Taming Master

< 678.4. Last Puzzle >

North of Hero's Canyon Battlefield.

A quiet lava zone with white snow everywhere.



As Ian listens to the eerie sounds echoing everywhere, he swallows his thirsty saliva and swallows it.

‘This is……. It looks really dangerous. ’

At the beginning of the Lava Zone, Ian had to pause for a moment.

When viewed beyond the boundary, the field of view was blurred and not seen accurately, but the magnitude of the lava zone that was exposed was overwhelming.

“What are you doing here?" ”

“Wow, look at that lava rise. If I touch it wrong, it'll melt away. ”

70 percent of the Earth is made up of half of the coagulated lava, and lava tubes are rising relentlessly everywhere.

The monsters can only be seen from afar, but Ian's group can't take a step back.

“Is this the hunting ground you made me hunt? ”

“I see. If you spend a lot of time out here hunting, sweeping other hunting grounds, it might be more farming." ”

As the Jesuit and Remir mutter, the rest of the party nods and agrees.

Of course, even the monsters who could see far away could see how fancy this place was.

Even the most common-looking Lava Spawn had levels above level 25.

As long as you defeat them, I'll drop a few Dimensional Coins and valuable items.

But one of the most important things in Farming was efficiency over time, so catching high-end monsters was not an act of skill.

If you think about how much goods you can get in the same time, catching more low-level monsters might prove to be more efficient.

That's what Judaism and Remir were talking about.

Ian was able to agree to their story to some extent.

‘Obviously, like Lemir said, regular monster farming might be better off on other hunting grounds. When it's time to catch a lava sponge, I'll just have to catch three or four Forest Golems. ’

But there was one element that the rest of the team wasn't thinking about, and that was the MVM detector that was on Ian's arm right now.

Ian didn't just come here to catch an ordinary monster.

‘So, more importantly, we need to find and capture as many epic monsters as possible. It would be meaningful to get items that can only be obtained here. ’

If you can get unique equipment that is difficult and difficult, but not replaceable, you will be able to achieve unbelievable results based on 'efficiency’.

“I didn't come here without thinking, so just follow me. ”

“W-would that be... luge? ”

One word to address your team's concerns (?) Ian stepped into the lava zone, and the hesitant Lotus team immediately began to follow behind him.

“We need to find something first, so please avoid monsters as much as possible. Be careful with the lava. ”

Ian takes a closer look at the terrain and leads the group deeper.

Would he have walked in like that for another five minutes?

- Tyring!

Ian's long-awaited system tone finally rang before his ears.

- Item ‘MVM Detector’ is triggered!

- Epic Monster of Hero Grade 'Giant Lava Golem (Lv 28)’ has been discovered.

- Start tracking the "Giant Lava Golem" monsters.

And Ian's mouth was ripe and dried.

* * *

The average level for Ian's group right now is 22-23.

For Hers or Levia, it was a situation where Ian had achieved up to level 24, but had barely gained the front-line experience, and had forgotten the average level.

Ian's current level is 21.

Because of this power, hunting down 28 levels of Epic Monsters was definitely not an easy task.

“Damn, what's with the defensive power? We don't have a deal! ”

“Dealers, don't get too close! There's a lot of fire damage around here! ”

“Lemir, put some fire resistance magic on me! ”

“Okay, just drag it this way. ”


Ian's first epic monster, Giant Lava Golem, was a monster with enormous defense and attack power.

Fortunately, it's so slow that the pattern of combat is simple and easy.

Ian and his team struggled to avoid almost every Golem attack, but the problem was that his health was not exhausted.

“This defense is also defensive, but I think it's more problematic to recover. ”

“That's right. I just found it too.... He keeps restoring his health every time he overturns Lava. ”

Like the name of a map called Lava Zone, a random bubble of lava erupts from the bottom of the map.

And this lava, it was making the battle more difficult than the ship.

Every time the lava pops up, the golem's health is restored, and the party members create a situation where they have to avoid it.

