Taming Master

< (4). First Dual Class -2 >

* * *

Ian, who had succeeded in gaining dual classes for the first time, immediately closed his connection and went to sleep without even looking at the points to explore the class.

It was because he couldn't sleep well while all of Serbian's tasks were being accomplished.

But in the meantime, Ian did not forget something, which was the ‘Connection Ⅰ’ skill, a hidden skill gained by tiering up the Taming Masterclass.

A sympathetic skill is a terrifying (?) Skill!

This caused Ian's most recent summoners to die.

“Hehehehe! Why is the owner telling us to hunt while resting?! ”

“Hunt for only five more hours, then go back and rest. I want to hunt without rest.I can't help but close my eyes. ”

“Ugh! Master, we're sleepy too...! ”

“I'll let you rest when I come in and out. ”

“Lies...!! ”

Ian kicks all the summoners out of the lab as if he were throwing out his cheating wife, and then shuts down the connection.

And Ian's summoners began to hunt the yards in front of the lab by weeping and eating mustard.

“Phew, bad owner. I hate it!"

Karseus resonates with the grumbling of his head.

“That's right, the owner must be a pervert. ”

Cough, cough!

Finn, who was speechless, protested strongly.


Harley was also building a tear.

But there was only one summoner who was still hunting...

“Krr, I think I've met my master very well. Hehe.”

It was Lai, the King of Penre, who became addicted to hunting.

I look bored.

“Rye is strange, Carseus. ”

Karseus nods at the head of his head.

“I think so, too. Perhaps another identity of the owner has entered Rye. ”

“Still, it's nice that we can play around with Rye. ”

“That's right. We should be thanking Lai. ”

Hair and Pin to help you hunt.

And towards the low horses that Harley worked so hard to collect, Carseus exhales.


Although there were many complaints, Ian's summoners, without Ian, were well organized (?) I was hunting.

The summoners had slaughtered Ian's hunting style on their bodies, so they were moving according to their roles without even thinking about it.

However, unlike Ian's summoners, they did this kind of off-hours labor (?), there were other exciting people.

“Khh, the lord is really something. ”

Caesar and Ian's thugs!

They were not summoned or summoned separately, so they had always hunted without Ian.

They're comrades.).

“Wow, it's too bad we didn't have enough people to use my healing skills when we were hunting. ”

Since Serena used to like Ian's summoners...

“Well, it sure as hell is easy to fight if you hold on tight! ”

I was very happy to have the summoners join me, even Pauline, who was usually too quiet.

By the way, that sad overtime...).

‘Phew...! I knew I shouldn't have gone back! ’

A lot of bad turtles came back nearby because they missed Ian and his friends!

I knew I was afraid of my master! Now he's making me work even when he's not here! ’

Lots of people walked again.

I felt some remorse for my friends because they were suffering from such hard labor, but I couldn't go back.

‘Phew...! I wouldn't be much help if I were in there. Quickly eat more herbs and become stronger. I'll go back to being a cool turtle! ’

Every time a lot of walks up and down, his shell quietly disappears into the darkness.

* * *

After more than ten hours of deep sleep, Ian opened the Job Information window as soon as he accessed the game.

I used to summon Carseus, who could always speak with me when I connected, but I decided to give him a little more rest.

‘We need to get him some rest until he goes out hunting again. ’

Ian's Reasonable Attention to Suffering Summoners!

In fact, I was only noticing some summoners because I couldn't use their Communion skills when my Amity was low.

Now, why don't we open up a Dual Class info window? ’

Ian smiled proudly as he saw the [Magician] spear appear just below the [Taming Master] in the vocational information window.


- Summoned Horse- 21484; 21914; (Magician) -

Job Classification - Magical Dual Class

Job Grade - Hidden Class

Job Skill - Beginner (0%)

List of job-related stats

1. Margie - necessary to control horses. A massive amount of Magi is required to summon more high-grade horses.

2. Magic Affinity - Necessary for capturing high grade horses.

3. dexterity - It is related to the success rate of mason softness.

List of skills related to your job

1. Magic Summoning (Open Details)

2. Mental Concentration (Open Details)

3. Magic smear (open details)

4. Magical decomposition (open details)

The Hidden Class created by the first Vanmija of the Elves, the Summoner Serbian, after centuries of hard work.

Serbian developed the art of forbidden magic, magic craftsmanship, through which he created incredibly powerful magic.

If you master magical craftsmanship, you will be able to produce magic that is unimaginably powerful.


The first thing that caught Ian's eye in the info window was his‘ job-related stats. ’

In the summoning class, Margie is used as a substitute for leadership. ’

Summoners need ‘leadership’ stats to summon high grade summoners.

And Magi was acting as a leader for a dual class summoner.

However, since Margie was not a stat consumed like Mana, summoning a Magician did not reduce her Fixed Damage.

‘Just think of the horsepower as the ultimate version of the original affinity stat…. ’

Ian checked his dexterity skills floating just below the mason affinity and sighed deeply.

"Ugh... I'm a juicy jammer, but do I need a juicy steak for mason arts?" ’

Ian's current dexterity stat is a little over 500.

