Taming Master

< 620 Fortification Defense Warfare (下) (6) >

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“Remir, are you finished? ”

“Yes, I just finished! ”

“Are you sure there's nothing wrong this time? ”

“Oh my God, it's working. Why can't he trust people like this? ”

“It's not that I don't trust you, and I think I'd like to cry if I fail again. ”

In the A-11 Sector of the Dimensional Fortress, the screams of the Lotus Guild members were echoing constantly.

With no production class, I was working on the most noisy 'construction' of all production classes, so the difficulty of the work would have to be hell.

“Cloban, the Cannon is finished, right? ”

“I've been waiting since I was done. ”

“As soon as Kawyn is finished, let's try finishing up again. ”


Now, the towers attached to the Lotus guild members overwhelmed the towers that Ian and Hun had built so far.

Despite being located in the lowest point of the A-11 district, it was rising higher than the other towers that were built first.

And the name of this tower was the World Warhead Turret.

-A. Dimensional Warhead Turret

Rating: only

AP: 995 (Type: Area/Magic)

DP: 350

Durability: 156,000

Consumable Resources: Dimensional Magic Power: 150

Dimensional Iron Ore: 235

Magic Black Trees: 195

Running Time: 15,500 - 24,500 sec (per person)

Crafting difficulty: severe

-Generates a dimensional epilepsy from the sky, dropping dozens of lightning bolts over a 50-meter radius.

Lightning damage targets have a 20 percent chance of being paralyzed, and when they are paralyzed, their movement is slowed by 50 percent.

* Paralysis lasts for 15 seconds.

* Enemies in the ‘paralysis’ state take 35 percent more damage in addition to attacks of the ‘electric current’ type.

* Enemies who are "paralyzed" are 15 percent more likely to experience any condition condition condition.

Dimensional warhead turret located on the first page of any of the ‘only’ rated towers.

You can read the information pane carefully, but the biggest feature of this turret was its massive manufacturing time.

Incredible crafting time exceeding 10,000 seconds, impossible to compare with a Magic Crossbow Tower that was only 150 to 250 seconds long.

And since this production time is proportional to the labor required to complete the tower, we can guess how much labor is needed.

Moreover, the only tower of the grade was more difficult than I could have imagined.

Even though eight towers would take five to six hours per person to build, it took more than two hours.

Instead, this flashlight turret was less consuming than other only classed turrets.

‘That must be why Ian made it for the guild members. ’

Looking at the completion of the flashing turret, he shakes his head.

The more I think about it, the more likely Ian is to become a natural employer (?).

I thought he told me to pick and build any of the only grade towers, but it turned out that I had pre-selected towers that I could get the most efficiency out of.

Hun gave himself this tower factory (?), I looked down on the hard working slaves with a pitiful look.

They were banging the hammer very hard, even at this moment.

Boom, boom, boom!

“Ugh, before Ian comes back, I still want to complete one thing... ”

Fioran, next to Hers' muttering, nods in harmony.

“Yes, so that I can tell you something when Ian comes back. ”

I listened to Cloban.

“That's right. Ian can't get this Magic Stone. They'll make fun of you for being the King of Evil. ”

“I'm going to blow up Ian's fan cafe. ”

“Khh, I think the title would be 'Ian God's Personality Controversy.' ”

Do you think Ian has a high chance of not getting the Magic Stone? Lotus' guild members are tightening up.

Seeing them like that, I just felt sorry for Hun.

‘It's been a long time since I've hunted separately, these people have lost their senses. You don't know Ian like this. ’

Hun could be sure.

not only will Ian have more than 42 magic stones, but he will bring much more than that, and he will make more labor.

Everyone here is greedy enough to get six Magic Stone to complete a quest.

Lotus' guild members were already drawn in Hun's eyes to hammer all day for the maximum Contribution Points they could get.

‘Cause I've already seen it... ’

When Hun was thinking about things.


“Cloban, a little more to the left! ”

“Levia, help me with the support down there! ”

“Okay, that's it! That's it! ”

Finally, on this long, long construction work, a period was set.

Cough, cough!

A huge steel cannon was installed at the top of the tower.

- Tyring!

I remembered the system messages I was waiting for in front of the workers of the keep.

- Construction completed successfully!

- The Dimensional Blitz Turret is complete!

- Stronghold development contribution increases by 0.55 percent.

- Improve your understanding of the Dimensional Warhead Turret by 20.

