Taming Master

< (5). Magic Mine -3 >

* * *

‘Gore, Munks, and Dwarves...' ’

Of the three factions Kaka mentioned, the only Dwarves Ian has heard of are the Dwarves.

In fact, Ian couldn't have known that Dwarves were a group that emerged from fantasy worldview games.

“The Gore and the Munks will be easy to find. ”


“Especially the Gore have their feet bashed in. ”

It was just like Kaka said.

If you look closely through the slave list, there were about 10 people on a page named Gor.

Considering that you can see a list of 100 people on a page, the Gore were a very common species.

Ian opens the information window of one of the Gore tribes and mumbles.

“They look like golems. It feels like a mini golem. ”

Kaka replied.

“The Gore are originally a kind of golem, my lord. She's got tremendous stamina, no Izzie, no food, not much maintenance. It is a species that was born for labor. ”

“What the heck. How could such a creature exist? ”

“Well. I'm not so sure about this myself... but I know it was the Giants who created the Gore. ”


“I've heard stories of golems and Gore that the Ancient Giants had created for themselves as slaves. ”

“I see.... ”

Even in the game, I thought existence was too formidable, but as Kaka told me, I understood it somewhat.

"As expected, none of Kailan's worldview was just made. ’

Ian nods in awe.

“Then do we really need to find the Munks or the dwarves? I think it's best for the Gor to use them as mining slaves...? ”

Kaka shakes her head.

“No slave will ever follow the Gorn, my lord. However, if all the Servants were Gorn, only the lesser minerals such as Iron Ore, Lesser Stable, and Lesser Mage Stone would be accumulated in the owner's Mine. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? Besides, Iron Ore was never on the list of minerals that can be mined. ”

“Ironore is essentially a mining mineral in almost every mine in the Magic System. Iron Ore can be mined even if it's not listed in the Mine Specs separately. ”

“I see.... ”

“And the Gore are good at their job, but without Izzie, it's a problem. The Gor may have found the best magic stones while mining, but they could have just destroyed them. ”

“ …. ”

If so, it was a serious problem.

I couldn't hire a slave to blow up $10 million worth of cash minerals.

“That's why I need the Munks, my lord. ”

“Really? What role do the Munks play? ”

The Munks have never seen a slave list of more than five pages so far.

Kaka's explanation followed.

“The Munks are at odds with the Gore, my lord. ”


Kaka nods.

“The role of the Munks is more optimized for exploring than mining minerals directly. Like the Gore, Izzie doesn't exist, but she smells like a ghost. ”

“Oh...? ”

“They are a mineral-eating species. That's why it's natural to smell minerals like ghosts. ”

Ian asked with a curious face.

“So what if they're mining minerals and they're eating them? ”

Kaka shakes her head.

“Not going to happen, master. If you feed me 10 Bottom Horsestones a day, I'll work hard without greed. ”

“I see.... ”

While having conversations with Kakawa, Ian turned over the page, thoroughly checking the slave list.


“Huh...? ”

“What's the matter, master? ”

“Here, there's a dwarf. ”


Ian hurriedly opens the info window with a surprised look.

When Kaka first described slavery, it was because she told me that Dwarves are extremely rare.

But Kaka looked more surprised than Ian.

I only spoke lightly to Ian, but even Kaka had never seen a Dwarf who appeared as a slave.


- Urk Hahn -

Employment Price: 5195000 Gold/Month

Level: 56

Race: Iron Dwarf

Gender: male

Classification: Slavery

Rating: only

Personality: Curious

AP: 995

DP: 1450

Agility: 555

Intelligence: 1876

HP: 17775/17775

High Competency A (Racial Unique) (Specialty) (Strengthening Ability)

- Unknown

High Ability B (Rare Ability)

- Unknown

High Power C (Racial Unique) (Rare Ability) (Evolutionary Ability)

- Unknown

A Dwarf clan that lives its entire life with minerals.

Like the rest of the Dwarves, you're good at crafting things and have a habit of collecting rare minerals.


“Phew…. ”

A false wind came out of Ian's mouth.

The reason was not different.

A Dwarf's salary at the top of the info window.

“Hey, Kaka. That's a little harsh, don't you think? ”

“What do you mean, master? ”

“His salary exceeds 5 million gold on the subject of slavery. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“No, I know the Knights of the Empire don't make five million gold salary, but does this make sense to you? ”

Ian was ridiculous.

