Taming Master

< 673 coins 2. Crisis and Opportunities (3) >

* * *

“Hey, Ian suddenly stopped hunting and stopped. So what's going on here? ”

Thanks to Ian's performance, BJ Feion, who was excited and broadcasting, suddenly stopped hunting and became a curious face to see Ian falling laterally.

Ian was passing through the dungeon while avoiding killing golems because he suddenly moved to one corner of the passageway and hid himself.

Even using the magic of ElKarik's to create a nexus in hidden areas.

- Elle, Illusion Heiding, please.

- Okay, Dad.

Illusion hyding is magic that creates boundaries within a certain radius and distorts that space.

Secondary magic to the Wizard class, primarily used when exploring dangerous areas, to hide party members in the space for a duration.

Of course, only visual distortion was possible, but it was often a useful magic, even though it was a breakable result if something physically shocked it.

And now that Ian has activated this magic....

“Ian hid suddenly! What did they find? ”

From the viewer's point of view, it was because there was a strong enemy.

Did the dungeon boss show up?

- Well, can't you just hide like that if the boss shows up? I think I came in here to clear the dungeon...

- Hmm, that, too. What the hell is this?

Ian has been sweeping monsters for victory, so the viewers are starting to get more curious.

And the next moment, one shadow appeared on the other side of the aisle, and the chat window began to burn again.

- Yeah, man! I think that's a Horse Hero...?

- Khh, I know that.

You know what?

- See that golden insignia on the armor?

- Yeah.

- They say it's the AI Faction Captain's marker.

- Oh, the muscle that crushed those two guild rankers by himself?

- Yeah, he's not the same hero, but he's a full-blown hero, so he must have some kind of combat power.

And when the shadow was fully revealed, Ian's antics began to lift their heads again.

The challenged teams of European servers, which had been quiet since the collapse, began to raise their voices again.

- I think Ian's gonna taste a little spicy.

- So far we've been hunting and avoiding cooking, so far we've managed to survive. If Lotus had been as aggressive in his early days as Chester or Pablo, he would have been looted.

Lotus is still hanging in there because he's stalling with Palming and Tower Hugging.

- Oh, these things haven't been boroughed up since the European team was destroyed.

However, as the distance between the Horse Hero and Ian grew closer, the Chat window that had come up without rest began to quiet down.

It was no surprise that the battle between the two heroes started immediately, and every fan of Kailan who was watching the broadcast had no choice but to wonder what the battle would be like.

But after a while.

What the hell is going on here?

Is this really how it ends?

The chats began to appear absurd in the chat windows of the viewers who were waiting for their battle.

* * *

For Ian, who first got to know the enemy hero, there were actually a couple of options.

Sneak up on him, kill him, get kill points, and hide and wait for him to pass.

However, Ian chose the latter option, and he should never be too confident in defeating the Horseman hero.

Ian sent "Muska," a Maestro hero, for that reason, of course.

"Hehe, yes, goodbye, my friend. It's tasty, but I'll send it once. ’

A stone wall on the side of an underground passageway that was distorted by illusion hiking.

Ian and Muska sneak past him without knowing it.

The reason Ian avoided fighting him was actually simple.

The moment we fought him, his presence would be revealed in the underground passageway, and the other Horse Heroes would move to defend the rear base.

Even if Ian comes to defend the original camp, it won't be possible to strike properly.

‘If you ambush him and raise his kill points, you'll get plenty of rewards, but destroying the enemy in the middle is a much more attractive option. ’

In addition, Ian had no intention of keeping Muska alive.

By the time I saw that he had entered this underground passageway, I had already figured out what he was up to.

‘They must be after our camp's munitions supply depot. I'm sure he figured out we spent a lot of money on it. ’

He doesn't know where Ian is, but Ian can even guess what he's up to.

What Ian had to do in this situation, I could say, was set.

- Yvonne, Huni. From now on, listen to me carefully.

Mm? Did you find anything?

Oh, Ian, did you get to the end of the hall?

- I don't mean to be rude, but I got one piece of information.

- What's that?

- Ian: The Horse Faction Captain is moving through this passageway towards our faction.

- What?

- Ian: Monsters in the passageway may not be able to get there soon enough, but he'll be at our munitions depot in 20 minutes.

- You're gonna break it.

- Exactly.