- Upon reaching your understanding of the 'Dimensional Brawl Turret’ of 100, you can upgrade to a higher level of Defense Tower.

- Current Grade: Only

- Current Durability: 156,000/156,000

- The defensive capacity of the 'A-11’ sector has increased by 87.55 percent.

“Khhh, okay! ”

“It worked!”

Lotus' workers, who saw the rising message, cheered with a fierce fist.

Unlike Ian and Hun, the ownership of the tower was overwhelming when we saw the large tower that was completed separately.

The results of sweating and hammering for almost two hours are rising up in the middle of the fortress.

I feel like I've earned an intangible reward.

Wave of current zipper over a white pointed spire that rises high in the sky.

It was a tower that looked powerful enough by its appearance.

“Huh, now you can melt even crazier Epic monsters, right? ”

“It's a big tower, so it might be a little hard. ”

However, unlike the other guild members who looked overwhelmed by seeing the finished tower, Hun's pupils were enlarged beyond the ship.

Hun's gaze was fixed on the last line of system messages that came to mind.

‘Mi, crazy...? Eighty-seven percent increase in defense capability? ’

Now in sector A-11, there are more than ten towers built.

And none of those towers were of general grade.

It was because they upgraded all the basic towers they had originally built and made them ‘Rare’.

Because of this, if you build another Rare Grade Tower in the current situation, the Stronghold's defensive abilities will only increase by 5-10 percent.

By the way, since this one turret was built with almost twice the defensive power, there is no reason not to panic as a hunch.

‘No, I don't think it's particularly offensive.... Is there something invisible in the info window? ’

As soon as Ian arrived at the fortress, the first ‘Magic Crossbow Tower’ attacks were a little over 500.

Also, if you upgrade this tower to a 'Magic Turret', it will increase its Attack Power by approximately 800.

And now the attack power of the Blitz Turret built by the Lotus Guild members is just under 1,000.

Even with a concussion turret being a large area tower, it is an increase in defensive capability that is not understood.

What the hell is that? Is it because of special abilities, including status conditions? ’

Inspired by a much more surprising outcome than expected, Hun began reading the tower's information window again.

I wanted to find out which parts of the alternate tower made this difference in performance.

But after a while.

Hun has no choice but to turn off the information window on the flashlight tower.

An enormous, unknown noise was echoing from outside the fortress.


“Uh, what is it? Is it an earthquake?”

“I think they're gonna come for an Epic Monster! ”

“Phew, shouldn't this be three more people on the wall repair? ”

“Khh, we'll soon be able to see the tower's performance. This is exciting.”

Now we share our roles with the guild members of Lotus moving to work.

Hun hurried straight over the watchtower to find out the source of the blast.

And not so hard, I was able to find the cause.

“Hers, a monster that looks like a giant centipede! ”

"You're an Epic monster, aren't you? ”

“I think so. I'm glad the precerebral turret is complete. Here. ”

As he looked at the large monsters approaching at a rapid rate, he swallowed a dry saliva.

‘Epic appeared sooner than I thought. ’

So far, there are two Epic monsters attacking the fortress.

A giant Troll Warrior who fought with the guild members after Ian and Hun first left to retrieve the Magic Stone.

And so far the appearance cycle of the Epic Monster has been approximately one hour to an hour and a half.

Hun thought he would still have more than 30 minutes, but within 20 minutes of killing the Trolls, a new big monster appeared.

“Once the monster specs are unpredictable, stick to repairing the walls! ”

In Hers' order, the guild members, including Hun, are ready to be repaired by firing arrows against the outer wall.

No matter how powerful a tower may be, there will be no hope once the outer wall collapses.

Because of this, Lotus' guild members stared at the approaching giant worm with a nervous look.

But after a while,

Kawin opened his mouth in a curious voice that triggered the ‘natural', a unique ability of the archer class.

“Oh, by the way, Hers, ”


“Who's riding the monster over there? ”

“What……? ”

The unexpected words of Kawin, the guild members of Lotus, made a silly look.

But his words did not end there.

“Huh? That's Ian's brother! ”

“Excuse me?”

“It's obvious! That's Ian riding there! ”

Then Levia looks embarrassed and asks for Kawyn.

“What the hell is Ian doing over there? ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

Kawin can't speak with his eyes wide open.

And Kawyn, who took a few moments off, slowly shuts up with an unbelievable expression.

“Phew... I'm picking a pickaxe! ”

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