With 5 million gold, cash value can be anywhere from KRW 5 to KRW 6 million.

"The salary of a slave in a game is higher than the salary of a crappy workplace. ’

But Kaka didn't seem surprised.

“Don't you think it's enough to invest 5 million gold and see more effects, my lord? ”

“Well, yes. ”

“And maybe that dwarf is a little different from a normal slave case. ”

“Hmmm...? ”

“Have another look at the details, master. ”

“Sure. ”

And Ian opened an additional details window at the bottom of the info window.


-Slave Details-

Labour - 65

Hand dexterity - 89

Observation - 82

Stamina - 52

Loyalty - 42

Classification - Term Slavery

Remaining contract period - 63 days 21 hours

* The term of the contract is a fixed term slave.

If you wish to continue your employment after the end of the term of slavery, you must renegotiate the contract before the end of the term.

(However, it is not a slave after the contract period ends, so the method of the contract will change.)


After reading the details, Ian rolled his head hard.

It was because it was written unexpectedly, but it was not difficult to understand.

Temporary slavery... And when the contract ends, you're not a slave? ’

But he needed Kaka's help to understand exactly, so Ian asked Kaka.

“Kaka, I just checked, what exactly is a term slave? ”

Kaká immediately replied.

“Term slavery is literally a fixed term of slavery, my lord. ”

“Am I right?"

“Perhaps, in the case of this dwarf, it is not a case of war slavery, but a case of enslavement with the highborn for personal reasons. ”

“Hmm... So after the contract period, you're looking for your original identity again? ”

Kaka nods.

“Yes, master. ”

“Mmmm... ”

Ian began organizing the information in his head.

‘The slave system is more complicated than I thought. ’

And towards Ian, Kaka's explanation followed.

“The slave auction house, where the owner won me, is literally an auction house that trades slaves and acquires ownership. And this slavery that the owner is looking at, it's not buying ownership, it's borrowing ownership slavery. ”

“Aha...? ”

Ian didn't pay for his special quest when he got Kaká.

That's why he didn't think it was strange how to pay slaves.

“So the salary of the slave I'm going to pay is going back to its original owner? ”


Ian now understands everything.

So you needed five million gold pieces. Well, giving a slave a five million gold salary doesn't make any sense. But it makes sense to think that money's coming back to the employer. ’

But at that time, there was something passing by Ian's brain.

"So Kaka was never a slave in the first place, but a slave for some reason? Since the contract period has not been fixed, I'm sure it's not a temporary slave.... ’

I wasn't paying much attention because I was cute, but I was arrogant when it came to slavery. And to put it on hold with an enormous amount of knowledge, it was a reasonably possible assumption.

In fact, it was almost certain rather than assumptions.

Ian glances at Kaka and says,

“Hey, Kaka. ”

“What's the matter, master? ”

“So I can register you for this slavery, too? ”

“ …?! ”

Kaka's expression froze instantly.

Ian said with a serious look, because it was fun to tease Kaka.

“Hmm, how much would you like us to decide then...? ”

At Ian's prank, Kaka became completely depressed.

“Master, don't do it. I don't have much use for it, so I won't get much salary. ”

At that point, a smile came out of Ian's mouth.

In fact, where else could a slave be as useful as Kaka?

To Ian, the top ranker who pioneers content, there is no more useful information than the one who has everything.

Ian has been in love with Kakawa for a while.), then I scoured the dwarf's information window thoroughly again.

Then I asked for Kaka.

“So what's the verdict? Is it profitable to hire this Dwarf? ”

Kaka nods.

“Of course. We must hire you, my lord. ”

“Mmmm... ”

“Unfortunately, the contract date is only 60 days away. If the slave is freed 60 days later, the dwarf is more likely to leave his master's mine. ”

“I see.”

Ian opened his inventory and checked the remaining gold.

‘Ha... After hiring this guy, it's really broke now. ’

The market couldn't get the money from the vault, so for a while it was really poor.

‘Yeah, well, let's believe Kaká. ’

After a brief deliberation, Ian finally decides to hire a dwarf.

Tyring -

[You have paid 5195000 gold.]

[You hired a slave, Urk Han.]]

[You have successfully hired the first slave in the Magic Mine.]

* * *

< (5). Magic Mine -3 > End

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