If Judas, the most powerful member of the Civil War, and the Hun who will support him together, even if he is a hero of the Maaa faction, he will be forced to fall for it.

This is what Ian thought.

"Hehe, don't I have the advantage of raising the kill point? It's a lot of money. ’

Especially not in the front.) and take dimensional coins, that would be the ideal situation.

In the meantime, if only one or two supply depot buildings could be blown up, the charter would be completely inclined.

“Now that you're far enough away, shall we move on? ”

Ian mutters in a low voice and starts to move quickly.

It won't be long before we reach the exit of the corridor.

So Ian ran toward the end of the dungeon as quickly as possible, minimizing the hunt for monsters blocking his path.

And as a result.

- Tyring!

- You have found an exit to the Maze Forest.

- If you pass through the exit, you will enter the Horseman's camp.

- This area could be dangerous.

- Do you want to go outside? (Y/N)

Nearly an hour after entering the hallway, Ian was able to see the message he had been waiting for.

* * *

Ian was nervous.

The best chance of piercing the enemy's breach was right, but this place is still the center of the Horse camp.

So Ian, instead of opening the door immediately, began to carefully check the information in order to reduce the variables.

- Ian: Levia, how many horse heroes are there on the battlefield?

- Levia: Four, no, five. That guy Hers killed just got back.

- Okay, got it.

I wonder if the Heroes of the Horse Camp might recognize their existence, and then find out where they are until the end.

‘Hmm, I'll have to blow up the munitions depot and destroy the Dimensional Shop in the camp first. ’

Opens the minimap and preforms it to move around.

Of course, Ian's minimap did not show the Maestro camp's structure.

However, using the overall symmetrical nature of the canyon, we can estimate the position of the military faction buildings.

And in my head, I also carefully played back the simulation of the situation.

‘Since there is a Wizard class among Horse Heroes, they will fly to Teleport as soon as they receive information about intruders. They'll know I'm here right after the first building collapses. ’

If an enemy infiltrates a faction, there is no way for heroes to know about it.

Enemies' positions on the mini-map are not marked at all.

But if the building breaks down, that's when all the heroes are reminded of the system message.

Just like when one of the towers of the Heavenly Military Faction was destroyed.

Okay, so let's start moving. ’


Ian dares to open the passageway of the Maestro Faction, and quickly gets the Summoners out of there.

Then, when he noticed the large architecture that was built right next to him, he smiled maliciously.

Like the Heavenly Military Faction, there was a munitions depot right next to the passageway.

Ian gives his orders to Thor without hesitation.



“Start demolition! ”


Thor raises his hammer aloft, grinding his big jaw to make Ian feel better about his orders.

Thor's favorite thing, like his original name, "Skeleton Knight of Destruction," was to break something.


- Summoner ‘Thor’ triggers his unique ability 'Hammer of Destruction’.

-Disposed fatal damage to the War Faction's construction "munitions depot"!

- Reduces the Durability of the Munitions Depot by 6,199!

- The target with the ‘inanimate’ attribute has been attacked, causing additional damage.

- Reduces the Durability of "Munitions Workshop" by 19,001.


- The target with the ‘inanimate’ attribute has been attacked, causing additional damage.

- Durability of "Munitions Workshop" reduced by 18,919.

- Reduces the Durability of "Munitions Workshop" by 19,026.

…… Snapshot……

A munitions depot that crumbles powerlessly with Thor's hammer, like a sandcastle built on a beach.

In the meantime, Ian embarked on a scavenger scout to find a camp in the Horseman camp, and quickly found his next target.

"Very well. At this rate, we'll be able to destroy three buildings before the horsemen support us." ’

Ian sneaks inside the camp, avoiding the eyes of the NPCs.

And then the next message popped up.

- You have successfully destroyed the Military Supply Depot in the Horse Faction!

-5270 XP.

- 1,500 Dimensional Coins will be awarded to heroes in the Heavenly Military Faction.

-An additional 500-dimensional coin will be given to the user "Ian" who successfully destroyed the building.

“Space Distortion! ”

Ian, who was hiding just behind the Dimensional Shop in the camp, casts a space distortion.

Torr and Ian changed their positions and immediately began the next demolition.

This could have been Ian's weed to overcome Thor's weaknesses with slow mobility.


And with it, the nightmares of the horsemen began.

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