A wizard class such as Hun or Lemir, whose life force can be cut in half just by touching lava.

The life force of the lava golem, which was hard to carve out, was kicked back to the max once the lava had sweeped through it.


A lava golem that once again restores all its health and throws its fists down with a cheerful punch.

Kuaang -!

As the golem's fist falls to the ground, lava sprays from the cracks again like a fountain.

The monster's movements were not so simple, but the surrounding environment made the pattern more difficult than a complex boss.

And he analyzed his pattern, and Ian bit his lower lip slightly.

‘If we're going to catch that, we're going to have to film and press the overwhelming amount of Dilo recovery. ’

Once the lava pops up, it can regain about 50,000 health.

Given that the lava spikes are roughly three minutes apart, the calculation is that you have to put more dealers in there to get rid of it.

‘If Fioran was here, I would have seen a way...' ’

Ian remembers Fioran during the watch outside the battlefield, and bites his lower lip slightly.

If Fioran had been here with the powerful attack magic of the ice and water family, she would have been able to draw much more damage than she is now.

To the flaming Rava Golem, not only the attack attribute, but also the defense attribute, a magical attack with water attributes can do more than twice as much damage.

The flame attack on Lemir, the most powerful dealer at the moment, was not even half as powerful as it used to be, so Fioran must be more disappointed.

‘Rava Golem's type is inanimate. The attribute is fire……. The only attack that can do as much damage to him now is Thor's Hammer and Lots of Bress? ’

It was not that I had not often thought of Thor as a golem destroyer.

If Tor's hammer has received a full buff, he will show you the power to make Rava Golems into silences.

But the problem is, Torres with slow movements cannot avoid Golem attacks.

Thor's cuff was not weak, but it was certainly not enough to hold off Lava Golem's ignorant fist and fit it in.

‘Hers can take Aggro for about a minute, but maybe a minute or two. If I use it in turns, how can it last 3 minutes? ’


Ian's head was rolling with complexity while he was escaping Lava Golem's attack in a row.

It was because it was unacceptable to struggle with the first Epic monster and not the final boss of the Lava Zone.

‘Unless you have a Watery Wizard, there is no answer unless you use Thor's Hammer as an attack. ’

Many of the ways that could be used now have crossed Ian's mind, but the conclusion came together.

One way or another, we need to concentrate all our aggression at once and eliminate him.

But no matter how much you calculate, Ian asks Remir to make sure he doesn't have enough deals.

“Remir, have you learned anything about water attribute attacks? ”

“If you want to learn, because of the nature of my class, you can't learn attack magic other than fire attributes. ”

“I see. ”

“Utility magic, if you will. ”

“Util……? ”

“You know what? magic like Anti Aqua. ”

Anti-Aqua is a magical property of the buff family that reduces damage to water properties.

It was also a magic that had to be learned as a remir that was weak to the magic of water attributes due to class characteristics.

‘Is Anti Aqua meaningless in this situation, and no other utility magic? ’

After hearing Lemir's words, Ian's mind begins to spin again rapidly.

And then the next moment.

“Ah…! ”

Ian remembers something and asks in an urgent voice towards Lemir.

“Then, Sis! ”


“You have the Property Grant spell, right? ”

“Attribute……? ”

And I said, "Yeah, I'm talking about the hand-me-down magic. ”

Attribution magic was often used by wizards when playing party.

Magic that gives their weapons the ability to gain imaginary advantage when playing party play with unattended dealers such as archers and warriors.

The only reason Ian's group has not been thinking about attribute giving so far is because there is no dealer who can see the effect of attribute giving other than the cohort.

Attribution was a magic that could only be given to those who didn't have the element attributes, since all the other dealers at Ian's party were wizards except the Babysitters.

Even Ian's summoners had their own attributes, and Ian's Frost Dagger also had the attributes of the 'Ice’ family, so they didn't even think to take advantage of the attributes.