This was also a considerable increase in continuous crafting of summon-only items, but it was still lacking compared to other stats.

‘Phew, can I do anything? We must overcome it in Nogada.’

Ian pledged to work harder in the gap, and this time he looked at the skill list.

“Hmm? It's a magic summoning, I can see what it is... What's your mental focus? ”

Magic Summoning was probably the same skill that served as the Summoning in the Summoner class.

That's why Ian passed the Magic Summoning and opened up the details of his mental focus directly below.


- Focus -

Category - Active Skills

Skill Level - lv 0

Skill - 0%

Cooldown - 60 minutes

Duration - None

Conditions of Use - All skills with a cooldown of less than half the maximum.

The Summoner can concentrate his mind and reset the cooldown time of all his skills and all of the summoners' unique abilities in battle, except for the 'Focus Mind’ skill.

Immediately activates all skills that are less than half the cooldown after using MP.

If you consider the remaining cooldown time of the skills you have, this is a minor skill that can greatly help in combat.

* Increases Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Cost by gradually decreases the cooldown of MP.

* If you use mental focus, summon yourself and you will not be able to do anything for 30 seconds. (The more proficient you are, the less time you cannot move.))


‘Well, this skill is not unique to the Hidden Class Magician, but it seems to be possessed by all summoners who acquired the summoning class as a dual class. ’

Ian, who mastered concentration skills, quickly turned his skill building around in his head.

‘This skill is definitely useful. It's a big risk to be unable to do anything for 30 seconds... but after increasing your skill level, it should really help you in battle.' ’

For Ian to be able to roll all the skills most efficiently, the concentration skill was a very Merritt skill.

After a rough understanding of mental focus, Ian now opened up the details of the 'Magical Softening’ skill below.

‘This skill is probably the reason for my Hidden Class existence. ’

Ian remembers the skill information of magic craftsmanship in front of him.


- Shallow sores -

Category - Active Skills

Skill Level - lv 0

Skill - 0%

Cooldown - None

Duration - None

Conditions of Use - Must have at least two horseshoes with loyalty greater than 50.

Magic craftsmanship is a trick of forbidden magic that can produce more powerful magic by crafting more than one magic.

The higher the caster's dexterity, the higher the chance of the caster being born with a higher grade of horses, and the higher the success rate of the caster's dexterity.

Basically, in order to soften the water supply, it is necessary to have one main power source, which will be the body of the water supply. In addition, it is necessary to have one or more horses which will be used as a material.

If you succeed in softening the water, you will be able to get an enhanced horsepower with the main water base.

* The water source to be the body must always be of higher grade or equal to the water source.

* If sores fail, the sores that become materials disappear. However, the water that becomes the main body does not disappear.

* Skill Levels of Magical Manipulation can be grown up to 10 and vary depending on skill level.

- Skill Levels 0 to 1: Max number of ‘Intermediate’ tiers available

- Skill Levels 2 to 3: Max number of ‘Advanced’ tiers available for crafting

- Skill Levels 4 to 5: Max available horsepower to ‘Hero’ Rank

- Skill Levels 6 to 8: Max available for Magical Combination to ‘Legendary’ Rank

- Skill Levels 9 to 10: Can build any grade


As Ian reads diligently the information of the magic arts, Serbian suddenly opens the door from the inside of his workshop.

“Have a good rest, Ian. ”

Ian nods.

“That's right.”

“You're looking at magic skills. ”

Ian nods again without speaking. Serbian's words continue.

“You'll need to improve your proficiency. With a low level of skill, even lower grade horses can't make it properly. ”

The grade of the horses was not significantly different from the summoned number.

It was easy to understand as long as the grade names of the normal, rare, and unique summoners had only changed to lower intermediate rank.

Ian asks for Serbian.

“When I looked at the information, it says that a skill level of 0-2 can soften up to intermediate math... What do you mean, it's hard to make lower math?" ”Serbian smiles and replies.

“Of course, you can still ‘try' to make medium-grade magic. But a hundred times. A hundred. We're all gonna fail. ”

Ian's question immediately followed.

“Even if you fail, don't you think you should continue to build high-grade horses to increase your skill level faster? ”

Serbian shakes his head.

“It's not like that. If you fail in your craftsmanship, your skill set will not increase a bit. Of course, the more successful you are at crafting high-grade horses, the more skilled you will become... If you want to increase your skill quickly, it will be better to continue crafting low-grade horses at the beginning. ”

Ian's mind was busy again.

‘Then I won't be needing any of that superior maso rakiel I captured last time. ’

And seeing Ian like that, Serbian spoke with a serious look.

“The way of a shaman will never be easy. You have to have endless patience and effort to become an excellent lexicographer. And I need an exploration spirit as much as wizards. Skill proficiency and dexterity are crucial to the success of mascara, but they also act as an enormous element in the body and material. Maybe you should have fun studying horses. ”

Serbian said what he wanted to scare Ian, but he didn't look scared at all.

Rather, Ian's expression was hollow.

"Research, exploration, and nogada...!" That's just my style! ’

Ian's eyes, which were perfectly shot at by his tastes, began to glow even more brightly.

< (4). First Dual Class -2 > End

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