed very quickly.

In just an instant, it swept across thousands of mountains and rivers.

It traveled at an astonishing 4,000 kilometers per hour and had an unlimited endurance.

Su Mu slowly said:”The Blue Bird fighter jet The path is similar to that of the Queqiao Space Train”

“But the execution method is different.”

“The Queqiao train is on the fixed space elevator track, and its only destination is Lingxiao City.”

“So as long as you carry the oxidant and perform regular acceleration, you can reach”

“For better maneuverability, the Blue Bird chose to use ion thrusters.”

“While in space, can perform classified maneuvers and increase speed to Mach 22, the orbital speed”

“When entering the atmosphere, supersonic speed is reduced to 0 through super iron technology”

“Avoid disintegration due to atmospheric friction”

“Then start the compressor and use the gas turbine to cruise within Mach 5”

“Vice versa, first use the gas turbine to rise outside the atmosphere where the air is thin”

“When there is no need to consider atmospheric friction, start the ion thruster again”

“And because of the use of Kuafu engines, the Blue Bird fighter’s cruise time is-infinite!”

“As long as there is no mechanical failure, it can run endlessly!”

Everyone can’t help but feel relaxed and happy as they watch the Blue Bird fighter plane soaring over mountains and rivers.

Infinite battery life!

This is a fighter plane that can fly infinitely on the Blue Star! It can not only fly within the atmosphere for an unlimited time.

It can also shuttle out of the atmosphere and travel in 90 minutes. At the speed of one circle, it traverses the Blue Star!

In other words, as long as something happens on the Blue Star.

The 72 floating islands may land Blue Bird fighter jets! It can take a few minutes as fast as it takes, and it can take as slow as ten minutes.

There will be an overwhelming number of fighter jets. Falling from the sky!

Their speed is even 4 times faster than super iron.

Compared with expensive air and space carriers, a huge number of air and space fighters will make people more frightened!

Su Mu smiled slightly:”Most of the time, air and space fighters will be there outside the atmosphere”

“Or at Nantianmen, or doing regular cruise work”

“Because the consumption of the ion thruster is very small, as long as the xenon gas is replenished every once in a while, it can last indefinitely.”

“Even when the orbital speed is reached and there is no need to change the attitude, there is no need to consume it.”

“Above the blue sky, the Dragon Kingdom will bring the most thorough protection to Blue Star!”

“Whether it is an internal or external threat, it will be nipped in the cradle!”

The commander-in-chief of the Lighthouse Country turned pale.

He clutched the edge of the table tightly and could hardly speak:

“Air and space fighter planes… turned out to be air and space fighter planes!”

The fear brought by aerospace fighters is even greater than that of the aerospace carrier!

Everyone knows that the aerospace carrier is extremely expensive, and the Dragon Kingdom does not have many stocks.

But fighter jets are cheap!

There are 72 floating islands, each with a A fighter plane does not cost hundreds of millions.

However, this most advanced fighter plane hangs overhead at any time.

The psychological pressure brought by it made him retching directly.

In the five-star building of the Lighthouse Country, Chief of General Staff Billy looked at Screen, dumbfounded

“Air and space fighter planes…Is Dragon Kingdom crazy?”

“What other means does the Lighthouse Country have to contend with them?”

His face was bitter, and his heart was as sharp as a knife.

Before, there was still a little hope for the Lighthouse Country.

If the Dragon Country’s space carrier attacked, they could cover it with firepower.

Use massive missiles, artillery, and fighter jets to destroy it.

But now, No one knows how many air and space fighters will fall from the floating island!

“Kuafu Engine…is really not that simple……”

Billy muttered, breathing hard, falling to his knees

“They really want to control the world and start a war!”

“Ah ah ah, devils, the people of the Dragon Kingdom are all devils!”

When people found out, the frightened Chief of General Staff had already peed his pants.

As long as he saw things like red and stars, he would be paralyzed with fear.


At this time, the people of the Dragon Kingdom, who were regarded as demons, were still admiring the heroic appearance of the aerial fighters.

That streamlined appearance is so handsome no matter how you look at it.

Watching the blue bird dive upwards, it took a while to accelerate before returning to the floating island again.

Su Mu smiled slightly:”The patrol time is unlimited, but the driver needs to rest.”

“So, we set up a simple transfer platform on the seat.”


On the screen, the pilot suddenly disappeared and then appeared at the Chunxi meeting place.

He raised his hands and wished everyone a happy new year, which caused another uproar.

Su Mu laughed and said:”When one pilot takes a rest, he can replace another.”

“At the same time, this also ensures pilot safety”

“In the most dangerous situation, as long as the fighter jet crashes in no man’s land, you can teleport to escape.”

“Safer than ejection seats”

“Therefore, air and space fighter aircraft carrying sub-injectors……”

Su Mu paused:”It will appear on all planets discovered by humans at the same time!”

“Including but not limited to the moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus!”

“No matter where humanity expands, Dragon Kingdom will ensure safety!”


All over the country, people had tears in their eyes and applauded desperately.

They were finally at ease!

No matter which planet they were on, there would be air and space fighter planes overhead, patrolling 24 hours a day.

The Dragon Kingdom will always ensure the safety of its people, so there is nothing to worry about. What about?

Air Force Commander Qin Ziwei opened his mouth, shook his head and chuckled:

“This kid has too active ideas.”

However, he did not feel at all that this was an overstep and that outsiders were interfering with the military.

Su Mu’s thoughts were deeper than the Milky Way.

What the army has to do is to keep up with the pace as soon as possible and not to fall behind!


Su Mu snapped his fingers:”Next, is the last piece of clothing”

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