“Of course I do. Being a wizard is the first thing I learn. ”

And as soon as he heard Lemir's answer, Ian, who had found the answer, clenched two fists.

“Enough...! That's enough!”

At the same time, Ian's sudden shout and the eyes of the party members poured out.

“What is it, brother? ”

“That monster, do we have a way to catch him? ”

Ian nodded immediately to the question of Judaism and Hun, and finally cleared his head again.

‘If the attack burst caused by inanimate types is multiplied by attribute buffs, 100,000 damage as well as 50,000 can be struck. ’

Thor's Hammer is a ‘siege’ type that can do immense damage to inanimate types.

At the same time, it was also unalterable without any element attributes.

And if Ian's right, it was possible to impart water to Tor, who was helpless.


Ian leaps up to the golem, and simultaneously starts placing orders.

“Hers, take Aggro with you! ”

“Got it!”

“The Shinigami and Levia need to get Thor to drive the buff! ”

“You haven't summoned Thor yet? ”

“I'll do it right now. ”

“Hun will debuff his defense in 10 seconds. ”


“Lemir, when I give the signal, give Thor the attributes. ”

“I will.”

Ian rises over the head of the Rava Golem, riding his scabbard, jumping over the back of the rider through the gap where Hers pulled him out.

The damage of the Flame Hour, which is an attribute of fire, is not impregnable, and a short-range dagger attack cannot be attempted, so you give up the deal by hand without fail.

Now, Thor, I trust you! ’

And the moment Ian's hands glowed blue.

- You summoned Thor.

- Party Member's unique ability 'Levia's Blessing’ is triggered.

- Summoner Thor's Attack Power is 45 percent for 10 seconds.

- Summoner's Defense Power is reduced by 20 percent for 10 seconds.

- Party Member's unique ability to "The Ringleader's Rage" is triggered.

- Summoner's Attack Power is increased by 15 percent for 3 minutes.

- Summoner ‘Thor’ attacks speed increased by 30 percent for 3 minutes.

As the buff of the party members spilled over Thor's summoned head....

“Remir! ”

“Got it!”

Lastly, as Lemir's Attribution Spell is cast, Thor's giant hammer blazes into the air and rises.

- Summoner ‘Thor’ triggers his unique ability 'Hammer of Destruction’.

- The party member ‘Remir’ has triggered the 'Attribution’ spell.

- The attribute of Summoner ‘Thor’ has been changed to ‘Water’ attribute.

Like many of the top rankers who have come to a consensus, Lotus' team created a picture that was without a single error in Ian's order.


Then Thor's hammer, which was not at all heavy compared to the lava golem, fell down…….

Kwam! Kwam!

Torr's hammer, which glowed blue due to its attributes, crushed the golem's head mercilessly.

- Summoner Thor deals fatal damage to Giant Lava Golem!

- "Giant Lava Golem" has 9,750 Durability!

- You have hit 'Intact’, which will trigger additional damage.

- "Giant Lava Golem" Durability reduced by 27,350!

- Additional damage is triggered by attacking the target with the ‘fire’ attribute.

- "Giant Lava Golem" Durability reduced by 68,375!

And with it, the seemingly unanswered lava golem kneels in vain.

Of course, I wasn't killed in this one shot, but I was able to finish off with enough subsequent attacks.

- Tyring!

- You have successfully defeated a Hero Grade Epic Monster, Giant Lava Golem!

- Gain 12,500 XP.

- You won 3,750 Dimensional Coins.

…… Snapshot……

Incredible rewards of more than 3,000 coins for all party members, separate from items.


“Khh, what an easy way to catch it! ”

All the party members who checked the rewards looked cold and began checking the items they had acquired quickly.

But the most rewarding of them all was Ian.

“ ……! ”

It was because Ian was given the ‘special’ item that he expected to contribute the most to defeating the Epic Monster.

- You received a hero (transcendent) grade item: Lava Cloak.

And Ian's jaw, which had checked the item's information window, began to squirm without my knowledge.

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